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Erin's Awakening

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by Sasha Parker

  Erin’s Awakening by Sasha Parker

  Erin’s Awakening

  The Blessed Five

  Book Two

  by Sasha Parker

  © Copyright July 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

  All cover art and logo © Copyright July 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Caroline Kirby

  Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  I want to say thank you to all my friends and family who have supported me and been patient with me while writing this series.

  Thank you especially to my fans for your wonderful comments and expressions of love, it because of you that I do what I do.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Books by Sasha Parker

  Excerpt from Jasmine’s Escape

  Excerpt from Raising a Cowgirl

  Excerpt from Tyrant's Keep

  Excerpt from Big Bad Alpha

  Excerpt from The Eyes Tell No Lies


  The man checked into the hotel and went up to his room. He had sent his men out to do some snooping around to see what had the town in such a twist. He grimaced at his own pun. The Blessed Five may have vanquished his cousin, but oh well, it happened. He still had a plan.

  He had the chalice and was so close to getting the athame. With his contact at the Council headquarters, he hoped to have the athame soon. Now he had to get the sisters. According to the old text, which he had been studying, he had to have the eldest alive. He was trying to concentrate on that first.

  His phone buzzed and he saw the text from his men in town. So, they were having a wedding. That did put a dent in his plans. He would have to be careful. He texted back for them to find out when the wedding was to be held. He would hate to have to put off his clandestine meeting. He wanted to see her, he had to keep her docile and ignorant of his true reasons for seeing her.

  He glanced out the window of the town. He could almost reach out and touch them. He was staying one town over. Wouldn't they be surprised if he just popped in for a little hello. He laughed aloud. If they only knew who he was.

  Chapter One

  Erin Kirkpatrick threw her shirts into her suitcase as she said, "I need to go. This is what I do. They need my help. The end."

  Aedan and Myles O'Conner stood in her bedroom with their arms crossed as they informed her she couldn't go to Dublin. They were Guardians sent from the Wiccan Council to protect the Blessed Five. The Blessed Five consisted of her and her four sisters: Adrianna (Ari), Kira, Sheela, and Calli. There had been a set of Blessed Five in their family for generations. The five sisters controlled the five elements: fire, water, earth, air, and spirit. They were witches, real honest to goddess witches.

  The Wiccan Council was made up of four magical beings. One representative from the main branches of magic: witches, fairies, elves, and warlocks. They kept order in all things. They knew if magick was used. Their grandmother had told them the four were all-powerful and could tell when and where it had been used.

  The Guardians were like their soldiers. They were sent out to keep those safe that were in danger from either another magical being or human. Reilly and Lachlan Parsons had been the first Guardians they had all met when they had shown up at the castle in the glen. They had been sent to watch over Ari as well as the rest of the sisters. From the moment the Guardians had met Ari, they knew she was their 'match'.

  From what Erin had learned, Guardians had medallions hanging around their necks that were magical. They were able to tell the Guardians when there was danger around them and, according to Lachlan, they warmed against their heart when they met their future wife. It all sounded romantic, but Erin wasn’t going to touch that with a ten-foot pole. She was married to her work. Besides, she had had one too many bad relationships in the last few years and didn't want to try again anytime soon.

  Now she had to face the two angry Guardians who were standing in her bedroom. They had shown up to help guard all the sisters after the second attack that had happened shortly after they had gotten their powers. A man had shown up looking to take Ari with him. She had fought him off when he had rendered the others helpless. It had shaken all of them to the core when Ari had crumpled to the ground after the battle.

  Luckily she had been okay, she had been injured in her side with what their grandmother called a 'magick burn'. It could have been much worse.

  Ari and her men had left to go to New York to pack up her things there because she was marrying her men in a couple of months and they would live in the glen at the castle. Their grandmother had already hired workers to renovate the family bedrooms into five suites for the sisters in anticipation of them all living there permanently. Ari and Calli were the only ones who had outright agreed to the idea. The others were giving it serious thought.

  "It is not safe for you to go,” Myles stated as he stood there trying to look intimidating.

  She glanced over at them as she continued to pack. They were impressive in looks. They were brothers but couldn't have looked more different except for their eyes, both had warm, chocolate brown eyes. Myles was six foot two or three, long blonde hair that he always had tied back. Aedan was almost as tall as Myles standing at six feet tall, where Myles had had shaggy, blonde hair that fell to his shoulders, Aedan had short, blonde hair. Both of the men had muscular bodies, fit for inspiring the naughtiest fantasies. Aedan had the largest biceps Erin had ever seen. Her panties hadn't been dry since she met them.

  "Erin, we are trying to keep all of you safe. With Reilly and Lachlan off in New York, it falls to us. It's not a good time for you to go.” Aedan was the one that seemed to try to be sensible.

  She knew somewhere in the back of her mind they were right but when the veterinarian from the Dublin Zoo had called, she couldn't say no. He had heard she was in country on sabbatical. When the epidemic had broken out among the seals, he had been relieved to be able to call her and she had agr
eed to come.

  She sighed and turned to stand in front of them. "I understand, but I have been getting better with my power and am sure I can take care of myself.” Erin's power was water and she had been practicing with her grandmother. She felt confident that she really could protect herself. Well, at least until someone showed up to help.

  "We know you have been practicing and you have been doing great. Can you wait a day or so until we can get some more Guardians here? Then we could go with you.” Aedan tried again to be sensible.

  "I tell you what, I don't leave until tomorrow. If no Guardians have shown by then, I go and you can just follow me there as soon as some do, okay?” she reasoned.

  "No,” Myles said giving her a 'you will obey me' look.

  "Myles, we have to let her do this,” Aedan said calmly. "Okay, Erin, if that is your compromise, then we accept."

  "Good. Now go on, I need to finish packing.” She shooed them out of her room.

  She leaned back against the door and closed her eyes. How much longer could she avoid this attraction to them? According to her body, not much longer, she thought with a chuckle. She had been thrown off kilter ever since they had arrived. That day had been one she would never forget.

  One morning after the sisters had been blessed with their powers, they were all down in the dining room having breakfast before Reilly and Lachlan would take them to the clearing for their workout. The doorbell sounded and Erin volunteered to answer it. When she had opened the door, two of the most gorgeous men she had ever seen stood in front of her. Her jaw had dropped at the sheer size of them filling the doorway. Her mark began to heat on her chest. Each of the sisters had been gifted with a mark over their hearts when they had received their powers. It was four circles connected by a fifth, it looked like a flower, it was actually simple but beautiful as a representation of their blessing. She placed a hand over hers as she continued to stare at the men before her.

  "Hello there, sweetheart," one of the giants said as his deep voice sent shivers down her spine.

  "Which of the Blessed Five might you be?" the other asked in a gravelly voice.

  As she tried to find a voice to answer them, Reilly stepped into the foyer and said, "Erin, what's wrong? Who is it?" Reilly was always on alert, especially since they had been honest with him and Lachlan about the incidents of attacks against each of the sisters.

  Her head snapped back to the men in the doorway as one of them said, "Ah, Erin." He had said it softly and with a little growl that had Erin's panties dampening from the sound.

  "Don't fret, Reilly, help is here," said the other one with a wink sent to Erin.

  "Aedan? Myles?" Reilly said as he stepped up beside Erin to shake their hands. "It's good to see you both. Come in." He stepped back to allow the men entry and quirked a brow at Erin as she seemed glued in place. Then she shook her head and snapped out of her admiration of the two giants in the doorway to stick her tongue out at Reilly.

  Reilly cleared his throat and said, "Erin Kirkpatrick, I would like you to meet Aedan and Myles O'Connor. They are the newest Guardians to grace us finally with their presence. Aedan and Myles, this is Erin, one of the Blessed Five."

  They all shook hands and Erin's eyes widened as her mark began to heat. She could still see Reilly looking back and forth between all three, then he broke out in a big smile. He leaned over to Erin and whispered, "I'm telling Ari," he taunted as she pushed him back through the doorway to the dining room.

  She shook her head, he was becoming like a brother she wanted to throttle. She glanced over at the two newest Guardians. There seemed to be an instant attraction between the three of them when she had opened the door. She didn't need this now, she had to get hold of her powers and decide what she was going to do about her professional future. She turned and headed up to her room to get ready for their workout. Men were not in the cards right now, she kept repeating to herself as she went. Now if she could only believe it.

  Chapter Two

  As the two men left Erin's bedroom, Myles smacked Aedan on the shoulder. "What the hell was that? She can't go to Dublin without us, Aedan, it's too dangerous."

  "We have to let her do this, Myles. If we don't, she will resent us.” Aedan remained calm.

  "It's too dangerous,” Myles growled.

  Aedan sighed. He knew where his brother was coming from because he felt the same way. When they had arrived at the castle and met the sisters, they had known something was up. When they each had shook Erin's hands when introduced, their medallions had heated up, telling them she was the one. She was their match, their future wife. They had both looked at each other stunned and happy all at the same time. They had agreed to teach the sisters some fighting skills in order to spend time with her. It was actually the only way they had been able to touch her so far. To say that both brothers were frustrated was an understatement.

  She was everything they could want in a woman. She had light brown hair that fell past her shoulders and her eyes were a rich brown that reminded Myles of the chocolate he loved so dearly. She had a shapely body, curvy in all the right places. She seemed confident when she was around her sisters but when they caught her alone, she became shy and standoffish.

  Well, unless they questioned her work. Which was obvious with what just happened in her room, Aedan thought. They were going to have to prove to her that they could be trusted and that she could open up to them.

  "The Council needs contacted and a report made. I spoke to Lachlan this morning and he assured me they would be back either tomorrow late or the next morning,” Aedan said.

  "I will call the Council now and see if anyone is headed our way,” Myles said and headed to his room.

  Aedan nodded and headed off to find Coni. She may be able to help in some way to slow Erin down until they could go with her.


  As Myles headed to his room to call the council, he thought back to when he had first been able to get Erin alone. She had stormed away from where they were practicing different fighting techniques with all the sisters. Kira had made a comment to her about her being all 'hot and sweaty' with the men. Myles had smiled at Erin and Erin had turned to begin to head back to the castle. He, of course, had followed her. He walked behind her for a few silent moments while he let them get out of sight of the clearing. Then he reached for her hand and pulled her to a stop.

  "Hey there, what's got you so stirred up?" he asked her.

  She whirled on him and said, "Why must you do that to me?"

  He frowned. "Do what? Teach you to defend yourself? It is your destiny to be part of the Blessed Five. You need the skills."

  "No, touch me," Erin said.

  Myles smiled widely and said, "Well, that is not only a pleasure but a necessity."

  Erin snorted. "Yeah, okay."

  Myles pulled her closer and slid his hands down her arms slowly, her breathing increased as he leaned in to place his lips next to her ear and growled, "You are in need of a spanking and I am just the man to do it." He lightly patted her ass and then caressed it.

  He heard her sharp intake of breath and could feel her increased heartbeat. He smiled, his little witch liked that thought. He ran his tongue along the shell of her ear and she pressed closer to him, rubbing her breasts against his chest. He kissed the side of her neck and then down to her chest. Her arms came up to surround his neck.

  He felt her stiffen for a second as Aedan approached her from behind. Myles had heard Aedan approach, knowing he would come to check on Erin as well. Both of them were drawn to her in such a way that they had to assure themselves she was all right at all times.

  Aedan stepped up behind her and ran his hands up her back, then circled her neck from behind with his hands, tilting her head back. He leaned around and kissed her deeply as Myles slowly slid her shirt up. He kissed around her collarbone then lightly traced her mark with his tongue. She moaned at the contact. Then he curled his finger into the cup of her sports bra to pull it down over her nipp
le. It was poking out, reaching toward his waiting tongue, all rosy, begging for his touch. He curled his tongue around her nipple slowly and then sucked it into his mouth.

  Erin gasped into Aedan's mouth as he continued his onslaught, dueling his tongue with hers. Aedan groaned as she began to suck on his tongue, mimicking what she wanted to be doing elsewhere. Just as he slid his hand down to tuck inside the front of her pants, there was the telltale signs that someone was coming in their direction though the woods.

  Myles groaned as he released her nipple with a 'pop' and began to put her bra back into place. Aedan slowly released her mouth as he began to step back to give her room. Erin blinked her eyes slowly as she came out of the sensual haze the men had placed her in. Myles waited for her to start screaming or railing at them but she didn't, she took their hands in each of hers.

  "I'm sorry I got angry," she said. "I'm not used to this, whatever this is. We can't do this again."

  She turned and walked away from both of them, leaving them looking at each other, stunned by her reaction and comment.

  Myles shook off his thoughts of Erin as he entered his room to call the Council. He had to be in Guardian mode when speaking to them. They were all about business, although he knew they would approve of their match with Erin. He went over to where the laptop was set up on the desk in the corner and signed on to Skype.

  Twila, one of the Council's assistants, answered the call. "Good day to you, Myles. How can I help you?"

  "Good day, Twila. I need to speak with Kai if possible," Myles informed her.

  "I will get him. One moment." Twila got up and walked away.

  Myles waited while Twila went to go find Kai who was a Warlock and one of the Council members. There were four in all, one representing each of the main branches of power: witches, fairies, elves and warlocks. Vesta was the Witch member who was a strong witch in her own right and wasn’t someone you wanted to tangle with by any means. She was strong in her beliefs and made decisions based on facts presented. Things were mostly black and white with Vesta.


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