Enticed By You

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Enticed By You Page 7

by Amy Muscat

  Apparently Lottie had developed turret's syndrome since I’d been out tonight because she hadn’t stopped swearing the whole time. Well, in-between passing me tissues, stroking my back and wiping the snot running from my probably bright red sore nose, and she was still ranting now.

  “That fucking arsehole. Who the fuck does the prick think he is? Fucking stupid wanker!” She was marching up and down the living room like a mad woman.

  “Lotts how could I let that happen? As far as I knew he was a complete stranger. I-I-I let a potential stranger do that to me, what the hell was I thinking?” It was a rhetorical question because I wasn’t thinking, well not logically anyway, all I could think about was the pleasure flowing through my body.

  “Don’t beat yourself up Pey, it happens to the best of us... okay it don’t, but you know what I mean. Sometimes our bodies do all the thinking for us and before you know it, you’re in the backseat of a Ford Fiesta losing your virginity to Billy Johnson at the back of a Queen Tribute concert,” she said looking off into the distance.

  “Good night?”

  “Yeah, it was a wicked night.”

  “’Cause you lost your v-card that night?”

  Snorting while giving me an amused look she said, “No. Billy Johnson was terrible, he lasted 30 seconds, if that. It put me off men for a while, he was that shitty, but yeah, great tribute act I tell ya. I love myself a bit of Queen.”

  I started to laugh, it came out all husky, and she got a satisfied smile on her face like she’d accomplished something.

  “Well, at least I got you to laugh for a couple of second’s aye?” Ah... that’s what the satisfied smile look was for.

  “Yeah, you did. Thanks for cheering me up a little Lotts. I love you,” I told her with a grateful smile. She’d been my rock for so many years now. I don’t know what I’d do without her.

  “Aww shucks, Pey, I love you too girly. You and that little princess are my family; sister and niece, that’s what you two are to me,” she said. Finally, she stopped walking up and down like a caged animal, came over, and sat down next to me. I gave me a big hug.

  “What do I do now Lott? What do I tell Ivy? I’m gonna go over to my parents later to pick her up and I’m gonna look like shit. All three of them are gonna notice that something’s wrong. What am I going to say?” I asked her, desperately hoping her smart brain would come up with something.

  “I haven’t got a fucking clue.”

  So much for her smart brain.

  “Right I’m gonna go get in the shower, and then go to bed. You wanna come with me tomorrow to get Ivy? “

  Yeah, sure. I miss your mums cooking. I drive there and you drive back?”

  “Yeah. That’s fine with me, you can entertain Ivy in the back.”

  Nodding at me she said that was fine, yawned and asked if I wanted her to sleep with me tonight, I said no thanks. I just wanted to sleep.

  Giving me a kiss on my head and another hug, she went to her room while I went to the bathroom.


  Looking in the mirror, I saw the 18-year-old girl I was five years ago, when she realized the love of her life and the father of the baby growing in her stomach didn’t want them anymore.

  Turning on the shower, I stripped and jumped in when it was piping hot, and washed away all the tears that I’d cried tonight and the tears that I’d cried so long ago.

  Scrubbing my body trying to rid myself of him and the memories that he had brought back to the front of my mind. Memories that I’d purposely locked away, the smell of him, I should’ve known that smell instantly. My brain should have made the connection straight away, but I’d been so caught up in the pleasure that the bastard was giving my traitorous body that it just didn’t register. Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male. That is the most-delicious smell ever, well on him it is.

  He had changed from a 19-year-old boy I once knew, into someone I clearly didn’t like. The person who I knew and loved would have never spoken to me the way he had tonight. But then again the sweet, loving, caring boy I once knew would never have dumped me while pregnant and told me to and I quote ‘Get rid of the baby or keep it for all I care, I don’t want it. And I don’t want to be with someone who was that stupid to get pregnant while I’m at war and tries to tell me it’s mine.’

  It broke me in two that day when I’d received that letter. I had been sitting on my bed with a big smile on my face anticipating his happiness and joy. Yeah, we were young but we’d been together for so long and we’d always wanted to start having children while we were young.

  So when I opened the letter and it was the exact opposite of what I’d hoped for, it destroyed me. It was like the earth had come to a standstill, and it was only me until my beautiful child was born. When Ivy finally was born my world started spinning again.

  Ivy slowly put my heart together again, bit by bit she sewed me back together. Every time she said ‘I love you momma,' every time she smiled at me, every time she did something that made me proud, my heart swelled. She was my everything. And even though I hated Keller for what he did to me, I’d always be thankful that he gave me Ivy.

  The freezing cold water brought me from my thoughts, shivering I turned the shower off and got out.

  Pulling my pj’s on I thought about how different he looked now.

  He’d always been tall, but now he must be at least 6’3. And he’d always had muscles, but from what I saw and felt, he’d gained another 40 pounds of muscle. In all the right places. His hair, still that beautiful chocolate rich brown, just like Ivy’s, was short, but I suppose being in the army, he had to have crew cuts. It looked like it was just starting to grow back nicely on top. Something that you can grip on to. But it was his eyes that had changed the most. Once sparkling with joy, happiness and love, were now hard and dead like he’d lost his spirit. And when he’d been looking at me they weren’t the make-you-melt chocolate swirls that I was used to. They were like a dull penny looking straight through me.

  Snapping out of my thoughts, I brushed my hair and put it in two braids, before going to brush my teeth.

  Making my way back to my room after getting a glass of water for my parched throat and snuggled into my nice warm bed, I was so exhausted I feel asleep right away...


  Peyton’s dream....

  It was nice and warm in the bed and I could feel a hand rubbing up and down my back. It was soothing, but when I shifted the hand went to my hip and pulled me back into a solid body and arms wrapped around my middle.

  Turning around, I saw the handsome face of my boyfriend, Keller James.

  “Good morning beautiful,” he said his voice still husky with sleep.

  “Mornin’ baby,” I said still half asleep.

  He moved in for a kiss and I turned so his lips landed on my cheek.

  “Peyton what are you doing? Give me your lips so I can kiss you good morning.”

  With my face, still turned away I shook my head and with a hand over my mouth I told him that I had morning breath, which he found extremely funny.

  “Pie, I don’t care that you’ve got morning breath, do you care that I’ve got morning breath?”

  “No, I don’t care.”

  “Then give me my kiss please.”

  Huffing I told him fine.

  Leaning over to him, I gave him a quick peck on the lips.

  “What was that? I meant a proper kiss Pey.”

  Before I could protest he grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled me down on top of him and kissing the crap out of me.

  With his arms wrapped around my waist, I wound my hands in his shoulder length hair, tugging him closer. I felt mini Keller stir and start getting excited, so I moved to straddle his hips and felt his dick at my belly. I lowered myself back again and rubbed myself all over him.

  “Hmmm Pey... you have to stop that baby, or I’m gonna take you again and I’m sure your still sore from last night,” he said, sounding pained.

  My face went brigh
t red and I felt the flush working its way down my neck.

  I’d lost my virginity last night.

  It was my 17th birthday yesterday and Keller took me out for a fancy dinner and he’d rented a room at a hotel 20 minutes out of town. He told me we didn’t have to do anything, that’s not why he brought me here, but I’d wanted to, we’d waited forever and I felt it was the right time.

  It had been the best experience ever, he was kind, patient, and he was so loving and tender. It was the most a girl could ask for, and I’m glad we had waited and that we were each other’s firsts.

  “I’m fine Kel, I promise, I don’t hurt really. I just feel the need to have you inside me again.”

  Growling deep in his chest, he flipped me over on my back and was between my open legs in an instant.

  “You ready for me baby?” He asked as his fingers dipped into my sex and found the wetness that he’d made my body release.

  Hissing in a breath he said, “Oh god, yeah, you’re ready,” and reached over to the side table and pulled a condom out from his wallet before slipping it on.

  Taking himself in hand, he slowly pushed himself into me and at first it hurt a little. I must have made a noise ‘cause he froze and looked at me, looking for reassurance, to which I nodded. He pushed in slowly, until he hit the end and his pelvis was touching mine.

  “Oh god, you feel good baby, so tight and so wet, it feels unbelievable,” he groaned out.

  Moaning along with him I meet his slow thrusts with my hips and that made it feel ten times better. It was such an amazing feeling to have him buried inside me.


  “I don’t wanna hurt you Pey,” he looked worried.

  Moving my hands down his back, I gripped both of his sexy butt cheeks and pulled him closer. Oh my god! That felt amazing, so I did it again and again until Keller took over and started thrusting faster and harder.

  Moaning incoherently and mumbling nonsense, I told him I was close.

  “Me too baby, me too,” he was grunting and breathing harder now.

  As I felt my walls clamping down on him, he bent down and kissed me just as my orgasm took over, sucking the sounds right out of my mouth before he shouted my name, his body locking in place as he came too, still kissing me deeply.


  “God that was... I can’t even...”

  “Yeah, me too,” He said, sounding out of breath before relaxing his weight on top of me giving me a huge smile.


  Gasping I woke up with a start.

  What the fuck was I doing dreaming about that day? I asked myself.

  I found myself all hot and the sheets were sticking to me, so I ripped them off and went out to the kitchen to get a glass of ice cold water and gulped it down feeling it rush through me and dousing the heat coming from my body.

  After another, I filled the glass again and took that into my room and got back in bed flipping the covers on the other side so the cold side was covering the length of my body.

  As I laid there, I could feel the aftermath of the dream.

  My panties were soaked.

  Fucking hell the man doesn’t even have to be here and he has me all hot and ready.

  The jerk.

  Blowing out a frustrated breath, I got back up and looked over to see what the time was: 5:44am. Groaning I went to have a quick shower to get rid of the dampness on my skin and in my panties.

  After a fast-cold shower, I went back to my room and put on a tank top and fresh underwear, before getting back into my bed and was asleep within seconds.


  I awoke again at 11:30am and I stretched my arms over my head and yawned, hearing movement coming from outside my door before I heard a knock.

  “Come in,” I called out.

  Opening the door Lottie came walking through with two cups and what looked like chocolate chip cookies under her arm.

  “Hey, I thought you could do with a cup of tea and some biscuits,” she said and walked over to sit on the other side of the bed handing me the cup of hot tea, before settling in next to me and opening the cookies and dunking one in.

  “Lottie they are called cookies, I’ve told you this,” her British words were a lot different than our words, sometimes it’s hard to understand what she is saying or asking for when she says words that I don’t know.

  “Pey, they are called biscuits where I come from, and I’ll always call them that because that’s what they are called,” she said giving me a smile.

  “I just think that as you live here you should learn our words that’s all, I mean doesn’t it bother you sometimes when you’re in a restaurant or a diner and you ask for ‘chips’ and instead of bringing you your fries they look at you like you’re a moron for ordering chips in a restaurant or when they actually bring you a bag of chips and they turn out to be what you call ‘crisp’s’?”

  Laughing she said, “no as I always find it amusing that people give me a confused look, I mean they can clearly hear my accent and they must of heard other British people, so I just find it funny,” she told me grinning.

  “Your nuts, Miss Carter, you really are, but I love that about you.”

  “Thank you I’ll take that as a compliment, and I love you too Miss Emerson.”

  After we’d had our tea and ‘biscuits’ we started to get ready to go to my parents.

  An hour later we were on our way.


  Arriving at my parents at just after three, we parked and walked up to the door.


  I heard feet running to the door along with my dad’s voice calling out not to open the door.

  Swinging said door open I saw my dad’s handsome face.

  “Hey dad,” I said leaning over to give him a hug.

  “Hi Pey, how’re you?” he asked giving me a squeeze back.

  “I’m fine, thanks.”

  “Good,” he said and looked over my shoulder and saw Lottie and smiled.

  “Hey, there Miss Brit come give me a hug,” he said to Lottie.

  “Hey, there Jamie, nice to see ya,” walking over and pushing me out the way to give my dad his hug.

  “Momma!” The sweetest voice called out to me, as I walked through the hallway.

  “Hey baby!” Running over to me Ivy jumped up in my arms, and I gave her a hard squeeze putting my nose in her neck and smelling her. Her smell always soothed me; it was a mix of flowers and coco-butter cream.

  Rocking side to side I told her that I’d missed her so much.

  “Me too momma, like lots and lots,” she said pulling her face back and looking into my eyes smiling at me.

  My heart ached looking at the face so similar to her fathers, she had his color eyes, but hers were sparkling, and her hair was the same color as his, but when it was in direct sunlight it had tints of red all over.

  “Auntie Lottie!”

  “Hey, there munchkin, come give me some love.”

  I put Ivy down and she went over and gave Lottie a cuddle, while I followed the delicious smells coming from the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.

  I walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said hello to her.

  “Hi sweetheart,” she said, distracted and going back to her cooking. I wasn’t gonna get in her way, she was making my favorite, can’t let that burn.

  “Dinner will be done in about 15 minutes, okay?”

  Telling her okay, I went and sat down at the table, before standing back up and making myself a coffee, asking if anyone else wanted one.

  “I do,” Lottie said as she came walking in the kitchen and over to give my mom a hug. I pulled an extra mug down and started making her coffee.

  Ivy came over and sat down on my lap when I moved back to the table and was drinking a cup of milk with her swirly straw. She started playing with my hair, while laying her head on my chest, I put my arm around her and drank from my mug with the other. I may like a tea, but I loved my coffee.

sp; “Did you have a good weekend baby?”

  Nodding her head she told me it was great and they had gone and watched the newest princess movie that was out. My mom had also taken her to the park and she fed the ducks, they’d played lots of games, so all in all she’d had a good weekend.

  “Dinners ready, let’s all go sit in the dining room,” my mom said.

  Each of us grabbed a bowl of food and followed her to the table. Setting them down and then taking our seats. Ivy even managed to bring a bowl to the table.

  We all sat around the table, with my dad at the head, my mom next to him, me and Ivy to his right and Lottie opposite me.

  “Right, let’s dig in guys,” my dad said and started dishing up the food.

  I took Ivy’s plate and put some pie, mashed potatoes and veggies with some gravy on it and then did the same for myself.

  When everyone had finished eating, my mom asked how our ‘girl’s night’ had gone.


  I hated lying to my parents, especially to their face. What was even worse is that I had a bad poker face, so I’m just hoping that they wouldn’t see through the lie.

  “Yeah, it was good, I really enjoyed it,” Lottie said before I could say anything.

  Smiling gratefully at her, I told them what we ‘had done.’

  “That sounds cool, can we do that on our girl's night in please momma?”

  “Yeah, sure baby, but no alcohol for you,” I told her laughing, everyone else laughed while she just looked confused.

  “Don’t worry baby, it’s for adults only okay?”

  “Otay,” she said still sounding perplexed.

  “You remember when you asked me yesterday morning what a hangover was? Well, that’s what causes it, alcohol it’s bad for you.”

  “So why did you have it then momma?” She sounded so innocent asking that.

  “Because sometimes adults want to drink it, but your auntie Lottie is greedy and made me drink the same amount as her,” I said and looked over in time to see the daggers she was sending me.

  “Don’t bloody blame me, I didn’t make you drink... okay maybe a couple but not all of them.”

  Laughing at her correction, I told her that we’d agree to disagree, to which she nodded.


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