Prince Rupert: The Last Cavalier
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[435] Letter of Pitts to ‘Sir’ [Mr Carteret?], undated, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 537.
[436] Prince Rupert’s Diary, ‘The Proceedings at Cape Blanco in Argin’, Warburton, vol. III, pp. 348-9.
[437] Prince Rupert’s Diary, ‘From Cape Blanc to the Islands of Cape de Verd’, Warburton, vol. III, p. 353.
[438] ‘Extracted out of a Journal Kept of the Prince’s Own Ship’, 1 February 1652, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 541.
[439] Prince Rupert’s Diary, ‘From Cape Blanc to the Islands of Cape de Verd’, Warburton, vol. III, p. 360.
[440] Ibid., p. 362
[441] Ibid., p. 366.
[442] Ibid., p. 366-7.
[443] Prince Rupert’s Diary, ‘The Voyage to the Indies’, Warburton, vol. III, p. 371.
[444] Ibid., pp. 374-5.
[445] Ibid., p. 379.
[446] Ibid., pp. 380-1.
[447] Ibid., p. 382.
[448] Ibid.
[449] Clarendon, The History of the Rebellion, vol. III (of VI), p. 274.
[450] Ibid., vol. VII, p. 16.
[451] The Earl of Leicester, quoted in Godfrey, A Sister of Prince Rupert, p. 149.
[452] BL ADD MS 18982: Rupert Correspondence, 1645-1658, Letter from John Byron to Prince Rupert, from Chester, 9 April 1644.
[453] BL: Edward Symmons A Military Sermon, Preached at Shrewsbury, March 3 1643 (Oxford: 1644) p. 43.
[454] Clarendon, vol. III (of VI), p. 396
[455] Prince Maurice to Prince Rupert, 29 January 1645, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 54.
[456] BL E 353 (13): Anon., A true Copy of the Welch Sermon Preached Before the two Princes, Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice at Dover (London: 1646) p. 6.
[457] Prince Maurice to Prince Rupert, 7 July 1645, from Worcester, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 133.
[458] Charles I to Prince Maurice, 20 September 1645, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 189.
[459] Granger, Biographical History of England, vol. II, pp. 106-7.
[460] J. Thurloe, State Papers, (London: 1742), quoted in Oman, The Winter Queen, p. 392.
[461] BL ADD MS 6208 5A: Prince Rupert’s Logbook, aka Pythouse Papers, p. 110.
[462] ‘Extracted out of a Journal kept on the Prince’s own Ship’, quoted in Warburton, Memoirs of Prince Rupert, vol. III, p. 546.
[463] Prince Charles to Prince Rupert, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 419.
[464] Sir Edward Hyde (later the Earl of Clarendon) to Sir Richard Browne, 22 March 1653, quoted in Memoirs of John Evelyn, pp. 207-8.
[465] Ibid., 12 April 1653, p. 209.
[466] Sir Edward Hyde (later the Earl of Clarendon) to Sir Edward Nicholas, quoted in Memoirs of John Evelyn, pp. 210-211.
[467] Ibid., p. 211.
[468] Quoted in Memoirs of John Evelyn.
[469] CARTE MS 50: Ormonde to Captain Mathew, 10 June 1682.
[470] Elizabeth of Bohemia to Mr Secretary Nicholas, from The Hague, 2 October 1654, quoted in Memoirs of John Evelyn, vol. II (of II), p. 150.
[471] BL E 234 (5): Champianus Northtonus The Younger Brother’s Advocate, (London: 1654).
[472] S. P. German States, endorsed ‘Feb. 1610 a memorial delivered by the Duke of Bouillon of the state of the Elector Palatine’, quoted in Everett-Green, Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, p. 31.
[473] Clarendon State Papers, vol. III, p. 245.
[474] BL E 230 (8): Perfect Diurnall, printed by Francis Leach (London: July 1654) p. 3661.
[475] BL E 230 (32): Perfect Diurnall, No. 243, printed by Francis Leach (London: August 1654) p. 3726.
[476] Sophie, Electress of Hanover, Memoires et Lettres de Voyage, p. 67.
[477] Ibid., p.68.
[478] Princess Elizabeth Palatine to Descartes, quoted in Godfrey, A Sister of Prince Rupert, p. 194.
[479] Quoted in Fergusson, Rupert of the Rhine, p. 120.
[480] Count A. Hamilton, Memoirs of Count Grammont, (London: 1965) p. lxviii.
[481] A Collection of Original Royal Letters, pp. xviii-xix.
[482] Orovida C. Pissarro, Prince Rupert and the Invention of Mezzotint, The Walpole Society (1956-8).
[483] The Evelyn Papers, MSS 52, p. 308.
[484] P. H. Hulton, Prince Rupert: Artist and Patron of the Arts (1960) p. 9.
[485] John Evelyn, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 435.
[486] BLE 233.1: Perfect Diurnall, No. 18, printed for F. Coles, (London: September 1654) p. 140.
[487] BL E 236 (I): Severall Proceedings in Parliament, No. 265, printed for Robert Ibbitson (London: October 1654) p. 4197.
[488] BL E 233.2 (42): Certain Passages of Every dayes Intelligence, anon., (London: September 1654) p. 2.
[489] BL E 236 (9): Severall Proceedings in Parliament, No. 266, printed for Robert Ibbitson (London: November 1654) p. 4199.
[490] BL E 237 (9): The Faithful Scout, No. 206, printed by Robert Wood (London: December 1654) p. 1688.
[491] BL E 838 (17): A Perfect Account of the daily Intelligence from the Armies in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Navy at Sea, No. 227, printed by E. Alsop (London: 16 May 1655) p. 1816
[492] Hamilton, Memoirs of Count Grammont, p. 90.
[493] BL E 230 (I) Perfect Diurnall, No. 238, printed by Francis Leach (London: July 1654) p. 3653.
[494] BL E 230 (4): Severall Proceedings of State Affairs, printed for Robert Ibbitson (London: July 1654) p. 3.
[495] Thurloe Papers, vol. III, p. 459: Mr Manning to Thurloe, 1 June 1655.
[496] The Life of James II, Written by Himself, prefixed to James Macpherson, Original Papers, containing The Secret History of Great Britain, From the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover, vol. I (London: 1775) p. 16.
[497] Dryden, Poems, I, 24.
[498] John Evelyn’s Diary, 29 May 1660.
[499] John Ogilby, Relation of His Majestie’s Entertainment Passing ... To His Coronation (1661).
[500] CARTE MS 50, f. 303: The Duke of Ormonde to the Earl of Arran, from Whitehall, 2 December 1682.
[501] BL E 765 (15): The Earle of Bristoll His Speech in the House of Lords (London: July 1660).
[502] A Sermon Preached before Sir Marmaduke Langdale At his entrance into Barwick, I. K. (1648) p. 22.
[503] John Evelyn’s Diary, 17 October 1660.
[504] BL E 192 (18): Kingdom’s Weekly Intelligencer (London: February 1660 p. 72.
[505] Samuel Pepys’s Diary: 23 September 1660.
[506] BL ADD MS 63744, fl. 85: Letter to Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 5 October 1660.
[507] BL ADD MS 63744, fl. 9: Letter to Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, 9 November 1660.
[508] Quoted in Maria Kroll, Sophie, Electress of Hanover (London: 1973) p. 103.
[509] Hamilton, Memoirs of Count Grammont, p 96.
[510] Lord Cornbury to the Duchess of Beaufort, 10 June 1662, quoted in Warburton, Memoirs of Prince Rupert, vol. III, p. 462.
[511] Prince Rupert to Will Legge, from Vienna, 22 June 1661, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, pp. 450-1.
[512] Prince Rupert to Will Legge, from Vienna, 6 August 1661, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 453.
[513] Electress Sophie of Hanover to Charles Louis, Elector Palatine, 26 September 1661, in the French translation of Briefivechsel der Herzogin Sophie von Hannover mit ihrem Bruder, dem Kurfuerstin Karl Ludwig von der Pfalz, p. 45.
[514] Prince Rupert to Will Legge, from Vienna, 22 June 1661, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 451.
[515] Prince Rupert to Will Legge, from Vienna, 9 September 1661, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 456.
[516] Prince Rupert to Will Legge, from Vienna, 24 September 1661, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 457.
[517] Lord Orford’s ‘Catalogue of Engravers’, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 491.
[518] Quoted in Sir Henry Lyons, Royal Society, 1660-1940 (Cambridge: 1944) p. 4.
[519] Thomas Sprat, Lord Bishop of Rochester, The History of the Royal Society of London, For the Impro
ving of Natural Knowledge (London: 1680) p. 53.
[520] Quoted in Dorothy Stimson, Scientists and Amateurs: A History of the Royal Society (New York: 1948) p. 20.
[521] ‘The Epistle Dedicatory’ of the Royal Society, quoted in Sprat, The History of the Royal Society of London.
[522] Sprat, The History of the Royal Society of London p. 61.
[523] Ibid., p. 40.
[524] Memoirs of the Life and Death of Prince Rupert, anon. (1683) p. 80.
[525] Royal Society minutes for 14 August 1661, quoted in Stimson, Scientists and Amateurs: A History of the Royal Society, p. 81.
[526] Samuel Butler, Hudibras, part II, canto 2, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 444.
[527] Thomas Streete, quoted in Bence-Jones, The Cavaliers, p. 63.
[528] Richard Nichols, Robert Hooke and the Royal Society (Chippenham: 1999) p. 19, quoting from a biography of Thomas Sydenham.
[529] Sprat, The History of the Royal Society of London p. 132.
[530] Quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 432.
[531] CLP/3i/r I: Prince Rupert (2 March: 1663), Manuscripts of the Royal Society.
[532] RB0/2i/64: Prince Rupert (22 July 1663), Manuscripts of the Royal Society.
[533] Lectures of the Royal Society, quoted in Sprat, The History of the Royal Society of London, pp. 173-305.
[534] William de Britaine, The Dutch Usurpation (London: 1672) p. 15.
[535] Duke of Buckingham, A Letter to Sir Thomas Osborn, One of His Majesties Privy Council, Upon the reading of a Book, called ‘The present Interest of England Stated (London: 1672) p. 15.
[536] BL E 121 (30): A Letter Sent from Both Houses of Parliament, to his Excellence, the Earl of Essex, Lord generall of the Army for the King and Parliament printed by John Franc (London: 11 October 1642).
[537] Coventry MSS vol. 102, f. 12: N. A. M. Rodger, quoted in Sir William Coventry, from Longleat, The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain, 1649-1815 (London: 2004) p. 66.
[538] BL ADD MS 63744: Letter from The Hague to Elizabeth of Bohemia, 12/22 July 1661.
[539] The Life of James II, Written by Himself, in Macpherson, The Secret History of Great Britain, vol. I, p. 25.
[540] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 6 September 1664.
[541] Prince Rupert to the States-General, February 1649, quoted in Warburton, Memoirs of Prince Rupert, vol. III, p. 288.
[542] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 5 October 1664.
[543] Coventry MSS vol. 102, f.12: op.cit, p. 67.
[544] The Life of James II, Written by Himself in Macpherson, vol. I, p. 28.
[545] John Dryden, Essay of Dramatic Poesy: account of 3 June 1665.
[546] Sir John Denham, Poems on Affairs of State, p. 26, quoted in Morrah, Prince Rupert of the Rhine, p. 328.
[547] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1664-5, p. 420, quoted in Morrah, p. 325.
[548] Quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 472.
[549] Edmund Gayton, The Glorious and Living Cinque-Ports of Our Fortunate Island (Oxford: 1666) p. 3.
[550] Prince Rupert’s Narrative (1666), quoted in Warburton, vol. III, pp. 480-1.
[551] Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, 1664-5, p. 420, letter of James Hickes to Joseph Williamson.
[552] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 3 June 1665.
[553] John Evelyn’s Diary, 1 July 1666.
[554] Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albermarle to Sir Thomas Allen, 24 April 1666, quoted in The Rupert and Monck Letter Book, 1666, eds. Rev. J. R. Powell and E. K. Timings (London: 1969) p. 11.
[555] Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albermarle to Dennis Gauden, 5 April 1666, quoted in The Rupert and Monck Letter Book, 1666, p. 20.
[556] Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albermarle to the Commissioners of the Ordnance, 28 April 1666, quoted in The Rupert and Monck Letter Book, 1666, p. 27.
[557] John Evelyn’s Diary, 8 May 1666.
[558] ‘The Division of the English Fleet in 1666’, in Roland J. A. Shelley, Mariner’s Mirror (1939) p. 182, quoted in Morrah, Prince Rupert of the Rhine, p. 334.
[559] CARTE MS 46 1310: Arlington to Ormonde, from Whitehall, 29 May 1666.
[560] Bruce Ingram, Three Sea Journals (London: 1936) p. 48, quoted in Rodger, The Command of the Ocean.
[561] CARTE MS 46 (317): Thomas Clifford to Ormonde, from on board the Royal Charles, 5 June 1666.
[562] Prince Rupert’s Narrative (1666), quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 482.
[563] CARTE MS 46 (315): Thomas Clifford to Ormonde, from on board the Royal Charles, 5 June 1666.
[564] John Evelyn’s Diary, 3 June 1666.
[565] John Dryden, quoted in Warburton, Memoirs of Prince Rupert, vol. III, p. 476 and p. 478.
[566] CARTE MS 46 (317): Sir Thomas Clifford to Ormonde, from on board the Royal Charles, 9 June 1666.
[567] ‘A True Narrative of the Engagement between His Majesties Fleet and that of Holland’ in A. W. H. Pearsall, The Second Dutch War, Described in Pictures and Manuscripts (1967) p. 22, quoted in Morrah, p. 338.
[568] CARTE MS 46 (318): Sir Thomas Clifford to Ormonde, from on board the Royal Charles, 5 June 1666.
[569] Rodger, The Command of the Ocean, p. 72.
[570] Wiquefort, Histoire de Provinces Unies, vol. XIV, quoted in Dr John Campbell, Admirals, vol. II (London: 1818) p. 110.
[571] John Evelyn’s Diary, 6 June 1666.
[572] John Evelyn’s Diary, 17 June 1666.
[573] Quoted in Warburton, vol. III, pp. 478-9.
[574] CARTE MS 46 (321): Arlington to Ormonde, from Whitehall, 19 June 1666.
[575] CARTE MS 46 (337): Arlington to Ormonde, from Whitehall, 21 July 1666.
[576] The Tell-Tale, 2 vols (London: 1776), quoted in Warburton, vol. III, p. 469.
[577] The Rupert and Monck Letter Book, 1666, p. 277.
[578] CARTE MS 46 (355): Arlington to Ormonde, from Whitehall, 18 August 1666.
[579] Gayton, The Glorious and Living Cinque-Ports of our fortunate Island, pp. 5-6.
[580] Prince Rupert’s Narrative, quoted in Warburton, vol. III, pp. 484-5.
[581] John Evelyn’s Diary, 7 September 1665.
[582] The Life of James II, Written by Himself in Macpherson, The Secret History of Great Britain, vol. I, p. 36.
[583] Ibid.
[584] CARTE MS 51 (4): The Marquess of Ormonde to the Earl of Anglesey, October 1666.
[585] Gayton, The Glorious and Living Cinque-Ports of our fortunate Island, p. 11.
[586] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 24 June 1663.
[587] Ibid. 2 January 1668.
[588] Ibid. II January 1666.
[589] Ibid. 4 February 1665.
[590] Prince Rupert and the Duke of Albermarle to the Duke of York, 22 August 1666, quoted in The Rupert and Monck Letter Book, 1666, p. 138.
[591] Prince Rupert’s Narrative, quoted in Warburton, Memoirs of Prince Rupert, vol. III, p. 483.
[592] Henry B. Wheatley (ed.), Diary of Samuel Pepys, vol. VII, pp. 311-12, quoted in Morrah, Prince Rupert of the Rhine, p. 347.
[593] John Evelyn’s Diary, 3 June 1667.
[594] Prince Rupert’s Narrative (1667), quoted in Warburton, vol. III, pp. 483-4.
[595] Commissioner Captain John Taylor to Samuel Pepys, 4 April 1667, in Further Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, 1662-1679, ed. J. R. Tanner (London: 1929) p. 172; quoted in Rodger, The Command of the Ocean, pp. 100-1.
[596] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 15 January 1665.
[597] John Brown, A Compleat Discourse of Wounds (London: 1678) p. 132.
[598] Ibid., pp. 142-3.
[599] John Evelyn’s Diary, 3 May 1650.
[600] Newsletter of Henry Muddiman, in Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series 1665-6, p. 523.
[601] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 3 April 1667.
[602] Warburton, vol. III, p. 492.
[603] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, 10 June 1667.
[604] CARTE MS 46 (490): Arlington to Ormonde, from Whitehall, 15 June 1667.
[605] Wa
rburton, vol. III, p. 493.
[606] John Evelyn’s Diary, 14 June 1667.
[607] CARTE MS 51 (52): Ormonde to the Earl of Anglesey, from Dublin, 22 June 1667.
[608] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, July 1667, quoted in Rodger, The Command of the Ocean, p. 78.
[609] John Morris, Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers 1872-77, vol. I, p. 392.
[610] Diary of Samuel Pepys, ed. Wheatley, vol. VI, p. 151.
[611] Memoirs of John Evelyn, vol. I, p. 359.
[612] Quoted in Morrah, p. 411 (Was in Surrey County Archives).
[613] Eva Scott, Rupert, Prince Palatine, p. 361, quoted in Morrah, p. 411.
[614] Original letter from Sophie, Electress of Hanover, to Prince Rupert, quoted in Morrah, Prince Rupert of the Rhine p. 411.
[615] James, Duke of York to Prince Rupert, from Whitehall, 27 October 1667, in ‘Bromley Collections’, p. 486.
[616] Richard Oneley, General Account of Tunbridge Wells and its Environs (1771) p. 37, quoted in Hamilton, Memoirs of Count Grammont, p. lxviii.
[617] Hamilton, Memoirs of Count Grammont, p. 296.
[618] Ibid.
[619] Ibid., p. lxviii.
[620] Ibid., pp. 297-8.
[621] Philip H. Highfill et al. (eds.), A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Musicians, Dancers, Managers and Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800, vol. 6 (Southern Illinois University Press: 1978) p. 462.
[622] Hamilton, Memoirs of Count Grammont, p. 298.
[623] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, vol. VII, p. 7.
[624] Ibid., vol. VIII, p. 463.
[625] Tom Brown, Second Part of the Letters from the Dead to the Living (1708) p. 166, quoted in Elizabeth Howe, The first English Actresses (Cambridge: 1992) p. 32.
[626] ‘A Prologue to introduce the first Woman that came to Act on the Stage in the Tragedy, call’d the Moor of Venice’, in Thomas Jordan, A Royal Arbor of Loyal Poesie, (1664) pp. 21-2.
[627] John Evelyn’s Diary, 18 October 1666.
[628] A poem found in Bridgewater House by John Payne Collier, quoted in Highfill, A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses ..., vol. 8, p. 24.
[629] Samuel Pepys’s Diary, quoted in Highfill, A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses ..., vol. 8, p. 24.
[630] K. Hauk, Die Briefer der Kinder des Winterkoenigs (Heidelberg: 1908) p. 302.
[631] Sophie, Electress of Hanover to Charles Louis, Elector Palatine, 24 January 1674, in the French translation of Briefwechsel der Herzogin Sophie von Hannover mit ihrem Bruder, dem Kurfuersten Karl Ludwig von der Pfalz, p. 175.