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Enticed By You

Page 27

by Amy Muscat

  Thank fuck he had felt the same way.

  “Hey,” I voiced back.

  “Hmm… Did I tell you how delicious you looked today?” He asked me, running his nose up and down the side of my neck, before sucking slightly.

  Breathing heavier, I leaned into him; my body bowing into his and I felt his hardness rub my stomach.

  “Pey? Have I?”

  “Wh- what?”

  “Have I told you how delicious you look today?” He repeated.

  “Oh erm… I don’t, don’t think so…”

  “No? Hmmm… well I’ll just have to correct that, won’t I?” He now said in my ear, it tickled and made vibrations flow through me. His right hand was entwined in my hair, his fingers tracing the nape of my neck, his left hand was running up my body; curving around the side of my breast and giving it a slight squeeze, he then moved it down to my ass and pulled my hips flush with his. “Well, do you. I could just… eat you up right now. But I can’t, so later when we’ve put the kids down and we know they’re gonna be oblivious to everything but their dreams? I’m gonna have a slice of my favorite pie… yours.” His implication and the fact that he was so hard he could’ve cut diamonds, made me flush in pleasure.

  “Mmmm… that sounds fucking perfect, I think I’ll have a cocktail and join you,” I told him saucily.

  He groaned and smashed his lips to mine and kissed me like a starving man. I ran my hands up his body, over his strong chest, up his neck and into his hair where I gripped the strands and pulled him closer to me, kissing him back with the same hunger.

  But obviously we were interrupted by a crying Cameron.

  Slowly removing his lips from mine, he grinned and told me ‘later’ before he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in the direction of our crying son.

  I lifted him from Lottie’s arms and rocked him against me, shushing him.

  He continued crying, and when I pulled him from my body, I looked down at him and let out a startled scream. That wasn’t the beautiful, angelic face of my son Cameron staring up at me… it was Andrew and he was grinning maliciously at me.

  I dropped Andrew’s body to the floor and I looked around for Keller, Ivy, Cameron and Lottie. But I couldn’t see them anywhere. In fact, we weren’t even in the backyard of Keller’s house anymore, we were in the old rundown house Andrew had taken me too, when he had kidnapped me. When I looked down, I saw the body of Sandra, with blood pouring from her stomach, bullet hole prominent.

  What was Sandra doing here?

  Just then I felt the biggest pain in my lower back and in my stomach. I looked down but saw no bullet holes. What was wrong with me? Then I felt the wetness between my legs and shoved my hand there… When I lifted my hand up, it was covered with blood. My blood.

  Oh god, what was happening to me? I thought just as the pain became too much and I collapsed in the chair.

  I felt someone hover over me and looked up into the evil eyes of Andrew, just as he said the one thing that made my world shatter and spin, making me wish the ground would open up and swallow me so I could get away from this nightmare…

  “You belong to me, Peyton. Not him, and now that his baby is out of your body, we can be together forever. He can never take you from me again, look… he’s dead just as I said he would be,” he grinned and pointed over to the left side of the living room.

  I followed the direction his finger was pointed and saw a slumped body with an abundance of blood surrounding it. The person was a man, I could tell from his build. But, as I looked closer I realized I knew that body; I knew every crevice of that body, knew every bump of muscle and I knew- just knew that if his eyes were open- they would be that perfect brown color that made me feel safe, warm, comfortable, loved and adored.

  The body was Keller…

  My Keller.

  My Keller… was dead.

  “NO!!!” I roared out.

  NO! No, no, no!

  Keller was not dead… he just couldn’t be!


  I woke up screaming.

  I woke up shouting at the top of my lungs.


  I was in my own world, in so much pain and grief that I didn’t see the figure of a man sitting next to me on the bed I was laying in.

  “Keller… Keller…” I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.

  “Baby, I’m here… Shh… Pey I’m here… Pie, look at me, I’m here. Pie!”


  There was only one person who called me pie, and he was dead… wasn’t he?

  I blinked open my eyes and because of the tears my sight was blurry.

  Then I felt the lips on my forehead… Smelt the enticing scent of the man who had captured my heart. Heard the voice of the man that could make me melt in a puddle at his feet in seconds.


  I closed and opened my tired eyes again and saw my man, my angel.

  “Shh, baby, I’m here,” he repeated again.

  “Keller?” I choked out, my voice hoarse.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m here, pie, I’m here.” His own voice choking on the words.

  “You’re here? You’re not dead?”

  “No Pey, and neither are you thank god.” He said and bent and gave my head a soft kiss.

  “Where are we?”

  “The hospital, Peyton.”

  “Where’s… where’s Andrew?” I asked him scared for his answer.


  “And Sandra?”

  “Dead also,” he told me in a soft voice.

  I gasped when a thought came to me. “Di- did I… lose the baby?” My voice cracked several times when I asked him this. I was more scared of his answer to this question than I was when I asked about Andrew.

  He’s eyes saddened and I got my answer. I wailed out in horror and pain from the loss of my unborn baby. I was sobbing again, telling him ‘sorry’ through my trembling lips.

  “Pey… no. You didn’t have a miscarriage. You didn’t.”

  The words filtered through to me.


  “What? I was bleeding… so badly.”

  “I know Pey, but you didn’t lose the baby- thank fuck. The doctor said that it’s normal to have some blood flow when pregnant; some women still get their periods-”

  “Then why was I bleeding so much?” I asked him, interrupting him.

  I didn’t believe that I was still pregnant- that I didn’t lose the baby. I knew Keller would never lie to me, but I just didn’t believe it.

  “Did you fall over or something?”

  “What-” I remembered Sandra kicking me and the chair falling back, “yeah, Sandra kicked me and the chair fell back, with me still strapped in it,” I told him.

  His jaw clenched and through gritted teeth he told me, “The doctor said you had been cut or had cut yourself on the backs of your thighs- just beneath your butt and a piece of wood cut the skin of your thighs, because that’s what he pulled out of you when you were brought in here. But luckily the baby wasn’t hurt during the whole thing.” His smile was thankful.

  “Really?” You could hear the desperate hope in my voice, begging for him to be telling me the truth.

  “Really, baby. We’re having another baby,” he grinned a watery smile at me, his face showing his joy and he placed a tender hand over my stomach.

  We’re having another baby…

  The best words in the English language.

  He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and I felt his happiness through the kiss. Felt his pain of what we had gone through and felt his love for me.

  And I showed him my love and happiness right back. It was the most-passionate kiss we had shared to date. I loved it. I loved Ivy and our unborn child more than anything. But I also knew for certain how much Keller loved me. I loved him from the bottom of my soul and right back up again.


  “Bloody hell! Can you help me instead of just standing there and looking at my arse?”

I looked over my shoulder to see Lottie standing there with a box in her hands glaring at Blake. I looked to her right and saw a smirking Blake. Shaking my head at the pair of them, I got back to unpacking my bag of toiletries and placing them on the dressing table Keller had bought for me.

  “I wasn’t staring at your ass… okay, I was, but I was admiring it that’s all. You have a nice ass.” I heard him mumble the last part.

  I laughed under my breath. I didn’t have a clue what was going with them two, Lottie was keeping ‘quiet’ about the whole thing. Bitch. I’ll get it out of her eventually.

  It had been just over five weeks now since the whole abducting/ almost dying event.

  Keller had been super protective of me- somewhat too overprotective. Especially after I’d told him everything that had happened with Andrew and Sandra at the old rundown house. Poor Rob had been shattered. After I had explained that Sandra had somewhat redeemed herself by trying to help me and had gotten shot because she had been begging Andrew to get me help.

  But Keller still didn’t want me out of his sight too much, if not at all. The man would barely let me go to the bathroom on my own, let alone do everything I used to do; take Ivy to school, cook, go to the park, and everything else a person does in their day-to-day life.

  For the first two weeks it had felt nice- to not do anything, as I was still sore and couldn’t really move around a lot- but after those two weeks were up I wanted to do stuff- even menial stuff like play with Ivy- he didn’t want me too and it drove me mad. So when the third week came around and he still wouldn’t let me do anything, I became pissed off and moody and demanded that he shut up, sit down and let me do something. As he went to protest, the waterworks turned on and I started crying. I blame the pregnancy hormones. Keller, not knowing what to do, let me have my way and that night I cooked dinner for everyone.

  After that, I started, slowly, doing my day-to-day stuff, and I’d never been happier.

  When I was in the hospital, a doctor had come in and told me that the reason I had fainted was because I had been dehydrated and hungry and in terrible shock, and the blood loss hadn’t helped. But after

  everything that I had gone through, I had been lucky that I hadn’t lost the baby. Then the resident OBGYN came into my room with a cart and on it was a screen that I knew would show me my baby. After explaining to me that because I wasn’t that far along I’d have to have a transvaginal ultrasound. Keller, who had looked completely confused at that point, asked what the difference between a transvaginal and a normal ultrasound was.

  With a calm smile, the doctor proceeded to explain to him that with a transvaginal she had to take the probe and insert it vaginally instead of on my stomach. Keller asked if it would hurt me and she told him that only some woman found it uncomfortable but that it was fine.

  She had put my legs up in stirrups and then gently inserted the ultrasound wand. After tapping away at the keyboard that was attached to the ultrasound monitor, we saw the tiny jelly bean on the screen. I had immediately started crying and when I looked over to Keller, I saw that he too, had tears dripping from his eyes.

  The technician moved the probe around slightly and started taking measurements when all of a sudden she let out a startled gasp and an ‘oh wow.’

  “What? What’s the matter, what’s wrong?” Keller had demanded.

  “Nothing’s wrong…I just found something that I wasn’t expecting,” she told us.


  “There’s two heartbeats.”

  Two heartbeats?

  But that meant I was having…

  “Twins?” Keller breathed out in astonishment.

  “Yep, twins. Congratulations guys!” She said to our shocked faces. Tapping away for a couple more moments she said, “And they’re the perfect size. Everything looks great with them, heartbeats normal, your HCG levels are a little higher than normal they’re at just over 1100, but that’s to be expected with twins. You will more than likely experience more morning sickness, due to the fact that there are two babies instead of one. You will eat more and because of that you will gain more weight than normal. Your breasts will be more sore and tender than normal too, so be aware of that. But other than that, everything’s fine and if there're anymore questions you can just call or come in and we will tell you whatever you need to know, okay?” She had smiled at us, but we were both still in shock and when I looked over to Keller, I saw his mouth was dropped open, and eyes wide as saucers. But what I loved, was the fact that he was still crying and from the look in his eyes- they were happy tears.

  The OBGYN said goodbye and that she’d leave us to talk.

  When she had left, Keller had bent down after the shock had worn off, and gave me a big fat wet kiss. After kissing me breathless he had whispered to me, lips still attached to mine.

  “Thank you, Peyton.”

  “What for?” I asked him, rubbing my fingers over the stubble that was covering his chin.

  “Thank you for giving me back my happiness. Thank you for giving me three perfect children. Thank you for loving me.”

  I’d gotten choked up again and told him in an emotional voice, “No thank you, Keller. Thank you for giving me the life I’d always dreamed of. I have the best man anyone could ever ask for, a beautiful daughter and two more on the way. I would’ve never gotten that if you didn’t pursue me again.”

  “Thank fuck for bachelor parties, persistent friends, and thousand dollar VIP dances,” he said raising an invisible glass in the air.

  I laughed along with him.


  “Hey baby.” Keller’s smooth voice washed over to me, just as I placed the last bottle of perfume on the dresser.

  I turned just as his arms wrapped around my waist, and he leaned down and give me a soft kiss.

  “Hi.” He always managed to make me breathless.

  “You ain’t doing too much, are you?” He asked, frowning down at me.

  Sighing I told him “no I’m not,” ‘cause I wasn’t. I’d only picked up the bag with my stuff in it and taken it from downstairs to upstairs and removed everything and put the items away.

  “You sure?”

  “Yes dad, I’m sure,” I huffed at him.

  “I’m just making sure you don’t overexert yourself, Pey, that’s all. After all, you’re carrying precious cargo,” he said, rubbing my swelling stomach.

  I was now just over three months and my pregnant belly was already prominent. I loved it. Well, apart from the extra stretchmark’s I had. I was waking up to new ones every morning. But every time I moaned about them, Keller bent down to the new marks and lovingly kissed them, saying how much he loved them, because they signified the fact that I was carrying his children. Every time he did that, it made me melt and fall more in love with him than I already was.

  “I can’t wait for them to leave, I want you all to myself tonight. Well, after dinner,” Keller said in my ear, his breath tickling me and making me shiver.

  “Why don’t we just tell them to go and we can forget about eating and just go straight to bed?”

  My hormones were off the scale lately. Keller, after his initial hesitance hurting the babies- and me telling him that no matter how big he was, he couldn’t hurt the babies- loved my new-found horniness. He was a man; of course, he would love it.

  He groaned into my neck. “Baby, please don’t tempt me. We’re going out tonight. I want to take you out for a nice meal, wine and dine you- just without the wine- and just relax. So don’t go saying those things, it makes me want you right now,” he growled the last word and that growl vibrated through me and went straight to my now throbbing, wet and ready sex.


  “I know, baby. I know,” he said. Just then Blake called his name and with a curse, he adjusted his erection so it wasn’t so prominent, and turned to face his friend and in a gruff voice barked out a “what?”

  Blake took one look at Keller’s face and burst out laughing.

  “Dude, you have a hard-on right now don’t you?” He asked through his chuckles.

  “Fuck. You.” He replied back to him.

  Lottie was giggling along with me as Keller told Blake to keep his mouth shut and to get back to work and with an “eye-eye” he did just that.


  When six o’clock rolled around and Blake and Lottie had gone home- together or not together, I still didn’t know what was going on with those two. I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying myself as Keller walked into the room, and fuck me he looked sinfully hot. He was decked out in a suit and tie.

  The fitted navy blue suit accentuated his big, strong build. Underneath his buttoned up suit jacket was I white button-down shirt and navy blue tie that matched the color of his suit perfectly. My eyes followed the path down his legs where his trousers encased his strong thighs perfectly, and down to the smart leather black shoes he was wearing on his feet.

  As I trailed my eyes back up his body, I found that I was biting my lip and I quietly groaned in satisfaction. His hair was much longer now, from when we’d first seen each other again, it now stood up in a way that was so sexy it made you want to constantly run your finger through and then grip hold of it.

  When my eyes clashed with his, I saw amusement, lust and love shining in them gorgeous chocolate brown swirls.

  “Get a good look, Pie?” He asked his tone full of mirth.

  “Yeah,” I breathed out dreamily. The man could definitely make a girl swoon.

  He chuckled and walked forward and gave me one hot mother-fucking kiss.

  Breathless, I pulled back from him and asked, “You’re sure we have to go to dinner? Wouldn’t you rather we stay here… in bed all night?” I used my most-seductive voice, trying to entice him.

  It didn’t work.

  “Peyton…” He said sounding pained, “No baby, we are going out for something to eat.” He said being all stern with me.

  I pouted.

  He grinned.

  “Don’t worry, pie, when we get back, I’m gonna fuck you until you’re screaming and can’t cum no more.” His words made me drip and I rubbed my thighs together trying to alleviate the ache there.

  “You play dirty Mr. James.” I scolded him. “I’ll just have to sit through dinner turned on and wet then,” I told him with a saucy smile. Just as I walked past him, I dropped my towel at his feet.


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