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Origins of an African Elemental

Page 5

by Alicia McCalla

  Iniko used the inside of her arm to wipe the blood and sweat from her brow. She hurried as the screams grew louder. She bolted into the small room at the back of the chamber and saw a group of demon-infected women surrounding the bed as they performed the female cutting ceremony.

  Iniko pushed the tainted African women out of the way. Her war sword lit up the room while the women screeched and cringed from the brightness as they escaped into the other room. The fleeing women revealed an older girl, her hair in tiny ringlets instead of Zawadi’s long braids.

  Iniko smashed through the iron bindings even as a more savage blow seemed to reverberate through her. Where was Zawadi? A tick grew in the corner of her mouth as her jaw tensed with the realization that she’d failed to protect her child. Her husband’s sinister laughter from behind shredded the last of her resolve.

  Iniko dropped her shoulders and turned around in a surreal moment.

  “Wife. Good to see you.” Kuumba’s fiery eyes glistened. “I see you’ve come for the ritual.” He smirked.

  Iniko straightened her back. “Where is our daughter?”

  The candlelight flickered as the room chilled from the cool night air. The incense that had been chokingly thick before now seemed sweeter, like a memory of the long-lost hibiscus flowers on the table of their wedding feast. Iniko sensed Kuumba soothing her through the mate bond, but was he was dangerous? She looked into his eyes and saw conflict. One eye flamed, but the other looked normal. Should she trust him?

  “The Guhruhi wishes to join with you. My sweet Iniko, come join my master.”

  Kuumba raised his hand to her, but instead of the strong, callused hands that had once helped her mold the clay bricks of their first home, his fingernails were long and dark like claws. Was he using the mate bond to mollify her?

  She tested the feelings streaming towards her and fully opened to the connection of the mate bond. Waves of Kuumba’s love and adoration threatened to repair her broken heart. He deeply cared for her and their child. Was he showing her that their daughter was safe? He’d hidden Zawadi from his master?!

  Iniko allowed herself to become mesmerized with him, again. Her heart was vulnerable as she widened her side of the bond to allow his much-missed tenderness. Iniko rushed back to herself when both eyes flamed and Kuumba’s elongated teeth came down. He’d tricked her, and she’d remained exposed too long.

  “Never!” Iniko raised her blade of light and charged towards her husband in a last effort to survive. “Death to you and your master!”

  Kuumba’s mouth moved as white powder flew from his hand, choking and constricting her throat. Her knees collapsed, and her weapons clanked on the pavement as she fell face-forward, frozen.

  A wealth of tears cascaded down her cheeks.



  Kuumba lovingly placed Iniko’s sleeping form on the soft bed. He’d taken the time to clean and rub her body with sensual oils. He missed having her next to him in bed. He sat down next to his wife. Nana Buluku’s vision showed him that he needed an act of intense love with his wife to strengthen the spell that he would use to trap the Guhruhi inside his body.

  He hoped that real love would flow through her in this bespelled state. He knew this was wrong, but Iniko would never willingly give her body to him after all that he’d done. He thought about all the evil he’d done and realized he’d been a fool.

  He ran his hand carefully across Iniko’s backside and up to her shoulders. She smelled good and he wanted to taste her as he had many times in the early years. His member began to rise. Kuumba remembered how beautiful Iniko had been as his bride. Her hips and ankles had been adorned in red and green beads. He enjoyed watching her roll her hips in the bride dance. He relished her and sat proudly in front of his entire village, letting them know that their houses had joined as one.

  Kuumba took a deep breath and was comforted by the fact his daughter was safe. He thought about the rest of Nana Buluku’s plan. After he left Iniko, he’d have to go to the ritual site and kill his brethren, the other vessels of the Guhruhi. They had to die in order to encase the Guhruhi inside a permanent prison—his own body made of clay. He frowned. He’d chosen a life that pursued power and treachery instead of the warmth and love he’d been offered. Now, he had to make up for his past choices.

  She stirred beside him. He realized how much he’d hurt her. He knew she’d never trust his words and so he placed a fetish priest root spell on her. This one would make her relive the memories of when they truly loved each other. After the encasing spell strengthened, he would tell her what he needed her to do and leave to face his final act.

  Iniko was lovely while she slept. The ten years they’d been away from each other hadn’t changed her flawless beauty. He reached over and kissed her lips. Surprisingly, she returned the kiss. He retreated from her. He couldn’t face her with all he’d done. She sat up and stretched into his arms.

  “I love to wake in your arms,” Iniko purred. “You are my dreams come true.”

  Kuumba didn’t know how to react. The guilt crushed him and he tried to retreat.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Kuumba looked deep into Iniko’s gorgeous eyes. He wanted to have her one more time, but it wouldn’t be right. He’d already ruined her life. Kuumba allowed his body to soften as Iniko pulled him into a lover’s embrace. Inside the warmth of her love, he melted. Iniko began to kiss his chest; she rubbed his body and pushed him down on the bed.

  He looked up at her and saw a radiant light shining through her soul.

  “You are my beauty.” He could barely push the words out.

  Kuumba thought about the life that they had before his father convinced him that she’d betrayed her vow. They were young and in love. He remembered lying under the stars and telling each other their dreams for their lives and new family. He enjoyed her slow-cooked chicken stew with okra. He laughed as he remembered burning his tongue while stealing a taste.

  Iniko had done her best to create a home for them by painting the dung walls of their hut with her scenic designs. He’d allowed his lust for power to eclipse his love. He’d only wanted to make himself her equal, and instead he’d become her enemy and threw their lives away. He shouldn’t have listened to his father who forced him to bring Iniko to the shrine after their daughter was born.

  Kuumba looked the full length of Iniko’s voluptuous curves and he hardened as she rubbed him tenderly. After ten years, she still made him feel loved.

  He relaxed and enjoyed his last moments with his wife as she impaled herself on top of him. He watched her smile, moving up and down. He was happy to bring her raw pleasure. As she closed her eyes, he kept his open. He wanted to cherish all of this—all of her. Finally, he felt her ocean widen as her body pumped to the sounds of their private love drum. He could no longer contain himself, and he held her hips as he released all of his seed deeply inside. They fell into each other’s arms as their mate bond flared and strengthened, giving him what he needed to trap the Guhruhi.

  “I love you, Kuumba.” The words brought a tear to Kuumba’s eye and he allowed it to roll down his weary face.

  “I love you, too. My sweet Iniko.”

  “We will soon have a son. I can’t wait.”

  Kuumba sat up as he gently pushed her away. He had to have a clear mind, but the absent cold registered.

  “Iniko, I must ask that you trust me when you feel my call on our mate bond. It will seem you are betrayed, but it is for a purpose. You must push me into Nana Buluku’s light to complete the encasing spell so I may trap the Guhruhi.” Kuumba allowed his shoulders to slump. Being in Iniko’s presence made him weak and regretful.

  “What do you mean?” Her eyes tormented him.

  “It will appear as if I am doing evil’s bidding but it’s all a part of the plan. You must swear to do what I ask.” Kuumba hated himself for putting his wife in this position.

  “I swear it.”

  Kuumba stood and put his ro
bes back on. He kissed her forehead.

  “When you return to yourself, do not question my call, just come and finish the deed.”

  Kuumba lifted his hand and blew the white powder of the fetish priest into her face. She crumpled on the bed. Kuumba carefully redressed her and placed her in the position of a sleeping African queen.

  He then trudged outside to finish his ghastly duty.



  Kuumba took Iniko’s dagger and shoved it into Dag’s heart, the weakest of the Guhruhi’s three vessels. Dag toppled over. Kuumba used his sharp, bone-tooth sword to chop Dag’s neck and hacked until the head disconnected.

  Kuumba wiped away the blood splatters from his face as he grabbed the head by its Nubian curls with one hand, and dragged the body into the blazing fire with the other, tossing it in as if it were wasted meat.

  Kuumba cleared his mind and focused. He had to get to the ritual site to finish Nana Buluku’s plan. He wiped the bloody blade on his robes and moved quickly. He didn’t want to raise suspicion amongst the Obayifo slavers. The darkness would hide all the blood and give him cover.

  Kuumba rounded the corner and stopped at what he witnessed. The other vessel, Elgon, and a white priest had his daughter pinned down to the stone altar. How could this be? He’d taken her to his sister. His insides froze; he’d been betrayed.

  His sister floated into the castle courtyard, her eyes filled with the demonic flame of the Guhruhi. Had she just recently received this new power? She’d betrayed him to become this...

  “Brother.” She outstretched her arms in a fake hug to comfort him. “Your daughter had to be returned to fulfill the debt owed.”

  Kuumba sidestepped her evil embrace. “Why, did you do this? She is your niece.”

  “Her mother’s treachery had to be paid with her virgin daughter. The Guhruhi offered our family riches and power in exchange. This girl’s sacrifice will make all of our lives better. She will become a trokosi slave-wife and be used in whatever way needed.”

  Kuumba’s rage threatened to consume his sister. Zawadi screamed and his heart jumped. He sidestepped his sister. His mission changed, slightly. Now, he had to save his daughter as well as destroy the Guhruhi.

  Kuumba bolted down the distance of the courtyard to kill Elgon, but he was too far away. He raised his hand to use his air magic but couldn’t. He needed all of his magic—elemental and fetish priest—to cast the spell to encase the Guhruhi.

  His sister cackled from behind him. “You’re too late, brother. This debt must be paid.”

  Kuumba’s heart raced. He finally reached the altar. His sweet baby girl had fought hard, but the two grown men had been too strong. Kuumba was too late to save her. Zawadi’s form was stretched upon the altar surrounded by hibiscus flowers like a sacrificial dead bird. He dropped his shoulders, but he could not grieve long. He sensed the presence of growing evil. He had to act quickly if he wanted Iniko to live.

  He marched up to the pair, pulling the hidden dagger from underneath his robe as he stabbed Elgon in the back. The white priest’s mouth was a swirling dimensional portal that held stolen magically souls.

  As the priest’s mouth closed, Kuumba surmised the white man was a soul eater who had completely consumed his daughter’s magical essence. Kuumba kicked the man down and raised his bone-tooth sword to kill him, but Elgon would not die so easily.

  Elgon hurled elemental air magic into Kuumba’s shoulder blades like a spear. The air magic tried to open and expand within his body, but Kuumba refused to allow his body to react.

  As he turned around, he viewed his daughter’s lifeless eyes. Anger burned through Kuumba’s soul like a volcano. He couldn’t afford to use magic, since he needed all of his to hold all of the Guhruhi, so he improvised.

  Sheer revenge allowed him to break Elgon’s magic and bypass his defenses. Kuumba gripped the hilt of Iniko’s dagger and stabbed the man many times. He rolled him over and was about to take off his head when the mist of the Guhruhi slammed into Elgon’s body, reanimating him. The man’s eyes turned haunted red.

  “You think that we had no knowledge of Nana Buluku’s plan? Fool. We have you just where we want you. Iniko will join us now, for you have betrayed her one too many times.”

  Kuumba was not deterred. He severed the head of his fallen nemesis and called forth the spell that would imprison the Guhruhi inside his own body. “Guhruhi, your time has come. Join your final vessel in death.”

  Kuumba recited the spell and waited for the weight of the Guhruhi to slam into his body. He dropped Iniko’s dagger and his bone-tooth sword. He opened the mate bond and summoned his wife.

  All he had to do was wait for Iniko to chop off his head with her war blade, and quickly throw the rest of his body into Nana Buluku’s dimensional portal of light. Without his head, the Guhruhi would be trapped and banished from this universe—forever.



  Iniko came alert in the darkness. Her head pounded, and she was sore. She put her hand on her neck and felt bite marks. Her mind raced trying to figure out what’d happened.

  “Kuumba,” she thought.

  He’d tricked her. Memories flooded back to her of the last hours they spent together. She bent over, throwing up. He’d taken advantage of her; he’d messed with her mind.

  After he left her, the Obayifo slavers came in and bit her bespelled form, repeatedly. Kuumba had betrayed her, again. She’d been helpless to stop them. Her stomach boiled—they’d turned her into one of them!

  Demented singing rang in her head. With her eyes closed, she tried to identify the source. Was it inside her mind? The Obayifo witch spirit sang a gruesome song.

  “We can make you stronger. We can save your daughter. We can give you revenge on your husband. If you kill them all, now!”

  Iniko cupped her head inside her hands. She was a warrior goddess and daughter of Mawu. Soft crying tugged her thoughts. Where was that noise coming from? Her eyes popped open and her vision reddened.

  It was pitch black, but a couple hundred chained slaves huddled together amongst filth and death; their heartbeats pumping with fear. The evil inside her danced, reveled.

  “Eat them.” The voice moved her into action. Iniko fought hard, but their fear fueled her. This new evil made her corrupt. She stood up groggily, intoxicated from the anxiety of the captured. She wanted to feed on them; she wanted to eat them all.

  The evil whispered, “If you feed from them, you will gain more power.”

  It almost had her. Iniko looked at the chained women. She knew this could be her sweet Zawadi. Her mind refocused. She had to get out of this slave hold. She tried to remember her true self, but the hunger gnawed, deep.

  She wasn’t chained. Nothing stopped her from feeding and killing them all. She wanted to suck them dry of blood and despair. She wanted to gorge on all their magical power.

  Her clan sisters shrank back in the darkness. She heard gasps. Her true self screamed.

  The demon inside said, “Eat their souls.”

  Iniko lunged forward, but instead of grabbing the nearest weeping woman, she smashed through the slave hold door. She was Mawu’s daughter. She would not feed on her brethren; she would not succumb to evil. Iniko felt a surge of love from Kuumba. He was using their mate bond. Anger boiled at his betrayal.

  She remembered their final moments and his kiss. She had sworn to trust him and come to his aid, but another voice boomed louder. “Join us, daughter of Mawu,” the Guhruhi commanded.

  Iniko fell on her knees. “Great Mother, help me!”

  Elongated fangs dropped down, and her hands contorted into claws. Her heart beat like a wild beast. Iniko’s body moved without her consent. She tried to take a stand against the evil, but it was as if she stood in the eye of a hurricane. Her feet were forced to march; Iniko was powerless.

  She tried to gain control, but it didn’t work. She soon found her unwilling body facing her possessed husband, w
ho was standing in front of a dismal scene of bloody murder and death. The blood made her hungry and Kuumba radiated power that she wanted. Iniko was torn, confused.

  She hung her head low. This was not her.

  A female arm hugged her from behind and spoke. “Sister-in-law, I’m glad you’ve joined us. It was unfortunate your virgin daughter had to become a trokosi sacrifice, but you feel the power like I do and see it was for the best.”

  Iniko turned to face her, but she could only focus on the woman’s throat. The smell of fresh human flesh ignited Iniko’s saliva. Magical power strummed and hummed everywhere.

  Iniko wanted to taste her flesh and blood.

  Time slowed as she watched her chest move up and down. The women’s thumping neck beckoned like prey to a ravenous wild boar. The foolish woman was talking but her words hung in the thickness of the night. They meant nothing.

  The demonic voice inside cried, “Feed on this one. Take your revenge.”

  Iniko’s pulse flooded in her ears. Her thoughts were scattered, scrambled. She knew once she tasted blood that there was no turning back. Iniko fought internally, but the magic begged to be consumed.

  Before she could contain herself, she leaped on the woman and tore out her throat. Iniko’s bosom became drenched as the tasty juice ran down. She relaxed into the feeding as a pleasurable wave bloomed and pushed her into an oral climax that she’d never experienced.

  The magical blood tasted good rolling down her throat, and she wanted to open her mouth wider to gulp down more.

  “You cannot escape. You will join with us.” The Guhruhi laughed using her husband’s voice from behind her.

  As she fed, Iniko sensed another voice from Kuumba, through the mate bond.

  “Wife, you must return to yourself. Chop off my head and push me into Nana Buluku’s portal of light so the Guhruhi will be trapped inside my body as a final prison.”


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