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Kaitlyn Strong Books 1-3: The Complete First Trilogy

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by Art DeForest

  Kaitlyn Strong

  Books 1-3


  Art DeForest

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright © 2016 Arthur D. DeForest

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by other means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the author.


  To Thom Dresser, To Di and DJ, To Susan DeForest

  Thanks for keeping me going

  Like what you read? Questions? Comments? Let me know.


  I love the shadows. They kept me safe and secure as I waited to ambush people like Altheas. Altheas was a real piece of work. He liked to play with his food before he ate and he never left them alive after he fed. His predilections were starting to draw attention. At his age you’d think he’d know better. It was a simple matter to feed after all. Some eye contact and a little mesmerization, a quick lick to seal the wounds and you both went about your night, your meal ticket none the wiser. Psychopaths come in all flavors I guess. Vampire, lycanthrope, human, they all had their share of monsters. Human psychopaths had killed more humans overall, but the added powers given to vamps and lycans could make for an overwhelming slaughter if they lost control. That was the kind of attention the Other community couldn’t afford. Humans individually were weaker than Other. If they should find out about us, their massive numbers and creativity in the art of killing would come to bear. The results would be brutal for all the Others.

  Altheas was starting to get reckless and draw attention. The wrong kind of attention, the kind that carry badges. It was one of the men behind those badges that warned me about this creep. There were a few in law enforcement and government people that knew about us. They helped out because they knew the potential for slaughter if we came out into the open.

  Altheas didn't seem to care anymore whether anybody found out or not. Too many bodies had been found in too short a time. All of them hideously mutilated in a similar fashion and drained of blood.

  The Vampire Council usually takes care of these situations. Their version of taking care of the situation would be to force Altheas to move someplace else where he wouldn't be as conspicuous. Kinda like what the Catholic Church had done to its pedophile priests. Where do you think they got the idea? The Church though can't alter people's memories. No memories would mean no case to pursue.

  My idea of taking care of the problem was a bit more…. direct. My version was a stake through the heart and a body turned to ash as the head left the neck. I'd been turned a long time ago by a piece of shit like Altheas and I wasn't interested in letting any of his ilk survive.

  Well, speak of the devil, here he comes now. A pretty girl was tucked under his arm. He is tall and very good looking, pretty much standard for one of our kind. The girl had gorgeous blond hair that made me envious as hell. She had some nice curves too and seemed to be trying to press every one of them into his side.

  He only had eyes for the human juice box in his arms as he passed my hidden position. Stepping out of the shadows behind him, I thrust my stake at the center of his back. He was more aware of his surroundings than I anticipated. Whipping around like a coiled viper on speed, he tried to interpose the innocent girl between the descending stake and his body. Fortunately for the girl, he was a bit too slow and her body simply knocked my stake to the side instead of being impaled by it. As I tried to recover my balance, I took a quick slash at him with my blade. The big kukri had just started to move when Altheas’ quick left jab caught me squarely on the jaw causing me to stagger back.

  I barely had a chance to recover, when a stake appeared in his right hand. A quick lunge sent the stake streaking towards my heart from a low angle. I swept my forearm down and out diverting the stake wide. Simultaneously I stepped inside his guard and punched him in the face with my kukri weighted right fist. He was thrown back a step. I moved forward, staying close enough to strike out with the sharply pointed piece of oak in my left hand.

  The strike started low down by my left hip. Streaking upward, it connected solidly just under his ribs. Momentum carried it further up behind the rib cage to impale his heart. I released the stake and stepped back as he doubled over in agony. A quick step to the side to get the proper angle and the kukri came crashing down on the back of his neck. His head seemed to leap from his shoulders, as the razor-sharp, inward curving edge of the blade did its job to perfection. Another step back and I watched his body and head incinerate instantly into two piles of ash. My stake fell to the ground amidst the two piles with a musical clink.

  A small noise from off to the side caught my attention. The girl that Altheas had tried to use as a shield was trying to get up off the ground where she’d been thrown in his opening move.

  Walking up to her, I placed the index finger of my left hand under her chin and raised her head until her eyes met mine. Reaching out with my power, I grabbed her mind. “You tripped and fell walking home from the club. You must be a little drunk.” I told her as she stared back blankly. I rummaged through her purse briefly and came up with a cell phone. Putting it in her hand I said, “ You should call a taxi to get you home safe.” I let go of her mind and she shook her head, slowly coming back to herself. “ Are you sure you're ok?” I asked as her eyes once more focused on me. “Ye….Yeah,” she stuttered. “I should call a cab. I need to get home.”

  I waited with her until the cab pick her up and took off down the street. When the taxi was out of sight, I melted once more back into my beloved shadows.


  After the gorgeous vampire dressed all in black fled the scene, another form, approached the two piles of ash. Inspecting them briefly, he reached down and picked up the stake that lay forgotten in the larger of the two piles. There was a look of speculation on his attractive features as he stared in the direction she had disappeared. Pocketing the stake, he turned and went his own way.


  I unlocked my apartment and trudged through the door. I was immediately attacked by Fangs. Just so you don't get the wrong idea, Fangs is my housecat. If you can call something that weighs 45 pounds and stands 2 feet tall at the shoulder a ‘housecat.’ The breeder who sold me Fangs, assured me that savannah cats are in fact, listed as domestic animals under the law.

  Before I was turned, I had been a dog person, but for some reason dogs hate vampires. Cats however, seem to love them. It seems like we’re kindred spirits or something. Fangs was the best of both worlds. Being a neutered male he had many of the traits of a dog. He likes to roughhouse and would even fetch a ball if you threw it for him. He also had a protective streak. Heaven help anyone he thought was a threat to me.

  I was giggling as I allowed Fangs’ mock pounce to take me to the ground. I hated it when I giggle because I sound like I’m twelve. I landed on my back and he immediately laid on my chest and started rubbing his head and face on mine, a deep purr rumbling from him. “Get off me you big oaf” I laughed, running my hands through his mottled tawny coat. “Where’s your ball?” I asked in an excited voice. “Where’s your ball?” Fangs bounced off my chest and went in search of the ratty old tennis ball that was his favorite toy. As I climbed back to my feet, he came bounding back with a mouth full of tennis ball. I took a seat in my favorite comfy cha
ir with a sigh and immediately had a slobbery green orb deposited in my lap. I carefully tossed it down the short hallway that led to the bedrooms and bathroom of my apartment. You had to play fetch very carefully when you were indoors and the animal involved could leap on top of a seven foot china cabinet without taking a run at it. That was of course, followed by said china cabinet tipping over and crashing to the floor. Live and learn.

  Fangs was returning after his latest retrieval when he suddenly dropped his ball and headed over to the front door, sniffing curiously under it. I started moving that way fast when he abruptly backed away from the door, ears going flat against his skull. Approaching silently I listened at the door. The kukri was in my hand as I tried to figure out what had set off my cat. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! I almost jumped out of my skin at the authoritative pounding on my door.. “Who is it?” I said in a lilting pleasant tone. “Kaitlyn Strong? My name is Deacon Caine. The Council sent me to speak with you.” Said a strong baritone voice.

  I’ve been expecting this for awhile now. Killing other vampires isn’t like humans killing each other. No trials or prison, just survival of the fittest. My actions, however, had been a slap in the face to the Council’s policies. Well, fuck them, fuck their policies and fuck whatever bully boy they’d sent to slap me down. If you tried to slap me you’d best expect to be slapped back.

  I cracked the door open just enough to see out with one eye. What a sight it was too. A tailored black suit was draped artfully on a six foot four inch frame. Nordic features and long blond hair that a girl could really enjoy running her fingers through. Cerulean blue eyes met mine and seemed to impale me under their gaze. Shaking myself mentally, I squared my shoulders and opened the door further. His face was businesslike, but his eye widened a bit as he took in my five and a half foot frame.

  I was still wearing the clothes from my night’s adventures. A pair of black cargo pants and a long sleeved black knit top that allowed me freedom of movement while still being snug enough to not catch on obstacles. They were snug enough to show off my curves nicely too. “What business does the Council have with me?” I asked, throwing my dark brunette hair over my shoulder and meeting his blue-eyed gaze with a glare of my own. “May I come in?” He asked. “A hallway is not a proper place for such a discussion.” He said in a cultured, slightly british accent. I stepped out of the way to let him in. I might have forgotten to mention the cat.

  He was two steps into the apartment when he saw Fangs stalking towards him with his tail low and his ears laid back. Eyes going wide, the tall stranger jerked to an abrupt halt. He crouched in a defensive stance and his hand moved swiftly towards his side. All movement was arrested however, when the kukri I had kept down by my side suddenly appeared at his throat. The razor sharp steel just barely caressed his pale skin. “Fangs sit.” I commanded in a steady voice. The big cat did as he was told, but you could tell he wasn’t happy about having an unknown predator in his territory.

  “Deacon Caine meet my cat, Fangs. I love my cat.” I finished. My tone was deadly. “Don’t threaten me Ms. Cain.” Came the growled response. “Isn’t that what you are Mr. Caine, a threat from the Council?” I said. The kukri stayed rock solid against his throat.

  In a blur of black and blond, my knife was knocked out wide as his right hand grabbed me by the throat and slammed me into the wall. Fangs was immediately crouched ready to launch himself at my attacker. A snarling growl issued from his throat as his ears went flat and the hair on his back spiked up. The only thing keeping him in place was my earlier command. “Call off your cat before someone gets hurt.” Ground out Caine.

  My voice was a little raspy from the grip he had on my throat. “Don’t worry about the cat” I said as the kukri came up between his legs and settled firmly against some very sensitive parts of his anatomy. “Worry about the owner.”

  We stayed frozen that way for a moment, our eyes locked in a silent struggle for dominance. Finally he relaxed his grip on my throat slightly. “I’m not here to fight Ms. Strong. I just want to talk.” He removed his hand completely and with both hands raised, backed up a step. I let him back away and slowly slid the kukri back into its sheath. “So talk.” Came my terse reply. Deacon looked over at the tensely coiled form of Fangs. “Can you call off your companion first?” He asked, with a little trepidation in his voice. Relenting somewhat, I walked over to Fangs and stroked his head. “It’s okay Fangs.” I said as he looked up at my touch. I scratched his ears and said, “Go lay down.” He reluctantly complied by walking over and jumping up to the bottom platform of what I called his castle. It was a floor to ceiling contraption made of carpet covered platforms and twine wrapped tubing. Fangs loved it.

  I waved Deacon Caine into the room and led him across the thick, cream colored carpenting of the living room to the table in the dining area. I could almost feel his steady gaze as he watched me move. Taking a seat in the chair at the head of the table, I motioned him to one on the side. “So, to what do I owe the dubious honor of a visit by a Council representative?” I asked, arching an eyebrow. He returned my gaze with a considering expression before reaching slowly for something inside his jacket. I tensed a bit, my hand inches from the kukri. His hand came out just as slowly. It was holding a stake. Looking a bit closer, I recognized it as the stake I had left in a certain pile of ash a few short hours ago.

  Caine slowly placed the stake on the table between us. “The Council is aware of your somewhat...extreme reactions to the more predatory of our kind.” My face drew into a scowl as I considered his words. “Extreme? Predatory? Mr. Caine, we are all predators. We are not all sadistic monsters who kill and torture for pleasure. Monsters, I might add, that over and over again threaten to expose us by their actions.” I said as anger started to raise it’s head inside me. Deacon Caine raised his hands in a placating gesture. “I’m not here to chastise you Ms. Strong.” He said, lowering his hands. “A certain segment of the Council more or less agrees with your actions. Moving the trouble makers is becoming less of an option as modern information technology becomes better at spotting patterns.”

  “So what?” I asked dubiously. “Does the Council want me to start doing their dirty work for them?” Shaking his head a little he said, “The Council is not yet ready to embrace actions such as yours as an official policy. However, at least some of them consider your activities to be beneficial in certain instances.”

  I tilted my head in thought at his political double talk. “That sounds like someone wants me to be their private assassin and in that case, I’ll pass.” I said, preparing to stand up and escort him to the door. I was half out of my seat when he said, “Darius has surfaced.” Wobbly legs suddenly deposited my ass back into my chair with a thump.

  Darius was the sick bastard who changed me. Not that he meant too, I was just lucky enough to escape before he finished killing me. My family hadn’t been so lucky. He’d killed them just to get to me...and he’d made me watch. He took “playing with your food” to a whole other level.

  Shaking myself mentally, I looked back up to meet Deacons gaze. “Where?” Was all I managed to get out. Caine leaned back in his chair, considering me for a moment. It was as if he thought I might jump up and run out the door if he told me the location. Finally he nodded and said, “Denver.”

  “How do you know?” I asked “We don’t know for sure.” He said. “However there are certain indications. A rash of missing children, all girls between 12 and 14. This is not so unusual in and of itself, but one of the bodies was found in a shallow grave. A fleur-de-lis was found branded on the left breast, amongst other….damage.” He said with a subtle wince. My hand raised of its own accord to touch a spot over my heart. The fleur-de-lis brand was the only physical scar I had from my ordeal. It was his opening move. He branded his victim with that symbol of purity before starting his defilement.

  “What about the families of the missing girls?” I asked, trying to take it all in. “The families remain unharmed.” Replied Deacon. “T
he girls were all reported missing from their beds in the morning. No signs of a break-in were noted.” I considered his reply for a moment. “That’s a change from the past.” Caine nodded in agreement. “When you were taken, killing the entire household could help cover the crime. Now, it just causes more of an uproar.

  It was my turn to nod in acknowledgement. I wasn’t old by vampire standards, but I remember a time before telephones were in every home and many people lived isolated lives, out of the day to day view of their neighbors and extended family. By the time people realized someone was missing, it was far too late to do anything about it. “So, either his M.O. is evolving with the changing times, or it's not Darius.”

  “We believe that the brand is the key.” Said Deacon. His eyes glanced briefly at the spot on my chest I had reached for earlier. “The dimensions are identical to that which was placed on you. The same….defilement after the fact was also noted.” I shuddered as memories I tried hard to suppress, came flooding back.

  The terror of being shackled in the dark, naked and helpless. The searing pain of the brand followed by days of worse pain and torment. I must have locked up for a moment because the next thing I knew a gentle hand gripped my forearm. Coming back to myself, I saw those blue eyes, surrounded by a far more gentle expression. “Are you okay?” He asked. The formal speech and reserved tone were suddenly replaced with what looked like genuine concern.


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