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Hathor's Return (Eye of Ra Series Book 1)

Page 14

by T. M. Grinsley

  Holy hell.

  “Kristina, you must stop Hathor with whatever means necessary. Trust the Madjai and your protector.” Keket knelt before me and offered me her hand. She pulled me to my feet, standing again with me, and wrapped me in her embrace.


  I felt her chest rumble, and a laugh escaped her lips. “Kristina, you must learn about our people and find Iabet. She knows how to kill Hathor. But first you must rescue Jo from Hathor’s grasp. Right now, I imagine Hathor is torturing her, to break her spirit. But from what I could tell from your memories, she is just like our Father.”

  Pushing back from our embrace, I looked up at Ra with a million questions in my head. “What happened to him?”

  “When Hathor found out about Jo, she went ballistic. Ra worked with the gods to create an elixir to change her ways. Ra fought her for years, until she was weak enough to take the elixir. Ra used the last of his powers to stop Hathor from destroying the human race. The fates punishment was for Ra to live the rest of his life as a hawk for his betrayal. You see, you are the daughter of the Muntaqa. Which in turn means the fates. Without you, life would cease to exist; without you, the balance would be destroyed.”

  “Wow, talk about pressure.” I said sarcastically. “Okay, so that was over five thousand years ago. How did Jo just get born 27 years ago?”

  “She is the daughter of the mother of life and rebirth. So anything is possible. Iabet froze the pregnancy until Hathor was no longer a threat. Iabet when into hiding until 27 years ago, when she had her child. But I think there is more that we don’t know. If you want answers, you are going to have to ask her.” Keket shrugged.

  “But who… No!” Iabet was Jo’s mother. The woman who raised me since I was a child and was best friends with my mom, was Iabet.

  “Kristina, Keket and I must go. Hathor cannot know we are here.” Ra’s voice echoed in my head. I thought I heard compassion, but I must have been mistaken.

  “Why can’t you both stay and fight?” I asked, frustrated. They pop up randomly, spill their guts, tell me about Hathor, why I had to die and that I am the reason Jo is being tortured. Now, they want to abandon me.

  “We are bound by law, we cannot interfere. I begged the fates to let me help you find your way. But I am afraid my time is up. As for Ra, his fate is different. He will reveal himself when the time is right. Until then, focus on rescuing Jo.” Keket kissed my temple, and her body started to disappear.

  “Keket, WAIT!” My fingers tried to grab hold of her, but she was gone. My heart began to race as I looked at Ra. Keket said he was my father, but to me, he was a stranger. After everything I have seen, I didn’t know what to think. He treated Keket like scum her entire life and because of him and his pecker, we’re stuck in this mess.


  “Get out of my head!” I snapped. Silver threads shot off my skin and shattered the black barrier. Ra flapped his wings and took off into the air.

  “I will always be with you, Kristina.”

  I looked up in the sky and wasn’t sure whether that comforted me or angered me.

  Men swarmed around me, checking to make sure I was okay. Malik grasped my face, his eyes boring into my soul. I saw his lips moving, but nothing came out. Shaking my head, I tried to clear my thoughts from everything that happened, and focus on Malik.

  “What the hell happened, Kris? Are you okay? Say something!” Malik’s frantic voice penetrated the fog, causing me to stumble. Strong arms wrapped around my waist, keeping me in place.


  “I’m okay.” I laid my hand on Malik’s chest and felt his heartbeat soaring. His rhythm started to calm with each passing second.

  I felt his soft lips on my temple and turned to look at all the men staring at me. Ari stepped forward from the mass and went to kneel, but stopped himself. A sly smile appeared on his lips and the men gasped.

  “Care to explain? Malik and Tarek were on the verge of killing one another while the men started to bash each other to a pulp, trying to get to you.”

  I looked around unsure whether I should trust them or not. Malik must have felt my unease because he leaned in close, his lips grazing my ear. “They have sworn an oath to protect you. I trust these men with my life. You can trust them.”

  The man who approach Malik and myself earlier, walked up next to Ari and kneeled. “Prophet, please forgive me. Rumors spread of your return, but I did not believe them. You are just a child. I dishonored my vow and for that, I am not worthy to bear the mark.”

  I wracked my brain, trying to remember his name, when Malik whispered into my ear. I squeezed his hand, showing my thanks, and then turned to face Amon.

  “Amon. Please rise.”

  Amon looked at me, but did not move. “I cannot, Prophet. It is the way of our people.”

  Fed up with all the rules, fates, gods, and power hungry psychos. It was time to take things into my own hands.

  “Now, hear me! I am not Keket or any other pompous, full of themself god. I am Kristina Bulfer and yes, I am the Prophet. But I will not have my friends bow to me, like I am some deity who is above you all. If we are to work together, we need to trust and believe in one another. I will make mistakes, fall on my face, and make rash decisions. But I will not give up without a fight. Hathor has Jo and we must do whatever it takes to get her back.”

  “I may not know you all, but I am asking you. Will you fight with me? Will you help me reclaim my family and destroy this evil, once and for all? Will you stand beside me as my brethren and be my equals?”

  Not a moment passed before the men raised their swords in the air, and cheered my name. Each one knelt on one knee and put their sword in the dirt. Tears filled my eyes at the sight before me.

  “We will fight for you and the Protector. Ask what you will and it will be done.” Amon said with his head bowed.

  I walked over to every man, placing my hand on their shoulder, making them stand. From all the books I have read, trying to ask them to not bow was against their honor, but this was a small victory.

  After my hand touched the last shoulder, I turned to Malik with a wicked grin on my lips.

  “Why do I have a feeling I am not going to like what you are about to ask?”


  ~ Josephine ~

  My voice was hoarse from all the screaming that I had finally done. Not only had Cleo been torturing me with the visions that she had been throwing me into, she was physically torturing me, as well. She had begun striking me and finding other ways to break my spirit.

  I wasn’t sure how much more of that I could handle. I prayed that Ari would come back for me. I didn’t think that Kris would be able to overpower this psychopath, so my hope was some serious muscle. I knew that Ari had muscles. I’d felt his strength in his arms when he held me against the wall. His muscles flexed as he made love to me in the temple. I knew he was holding back, because there was no way a man like that wouldn’t thrust into me for hours, making it hard to walk for the next few days. When I found a way out of here, I planned to put my theory to the test.

  My thoughts drifted from Ari and landed on Kris. Last time I saw her, we were fleeing for our lives, when Hathor ripped me from the temple and Kris was frantically running after us to save me. How long had I been here? Was she okay? I worried about her. If one of us was going to make it out of this mess, it should be her. She would do everything in her power to rescue me. I just hoped she got out alive and was going to be storming the temple with a ton of badass fighters, because we were going to need all the help we could get. I just needed to keep fighting, to buy her some more time.

  I opened my eyes, and stared at the woman sitting on the throne, looking down at me. If this had been any other situation, I would have thought that she was beautiful and maybe admired her. She had a gorgeous body with an air of confidence, that any girl would be lucky to have.

  “Cleo,” I rasped. My throat felt like I’d swallowed needles and my lips w
ere chapped. They were cracked in a few places, so I licked my lips and I cleared my throat, hoping she would hear me this time. Trying again, I spoke. “Cleo, why are you doing this?”

  “I am tired of being called by that name. I have taken the body of this pitiful child for long enough. My name is not Cleo, but you aren’t ready to receive my real name. Only the privileged get to know my true self.”

  Keep strong, ‘Ibna. The voice echoed through my head. You mustn’t let her win. Your will is strong, use it to your advantage.

  I wanted to tell the voice I was too tired to keep fighting. I just wanted to give up and go to sleep. It would be so easy to give up and just let go. Then I would be free of the suffering. But then I remembered Ari and Kris.

  No! I command you to not think like that. Do not give her an edge in. If you do, she will take full advantage of it.

  Who are you, to command anything of me? I couldn’t help but ask. Who did this guy think he was, my father? I wasn’t going to be controlled by anyone. Especially someone that I could only hear in my head.

  Apologies, ‘Ibna. All will be revealed in due time. You need to remember that you are not alone. I am with you, always. I will do my best to help you get through this. I will give you my name, for the time being. My name is Ra.

  Ra? As in the God of the Sun and basically everything, Ra?


  Why is the God, Ra, speaking to me in my mind? If you are so great, why haven’t you rescued me from here? Why let me suffer?

  ‘Ibna, I cannot release you. I am not in my human form as of now. It is not my destiny to save you. You and the Prophet are destined for greatness. Together, you are a force unlike the world has ever seen.

  The Prophet? Why do you people talk in riddles?

  I apologize, yet again. As I said, all will be revealed in time. Remember, Josephine, you come from power. You have power, beyond anything this world has ever seen, flowing through your veins. You are an amazing woman and I am very proud of you, ‘Ibna.

  “What are you doing, my pet?” Cleo asked, leaning on the slab, staring at me.

  I looked at her and shook my head. My gut told me that it was important not to tell her anything about Ra, so I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t know what would happen, but I didn’t want to press my luck. I watched her face while she studied me.

  Do not let Hathor know that you can hear me. She needs not know. It will make her more dangerous.

  The name, Hathor, rang a bell, but I couldn’t figure out why I knew it. It was obvious I should have paid more attention to the lectures. I’d kill to have Kris with me right now. She would be able to give me all the details that I was missing.

  “Answer me, pet.”

  I looked at her. “Who are you really? Hathor?”

  Her eyes widened as she backed away from me. I watched the realization dawning in her eyes. “Someone is speaking with you. Who is it? The Prophet? No, she’s too new to her powers for that. It is Iabet, isn’t it? That’s right. Iabet must have figured out how to communicate with her precious gem.”

  Letting her ramble, I wondered what Iabet had to do with any of this. Why would they be talking of gods and why were there voices in my head? This was weird. Hollywood would never believe this shit.

  Instead of verbally answering her, I just raised my eyebrows. I didn’t really have to answer. She knew that someone was talking to me, she just didn’t know who it was exactly. But that could make things go either way.

  She began pacing around the slab, mumbling to herself in a language I didn’t understand. I was pretty sure it was Arabic, but I wasn’t positive. She seemed to be arguing with herself.

  “I must rush things and end this. I cannot afford to let this chit lead Iabet to me too soon. The timing has to be perfect.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, as she continued to pace back and forth, around the slab.

  She continued to pace, without acknowledging me. After a few moments, she stopped, and turned to look at me. As the smile formed on her lips, I felt a chill run down my spine. She stalked toward me, and I knew what a mouse stuck in a corner felt like, moments before the cat struck and swallowed it whole.

  I kept completely still as she stalked towards me. Her hands gripped my wrist and she began unshackling me. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but when the time was right, I was going to take advantage of being released. I felt the shackles release my wrists, so I pushed myself up and rubbed them. They were sore and raw from being in those wretched contraptions. I slipped off the opposite side of the slab from Cleo, and worked on getting my footing. I stumbled, from the lack of blood flow, and used the slab to help steady me.

  Hathor continued to stare at me while I slowly moved my legs to help the blood begin to circulate. She walked casually toward me, but I could see the tightness in her shoulders. I knew that stance. She was ready to pounce.

  I rolled my shoulders and hoped the self-defense classes, I had taken over the years, did some good. I kind of wish I would have explored martial arts more than I had. My mother had encouraged it like she encouraged gymnastics, but I wasn’t interested.

  When I got home, I owed my mother an apology for not listening to her over the years. If I got home, anyway.

  Watch her closely. She gives signs of when she is going to strike. She is as graceful as a snake. Just as deadly, as well.

  The voice had distracted me, so her first punch caught me off guard. I hit the ground hard and wiped the blood from my nose. My face was throbbing from the impact. It felt like I had been hit by a semi-truck.

  I jumped back to my feet, grateful my legs felt as good as new. Not giving her any advantage, I stepped back and watched her body language. I noticed a tightening of her arm and she would lean a little closer before she would step forward in her attack.

  I managed to dodge her attacks, and threw a couple punches of my own. We traded punches several more times, but I was getting the worst end of the stick. I was starting to get pissed. I could feel my eye swelling, as well as other bruises forming on my body, while Cleo looked like she hadn’t been touched.

  I moved in quickly, throwing some punches, then did a leg sweep, knocking her feet out from under her. When she hit the ground, I pounced. I straddled her waist, and began my strike. I continued to punch, feeling the anger and resentment building, rearing its ugly head. I raked my nails down her face, causing blood to well immediately to the surface.

  She backhanded me, flinging me backwards into the sand. My head smacked the side of the stone slab. Lights shot across my vision and it took a minute for everything to come back into focus.

  I saw Cleo coming at me. She had a look of murder in her eyes. I grabbed a handful of sand and slung it at her. The sand hit her in the face. She stopped, closing her eyes in an automatic response. I took the hesitation to my advantage. I rolled to my feet, and ran to the other side of the room. Since my assaults did nothing, my goal was just to keep distance between us, until I could find my way out.

  I scrambled to the other side of the room, pressing myself into a small corner between a statue and the wall, I tried to stay hidden. I wasn’t much of a fighter and she had an unfair advantage over me. She’s kept me locked up in this place, for God knows how long, to weaken me. What better way to kill your prey or get what you want than to torture them until they have nothing left. She was incredibly strong and I wasn’t.

  “Oh, pet. How cute; you think you can hide from me. I will find you though, there are only so many places you can hide in here.” She laughed. “Funny, daughter of Iabet and Ra, I would have pegged you as more courageous than you are. The prophecies made you out to be more than you really are. You are just a slip of a girl. One who will open her legs for any man. You aren’t worthy of being the child of my Ra.”

  I bit my lip, trying to keep quiet. She was talking nonsense. I wasn’t the daughter of gods. I was an ordinary girl with ordinary parents. I didn’t know who this Iabet was, and I knew I couldn’t be Ra’s daughte
r, either. I had parents. This woman was crazier than the bag lady that would stand on the corner outside my and Kris’s apartment, telling me we were going to bring back the demons and start the apocalypse. I had told her, I just hoped that Sam and Dean were there to help stop it.

  Her head popped around the side of the statue, causing me to scream out, in surprise. I fell backward, then crab walked away from her, to create distance. She stalked closer, causing me to fling my hand out in a self defense gesture.

  The walls began to shake, sand slipping between the cracks, and small rocks lifted off the ground and flew towards her. The rocks pelted her body, but she acted like nothing was happening. She stepped closer, causing me to raise my other hand. The ground shook with intensity and rocks, the size of my head, rose from the ground and shot towards her. Hathor stopped mid-step and snapped her fingers, causing the rocks to explode into piles of dust. We both froze, staring at each other. Her eyes were wide. Then she smiled. The smile scared me shitless. I knew I wouldn’t like what she had going through her head.

  I got to my feet again, and this time, Cleo charged me. Time to get the hell out of here, Jo. Waiting until the right moment, I jumped when Cleo was close. I felt my legs lift off the ground and my body become weightless. I glanced down to see I was several feet above the ground, levitating in the air. I yelped, flailing my arms in the air, as my body tumbled to the ground. My body slammed into the ground, knocking the wind out of me. I rolled onto my back, my body protecting in my pain. What the ever-loving fuck was going on?

  “I guess I was mistaken, pet. You seem to be coming into your powers. Yet, you look surprised that you could do that. Maybe, you truly don’t know. That could work. You don’t need to know everything. Just know that you are perfect for what I need.”

  “You are one crazy bitch,” I spat.


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