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Drawn: A Hammer Novel

Page 9

by Sean Michael

  He pushed into Giles’ touch. The man’s fingers were addictive, constantly moving, feeling, touching him. “That depends on what you mean by ‘when did you know.’”

  “I mean, when did you go, ‘Dude, I like cock.’”

  Oh, that was easy. “Kind of always. I didn’t understand it was being queer, it was just what I liked. Eventually I realized what it meant.”

  “Yeah. I get what you’re saying.”

  “What about you?”

  “I knew when I was a kid, when I realized I didn’t think about girls like everyone else.”

  Harrison nodded, pleased that they had that in common. “Yeah, yeah, exactly. What was it like growing up with a twin?”

  Giles’ laugh rang out. “She’s amazing and evil and wonderful. She loves me when no one else does. She’s the one that defends me.”

  “Is she going to like me?”

  Giles looked at him. Blinked. “I don’t know. She might be jealous.”

  Harrison frowned. Now, how did that make sense? “Jealous?”

  Giles nodded like it was the most logical thing in the world. “I was jealous when she got married.”

  “I’m not sure I get it, G.”

  Giles chuckled, shrugged. “No worries. Happens all the time. Do you like dogs?”

  “I like them okay. I want to know why she would be jealous of me, though. I’m not replacing her -- I’m your lover, not your brother.”

  Giles sighed. “Just ignore me, huh? I’m being dorky.”

  He pushed Giles’ hair back from his face and looked into the man’s eyes. “I have no intention of ignoring you.”

  “You act like you care about me already.”

  “I thought I’d made it clear that I did. Do. You know what I mean.”

  “But you can’t. Not so fast.”

  “Why on earth not?”

  Giles hand patted him. “Because that’s in books. It doesn’t happen for real.”

  That made him snort. “Things happen the way they happen. Is this just sex to you?”

  Giles bit his own bottom lip, hard enough that it had to hurt.

  “Hey.” He licked at Giles’ lips until they relaxed. “I’m not going to be upset if you say ‘yes’ to that.” He wasn’t going to believe it, but he also wasn’t going to be pissed off.

  “You’re quiet. That’s why I had sex with you, that quiet.”

  He smiled slowly. “So I’m special to you.”

  “You’re special, yes. You have this silence. It’s hot.” Giles closed his eyes. “Necessary.”

  “You see?” He kissed one side of Giles’ mouth, and then the other. “It’s not just sex.”

  “It’s chemistry.” Giles lips chased his kisses.

  “For an artist, you’re very pragmatic.”

  Giles moaned. “For somebody not an artist, you think a lot.”

  “Is that your way of saying shut up and make me scream?”

  Giles answered by pouncing on him, kissing him hard. Chuckling, he rolled them, putting Giles down beneath him. If he was careful, he could keep Giles busy for the rest of the day.

  He was certainly going to try.

  Chapter Six

  Giles let himself get lost in the work, let himself forget that Harrison had asked to come in, watch. It hadn’t been as impossible as he’d thought. Harrison was quiet, still, the presence incredibly comforting. He worked three canvases at a time, telling himself a story with reds and blacks and deep, rich oranges.

  Harrison’s touch slid over his shoulder. “Giles. Food’s here.”

  “Food?” What? He wasn’t hungry.

  “It’s been hours, G, you need to eat. Just a short break.”

  “Hours? But...” Had it been?

  “Five to be exact. And I’m hungry, so I’m sure you are, too. So I ordered us some Thai food.”

  Thai food. He liked that. “Okay. I like that.”

  “I know. That’s what I brought last time. We’ll be more adventurous some other time.” Harrison took his hand and drew him to his little futon.

  He followed, humming, brain still on the second canvas.

  Harrison tugged him down and handed him a box. “Open it. Eat.”

  “Uh-huh.” He opened the box and took a bite, chewing meditatively. Then he stood up, heading for the canvases, food in hand.

  Harrison grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the futon. “Eat with me.”

  “I... Sorry. Sorry, the work.” Harrison smelled good. “Why do you smell good?”

  “I shower?”

  “Oh.” He’d have to buy some of Harrison’s soap.

  Chuckling, Harrison tugged him in close and grabbed one of his shrimp.

  “Are those yours?” From where he was, all he could see was Harrison.

  “They are ours. We’re sharing.”

  “Oh. What am I sharing of yours?” He peered over, seeing yummy-looking chicken and noodles.

  “Chicken Pad Thai.” Harrison picked up a mouthful with his chopsticks and offered it.

  “Yum.” He took the bite, slurping up the noodles. The spice was delicious, perfect, and he opened his mouth for more. Harrison smiled wide and picked up another piece of chicken with some noodle, pressing it to his mouth. It was delicious, and he found himself in Harrison’s lap, feeding the man bites of shrimp in exchange for more chicken.

  “I could get used to eating like this.”

  “Mmmhmm.” He was a little lost in it, really, and he leaned in, licking sauce off Harrison’s lips. Groaning, Harrison slid his tongue alongside, the flavor of the man and the spice mixing together.

  That made him smile, sigh. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” Harrison reached and then offered him a shrimp, hand-feeding him. He took the shrimp, then focused on cleaning Harrison’s fingers with his tongue. He could feel the heat of Harrison’s cock through his jeans, the hardness there increasing as he sucked and licked.

  “I’m working, not here to fuck.” Still, he’d never fucked here.

  “You’re the one sucking my fingers like they’re candy.” Harrison did look like he wanted to screw, though.

  “Wanted to make sure you were clean.” He liked sucking.

  “Oh, you did, did you?” Harrison grabbed a noodle, fed it to him, and then wiped his fingers off on his collarbone.

  Giles chuckled, tickled. He leaned in, dragging his tongue over Harrison’s skin.

  “Mmm. Make sure you don’t miss a spot.”

  He nodded, smiled, tongue lapping at the tanned skin, making Harrison groan and moan for him, hips pushing up into him.

  “There,” he moaned. “All cleaned.”

  “Mmm. Are you sure?”

  He tested with the tip of his tongue, satisfied. “I am. You taste like your skin now.”

  “And I smell like you.”

  He leaned in, took a deep breath. “No. No, you smell like you.”

  Harrison cupped his cheek and then tugged him in for a kiss. Their mouths were spicy, the kisses more than hot. Almost as hot as the feel of Harrison’s hands as they slid up and down along his back.

  They pressed together, and he let himself feel the heat all along his belly. Groaning, Harrison deepened the kiss, fingernails occasionally scraping over his skin. Everything went out of his mind, his focus on the way he and Harrison touched.

  Harrison bit at his lower lip, tugged on it. He groaned, pushed closer, his prick full, almost uncomfortable. Almost.

  Harrison brought him closer, rubbed their bellies together. One kiss led to another, then another, and Giles was floating. Their bodies rocked, their mouths sliding together, parting, coming together again. He tugged at Harrison’s shirt, wanting more skin.

  Harrison nodded. “Take it off, G.”

  “Uh-huh. Want skin.” He p
ulled the cloth open, then off.

  Harrison let go of him long enough to get the shirt off, then the strong arms went around him and tugged him in close.

  “Mmm.” His eyes closed, that amazing silence Harrison had surrounding him.

  Harrison licked at his neck, at his collarbone. He thought he could just stay there forever, resting in the quiet.

  “Do you want more shrimp or chicken?” Harrison asked, still licking at his skin.

  He shook his head. He wanted something else. “I’m good.”

  “Me, too.” Harrison latched on to his shoulder, sucking, mouth hot.

  Giles let himself melt, relax totally, as Harrison’s fingers slid to his ass and squeezed, bringing up the burn. “Mmm. Be nice.”

  “I am being nice. Making you feel, making you remember what we did.”

  He was too happy to argue, to do anything but rest, and when Harrison lay back, he followed, attached at the lips. There was a perfect spot on Harrison’s chest, just for him.

  The kisses continued, Harrison seeming happy to explore his mouth, and Giles felt a little drunk, a little like he’d been drugged. He couldn’t remember just kissing forever like this. Not ever. He couldn’t remember anyone ever wanting to do that with him.

  Giles thought he liked it.

  Slowly, so slowly he almost didn’t notice it, they began to rock, to rub together. Giles let his fingers slide over Harrison’s skin, petting the man. Hums and moans answered his touches, pushed between his lips.

  “Feels good.” Everything about Harrison felt so good.

  “You feel amazing, G. So good.”

  “Mmm.” He didn’t want to screw this up.

  Harrison’s hand slid between them, fingers opening the button on his jeans.

  “I don’t have sex in here...” He sucked in, let Harrison unfasten them.

  “Why not?” The zipper gave way under Harrison’s fingers.

  “I... This is the studio.” He worked here.

  “Okay.” Harrison kept kissing him, hand wrapping around his cock.

  “O...okay.” He didn’t even know what he was agreeing to.

  “Take my prick out, too, G.”

  “Mmmhmm.” He nuzzled, fingers sliding over Harrison’s belly.

  “Love your hands. Love them.”

  Oh. Oh, good. He smiled, fingers sliding up and down Harrison’s cock, reminding himself of the shape, before opening the man’s jeans. Harrison groaned and bucked, pushing into his touch, into him. It was the easiest thing ever to take Harrison’s cock out, stroke it. Then Harrison pushed their cocks together and wrapped both their hands around them.

  “Mmm.” He moaned, lips parted, tongue on Harrison’s skin.

  Harrison moved their hands. The silk of their cocks felt amazing and hot against his palm. They found a rhythm, slow and steady, moving like they didn’t have a care in the world. Their tongues tangled together, Harrison tasting as good as he smelled. Their eyes met, Harrison’s dark eyes warm and happy, and when Harrison’s thumb slid across the tips of their cocks, the man’s nostrils flaring at the touch, Giles thought he could just fly.

  “Oh. More.” That was fucking hot.

  “This?” A bit of a growl sat at the back of Harrison’s throat, so sexy for such a little, nondescript word. Harrison’s thumb moved over them again, the nail catching just a bit on his slit.

  “Yes. Yes. More.” He nodded. Loved that. Loved slit play.

  This time Harrison pushed his thumb into Giles’ slit, the pressure wonderful, and all he could do was cry out, seed spurting from him.

  “I love the way you smell.”

  He panted in response, hand still trying to move, and Harrison sped the pace, hips pushing up against him.

  “Good.” His head bobbed, and he forced himself to focus.

  “Yes.” Harrison nodded, bucking hard as more heat poured out between them His strokes slowed, eased, his head falling to Harrison’s shoulder.

  “Mmm...” Harrison’s chest rumbled beneath him.

  He blinked, slowly. Sleepy. So sleepy. Harrison’s free hand slid along his back, soothing, the sleepy getting stronger.

  Giles sighed and melted; he could think later. Much later.


  Giles’ “bed” was the hardest surface Harrison had ever lain on. He swore it was harder than the ground. He put up with it, though, because Giles was sleeping again, and he knew the man needed his rest. He was buying Giles a new bed in here, though. Not just for when he was over, either. No wonder Giles never slept if this was his only option.

  He’d spent all day watching the most fascinating thing he’d ever known. Watching Giles work was like nothing he’d seen in his life. It was pure magic. It was... It was an honor to sit and watch.

  He shifted a tiny bit, happy to be Giles’ mattress. Giles moaned for him, fingers on his belly.

  He rubbed his hand up and down Giles’ spine. “I’ve got you, G.”

  “Harrison.” The sleepy whisper made him smile.

  He kissed Giles’ forehead. “Right here.”

  “I... we’re at the studio.”

  “We are. You were painting. Then we ate, made love, and napped.” Now that Giles was waking up, he shifted, groaned a little.

  “You okay?” Giles slid off him, yawned. “You want coffee?”

  “Your futon isn’t the most comfortable slab of concrete I’ve ever slept on.”

  “That’s because it’s not for sleeping, just napping.”

  “I’m going to get you something more comfortable to nap on, G.” There was no need for Giles to use this torture rack of a bed?

  “Why? This one fits in here.” Giles padded into the little kitchenette.

  “Because if I’m going to nap with you, I need something less likely to cripple me.” His eyes followed the lithe body, admiring Giles.

  Giles’ snort was perfectly clear. “It’s not that uncomfortable.”

  He chuckled, getting up and stretching before smacking Giles’ ass. “That’s a matter of opinion.”

  “Careful.” Giles made coffee.

  “Of what?”

  “My butt.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m very invested in your butt.”

  “Butt investments.” Giles actually laughed.

  He slid his arms around Giles’ waist, leaned against him, and Giles hummed. “Oh. Oh, you’re warm.”

  “Mmm. Yeah?” He liked that.

  “Yeah. I’m going to get spoiled.”

  “That’s a good thing.”

  “Mmm. Maybe.” Giles watched the coffee drip.

  Harrison reached up and tugged on a nipple ring “No maybe.” Giles whimpered and twisted, butt rubbing against him. “God, I love these.” He twisted the other ring.

  “A...aches.” Giles loved it.

  “Yeah, I know.” He pressed his hips into Giles, his prick rubbing along the man’s ass.

  “I can’t fuck again. There’s no way.” Giles leaned back into him.

  “No? You sure about that?” He slid his hands along Giles’ body, starting at Giles’ shoulders and working his way slowly down.


  “I’m not so sure.” He let his fingers catch on the nipple rings and tug as he went by them.

  “I...” Giles’ head fell back against his shoulder.

  “You’re intoxicating.” He wanted to touch Giles forever. Giles chuckled for him, took a long, deep breath. He slid his fingers over the slender belly, traced the softly defined abs before tickling his fingertips along the edge of Giles’ tight little curls. He tugged a bit, then a little harder. “Look at that pretty cock.”

  “Pretty...” Giles moaned and arched for him.

  “Uh-huh.” He slid his fingers through the curls alongside the filling cock, careful not to touch i
t. The curls were heavy, dark, slick against his touch. He tugged, twisted them in his fingers.

  “Fuck. Stings.”

  He tugged harder.

  “Ow!” Giles went up on tiptoe.

  Chuckling, he bit at Giles’ earlobe.

  “That’s a little better.”

  “This?” He bit at Giles’ earlobe again. “Is better than this?” He tugged on the short and curlies again.

  “Hey! Stings!”

  “You like the sting. Tell me you don’t.”

  Giles’ face went stubborn. “I don’t.”

  Little shit. “No? Are you sure about that?”

  “I.” Giles groaned. “Coffee?”

  “I’d rather have you.”

  “You just did.” Giles arched for him as he tugged those dark curls again. “Fuck!”

  “That was ages ago -- you napped.” Okay, this was fun.

  “So did you.”

  “So I didn’t just have you. I had you one nap ago.” God, Harrison thought Giles was cute, trying to pretend he wasn’t into pain.

  “You did. I. You’re warm.”

  “Mmm. Feeling incoherent?”

  “Uh-huh. You’re distracting.”

  “Good. I want your attention right here. On me.” He wanted to be the center of that attention, just for a second.

  Giles moaned but nodded, leaning hard against him. He cupped the soft balls as a reward, giving them a little tug, a roll. His pretty baby arched, rolled toward his touch. It made him moan softly and do it again.

  “Damn...” Giles shivered for him. “I should...”

  “You should enjoy every second of it.”

  “Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking about working, but yeah...”

  “No thinking.”

  “Right. Okay. Yeah. For now.”

  He wrapped his fingers around Giles’ cock, dragging slowly along it.

  Giles shook his head. “Not going to, again.”

  “I don’t believe you.”


  “No. I believe your prick, though.” He jacked Giles slowly.

  “C...can’t believe that.” Giles moaned, leaned back against him.

  “I can, too. In fact, I do.”

  That long, needy cock was filling for him, weighing heavy in his hand. He rubbed the tip, played with Giles’ slit. He loved that little gasp, that jerk, that moan, so he pinched one of Giles’ nipples, flicked the ring.


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