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Drawn: A Hammer Novel

Page 3

by Sean Michael

  Harrison’s smile grew. “I’m in charge here, Giles.”

  “Don’t be creepy, now.”

  Harrison’s fingers pushed hard against his gland. “I’m not being creepy.”

  “I...” His thoughts scattered.

  Harrison’s fingers slid away, the man kissing him again as he shifted, moved, the noise of the condom almost lost in the man’s groan. If his mouth hadn’t been busy, he would have protested. He needed more touch. More pressure. More...



  Harrison’s was thick and hard and so hot as it pushed slowly into him, spreading him good and wide. Giles’ eyes rolled as he stretched. Huge. Harrison was hung. God, yes.

  “Tight. Fuck, you’re so tight.” It didn’t slow Harrison down any, though. The man kept pushing into him.

  “More.” Fuck, that was a life-changing cock.

  Harrison grabbed his legs and put them over the wide shoulders, then pushed in deeper -- all the way in, deeper than anyone had ever been. Giles’ eyes rolled and he just went with it, his body screaming in pure joy.

  “Ready, pretty man?” Harrison didn’t wait for his answer, just began to thrust into him, each movement solid and sure.

  “Hell, yes. Hell. Yes.” He bucked, arms fighting to get free.

  The fingers of one of Harrison’s hands began to tweak his nipples, moving between them as Harrison kissed and fucked him.

  Jesus, the man was good at that. “Harder.”

  “You’re pushy.” It didn’t slow Harrison down any, though, the hard thrusts gaining momentum and power. Harrison’s thick cock pounded into him.

  “Gotta...gotta ask for what you want.”

  “True. Don’t worry, though. I’ve got what you need right here.”

  “Do you?” He didn’t fucking doubt it.

  “I do.” Harrison didn’t say anything else after that; the man was pretty intent on fucking him through the mattress if the hard, hot thrusts had anything to say about it.

  He might have screamed, might have begged. It didn’t matter. He just needed. Harrison kept fucking him, not stopping for anything. The man was a fucking machine.

  “Come on, pretty Giles.” Harrison grabbed hold of his cock, twisting the ring in it. “Come on my cock.”

  “Oh. Oh, fuck...” He nodded, panted. “Do it again. Now.”

  “See? Pushy.” Harrison grinned and twisted the ring even harder this time.

  Come shot out of his cock, his ass gripping Harrison’s prick.

  “Fuck! Yes!” Harrison rammed into a him a few more times and then came with a low, sexy groan.

  Giles hummed. Nice. Very nice. Harrison pressed soft kisses over his face, cheek rubbing against his.

  “Mmm.” Sweet. He licked the corner of Harrison’s lips.

  Smiling, Harrison shifted, pulled out, and then settled next to him. The strong fingers plucked at his shirt.

  “Thank you.” He needed to get free. Harrison took the shirt off him, easy as anything. He arched one eyebrow. “How come that was so easy for you?”

  “Because I know about restraints.”

  “I know about paint.” He tried to tell himself not to get too melty.

  “Cool.” Harrison drew him close and nuzzled him.

  “Mmm.” Stay awake. Stay awake.

  “Sleep, pretty Giles. We can play more after.”

  He didn’t sleep. “Mmmhmm.” Still, he could stay.

  “I have toys,” murmured Harrison. “I promise it’ll be fun.” One strong arm wrapped around him, Harrison’s hand curling around his hip.

  “I like to play...” His eyelids surprised him by drooping.

  “Good. We’ll play.” Harrison kissed the side of his mouth and then settled, heavy and warm and good next to him.

  He didn’t sleep.

  He did...

  Chapter Three

  Harrison woke as the sun began to light his room, his arms full of warm, snuggly man. Mmm. Now that was the way to wake up.

  Giles had a lot of potential, though the man seemed a little clueless about his own needs. A fascinating mix of sophisticated, jaded, and oddly innocent -- Harrison was afraid he could be captured by that combination, by the man.

  He slid his hands over whatever flesh he could reach, just touching, enjoying the heat and silk of Giles’ skin. Giles’ eyes popped open, the look wild, concerned for a moment before they landed on him.

  “Hey, pretty G. You’re good.”

  “Hey. Sorry. Was sleeping. Weird. Good morning.”

  “It was weird that you were sleeping?”

  Giles had the oddest ideas.

  “Mmm. Yes.”

  Harrison chuckled. “No, sleeping is not weird.”

  “Mmmhmm. Unnatural.”

  “You seriously don’t usually sleep? Like at all?” That could explain a lot.

  “Nope. I work, nap.”

  “Ah, so you do sleep, just in little bites.” He stroked Giles’ belly. The man had a great body.

  “Mmm.” Giles pushed closer, the little lines where Giles had hurt himself fascinating Harrison’s fingers.

  “You like pain,” he said softly. He had some ideas about that, about how to use Giles’ need to cut to his own advantage.

  “I. What?” Giles looked at him in pure shock.

  He chuckled and pinched Giles’ right nipple.

  “Hey.” Giles backed away a bit. “I never said that.”

  “No? Not with your mouth.” He rubbed his finger along one of the marks on Giles’ chest.

  “I told you, that was an accident...”

  “I don’t think so, Giles.”

  The boy didn’t realize he was into pain, maybe, but that hadn’t been an accident. Especially not after the first one.

  “Shh... No talking.”

  Oh, someone didn’t want to face himself. At all.

  “I like talking. If you don’t, though, I’d be happy to find a gag.”

  “You’d look funny in a gag.”

  “So it would be you, then.” He gave Giles a wink, but it was nonetheless the truth.

  Giles chuckled, laughing for him. “No gags.”

  “No?” He ran his fingers along Giles’ pretty lips. “You’d look hot.” Of course, Harrison was pretty sure Giles would look hot under most circumstances.

  “No...” Giles licked his fingertips.

  He felt that lick right in his balls. “You would look hot, you can’t deny it.”

  “Sure I can.”

  That made him laugh. “Okay. Yes, you can deny it, but that doesn’t make it true.”

  Giles winked at him, tongue flicking his fingers again. He hummed, pushing his fingers right into Giles’ mouth. When the suction started straight away, he knew he’d made the right decision.

  “You’re a sensual creature, aren’t you?” He fucked Giles’ lips with his fingers, his cock responding to the suction and the sight. Giles blushed, the suction never stopping. “I want you. I want you to ride me this time.” What would Giles do when he had free rein? Harrison was eager to find out.

  His fingers popped free.

  “I can handle that.”

  “Good.” He slid his wet fingers behind Giles’ balls. That little barbell fascinated him, and he tugged it. He let one finger slide over Giles’ hole as he did.

  It surprised him that the sweet hole was slightly swollen. He’d gotten the impression that Giles was well fucked, and often.

  “Sensitive?” he asked, finger sliding back and forth.

  “Mmmhmm. ‘S good.”

  “Yeah?” He slipped the tip of his finger into Giles.

  “Yeah.” Giles nodded, moving nice and easy.

  He pushed his finger deeper, groaning at the tight heat that grasped at him. Giles
squeezed him, body rippling around his touch. “Fuck. You could become an addiction.”

  “You’ll get tired of me. No worries.”

  “Somehow I don’t think so.” This one had so much potential.

  “That’s a sweet thing to say.”

  Harrison laughed. “Pretty G -- the last thing I am is sweet.”

  Giles leaned in, brushed their lips together. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Hmm?” Giles licked his lips.

  “Why don’t you believe it? You don’t know me, you don’t know what I’ll do or want or anything.”

  “We’re talking. Did you notice? We were supposed to be fucking.”

  “You’re not big on talking, huh?” Harrison lay back and patted his hips. “Come on and ride, then.”

  “Talking gets in the way.” Giles grabbed a condom, slipped it on him.

  “And yet you didn’t want the gag.”

  “Shh. I told you you’d look cute in it.”

  He laughed, tugged on Giles’ leg. “Come on and ride, pretty man.”

  Giles nodded, slicked his cock, and took him in a smooth, easy motion.

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck.” It felt so good. Giles was hot, tight, just about perfect.

  “Yeah.” The lean body started moving, riding him, sliding on his prick.

  “That’s it, pretty G. Ride me. Just like that.” He wrapped his hands around Giles’ hips, but let the man take the lead.

  “You’ve got an amazing cock.” Giles’ mouth was open, tongue flicking out to wet the kiss-swollen lips.

  “I do.” He knew how to use it, too.

  “Modest, t... Oh, yeah.” He could see each ripple of Giles’ abs.

  “I don’t need to be modest.” He groaned, humping up into Giles’ body.

  Giles rode him without any inhibition, head thrown back, throat working. Reaching up, Harrison slid his fingers along the exposed throat, watching as Giles swallowed convulsively. He tapped the man’s Adam’s apple once and then slid his fingers down along Giles’ chest toward a nipple.

  Giles’ motions slowed, like the man was waiting for him. He slowed his movements, too, taking his time to get there as Giles’ tiny, pierced nipple drew up tight, begging his touch.

  Moving nice and slow, he grabbed the ring and twisted it.


  Look at that man arch. He twisted it harder, and Giles rocked, body jerking on his prick, muscles rippling around it.

  “Fuck, yes!” He pushed up with his hips, then moved to twist the other nipple.

  Giles’ hands landed on his knees, fingers digging in.

  “Look at you.” He ran his hands up and down along Giles’ body, fingers pushing into the lean abs.

  “Uh-huh. Good.” Giles moaned for him, cock bobbing.

  He pushed one hand beneath Giles, touching where their bodies met and tugging on the barbell there. So sexy.

  “Yeah...” Giles nodded, moved faster.

  “That’s it. Ride me like you mean it.”

  Giles opened his mouth like he was going to speak, but didn’t say anything.

  “What, pretty man? What were you going to tell me?” He wanted to know -- he wanted all the information he could get on Giles.

  Giles moaned. “You... you might not want me to mean it.”

  “I do want you to mean it.”

  “Oh...” Giles’ eyes closed.

  He jerked his hips up, pushing into Giles with force.

  “Fuck!” Giles’ fingers dug into his legs.

  “That’s right.” He pushed up again, getting as much leverage as he could to push in hard.

  “Amazing fucking cock...”

  He grinned and nodded. He wasn’t modest about his looks or his abilities -- he wasn’t arrogant about it, but he was a fucking good lover. Giles was a wild man, too, riding him like there wasn’t anything else to do in the world. He got his hand around the man’s cock, letting Giles’ own motions move the hard cock along his palm.

  “Good. Come on. Come on.”

  “You first.” He squeezed Giles’ cock.

  “Uhn...” Giles shuddered. “No way. You.”

  Laughing, he pushed his thumb into Giles’ slit. “No. You.”

  “Oh. Oh, fuck. N...not. Not... Oh, fuck.”

  He reached with his other hand and tugged on Giles’ balls, and then the barbell behind them. “You are coming first.”

  “Not...” Giles groaned. Stubborn man. Stubborn, beautiful man.

  “Yes. You. First.” He found just the right angle, making Giles cry out.

  The sweet cock swelled, Giles right on the edge.

  “I’m gonna make you fly, pretty G. Fly high.”

  “Oh, God...” Giles arched and cried out.

  “Yeah, right there.” He kept hitting that spot, his hand working Giles’ cock hard.

  “God. Yes. Yes, fuck...” Giles’ ass went tight-tight around his cock, heat splashing over his hand.

  “Yes!” He let go, his spunk filling the condom, drawn out by Giles’ tight grip.

  “Fuck, yeah. So good...” Giles was right there. He drew Giles down, bringing their mouths together. Sloppy now, lazy and sated -- this kiss made him smile.

  He slid his hands over Giles’ body. He did love a sensual sub.

  “I should go work. I’ve been here for hours.” Giles licked his lips, hummed softly.

  “Do you have a schedule you need to keep?” He knew some artists did, others didn’t.

  “A schedule? Me? No.” Giles laughed. “I just work.”

  “Then you can stay.”

  “Can I? Maybe for a little while.”

  “Good.” He kissed the top of Giles’ head and hugged him close. It took a moment for Giles to relax, to ease into his hold, but it did happen.

  Harrison thought Giles needed this, to be made to be still as much as he needed to feel the pain, to find his focus through that. If fact, Harrison thought he was exactly what Giles needed.

  And it worked the other way, too.

  Chapter Four


  The painting needed scarlet.

  Giles grabbed the specially mixed tube and squirted it, letting it splash on the canvas before he attacked it, spattering the paint with his hands.

  His phone rang. And rang and rang. He frowned over at it, trying to decide whether to answer.

  Maybe the painting needed yellow.

  The phone just kept ringing. He grabbed it on the way to the cabinet to pull out another tube. “What?”

  A warm chuckle sounded in his ear. “Hello, Giles.”

  “Harrison.” He hunted his cadmium yellow. “What’s up?”

  “Not a lot. I wanted to get together with you.”

  “When?” He probably could go out tonight. Or next week. Maybe.

  “What are you doing now?”

  “Looking for cadmium yellow.” Where the fuck was it, goddamn it?

  “Painting, nice. I could meet you there, bring supper with me.”

  “What kind of food?” He could be convinced.

  “What kind do you like?” God, Harrison had a great voice -- how could food sound so sexy?

  “Finger foods. Spicy foods.” Oh, he could add some white.

  “Spicy? Like Ethiopian? Thai?”

  “I like Thai. Bring something sweet, too? Oh, there’s that cobalt blue...” He hung the phone up, heading back for the canvas.

  The phone started ringing again. He frowned, grabbed it again. “Yeah?”

  “You hung up without even saying goodbye.”

  “Did I? I’m painting.” The world wasn’t real then.

  “Next time say goodbye before you hang up.”

  Giles snorted. “Or what?” He ope
ned the cobalt, squeezed the tube.

  “Or I’ll come and make you.”

  The paint spread over his fingers, slick and cold.

  “I’ll be there in ten.”

  The phone went dead and he stood there, frowning. Wait. No. He was working. He dropped the phone and looked at it, expecting it to ring again. It didn’t, though, and the canvas was calling for him, so he got back to work, slinging the paint wildly.

  More ringing started, but when he checked the phone, that wasn’t it. He frowned. What the hell? It took another three rings before it hit him. Doorbell. He hit the buzzer. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Harrison. With dinner?”

  “That was fast. Is it dinnertime? Wow.” He buzzed Harrison in. Weird. “Hey. I... Come in.” He never had people in the studio. How did Harrison even know where it was? Had Giles told him? Oh, Harrison had driven him back here. “There’s a table over there by the bed.”

  Harrison glanced around as he headed over for the table. He chuckled as he put down the food. “You look surprised to see me -- we did talk about it on the phone.”

  “No. Not surprised. Just... I didn’t know it was time for supper.”

  Harrison grinned and hauled him up against the big muscles. “Why am I not surprised?” Mouth descending on his, Harrison kissed him hard.

  Oh. Wow. Also, yum. He blinked and kissed back, whimpering into Harrison’s mouth.

  “A man could get addicted to you, pretty G.”

  “That could be dangerous.”

  “For you?”

  “No, sweet man.” He was the scary one.

  “I’m the big bad Dom, pretty G.”

  “Hmm?” Oh, the food smelled luscious.

  Harrison just chuckled and sat, dragging him down to sit on one big thigh.

  “My hands are dirty...”

  “Mine are clean -- I’ll feed you.”

  “I...” How charming was that? Honestly, how fucking sweet and hot was that? “That sounds delicious.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” Harrison opened one of the packages, the smell of pad Thai wafting up.

  “Mmm.” He scooted closer.

  “Your sensuality is very sexy.” Harrison’s finger slid from his collarbone on down along his breastbone.

  “Thank you.” The splashes of paint pulled his skin a bit, almost tingling.


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