Familiar Strangers
Page 22
Could she? Regin wondered in the far off place her mind had drifted to. Did she really care if Galen/Colin suffered for the next fifty years? Yes, she did. There was no denying the peace sweeping away the numbing pain. She didn’t want him to suffer, no matter what the cause. He might not return it, but it didn’t mean she would refuse him her love.
Regin felt the barriers surrounding her heart give way with no warning. Suddenly there was light everywhere, filling her, flooding her every sense. Memories crashed into her mind, but no longer were they memories of her life lived in the past. These were new memories. Memories of a man who died alone mourning the one love he failed to save. Colin never betrayed her. The pictures from his memory were clear as the years swept by. Visions of the madman trying to destroy her and the love he couldn’t understand. He had orchestrated everything she had seen and done.
By God, he won’t have another shot at me or mine, Regin vowed. It was time to show him the woman she had become in the century since they’d last met.
Regin felt the last bonds fall from her, thanks to Caprice’s quick thinking and quicker hands.
Determination gave her the courage to open her eyes and face her living breathing nightmare. “Hello, Rupert. Feel like dying tonight, you stupid son of a bitch?”
The fight was quick as she had known it would be. “You will never destroy us,” she shouted. “I love him and he belongs to me. You’ve owned me in fear for years. No longer. Go to hell, you powerless bastard.”
Will never stood a chance once he lost his power over her. With every word she spoke, he crumpled further to the ground. A weak, destroyed, pathetic man. He vanished in a swirl of dust and screams.
She was free. Free to be with the man who’d owned her heart a century ago. The man who owned her heart now.
Regin ran out the door. She crashed into Galen’s waiting arms.
“Colin,” she whispered as she looked into his familiar eyes.
A look of surprise, happiness, and love crossed his handsome features and filled his eyes.
“You remember?” “I remember,” she answered. “I remember everything.”
“Oh God, Regin. I was so afraid.” He crushed her in his arms. “I thought I ruined it for us. I thought he had gotten to you again.”
“I’m safe and Rupert can never harm us again,” Regin promised as she turned to look over her shoulder. “Isn’t that right, Caprice?”
The older woman smiled. “It is so,” she agreed. “Now be happy, both of you. Live your life with love and remember how rare a gift you’ve been given, finding one another again. Never take it for granted, my young ones.”
Regin slipped out of Galen’s arms and walked to Caprice. “Where do you go now? Is your job here done?”
A look of joy lit the Cajun woman’s features. “I go now to my reward. I’ve paid the price for my mistakes all those years ago. But don’t worry about me,” she patted Regin on the arm. “I’ve been waiting just as long to find my love again. And now it’s time,” she whispered.
Galen drew Regin back into his arms and held her tightly. “I do love you, Regin.”
“And I love you, Galen,” she answered as they walked back to his house.
“But, Regin, if Townsend is dead who came after you?”
She shook her head in wonderment. “All this time, Galen and no one knew.”
“Knew what?” he demanded.
“That it was Will.”
“Will was Rupert?” he asked, astonished. “Yes, but he had his memory complete. He knew who we both were, past and present. He was the one who led me to Townsend on the bridge.”
“I would love to kill him all over again.” Galen said.
“He’s nothing to us now. I’ve broken his hold and he can never touch us or our love again.” Regin stopped at the stairs and looked down at her feet.
“What is it, baby?”
“I’m sorry, Galen. Sorry I didn’t listen to you before. Sorry I didn’t listen to my heart, earlier. Then none of this would have happened.”
Regin felt his hand cup her chin as it forced her eyes to meet his own. “There is nothing for you to be sorry about. We both made mistakes, Regin. They’re in the past now. Then or now, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is we’re together and nothing and no one is ever going to change that.”
Regin pulled his head down and pressed his lips to hers. Everything was as it should be. Their love would not be destroyed by jealousy or hate again. Their hearts were linked through eternity. Pulling away from their kiss, Regin looked into his silver eyes and saw her life in their reflection. She grabbed Galen’s hand and walked with him toward their house and future.
About the author...
It came as no surprise when Allie Standifer decided she wanted to write humorous, adventure-filled romance stories. After all, her life has been one of constant adventure—from surviving the wilds of oft-flooding, hurricane- magnet Texas where she lives now to growing up in Saudi Arabia where her brother tried to sell her to Bedouins (for what amounts to less than $1.50).
Drawing on her own weird experiences, Allie knew her books could never be about humdrum boy meets girl. Her stories have a decidedly paranormal twist to them, filled with past lives, chain e-mail-sending oracles, magic, sexy gods, and heroines who know exactly what they want. Then don’t mind fighting a little dirty to get it.