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Shared: A Dark MFM Menage Romance

Page 6

by Lauren Landish

  I’m not sorry.

  Fuck, I’m glad as hell. I feel frozen in my seat, for a good damn reason. If I move an inch, I’ll be on her. That color on her cheeks tells me the one thing I’ve been dying to know. She’s interested.

  “It’s true,” I tell her, and point to the door, because if I spend another second in this room with her, she’ll be the next one we share—tonight. “You should really get some rest now.” I’m surprised by how strong my voice comes out, given how my heart’s hammering in my chest and my blood is heating.

  Bianca takes the bait, thank fuck. “You’re probably right.” She gathers up her books in her arms. “Have a good night, Damon. And thank you.” Her words come out quickly as she slips out of the room.

  I watch her as she goes, and then I realize I haven’t done a single fucking thing on our protocol list.

  Bianca is trouble. This is trouble waiting to happen.

  But damn do I want it. I fucking want her.

  Chapter 8


  I roll over in my bed, thinking about what Damon said to me, a soft sigh escaping me, my pointer finger tracing along my bottom lip. They share women. I’d heard rumors about it, but to actually hear him confirm it…

  Oh. My. God. That’s a damn nice distraction.

  I scissor my thighs together as my pussy clenches around nothing. It made me so hot hearing him say those words. I had to get the hell out of there before I made a damn fool of myself. Just the thought of the two of them together, their strong hands roaming over the curves of my body…

  A torturous moan escapes my lips as my nipples pebble and I feel myself growing wet between my thighs. All the while the seductive images flash before my eyes. I know I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts.

  But I can’t help it. I want to be shared by them.

  It scares me to think what it will be like over the next few days or weeks, maybe even longer. I’m trapped here with them, but I have absolutely no desire to leave.

  I need to stop this and get some sleep, I think, chewing the inside of my cheek and admonishing myself. Or I’m going to end up doing something I regret.

  I turn over on my side and nestle my head into the fluffy feather pillow, trying to ignore the fires of desire raging through my body. I close my eyes and concentrate on sleeping, but the throbbing in my clit won’t relent.

  Sighing in frustration, I stare straight ahead, feeling wide awake and taking in a ray of light peeking under the closed door. The dim light illuminates the bedroom in a soft yellow gleam. My eyes take in everything in the darkened room. The polished hardwood floors, the off-white painted walls, the rustic furniture.

  When Uncle Vit told me I would be going underground, I was expecting a hole in the wall. And it kind of is, but the company is far better than I expected.

  I could see myself enjoying my stay here, enjoying my time with them. It definitely doesn’t seem like it’ll be the torture I thought it would be. Although I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do here. All I have are my books really. And I can read a book in just a day or two. My mind drifts back to my conversation with Damon. It’s not long before my thoughts return to those sinful images. I try to shut them out, but I can’t. Instead of hearing the words he said, I see his lips moving, him coming closer to me, leaving open-mouth kisses over my body. Damon in front of me, Maddox behind me. Or vice versa. I’m not picky.

  Unconsciously, my hand drifts down my side and I have to stop myself from wanting to turn over, spreading my legs out wide. I shake my head, gripping the pillow to the right of me and covering my face with it. I want to scream in frustration, but I hold it back. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  This is not good. Sleep is going to be damn near impossible. I have so much sexual tension flowing through my body right now it’s not even funny.

  I need a glass of water to cool off. I’m so hot, there’s a cold film of sweat casting a light sheen over my skin.

  Gathering myself, I slip out of the bed, dressed in a simple shorts and tank top pajama set.

  I stop short of my door, the wooden floor creaking under my weight as I consider if I should go out there… like this. This is not sexy. I cover my face with my hands and rid myself of the thought entirely. I seriously need to stop, and right fucking now. They don’t want me like that and they're my guard detail… and that's it.

  Sighing deeply, I walk out of the room and into the hallway. I stop after several steps, pausing just before Maddox’s room. It’s dark and the house is silent; Maddox’s door is cracked open, a sliver of moonlight peeking through. My heart pounding in my chest, I tiptoe over, cursing when the floorboards let out a creak. I freeze, my heartbeat sounding so loud that I swear Maddox must hear.

  I wait several heart-pounding seconds and... nothing. Silence.

  Maybe Maddox isn’t asleep. Maybe he isn’t even in there. What would he do if he found me wandering the halls and not obeying him?

  My eyes narrow, remembering how he told me to just go to bed. But then again, so did Damon.

  My uncle’s words come back to me. You’ll do exactly as they say, and obey them as if they were me.

  I don’t feel I should have to listen to them like that. They’re here to protect me, and that’s it. As long as I don’t try to escape, I don’t have to defer to them about every little thing. I don’t need a damn bedtime. That’s just ridiculous. I’m a grown ass woman. I lean forward and peek through the crack in Maddox’s door. My breath stills in my lungs at the sight of Maddox lying on his bed with his shirt off and only wearing shorts, his washboard abs on full display. His head is turned to the side, so I can’t tell if he’s awake or asleep, but God does he look hot as fuck.

  The moonlight glistens against the hard lines of his muscles, only adding to his masculine beauty, making my heart pound with rapid intensity and my clit throb with desire. This is wrong, I tell myself. I shouldn’t be doing this. Fuck, only an hour or two ago I was thinking about kissing Damon and realizing how wrong it was.

  I know I should be going to get my drink of water, but I can’t stop staring at Maddox. He’s so... gorgeous.

  It would be so nice to be able to walk inside and touch…

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  A terrified scream is ripped from my throat as I hear the sound of shattering glass from the living room. I slam my back against the wall and try to cower, instinctively covering my face with my arms. Bang! Bang! Bang!

  “Get down!” I barely register Damon yelling over the heavy beating of my heart as his strong arms are suddenly pulling me down to the floor. My hands are over my ears and my body is trembling uncontrollably. The sound of bullets doesn’t relent. Bang, bang, bang. So many bullets.

  My heart hammers in my chest and I swear I want to run and fight. I want to do something, but I can’t do a damn thing but shrink into a tiny ball on the floor behind Damon.

  “What’s happening?” I cry, my heart pounding like a battering ram. It’s a stupid ass question. It’s obvious Condotti's men have found us. And now I’m going to fucking die.

  No. No, I shake my head, refusing to believe it’s happening. How did they find us?

  Damon doesn’t respond to me, his jaw clenched and his eyes staring straight ahead as he holds me close. I watch him, clinging to his hard body as bullets riddle the front room, a few hitting the hallway and buzzing by us. His pale blue eyes are blazing with rage and his chest is heaving as he keeps me pinned to the wall in a crouched position.

  Maddox. My heart stops, and my body chills at the realization that I don’t know where he is. The bullets are only up front. He’s okay. He has to be okay.

  I try to cling to that thought as Damon pulls me farther from Maddox’s room and covers us with the hall table, but the moment I do, a shower of bullets comes through the hallway.

  I cover my mouth to hold in my scream, tears leaking down my face. I can barely keep my eyes open, but I watch as bullets litter the doorframe to Maddox’s room, right where I wa
s watching him. Right where I was standing.

  “Maddox,” I whimper. I want to look up to Damon, I need to do something. But I’m frozen by terror. After what seems like an eternity, the hail of gunfire ceases. I press into Damon, my breathing a series of ragged gasps of terror. I’m shaking uncontrollably, and I hate it. I can literally hear my heart pounding outside of my chest, a cold sweat beading my brow.

  Maddox suddenly steps close to his door and into my sight with a gun in his hand, but presses against the wall inside of his bedroom as another round of gunfire rips through the cabin. The sight of him lifts the fear from my heart, but the danger is still here. Maddox kicks a gun across the hallway floor toward Damon as the bullets continue to fly out. Another scream of terror escapes from my throat, my heart skipping a beat, watching how the pieces of drywall and wood from the frame kick back and hit Maddox. He’s so close to the gunfire. So close to being killed, yet he doesn’t show any signs of fear. I don’t know if it’s because of dread for my own life or Maddox’s but my heart nearly jumps up my throat.

  The frantic thumping of my chest won’t quit as my nails dig into Damon’s arm.

  We need to get out of here. Please God, just get us out of here!

  Damon shoves me behind him as a loud crack rips his attention away, the front door splinters open and two men with guns stride through, their faces a mask of death. I duck behind Damon, hating that I can’t do a damn thing. I don’t have a gun. I have nothing. I’m merely a liability. Again. “Stay right here,” Damon tells me in a voice so cold and forceful I can’t believe it came from him. I hold onto him, frozen in place, but it’s no use. Motioning sharply at Maddox, he quickly pulls a second gun out of his side pocket, his jaw setting with a cold determination that chills my blood. Moving so fast he almost looks like a blur, Damon jumps to his feet and around the hall table and unleashes a round into the first guy through the door.

  The first thug lets out a cry and slumps to the floor instantly as Maddox rushes the second, grabbing him by the throat. Roaring with rage, he drags him forward, slamming him against the wall with a loud bang, causing a plume of dust to dislodge from the ceiling. Maddox pins him against the wall, slamming his forehead into the man’s skull so hard that I hear a crack, and begins punching him repeatedly in the torso and face.

  I watch in fascinated horror as Maddox lands blow after blow, bloodying the man’s face until there's a horrifying, sickening crunching sound and the guy lets out a bone-chilling cry, his face suddenly twisted. Jesus, he broke his jaw. I stare in horror at the sight, covering the gasp with both my hands. My heart feels like it's going to leap out of my chest with the sight in front of me unfolding in slow motion.

  I jump suddenly as Damon unleashes several more rounds outside from the doorway before running out, leaving me alone with Maddox, a dead man on the floor and a near dead one in Maddox’s grasp. “Go to your room, Bianca!” Maddox yells, fury twisting his voice as he holds the groaning, bloodied thug up against the wall with one hand.

  I know I should do as he says. But I don’t move. I’m paralyzed with fear and shock. I can’t believe this is happening.

  Maddox glares at me and looks as if he wants to come over and drag me back to my room, but the guy he’s holding lets out a pathetic moan of pain, drawing Maddox’s attention back to him.

  “Who told you where we were?” Maddox screams into the man’s fucked up face. The thug doesn’t respond, instead groaning an unintelligible sound. Enraged, Maddox shakes him violently, but the man can’t answer, since his jaw is hanging limp to the side. “Who told you where we were, you fuck!”

  When the guy doesn’t reply, Maddox lets out a feral snarl and slams the dude’s head back against the wall. A sickening crack splits the air as the man’s head connects with the wall. My stomach twists at the sound. The man slumps in Maddox’s grasp and then Maddox lets him go. The thug slides down to the floor, lifeless, leaving a streak of blood on the wall. My hands shake uncontrollably and I cover my mouth as I gulp back a wave of nausea.

  Before I can fully process everything, Damon comes back in breathing heavily, his face a grim mask of anger, clutching his Glock in both hands.

  “What happened?” Maddox asks, turning away from the crumpled form on the floor. “Did you get him?”

  Damon’s eyes flicker over to where I’m cowering against the wall and then back to Maddox.

  “No,” he reluctantly says and slowly shakes his head, his chest rising with a heavy breath, his tone remorseful. “He got away. I missed.”

  Maddox turns and slugs his fist against the wall. “Fuck, man!” he yells. He turns back to Damon, his mask of rage morphing into a thoughtful expression. “I don’t get it. I didn’t see a tail. I checked constantly on the way over, you know I did. And I know we didn’t have one.”

  “Well, obviously someone knew where we were going,” Damon argues. “Otherwise, there ain’t no fucking way.”

  The two men fall silent and stare long and hard at each other as Damon’s words wash over us all. A cold chill runs down my spine as I realize what it means. Someone within my uncle’s ranks is a fucking rat.

  There are no friends in this life, only enemies.

  I don’t get to contemplate the realization before Maddox is at my side and pulling me to my feet, my body still not letting me control it.

  “Come on,” he tells me, his tone barely hiding his rage. “We gotta get you out of here.”

  Chapter 9


  My body won’t stop shaking. Adrenaline is still coursing through me.

  “Just drive,” I say to Damon, and my voice comes out louder than I thought it would. Maybe it’s the wind of the open window blowing in my face, maybe it’s the urge to go back there and kick in that dead fucker’s ribcage. I need to calm the hell down. But I can’t. I can't get over the sight of her face when the first bullets rang out. I knew my honey bee was watching me. I wanted to get up and go to her, but more than that I wanted her to come to me. I was too obsessed with getting her attention, with needing her touch. I should’ve been paying attention, and I wasn’t. I didn’t even have my gun with me.

  My blood runs cold, dimming the need to fight. I’ll never forget how she looked when the first bullets shot through the house. And I couldn’t go to her. Thank fuck Damon grabbed her and pulled her away. A hailstorm of bullets rained down between us, right where she had been standing. It shouldn’t have been like that, but I had to get my gun. I wish I’d pulled her into the room first. It’s my fault she had to be out there in the heat of it. I’ll never forgive myself for fucking up like that. I won’t let it happen again. I can’t. I flex my hand, the cuts and swelling making the pain shooting through my arm travel down my shoulder. I do it again and again just to feel it. I deserve to be in more pain than this.

  Crack. The sound echoes in my head. I knew it the second he was dead. It’s not the first or second or third time that I’ve killed someone like that. My heart clenches, and I know exactly why.

  I turn in my seat, the shifting causing the leather to creak. The wind blows against the side of my face as Damon looks over at me. But I’m not looking at him, I’m looking at her.

  Bianca’s eyes seem vacant as her head rests against the cold window. I’ve seen that look before. Helpless. It’s the same look my mom used to have in her eyes just before she left us. I swallow thickly, turning back to stare at the windshield.

  It’s late, nearly pitch black. The headlights shine bright, illuminating the road ahead of us in the woods that surround us high up on the mountain. We have hours to get to where we’re going. To the cabin Damon and I have for ourselves and for our own safety. It’s for her now too, and no one else is going to know where we are.

  I stare down at my hand and flex it again; both my hands are still covered in blood. I didn’t even take a moment to wash this fucker off of me. I crack my neck and slap the side of my face, feeling the exhaustion starting to outweigh everything else. It’s the ultimate high w
hen my vision goes red, but the downhill part is like falling into a deep abyss and all I want to do is crash.

  My eyes flash ahead to lights at a truck stop. “Pull over,” I say beneath my breath. It’s not so loud that it would disturb Bianca, but I make sure that Damon hears me. His eyes dart to me, and his hands twist on the wheel. “I don’t know if we should.” I lick my lips and question myself. I know he has a point. We shouldn’t stop until we get to where we’re going. But I need to get the fuck out of this car and out of these blood-soaked clothes. I can’t stay like this anymore.

  “We didn’t call Vittoro.” I tell him simply as though that’s a reason to pull over. We need to tell him that we’re taking Bianca somewhere else, and we sure as fuck aren’t disclosing the location. Not when he has a fucking snitch in his crew.

  I don’t give a fuck what he says, I don’t care that he’s the boss. We aren’t letting her out of our sight and out of our cabin until we know it’s safe for her to go back home. Nothing he tells me will change that.

  Judging from the scowl on Damon’s face, he feels the same way.

  “Just pull over and let me wash up, and you call him.”

  Damon grunts a response and I have to stare at him to know if it’s a yes or a no. Finally, he nods his head once. Thank fuck. I can’t stand the metallic smell of blood anymore.

  The second he pulls the car into the spot, I pull the door handle and get out, ignoring Bianca’s soft voice as she asks Damon something. The car door shuts behind me with a loud click, disturbing the silence that fills the chill night air. But only for a moment. Looking around the building, I walk straight to the bathroom on the side.

  It’s a shack of a truck stop. Nothing but a few gas pumps and a small ass concrete building. It’s not even open, but the bathroom door on the side of it is and that’s all I need.

  My hand stings as I open the door and flip on the light switch. It flickers for a moment, a single bulb in the center of the square restroom. I stare at it as if daring that fucking bulb to go out. I’m so tense and on edge still. It finally stays on and I walk to the sink, twisting the rusty handles and immediately shoving my hand down into the strong flow of ice cold water.


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