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Cowboy Baby Daddy

Page 96

by Claire Adams

  It sort of reminded me of our trip to New York City.

  “So, how’s the business going?” she finally asked.

  “It’s going really well. Our stocks are up, that new doctor we took on in the beginning is officially reordering stuff, and our e-commerce website for ordering directly from our warehouses launched a week ago. In the first week, we’ve doubled our monthly revenue.”

  “Wait, what?” she asked.

  “Yeah. From the revenue the site is driving, I’ll easily double the income of the entire company. And because the traffic is so high, I’ve thought about advertising donation options. You know, rotating those charities your stepfather was using those stocks for,” I said.

  “Christian, that’s incredible,” she said. “And a wonderful idea! When do you think you’ll make a decision on that?”

  “I’m bringing it up to the stockholders of the company in a meeting this coming week. Wednesday, I think it is. I’ll have to check my calendar just to be sure, but they honestly shouldn’t have a problem with it.”

  “You’re meeting regularly with the stockholders?” she asked.

  “Not regularly. But, that was another thing Charles never did. We’ve got some big players hanging onto the stock in our company, and I want them to have input. I’m also putting out a poll to the employees to see what they think of the idea as well. Charles was really hell-bent on making this a family operation, and they are all family when it comes to this company.”

  I looked over and saw how broadly Stella was smiling. I loved it when I could make her smile like this, but I especially loved it when I could bring it out in her because of things I was doing with the company. It’d been two months since the entire court debacle, and Stella felt it was best if she didn’t return. I’d tried to fight her on it and even tried begging her to come back. But, she felt that I was capable of doing this on my own. She told me she’d always feel the need to preserve her father’s legacy, and she felt that would eventually hold the company back. She wanted to do right by him and keep the company moving forward, just like her father wanted.

  So, Stella took on an adjunct professorship in town at one of the community colleges. She took over the classes for a teacher who had to leave in the middle of the term, and she was waiting to see if the college would hire her on for more classes.

  “Excited about summer break?” I asked.

  “Definitely. I get that the Saturday classes give me some fun little extra pay, but I’m exhausted,” she said.

  “How did the students fare gradewise coming out of your classes?” I asked.

  “Two of my classes had the highest marks in the program,” she said, smiling. “I’m trying to get the departments to understand that it’s less about what you teach and more about how you present the information. Making the classroom more interactive and technologically friendly will help you in the long run. Keeping things so archaic is what’s destroying the education system.”

  “Going to completely reform the entire thing, huh?” I asked, smirking.

  “Not the entire thing. I’ll start with the the classes I’m given first. You have to take it class by class. I had one class that benefitted from the desks sitting in columns because there were many videos and projections to show them, which was fine. But, I had another class where they benefitted more from sitting in a circle and seeing everyone because the class was based a bit more on personal experience and stories that were shared. It’s not revolutionary, but figuring out how your students learn to the best of their abilities is key to reforming the classroom.”

  “Sounds like you’re getting this thing all figured out. That’s impressive to do in only a couple months,” I said.

  “Honestly? I’ve thought about it ever since I went through school. I knew there were classes I would’ve done better in had the classroom setup been different or had different implementations of tools been used.”

  “I thought you got straight A’s?” I asked.

  “Well, I would’ve gotten higher A’s,” she said, grinning. “Anything else fun happening with the company?”

  “Not really. I mean, I’ve got some ideas of things, but I haven’t really sat down to plan them out or anything. I’ve got three new client meetings coming up as well as many doctors we already service wanting a sit-down with your father’s latest patent product. I swung it so we hold the patent and the license, so they can only get it from us.”

  “Wonder where you got that idea from,” she said, winking.

  “You’ve got a good idea every now and then.”

  She giggled before she took a sip of her coffee. I could feel her eyes on me, and it caused me to become very self-aware of what was happening around me. I ate with precision and kept my breathing steady. Every time Stella looked at me the way she was right now, it made me nervous. Not because I thought something bad was about to happen, but because it always brought a question to the forefront of my mind I’d wanted to ask her for a couple of weeks.

  “Your mother would be proud of you, you know,” she said.

  The statement caught me off guard, and I dropped my fork. I looked over at her before I swallowed the last of my eggs, and all she did was tilt her head and offer me a smile.

  “Your mother didn’t die thinking she hadn’t done enough, Christian. She thought she hadn’t been alive long enough to see you come into your own. She was never disappointed in you, but if she was, she sure as hell has no right to be now. You’re a businessman, and a successful one at that. You’re not only emotionally grounded, but you’re fiscally responsible. You’re supporting yourself as well as an entire company of employees who look up to you. You’re supporting me and all the things I’m now trying to reach for. You’ve become more than your biological father could’ve ever become, and that she would be incredibly proud of. The company is thriving because of you. It would make them both proud.”

  Tears rushed my eyes, and I had to take a moment to gather my thoughts. It was now or never, asking her what I wanted to. I’d been batting the idea around for a little while, but I kept postponing asking her because I wasn’t sure how she would react. What she would say.

  But now more than ever, I knew exactly the answer she would give me.

  “Move in with me, Stella,” I said.

  This time, it was her turn to drop her fork.

  “You’re here all the time anyway. You’ve moved in most of your clothes for work, you cook your meals here. You help me grocery shop and pay the bills. You practically live here anyway. Why don’t you move the rest of your things in and make it official?”

  “You want me to move in with you?” she asked.

  “Stella, every morning when I wake up with you in my arms, it’s like a fire has reignited within my body. You are my morning caffeine. My daily dose of vitamin C. You make my life wonderful, and if there’s more of you to be had, then I want it all to myself. I want you here in my bed every night and every morning for as long as you’ll stay. Move in with me, Stella.”

  I saw a smile cross her face before she threw her arms around me in happiness. I felt her smile grace the crook of my neck while her breakfast plate teetered on her lap, but the moment she started placing kisses upon my skin I knew I’d gotten my answer.

  “I guess we could go pick up a few things today since I don’t have classes.” My skin tingled at her touch as the two of us sank down into the sheets.

  “Whenever you’d like,” I said.

  “Maybe we could move a bit tomorrow, too,” she said before she wrapped her hand around my cock. “Maybe put some of my furniture in storage.”

  “Or the basement,” I breathed. She slowly began to pump my cock as my eyes fluttered shut.

  “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? I figured you’d be happy with my answer.”

  My head flew up and captured her lips in a kiss before I pulled her down to my body. Our breakfast tumbled to the floor, making a catastrophic mess while her legs straddled my pelvis.

The love of my life was moving in with me, and I would take her body while it warmed in the morning rays just so she knew how happy she made me.



  (2 Years Later)

  Today had been insane. It was the last day of the semester, and I was ready for summer break. I had just finished grading final exams, and no matter how many times teachers grumbled about grading tests, I absolutely loved it. I always gave tests the old-fashioned way: on paper so I could give them back. I always stuck them in students’ boxes or mailed them out. I’d make notes on what they got wrong and why, and I loved leaving them little anecdotal pieces of information they could take with them throughout their studies. I’d like to think they appreciated it, but really it was me who appreciated all of their hard work.

  I gathered all my things and shoved the tests into my briefcase. I’d worry about getting them to the students later. Right now, it was time for me to go home and enjoy the first day of summer break. I knew Christian wouldn’t be off work until later, so it gave me some time to organize everything before he got home. I wanted us to go do something tonight, maybe have a nice dinner or take in a nighttime stroll in the park. But, I wanted to put something sexy on under my clothes.

  It wasn’t that we didn’t have sex, it was just that he’d been a bit distant lately. I knew things were picking up with the business, especially since the website was such a success. He was busy creating and hiring a small customer service area of the company that dealt specifically with issues regarding the website and shipping from the warehouses, so I knew he was stressed. That stress mounted into late nights like it did with my father when he was still alive, and that meant he didn’t have the time or energy to be as intimate as we were used to.

  So, I wanted to take the reins on it. If he wasn’t walking through those doors at 6 tonight, I was marching into his office and demanding his time. I’d bought a new lingerie set I wanted to try out on him, and I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  But, when I came out of the building and started walking down the steps, I saw Christian standing there with flowers.

  I scurried to him and threw my arms around him before I plucked the flowers from his hands. I buried my face into them, sniffing deeply while his eyes were on me. I hadn’t expected him to be here, much less have the time to be here in the early afternoon. This was usually the busiest time for the company, and I wondered what had happened.

  “Is everything alright?” I asked.

  “Everything’s perfect,” he said, smiling. “Happy first day of summer break.”

  “I was thinking we could go on a nighttime walk through the park or something if you’re feeling up for it,” I said.

  “I think that sounds incredible. But, I have something I want to show you first,” he said.

  The smile on his face was one I hadn’t seen in weeks. It made his eyes sparkle and crinkled his cheeks. His neck was flushed with anticipation at whatever it was he had to show me, and it made my heart soar. For today, the Christian I knew and fell in love with was back, and I was going to drink in every single part of him while I could. I knew he had a stressful job, especially with the transitions and rebranding he was doing with the company, but I did miss him.

  I was so glad he was here.

  He took my hand, and we walked across campus. We headed over toward the auditorium, no doubt probably trying to get back to his car. The only guest parking on campus was behind the auditorium unless you wanted to pay for a parking pass, but the moment we rounded the corner I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  “Christian?” I asked.

  The entire area behind the auditorium was decorated. Flowers that matched the bouquet in my hands were everywhere. Rose petals led to a gazebo that I remembered as being rundown, only now, it wasn’t. It was painted a vibrant green and had been sanded down and smoothed. People were gathered around, everyone from my colleagues to the president of the university. Christian led me into the middle of the refurbished gazebo before he turned around, but all I could do was take in the flowers and sights around me.

  “What in the world is all this?” I asked.

  He sat us down on the bench that lined the gazebo before I finally looked over at him. His smile was broad, but his eyes were nervous, and for a split second, I thought he was about to tell me something had happened with the company.

  But, the moment he started in on his speech, I knew exactly what was happening.

  “Stella Harte, you light up my life in ways I can’t explain. Every morning I make sure I’m up before you just so I can see how peaceful you are in my arms. The fact that you feel so trusting of me to sleep next to me every single night is something I’ll never understand.”

  “Christian?” I asked again.

  “Please just listen, Stella. There was a time where we didn’t enjoy each other’s company. A time where we grated on each other’s nerves and wanted to be as far away from one another as possible. But now, all I want to do is get home to you. I want to do is spend my free time gazing into your beautiful green eyes. And I want to make you happy and see you smile.”

  “Christian,” I said, giggling. “There are people around.”

  “I don’t care,” he said, grinning. “All I care about is you. You and me against the rest of the world. Stella, these past two years have been a rollercoaster. You’ve helped me to grow to be a man my mother would’ve been proud of, and I’d like to think I’ve helped you grow into the woman your father knew you were destined to be. Every time I catch your eye, it turns my heart all over again. Every time your lips touch mine, it sends shockwaves of electricity coursing through my veins. I don’t want another moment to ever go by where you're not there, and I don’t want there to be a single morning where I wake up, and you’re not in my arms. I don’t think I could handle it.”

  “Oh, Christian,” I whispered.

  Then, he slid off the bench and got down on one knee. He dug around in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, and the moment he popped it open, tears sprung to my eyes.

  “Stella Harte, there isn’t a second of my life that isn’t imprinted somehow by you. There isn’t a decision I make where you aren’t taken into consideration, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t love you a little more for the things I learn about you. I want to spend my life studying you, loving you, and making memories with you. I want to grow a family with you, fill our home with children that come from you, and I want to hold your hand and grow old with you. I don’t ever want you to question my love for you, nor do I want another second to go by without asking you the question that’s been rattling around in my head for weeks. Stella Harte, will you marry me?”

  I could feel everyone holding their breath as tears dripped down my cheeks. I raised my trembling hand to cup his face, gracing my thumb against the redness of his cheek before my lips found his. At that moment, no one else existed. My life was about to change.

  One word tumbled from my lips that would forever alter the course of our lives in only the best ways possible.

  “Yes,” I smiled. “I will marry you, Christian Gunn.”

  He picked me up into his arms and swung me around while the crowd cheered us on. He set me down and slipped the beautiful ring on my finger, but the only thing I could think about was the future.

  I was going to spend the rest of my life with the man I’d fallen desperately in love with.

  “I love you so much, Christian,” I said.

  “And I love you, Stella.”

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  By Claire Adams

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales
or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 Claire Adams

  Chapter One


  Shrill laughter echoing from inside my place meant Ryan was trying to get laid... again. He had a habit of doing that at my house recently even though he only lived three feet from me in the other half of the house—a half with its own living room that was perfect for such activity.

  “Dude, seriously?” I mumbled as I walked up the steps and pushed open the front door to my place. I shook my head when I found him on my couch covered with two girls—one brunette and one redhead. Ryan always did have a thing for redheads.

  He grinned mischievously back at me. “What? Can you not see all this beauty?” he stroked the girls’ heads as they kissed on his face and neck.

  “Yeah,” I shook my head again and headed for the stairs. “I can see it alright.”

  “You not gonna join us?” the brunette asked. I knew I should know her name, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember it.

  “No, but thanks for the offer. I have an early morning,” I responded before turning my attention to the man in the middle of the bimbo sandwich. “Ryan, try to keep it down, would ya?” I joked as I made my way to my room upstairs.


  The next morning, I sat on the back porch drinking my coffee and mentally planning my day as I did most mornings. Today, my mind was racing more than usual, due mostly to the nine a.m. meeting I had with one of the region's most affluent high-end furniture stores. I loved my work, and I was damned good at it, or so my customers told me. Clearly, they weren’t the only ones who thought so since this meeting was happening. However, signing a deal to sell my custom furniture would put a measure of pressure on me that I wasn’t sure I wanted. If I signed a contract to sell the furniture I made in a high-end furniture store, would it then become work? Would it take away the passion I had for what I did? It weighed on me to the point that part of me considered canceling the meeting and continuing selling it the way I always had—by word of mouth—but I needed the guaranteed income it would bring to do what I wanted to do.


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