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Kaitlyn Strong Books 1-3: The Complete First Trilogy

Page 6

by Art DeForest

  I took a deep breath and tried to think of the possibilities as objectively as possible. I’ve had Fangs for five years now and they had been wonderful. He was my first pet. When I had stopped traveling the world trying to learn all I could about kicking butt, I bought Fangs to keep me company in my new settled life. I tried to envision stretching that five years out over decades. “I can live quite comfortably with that.” I said with assurance. “Are there any other side effects?”

  Sara nodded her head. “One serious and one maybe not quite so serious.” she said with a slight grin. “First, the serious effect is that if you die, he dies. No familiar has ever continued past the death of it’s companion. Secondly, the blood ritual conveys the same regenerative properties that you currently enjoy. That in and of itself is not a bad thing. However I notice that your cat...I’m sorry does he have a name?” She asked suddenly.

  “Fangs” I replied. “Sorry”

  Sara shrugged and continued. “I noticed that Fangs is a neutered male.” I nodded, wondering where she was going with this. “In that case, I suspect, that which was removed will regenerate, making him whole once more.”

  I considered all she had said for a moment. It seemed to me that even if Fangs died when I did, he would still, in all likelihood, live far longer than any normal cat. Assuming I didn’t do something stupid and get myself dusted. The fact that he was likely to literally ‘Grow a Pair’ didn’t bother me at all. He’d already been neutered when I bought him. The breeder said neutered males were more playful. As far as I was concerned, if Fangs once more had the potential to bring a litter of baby fangs into the world, well, so much the better for the world. “Just so I have it all straight,” I said. “Fangs would essentially become a feline Renfield. Correct?

  “Yes” Sara said firmly “You have the essentials.” I stood straight and met her eye then. “Let’s do this.” I said with as much confidence as I could generate.


  The ritual itself was pretty straight forward. There was no burning sage bundles or owl feathers like you see in the movies. Sara placed one hand on my shoulder and one on the crown of Fangs head. He looked up at us and gave a questioning meow, but he seemed to trust that we knew what we were doing. Sara started chanting in a language I had never heard before. It had a low guttural quality to it, as if she was talking to the very earth itself. A tingling sensation started at my feet and started moving up my body. Fangs eyes grew wide for a moment, then he laid his head back down and seemed to sleep.

  When the tingling had spread throughout my entire body, Sara nodded her head at me. Taking the kukri out of its place on my hip, I opened the vein on my wrist letting the blood flow. Then I followed the instructions she’d given me earlier. Usually vampires only ooze a little blood when they are cut, but this time the blood coursed freely. Sara used the hand on Fangs head to gently turn it up so his toothy maw could better catch my offering. Fangs was aware enough to swallow the blood and not choke on it. This went on for a few minutes. I had to pause every once in awhile to reopen the vein as my natural healing ability kept trying to close it. Eventually, Sara indicated that I had shared enough. I raised my arm and backed away as she removed her hand from my shoulder and placed it on Fangs’ side, over his heart.

  Her chanting grew in strength then as a dim light seemed to infuse Fangs. He shook a little, as if he were having some kind of seizure. My heart froze in worry, but the seizure quickly settled down. Within a couple more minutes, his breathing had become steady and it no longer had a rattling sound attached to it. Sara’s chanting faded off to silence and she gently removed her hands from Fangs. “He will sleep until the regeneration is complete. Let us go find your friend. He undoubtedly needs to feed and this would not be a good place for that to occur. I nodded in agreement and we walked back down the hallway to the bar area.

  Deacon and Marcus were sitting in a corner table, away from the rest of the patrons. Marcus was nursing a beer. Deacon looked haggard and there was a red tinge around his eyes as he looked our way. Seeing the danger signs of a vampire on the edge. I went over quickly. “Why don’t we go get a bite, huh?” I said as I approached the table. “It’s been a long day already.”

  Deacon glared at me a little, but nodded in agreement.

  Marcus cleared his throat a bit. “We really should go check the latest crime scene before there’s nothing left of it.”

  “This won’t take long.” I replied. “It’s better to get this out of the way now than having a starved vampire really disrupting the crime scene.” Marcus thought about it for a moment, but was forced to agree.

  “Can you take us somewhere that has humans in it? Or at least back to our hotel so we can pick up our Suburban?”

  Marcus stood. “I know a decent place on the way back to the hotel.” Looking a little surreptitiously at Deacon he whispered, “He isn’t going to kill anybody is he?”

  Deacon heard the comment and actually growled. “Only you if we don’t get out of here quickly.” He said, standing and eyeing Marcus’ throat ominously.

  I looked over to see Sara standing calmly and watching the scene. “Can I leave Fangs here for a little while?” I asked pleadingly.

  “Certainly dear. When he wakes up, I’ll introduce him to my own familiar. I’m sure they’ll get along famously.” She said with what seemed to be a slightly wicked grin. It made me nervous and I wasn’t sure why. Shaking off the feeling, I thanked Sara once again and followed the boys out the front door.

  It was a short ride that ended outside what looked to be a trendy local nightspot. I watched Deacon closely as he stepped out of the car. He stood for a moment just gazing at the entrance before taking a deep breath and settling a seductive smile on his lips. Glancing my way, the combination of that smile and those cobalt blue eyes, made things low down in my stomach flutter. “This shouldn’t take long.” He said confidently before turning back and walking off towards the entrance.

  Quinn and I waited a couple of minutes to let him get settled, then followed behind. Loud thumping dance music pounded out of the speaker system, accompanied by strobing and swirling lights of every color. A mass of swarming people crowded the dance floor, moving sinuously in time to the beat. My own eyes tried to turn red at the smell of all the hot blood coursing through the room, but I’d fed on a nice juicy wannabe rapist recently and had no problems keeping control.

  Marcus took me by the hand and led me to an open space at the bar. “You want anything? He asked as the bartender approached.

  “Scotch, neat.” I replied as I scanned the room for Deacon.

  Looking a little surprised by my choice, he turned to place our order. I spied Deacon at the edge of the dance floor with a busty redhead entwined around his torso as they gyrated on the floor. Something venomous tried to crawl up from my gut into my eyes as I watched him pull her in close to nuzzle her neck.

  “What the heck is that?” I asked myself as I tried to remain still and not go over and rip the redheaded hussy’s throat out. “He’s only getting dinner and you’ve only known him a few days!” I chided myself as the green eyed monster reluctantly withdrew from my gaze….a little.

  I saw a drink make its way into my vision as I continued to watch Deacon and that...young lady dance. Glancing Quinn’s way, I thanked him and threw back the scotch. The smokey burn making it’s way down my throat helped bring me back to reality. Marcus looked at my empty glass with a raised eyebrow. I just shrugged and gave him my innocent little girl smile. “Should we sit?” I asked, waving over to a couple of empty seats. “A couple more dances like that” I said, gesturing at Deacon swaying out on the floor. “And he’ll be as good as new.”

  Marcus nodded as we sat down to wait. “Are you and he….?” He asked, eyebrows raised quizzically. “What? No!” I said maybe just a teensy bit too quickly. “We just met a couple of days ago.” I said regaining my composure.

  Quinn smiled at me a little as I floundered. “Well, in that case,” he said with a challen
ge in his eyes. “Would you like to dance while we wait for your acquaintance?”

  I wanted to say no, but that challenge in his eyes had me hesitating. “Sure.” I said. The words seeming to blurt out of my mouth on their own volition.

  Quinn smiled engagingly and lead me out on the floor. I wasn’t really dressed for clubbing. Dark grey dress slacks and a white button down shirt were about all that had been protected from the smoke and water back at the hotel room. Still, even if it wasn’t my LBD (Little Black Dress), it still looked good and let me move around freely.

  We swayed and gyrated through a couple of bouncing dance songs. Marcus moved well. You could see the natural grace of his animal form in his every move. He had tawny colored hair that kinda reminded me of Fangs and green smiling eyes that shined as we danced. Abruptly the driving beat of the latest song ended to be replaced with something much slower and softer.

  Marcus gathered himself and pulled me close with a slightly predatory smile on his face. I noticed that he smelled really good as his hands came up to rest lightly on my waist. “Damn” I thought as my arms involuntarily went around his neck. Why does he have to smell good too?

  We swayed silently together in the subdued lighting for awhile. Marcus wasn’t as tall as Deacon, so I didn’t have to crane my neck to see up into his eyes. It was….nice.

  Suddenly Deacon was beside us. His color was much better and he seemed the picture of health. There still seemed to be a little red around his eyes though as he scowled at us. “If you two are done cavorting, perhaps we can get back to the job at hand and investigate this latest murder scene?”

  “Cavorting?” I thought. “Who even says cavorting anymore. Gee whiz, nineteenth century much?” I thought in exasperation. “Of course.” I said lowering my arms and putting some space between myself and Marcus. “Are you sure you don’t need a little more to eat?” I asked keeping an innocent expression on my face. “You still seem a bit on edge.”

  He drew himself up, his nose riding slightly higher in the air as he responded. “I am fully recovered, I assure you. I’m simply anxious to proceed.”

  I gestured toward the front of the club with a mocking little bow. “Then by all means, lead on.” Humph, maybe I wasn’t the only one who had a surprise visit from a green eyed monster.

  We were almost back to Marcus’ car when the smell of multiple Lycans hit me like a slap in the face. We all stopped at once as shadows started separating from the surrounding gloom around Quinn’s SUV. One shadow leapt up from behind the big vehicle, to land on the roof in a crouch. The illumination of the street light showed it to be a Lycan in his battle form. Lycan battle form is kinda what you see on TV. All bulging muscle and thick fur along with a wolf like head and muzzle. If the guy hadn’t been snarling and drooling all over the place. I would have thought it was kind of hot.

  “Apparently not everybody is happy with our being in town.” I said conversationally

  Marcus started loosening his tie before starting on the buttons of his shirt. “They’re already changed. There won’t be any discussion. When they attack, do what you have to in order to protect yourselves.” The last part came out in a deep growl. I could already see fur sprouting from his body and the muscles of his chest and arms grew visibly as he cast his shirt aside.

  Deacon came up beside me. “Are you armed?” He asked as we eyeballed the six beasts awaiting our approach.

  “Always” I said as I reached behind me to untuck my shirt in the back and putting my hand on the Colt Defender concealed there. I had left the utility belt that carried my kukri as well as my shoulder rig with my Kimber 1911 in Quinn’s vehicle. They may as well have been on Mars at this point.

  Abruptly Quinn stepped forward and a vicious growl escaped his fanged muzzle. His battle form was….impressive. His fur appeared to be solid black and he stood well over seven feet tall. Yellow eyes glared out at his opponents as he raised one clawed hand to them and made a ‘come get some’ motion. His bicep bulged at this and I swear it was as big as my thigh.

  The Lycan that had been crouched on the roof of Quinn’s SUV leapt high into the air, coming down with sidewalk cracking force in front of the other Lycans. Standing tall, he locked eyes with Quinn and returned his growl. Quinn surprised me a bit then as he briefly glanced at Deacon and me. “Mine” he growled out before turning back to face his opponent. I didn’t think he’d be able to form words at all in that form.

  The other lycan’s held their ground as the two males approached each other. I kept my hand resting on the Commander, but didn’t draw it.

  Quinn’s opponent wasted no time. He dove head first, three inch fangs aimed straight at Marcus’ throat. With incredible speed and ferocity the two wolves came together. Marcus was planted and balanced to receive the attack and a massive clawed right hand flashed out in an arc. It connected solidly with the side of his opponents head, diverting the snapping jaws away from his throat. A yelp escaped the assailant as he crashed into a mailbox beside Marcus. He bounced back up in a defensive crouch before Quinn could finish him off. Four long, deep cuts from Marcus clawed fingers ran with blood down the side of his opponents furred head.

  As the two wolves started circling each other, the rest of the attacker’s buddies started spreading out in an attempt to get at us and prevent escape. Deacon stepped between two cars, body angled to face the street. A large handgun appeared in his hands as he covered our flank. My Colt came out of it’s pancake holster as I took a position covering a frontal assault.

  Quinn lunged in close to his opponent. His right hand came swinging in fast, trying to take the shorter wolf’s head off with the massive blow. The other lycan managed to duck under the blow and quickly lunged under the swing, hitting Marcus in the stomach and driving him across the sidewalk. The two slammed into the brick wall of an office building so hard I wondered briefly if they’d punch right through.

  The lunge and tackle opened a path straight to me for the wolves headed my way. A large grey and white furred female took the opportunity to stalk through the gap and head my direction. I really didn’t want to shoot a firearm on a city street if I could help it, so I growled out, “Honey if you think there are normal bullets in this gun, you’re in for a rude awakening.” I let the beast come up and turn my eyes crimson. The wolf hesitated at that, coming to a halt about five feet in front of me.

  I was focused completely on the wolf in front of me when the wet snap of breaking bone came from the snarling battle by the building. My opponent and I both glanced that direction involuntarily as the crack was followed by a gurgling exhalation of breath. Marcus stood tall with his opponent’s head in both hands. By the hideous angle of the creature’s neck you could tell that he’d snapped it in his powerful grip. The low deadly growl that issued from his mouth made the hair on the back of my neck stand up as he quickly raised the body over his head and threw it at the female in front of me, sending both her and the body crashing into the side of a car.

  The rest of the wolf gang stood frozen in place. Even in battle form you could see the looks of astonishment on their animalistic faces. The female struggled up slowly to a standing position. Immediately Quinn took a menacing step towards her, his growl going deeper. Apparently she didn’t want to play. She crouched low in a submissive position, eyes lowered to the ground and facing to the side, offering her neck in supplication. Quinn’s eyes looked up then. He met the eye of every other wolf on the street. Each one of them dropped their gaze in submission. Huh, break one guy’s neck in a fight without getting a scratch and all the sudden no one wants to play anymore. Who knew?


  I could smell the scene of the crime well before we got near it. There was a lot of blood on the ground. Enough to know that someone was either playing with their food or was new to the game. “Was the victim mutilated or just bitten?” I asked Marcus.

  “A little of both.” He said. Reaching into the breast pocket of the spare suit he kept in his SUV for occasions such as the
one we had left a little while ago. I’d hate to have to keep him in new clothes. I’d be broke. Shining a light on the picture, he showed me what he meant.

  The milky dead eyes of a young woman somewhere in her twenties looked back out at us. She would have been attractive in life. She had shoulder length blond hair and an athletic build. She was wearing black yoga pants and a CU Buffaloes hoodie. I suspected she’d been out jogging on the nearby trail when she was taken. “As you can see.” He said, wiggling his pen light on the area of focus. The victim’s throat was ripped out, not merely bitten.”

  Looking over my shoulder at the picture, Deacon said. “That looks like a new vampire made the kill.”

  “I agree.” I replied. One that isn’t being controlled by its maker. My mind flashed back to the time after my escape. I had left both people and animals in a similar condition. Without instruction there was no way to know that our saliva could not only keep blood flowing, but could also heal puncture wounds almost instantly if we so desired. Plus, self control is not exactly a strong suit for new vampires. The senses are extremely heightened and the hunger is so overpowering that babies become almost mindless killing machines when there were tasty human juice boxes nearby. “I wonder if Darius had another escapee.” I said, frowning in thought. “If so, we need to find it quick or we’re going to have another dead body soon. We may already have one.” I said as I scanned around the immediate area. An uncontrolled youngster is going to feed every night if it can.


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