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Double Dare (A Neighbor from Hell Book 6)

Page 18

by Mathewson, R. L.

  “S-stop!” she cried, laughing so hard that she was crying.

  “Are you giving in?”


  “Then I have no choice but to continue,” he explained, sounding amused as he continued his crazed attack as she tried to squirm free, but the bastard outweighed her.

  “Y-you’ll p-pay f-for t-this!” she swore, laughing so hard that her sides hurt.

  “Aw, is little Marybeth getting mad?”


  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked in a syrupy sweet voice that had her eyes narrowing even as she continued to giggle and gasp uncontrollably.

  “Y-yes!” she managed to gasp as she grabbed hold of the bedspread and pulled, desperate to escape this torture so when he abruptly stopped, she was understandably frightened.

  She lay there, gasping for air as the last of her giggles died away and common sense demanded that she get off the bed and run away before he could-

  “Let me make it easy for you,” he whispered in her ear. “We’re not getting a divorce, sweetheart. I’m not going to lie and tell you that it doesn’t feel like my heart is breaking when I think about never having children with you, because it does, but it would never have stopped me from wanting you. That’s why you never told me, isn’t it?”

  She closed her eyes in defeat as she said, “Yes.”

  He was quiet for a minute before he asked, “Are you out of your fucking mind?”



  “I’m not speaking to you. Go away,” he said, shifting to snuggle his pillow tighter when he spotted a lovely collection of snacks on the nightstand by the bed.

  Now, he could have grabbed any of the other lovely snacks she’d bought, but he didn’t. He grabbed the small bag of Hershey Kisses and ripped into them all while shooting her a glare that dared her to bitch about it.

  “Are you going to tell me what has your panties in a twist?” she asked, sitting on the bed beside him and looking oddly amused when she should be begging for his forgiveness.

  Not that he would give it.

  At least, not unless she found some inventive and rather satisfying way of making it up to him, that is.

  “You know damn well what has my panties in a twist,” he said, unwrapping one of the delicious foiled covered treats and popped it in his mouth as he glanced around the room, looking for something to wash down the delectable chocolaty treat that he refused to share.

  Sighing heavily in a manner that he didn’t much appreciate, she climbed off the bed, walked over to the entertainment console. He watched as she opened the bottom cabinet, revealing a mini-fridge, and bent over, giving him one hell of a view. Although he preferred it when she went to bed without panties, he had to admit that he really loved it when she wore a pair of his boxers, mostly because they were too big for her and had the tendency of falling down and giving him the view that he was currently enjoying at the moment.

  Before he had a chance to fully appreciate the view or reminisce about good times, she was standing up and walking back over to join him on the bed with a bottle of orange juice in her hand. Without a word, she handed him the bottle of juice and sat down next to him. Although it wasn’t enough to buy his forgiveness, he decided that it was enough to earn a Hershey Kiss or two.

  Grudgingly, he handed over the chocolate and took a sip of juice, wondering how a woman as intelligent as Marybeth could do something so fucking stupid. Apparently she was wondering the same thing, because she asked, “So?”

  “So, what?” he asked, handing her the bottle of juice.

  “I thought we weren’t playing games anymore,” she reminded him as she took a sip of juice and handed it back to him.

  Nodding, he decided that she had a point so he decided to get straight to his. “You’ve known for the past six years that you were going to marry me and instead of cutting out the bullshit and letting me make you the happiest woman alive, you wasted six fucking years!” he snapped, glaring accusingly down at her as he unwrapped a tasty treat and shoved it in his mouth, needing the chocolaty distraction to stop him from spanking her the way that she deserved.

  When she blinked up at him slowly with a slightly bemused frown, he decided that he no longer had to share his juice or chocolates with the aggravating woman. So when she reached over to take the juice from him, he glared at her until she got the hint and pulled her hand away.

  “I had no plans on marrying you or anyone for that matter,” she explained, sounding tired as she climbed off the bed and walked over to the television console where she once again opened the cabinet, bent over and gave him something to sigh about.

  God, he loved her ass.

  As she walked back over to the bed he finished off his juice and tossed the bottle aside. Before her beautiful ass had a chance to sit back down, he snatched the ice-cold bottle of juice out of her hand, cracked it open and finished it off in three swallows before she could bitch about it or try to snatch it back. Shaking her head and muttering some rather hostile words about his poor neglected cock, she stormed back over to the cabinet, grabbed another drink and earned a little more of his forgiveness when she bent over again.

  “You’re pathetic,” she muttered, shaking her head in disgust as she walked back to the bed, this time making sure to take a sip of her drink before she sat back down beside him and offered him the small bottle of juice.

  “And you love me,” he said, accepting the bottle with a nod of thanks as he prepared himself for the denial that she’d been using for the last six years to push him away.

  “More than anything,” she admitted as she reached over and took the bottle of juice from him.

  “Then I was right,” he murmured, returning his attention to the remaining Kisses at the bottom of the small bag.

  “About what?” she asked, reaching into the bag and helping herself to a piece of chocolate.


  Chapter 28

  “Everything?” she repeated back with a sad shake of her head as she reached for the bag only to find it suddenly out of reach and the big baby next to her glaring down at her in typical Bradford fashion.

  God, they really were a bunch of babies, she decided as got on her knees and leaned over him to-

  “Mine!” Darrin snarled as he placed his hand protectively in front of the pile of junk food that she’d spent a small fortune on.

  “Fine,” she said, shaking her head with a heavy sigh as she climbed under the covers and curled up on her side, facing away from him, deciding that she’d rather sleep than have to deal with typical Bradford bullshit this morning, “be a big baby.”

  She closed her eyes, snuggled closer to her pillow and nearly cried in frustration when she felt the big jerk shift behind her seconds before she felt his large warm body curl up behind her. “We need to finish this conversation,” he said, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

  “Then you need to get to the point,” she grumbled, not bothering to open her eyes.

  “I already did,” he said, pressing a kiss against her neck.

  “No, you really didn’t.”

  “Everything didn’t clear it up for you?” he asked with a warm chuckle that had her toes curling.

  God, she’d missed him…

  “No, not really,” she mumbled sleepily as she shifted back so that she could settle more firmly in his arms.

  “Then why don’t I clear everything up for you? Hmm?” he asked as he shifted back away from her, pulling her with him until she found herself lying on her back and looking up at him.

  “I would probably appreciate that,” she said with a teasing smile as she reached up and ran her fingers through his short black locks, unable to help herself.

  “You knew that I would never let you go,” he said, reaching up to gently push a strand of long hair aside so that he could brush the back of his knuckles down along her jaw. “You knew that I loved you and wanted to marry you, which is why you
didn’t tell me, sweetheart, because you knew that once I found out, nothing would stop me from making you mine.”

  She didn’t bother denying it, because he was right. Instead, she got right to the point, the reason why she’d never allowed herself to have more with him and the reason why she was going to have to ask for the one thing that was going to kill her.

  “Because you deserve so much better than me, Darrin.”

  “I deserve you,” he said, leaning down so that he could brush his lips gently against hers.

  “You want children,” she reminded him.

  “I want you,” he said firmly as he kissed the corner of her mouth, “and sooner or later you’re going to realize that.”

  “I……,” she started to say only to pause so that she could lick her lips and bite back a moan as Darrin suddenly shifted over her and settled between legs. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking a different approach,” he said, kissing his way down to her neck right around the time that he shifted his hips and let her know exactly what he had in mind.

  “I thought that you wanted to discuss this,” she said, biting back a moan as she turned her head, giving him better access.

  “That was taking too long,” he explained, gently sucking on her neck and driving her crazy as he reached between them and palmed her breast.

  “And having sex is supposed to settle this?” she asked, wrapping her arms around him with a gasp as he gave her breast a squeeze.

  “It couldn’t hurt,” he said, kissing his way down as he shifted his hand away from her breast. He reached down and grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up slowly.

  “We can’t stay married,” she argued weakly, tilting her head back and swallowed hard, trying to find the willpower to stop this before she did something foolish.

  “I think we can,” he whispered, groaning softly as he rolled his hips, grinding his large erection between her legs.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut as she struggled to think of something else, anything else, to distract herself away from how good it felt to be in his arms and how desperately she wanted him.

  She had to stay strong!

  She needed to stay focused!

  She needed….she needed…she……

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked as his hand returned to her breast and held it higher as he traced her nipple with the tip of his tongue.

  “Maybe?” she groaned as her breaths came faster and she tried to remember why they shouldn’t be doing this.

  “Maybe?” he asked, chuckling against her breast like the insensitive bastard that he was as she struggled to think things through.

  “I’m thinking!” she snapped, opening her eyes to glare at the crisp white ceiling as she gasped and panted a bit.

  “I tell you what, sweetheart,” he said, sounding thoughtful, pausing just long enough to gently pull her nipple between his lips before he allowed it to slip free with a soft groan, “if you really want a divorce, then I’ll stop. I’ll go get a room of my own. We can figure things out, talk to Garrett and have the whole matter cleared up quickly.”

  She opened her mouth, determined to do the right thing and set him free when he reached down and slid his hand under the waistband of the boxers that she’d stolen from him. He ran the tip of his middle finger over her wet slit as he moved his hand over her until he was cupping her in his hand. He groaned with pleasure while she lay there, panting and licking her lips hungrily, weakening by the second.

  He pulled his back as he leaned over her, placing his mouth near her ear as he pushed his hand back, sliding one indescribably long finger inside her. “Or,” he whispered, slowly pulling out that thick finger and sliding it back inside her as her eyes fluttered shut and a choked moan escaped her, “I could fuck you.”

  “Darrin,” she groaned, chuckling weakly until he pressed his thumb down on her clit and gently rubbed it.

  “Let me fuck you, sweetheart,” he whispered, continuing to rub her clit.


  “I’ve missed you so much, Marybeth,” he whispered, kissing her neck as he slowly thrust his finger inside her. “I missed talking to you, holding you, kissing you and the way that you feel first thing in the morning when I slide inside you, hot, wet and so fucking tight.”

  She moaned, unable to do anything else as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

  “Did you miss me, sweetheart?” he asked, kissing his way slowly back to her mouth.

  He didn’t give her a chance to answer. Not that she really could at the moment.

  “What do you want, sweetheart? Do you want me to fuck you or let you go?” he asked hoarsely as his fingers slowly slid inside, drawing out her pleasure. “Tell me what you want, sweetheart. Tell me to go or tell me to-”

  “Marybeth?” Aidan suddenly said, cutting Darrin off and giving her a chance to clear her lust dazed mind and think straight.

  “Thank God,” she mumbled, opening her eyes and-

  Realized that she was possibly the biggest bitch that had ever walked the face of the planet when she peered up into Darrin’s eyes and saw just how much he loved her and just how much she’d been hurting him.

  “Please don’t do this, Marybeth,” he whispered hoarsely.

  “Please get off me,” she whispered back weakly, shifting her gaze so that she didn’t have to see the hurt in his eyes as she made what was probably going to end up being the biggest mistake of her life.

  “Marybeth?” Aidan called her name again as Darrin slowly climbed off her and she forced herself to get off that bed and walk towards that hotel room door as her tee shirt dropped back into place. Taking a deep breath, and praying that Darrin would forgive her one day, she opened the door.

  “I managed to talk the pharmacy into giving me a few needles to replace the ones that broke in your bag as well as replace the vial of B12 that was destroyed,” he explained as he handed her over a white paper bag.

  “Thank you,” she managed to say, wondering how she could sound so calm at a moment like this.

  “You haven’t seen Danny have you?” he absently asked around a yawn as he pulled out his phone and checked a text message.

  “No,” she said, wondering if she could actually do this.

  “Do you guys want to grab breakfast?” he asked, frowning down at his phone only to shake his head and shove his phone back in his pocket a few seconds later.

  She cleared her throat. “I think we’re good.”

  “Okay,” he said, nodding absently in that way that most Bradfords did when they were considering their food options.

  “The buffet down the street is probably still serving breakfast,” she pointed out to buy herself a few more precious seconds.

  “True,” he said, sounding thoughtful even as he turned around and headed back towards the elevator doors, instantly forgetting her existence in typical Bradford fashion and making her realize that her time was finally up.

  Darrin was right, she decided as she slowly shut the door. It was time to end this game.

  Knowing that that there was no point in putting this off any longer, she turned around and faced that man that she’d hadn’t realized until moments ago that she’d been hurting so much, and said the one thing that would set them free.

  “Fuck me.”

  Chapter 29

  “No,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest in the hopes that the move would stop him from jumping off the bed and jumping her as he glared at the woman that was determined to drive him out of his fucking mind.

  “No?” she asked, frowning adorably in confusion as she shifted her attention from his face down to the large angry erection sticking out of the front of his boxers, trying to get her attention before she looked back up.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head as he silently cursed the large pink bastard poking out his drawers, trying to ruin everything. Fucking weak bastard, he silently cursed his cock as it jerked hard in a desperate attempt to re
claim Marybeth’s attention.

  “You don’t want to have sex?” she asked with a coy little smile as she pointedly looked at the fucking traitor who was more than willing to say the hell with everything and take what she was offering, no questions asked.

  “We both know that I’d love nothing more than to shove you against that door, rip your shorts off and fuck you until our legs gave out and I was forced to fuck you on the floor, but I won’t,” he explained, completely agreeing with his cock when it jerked approvingly when a dark blush crept up Marybeth’s neck and face as she hungrily licked her lips.

  “W-why not?” she asked, going ahead and licking those soft full lips that he remembered fondly wrapping around his cock and-

  Christ, he really needed to focus.

  “Because my offer ended the second that you left this bed. If you want a future with me then you’re going to have to be the one to make the next move, because I’m not going to give you another excuse to hide behind.”

  Frowning, she said, “I’ve never-”

  “Don’t,” he said, cutting her off. “No matter what you say or think, we both know that you never really planned on walking away. That was just the bullshit that you told yourself, because you wouldn’t let yourself want more. You knew that one day I’d get sick of this bullshit arrangement of yours and take matters into my own hands, giving you the excuse that you needed to take what you wanted.”

  “And what exactly did I want?” she asked with that stubborn glint in her eye that he loved so much.

  “Me,” he said firmly with a look that dared her to lie to him. “You needed me to take the choice out of your hands, because you couldn’t stand the idea of taking away the life you thought I deserved. If that’s what you needed so that we could be together that’s fine. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe, Marybeth, now and always, but I need you to make the next move. I need you to make this choice.”

  For a long moment she stood there, watching him as he sat there, praying that he hadn’t just fucked this up and gave her the final push. After a lifetime of waiting for her, he was tired of chasing after her, but if that’s what she needed in order to accept what was between them, then that’s exactly what he would do. He’d never give her up and they both knew it.


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