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Pleasure Slave

Page 2

by Ann Jacobs

  If only she weren’t so timid… But she was, so she turned and headed for a toy store. If she was going to rent a sexbot, she should also get some toys to enhance her experience with it. And some exotic fruits to nibble while her sexbot sucked on her clit. She’d go to the Intragalactic Market next, then to Pak Song’s famous House of Pleasure. No, she’d go get her clit pierced first at that studio that advertised they used the new, self-healing method that didn’t hurt. Doreen swore that her clit piercing made her orgasms ten times stronger than before.

  Cassie thought of her doting father. She imagined what he’d say to her, remembered what he’d yelled at Doreen when he found out she’d gotten her clit pierced a few months ago. His words still rang in her head.

  Females of the ruling class don’t look for thrills. They do their duty, breed new generations of rulers with semen harvested from chosen males. Which you will be doing soon enough.

  Apparently eager to get his wayward daughter out of the view of his fellow Federation members, her father had sent Doreen here along with Cassie and Nebula, her half sisters, with strict instructions that they get the wildness out of their systems. When they returned home, she and Doreen would be sent to breeding farms, and Nebula would be turned into a drone because of her defective gene.

  Cassie shuddered. Once, just once in her boring, highly regimented life, she’d like for sex to grab her up and blow her away. She wanted to experience the rush of sexual orgasms coupled with an emotional high no sexbot could provide, find herself swept up to a place her friends all talked about but she’d never been. She wanted to have sex with a real live man. One with all his body parts intact.

  Not a sexbot and not one of the eunuch sex slaves selling their wares on the Street of Slaves.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. Not back home on Earth, where she would be imprisoned in a breeding farm and impregnated with the semen of a man she’d never know or even meet.

  Here, though? She could have real sex, if only she had the nerve. She wanted that hunk with the long, silky hair and bulging muscles that she’d almost followed into Leander’s. Too bad she hadn’t scared up the courage to follow him.

  She hadn’t, though, so she’d have to make do with one of Pak Song’s famous bots. Focusing her gaze on a display of multicolored glass dildos beneath a shimmering ball light, Cassie stepped inside the toy store.

  * * * * *

  The buzz of Leander’s electric clippers rang noisily in Guy’s ears. The sound reminded him of the rocket engines revving before his starship took off—it was just that loud. It was fuckin’ hard, even with the months of training he’d gone through at the hospital, to control his phenomenal gifts of superhuman hearing and sight. The enhanced sensation had replaced total darkness and silence to which he’d almost acclimated before Pak Song had installed the sensors in his brain and reopened his world. Guy hadn’t tested the strength enhancement yet, but he figured, if he got in a situation where he needed raw physical power, having the super dose of it that he’d been given would come in handy. Now, the sharp, buzzing sound of the clippers was grating on his senses, giving him the sort of throbbing headache that no sexbot, and not more than a handful of men, would ever be bothered with.

  The brush of his own severed locks as they slid against the towel the barber had draped over his bare shoulders reminded him how every touch, each breath of air against his body now produced sensation magnified a hundred times by the new sensory centers embedded deep within his brain. His balls tightened when he imagined Cassie bombarding those heightened senses with her warm, wet breath, her gentle touch. He damn well might die of a sensual overload when he sank his cock inside her tight, wet cunt.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to turn off his brain to the deafening roar of the clippers as they passed over his skull. Instead he concentrated on the soft sensations of feminine hands applying the hot wax that would rid his body of the rough hair that had been allowed to grow during his hospitalization.

  Concentrating on the waxing was a lousy idea. It hurt like hell when the attendant began ripping away the strips along with every last remnant of his hair. He always chose the old-fashioned waxing over the new methods. Maybe that needed to change now. Next time he’d opt for permanent hair removal even though Pak Song had warned him that, because of his new bionic sensitivity, he’d feel short-lived but excruciating pain from the lasers as they destroyed countless millions of hair follicles. Eventually, he would incorporate pain into his sensory system, but, until then every sensation would be magnified a hundred fold.

  Desperate to distract himself from the bombardment of sound and feeling, Guy went on a mental search for Cassie. Yeah. There she was, buying some nipple clamps. No, not clamps—rings. Shiny, silver ones connected by a thin gold chain. Three of them. Two for her pert little nipples—he saw that they were already pierced—and the third to pierce the impudent little nub that peeked out below her plump, pale mons. He loved the way she smiled when the blue midget clerk, obviously a refugee from that colony on Gamma Minor, dropped them into a bag and pointed her toward a display of vibrators and butt plugs. Guy’s balls tightened, and he felt his cock began to swell when he imagined how those rings would look, dangling from her nipples and swaying in her pretty clit as she moved.

  Her oohs and ahs over the biggest of the dildos made him chuckle. Wait until she got a load of her “sexbot’s” very real cock and balls. Distracted for a minute by the agonizing pain that followed the jerk of an attendant’s hand on the wax she’d slathered over his groin a minute earlier, he concentrated again, finding Cassie in time to watch her drop a set of anal stimulators in graduated sizes into the bag beside the delicate rings and a big, realistic-looking glass dong.

  “You want big ring, to show off this big cock?” The smiling attendant tweaked the tip of his penis.

  “Huh?” How the hell did the attendant know he was imagining tweaking those rings in Cassie’s puckered nipples, catching the one in her clit between his teeth? Then Guy realized the woman was asking if he wanted a ring in his cock piercing, the one he hadn’t thought about until now. What the fuck had happened to the thick, gold, curved barbell he’d worn before his injury, since his father had given it to him for graduation from flight school?

  It probably was in the safe at the hospital, he guessed, along with his identity papers and the insignia he noticed had been removed from his vest, most likely as soon as the medical decision was made that he’d have to be enhanced. “Oh. Yeah. And replace the rest of the jewelry, too.” No self-respecting Earthling would present his unadorned cock to a lady.

  “You want your head waxed or shaved?” Leander asked, rubbing a hand over Guy’s freshly clipped scalp.

  “Shaved. But get it smooth.” It had never bothered Guy to lather up every morning and scrape off the stubble from his skull as well as his face. Maybe it would be easier, with his enhanced sensitivity. On the other hand, he didn’t relish listening to Leander’s razor cutting through each of the hairs atop his head, or enduring that deafening sound every morning for the foreseeable future.

  Apparently Leander realized he was waffling, because he grinned and said, “Wax will get it smoother, boss. Like a baby’s ass. Then you relax under my tanning lamp. Ten minutes, make you look like you just spent month on a Bali beach back home. If you get waxed, you’ll not have to have it done again for a week, maybe longer.”

  Guy laughed. “Okay. If you insist.” The warm wax felt deceptively soothing as Leander applied it to his scalp. But the warm, pleasant feeling soon gave way to agonizing pain when the barber ripped off the first strip of wax from above his left ear. “Ow, damn it! I heard each and every one of those hairs screaming for mercy.”

  “Sorry, so sorry. Look, my girl has brought some pretty baubles to help you impress the ladies. Real gold. Precious stones brought all the way from Earth and that mining outpost they opened up last year on Mars. I told her to find red ones to match your eyes. They will make your cock shine the way your scalp wil
l after a tan and oiling. Pick whatever you like. I make you good deal. Real good.” Leander laughed as he jerked another strip of wax off Guy’s throbbing scalp.

  Guy could barely think for the sharp pain on his scalp that seemed to get worse with every strip of wax that Leander yanked off. Eventually, though, he became accustomed to the tearing sensation. By the time the barber reached his hairline in front, Guy could almost relax.

  He looked over the sparkling jewelry in two black velvet trays. What would Cassie like better? Smooth gold or sparkling faceted stones? Garnets or rubies? Guy spotted a smooth, heavy, gold ring adorned with nothing but a cabochon ruby inset in a good-sized captive bead. He selected it and a dozen matched ruby-studded barbells for the frenum ladder that marched down the underside of his cock and through the four perfectly aligned pairs of piercings in his scrotum.

  While Leander’s assistant inserted the jewelry he’d chosen, Guy glanced at the other selections she’d brought out.

  “You like the other rubies? I thought you would,” she said when she noticed the attention he was paying the earlobe plugs and the studs for facial piercings.

  “Yeah.” He fingered the stretched holes in his earlobes and felt for piercings that had practically closed in his nostril and just below his lower lip. “I may as well go for rubies here, too.” Guy had always worn plain gold jewelry, the only kind allowed him when in uniform, but now… He imagined some men would try to call attention away from glowing, red bionic eyes, but he’d embrace the otherworldly look just as he intended to embrace life as an outcast from Earth.

  He chose small, faceted ruby studs for the piercings below his lower lip and in his nostril, and thick, gold plugs with cabochon ruby centers for his ears. As Leander ripped another strip of wax off his stinging head, Guy remembered Cassie’s purchase and imagined chaining her to him at chest and groin.

  On Earth, no male would dream of piercing his nipples. But then Guy could never go back there. He’d make a statement to himself and others that he embraced his exile from his home. “Can you pierce my nipples?” he asked as the girl was putting away her wares.

  “Oh, yeah, boss. I love a man with rings in his nipples.” She scurried into a back room, only to return with her supplies. “I brought you nipple rings that match this one,” she said, tweaking the new ring that entered the slit in his cockhead and exited through a hole on the underside. “Your slave will like them.”

  Guy shuddered as he recalled the pain that had followed the ritual piercings of his penis and scrotum. “I hope you use the new method I’ve heard people talking about,” he muttered, dreading the pain from her needle but too proud to back out.

  “Don’t worry.” She held up a tool that looked basically like a tiny laser gun. “This pierces and seals the hole, two quick sticks and it will be over. Won’t hurt, I promise.”

  “I doubt that. But go ahead.” He steeled himself so he wouldn’t scream when she did it.

  “No hurt. You relax now.”

  He tried but couldn’t help remembering how his cock had hurt for weeks after it was pierced. “I’ll try.”

  Although he’d braced himself to endure more agonizing pain, these piercings didn’t hurt at all except for an initial light, burning sensation. Half an hour later he stood, admiring Leander’s handiwork in a full-length mirror. He looked damn good if he said so himself.

  “Rubies go with your eyes, boss,” Leander said, laughing. “Gives your face a fierce look.”

  Guy agreed. With his gleaming scalp and tanned face, the ruby jewelry called attention to itself—and to his glowing, red eyes. “Yeah. It does at that,” he told the barber and his female assistants. “Thanks.”

  More important than his new look, Guy was thoroughly enjoying the bombardment of erotic sensations—movement of warm air against his newly hairless and deeply tanned skin, the swaying of his cock and nipple rings and the weight of them and his other body jewelry.

  Damn, he was already half hard and anticipating the pleasure of fucking Cassie. “Good job, my friends. No one would guess by looking at me that I just spent months lying in a bed over at the hospital.”

  His mind zeroed in on Cassie once more, and he soon spotted her leaving the Intragalactic Market with a basket of fruit then walking purposefully toward the entrance to Pak Song’s. Fuck, he had to hurry! “Do you still have that entrance to the back room at Pak Song’s?”

  “Yes, boss. Right through that curtain.” Leander gestured toward the back of the store, past the safe where he kept the jewelry. “Pak Song still keeps his sexbots there, all lined up on display, waiting for customers. Go through the storeroom and you’ll get right into his shop. Wait a minute, don’t you want your clothes?”

  When Guy concentrated, he saw Cassie again, hesitating just a minute before stepping through Pak Song’s front door.

  “No time.” Sexbots didn’t wear clothing anyhow. Heedless of his nakedness, for it wouldn’t matter now that he was properly groomed, Guy held out a hand so Leander could scan his thumbprint to get his fee. Retinal scans were out, he guessed, for folks like him who had bionic eyes. “Thanks,” he said on the way out the back door and into Pak Song’s storeroom.

  * * * * *

  Listening hard, he was able to make out Cassie’s shy request. “I’d like to rent an Earthling sexbot for my pleasure, sir.”

  “Would that be a male or female, pretty lady?”

  “Of course, a male sexbot. After all, I am a woman.”

  “Oh, yes. That you are. For you, I recommend the giant luxury model.” Pak Song clapped his wrinkled hands, the noise reverberating in Guy’s ears. “One night with him, my beauty, and you’ll never be without a Pak Song sexbot again. Two hundred fifty Obsidion credits a day, and he’d be a bargain at twice the price.”

  “If you think so…” She sounded interested but not quite certain.

  Guy loved her innocence, her shyness. His cock swelled when he thought of how he would introduce her to forbidden pleasures.

  No time for fantasies, though. He had to hurry if he was to pass himself off as that sexbot.

  Striding up the line to the first and biggest bot, he concentrated on discerning its mechanism and disabling it with the laser beams implanted in his eyes. He’d never tried using them that way before except in practice sessions with his therapist, but fortunately they worked just as Pak Song had promised. Hurrying, Guy stripped off the sexbot’s silver collar and strapped it around his own neck.

  He hesitated a moment when he noticed the wicked-looking silver chastity device locked over the bot’s cock and balls. But then he beamed it open. Wincing, he clamped the device over his shaft and scrotum, leaving his cockhead free. Every place the damn thing touched pinched one of the neural implants beneath his skin.

  For a minute Guy hesitated. His equipment obviously worked to a degree or he wouldn’t be hard as a rock and throbbing. He worried, though. What if he was more machine than man? What if he stayed like this for hours, unable to get off?

  Fuck, he couldn’t think about that now. He unhooked a chain leash from the plain silver ring in the sexbot’s penis and fastened it onto his own cock jewelry. Then, ignoring the bite of the chastity device as he forced it closed around his already swollen flesh, he strode through the door to Pak Song’s showroom, praying to all the gods that the cyborg maker was giving Cassie the right key so he wouldn’t have to beam the chastity device open and blow his cover before the action even started.

  Chapter Two

  Oh my.

  Her sexbot looked almost real. His gleaming, golden skull reflected a fiery glow from the red lights when he strode through the door behind the counter. Smiling, he bowed before his owner and they exchanged a few words in the strange-sounding Obsidion tongue. Then he nodded and strode to her, rubies flashing fiery light in his earlobes, nostril and lower lip.

  His eyes glowed scarlet, as though he could see through her clothes and liked what he saw, and she liked the way his full, sensual lips curled up at the
corners. When he handed her his leash, she followed its length to the ruby-studded gold ring threaded through the fat, purple head of his swollen cock that jutted from an ornate chastity belt made of filigreed silver. The belt for which his owner had just handed her the key.

  So this was the giant deluxe model Pak Song had sold her on. Whew! Cassie’s heart beat faster when he moved beside her and stood as though awaiting her order. He was huge, at least six feet five or more of what looked like solid muscle. She noticed rubies like the one in his leash ring winking at her from captive beads in his brilliant gold nipple rings. Seeing them reminded her of her own nipples and the slim chain that tugged at them whenever she moved—and the new, hypersensitive feelings the new piercing in her clit evoked. They didn’t hurt, but they served as a constant reminder that they were there, and that her flesh was needy but as yet untouched.

  “Shall we go now, Mistress?” The sexbot’s voice sounded deep and rumbly, like whiskey and honey, when he gestured pointedly toward the door.

  Why was it she felt more like a slave than a Mistress? It wasn’t this sexbot’s impressive size as much as the commanding tone of his voice and the heat of his warm, silky flesh beneath her hand when she laid it over his heart and felt the slow, measured simulated breathing for which Pak Song’s sexbots were renowned. The rippling of muscle she’d never expected to feel unless she sampled a real, living human male. Her pussy clenched and her clit swelled and tightened.

  With fear? More like anticipation, she thought as she imagined herself unlocking the chastity belt and unleashing the power of the luscious beast trapped inside.

  “Y-yes. Let’s go.” The key in her hand felt warm, reflecting her heat, her desire. She didn’t want to waste a second of her time with her magnificently real-looking toy. “This way,” she said, tugging at his leash when they came to the broad avenue where Yolanda’s Resort Hotel lay nestled at the end, in a grove of limbless trees.


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