101 Nights of Great Sex
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For HER Eyes Only - Table of Contents
For HIS Eyes Only - Table of Contents
“This is not just another sex book. 101 Nights of Grrreat Sex uses “secret sealed envelopes” with special instructions for a love task or favor that each partner tears out and completes for one another. Sounds simple but the anticipation and mystery makes even the smallest gestures pretty thrilling.”
—Gwyneth Paltrow on Goop.com
“This is oodles of fun... this book guarantees discovery, innovation and debate—when your sex life’s worth chatting about you know you’re making progress.”
—Good Housekeeping
“Go ahead! Tear that page! I dare you!! 101 Nights of Great Sex is so much fun! There is SEX in the title, but the planning, playfulness, and anticipation are all part of what leads up to the GRRREAT SEX! And we mean GRRREAT!!! So far my brother and his wife, my wife’s brother and his wife, our nephew and his wife, and several friends have rushed to get this book...and they are all raving about it too! Our hats (and a few other things) off to Laura Corn for this inspiring book. We keep smiling at each other for the last page we’ve done and also with anticipation of the next!”
“11 years of marriage... boring no more!! Anticipation is the secret key to the whole thing... it’s very exciting and makes you more open and willing to explore your own sexuality. We went from ok...to WOW!
“Drop everything and buy this book now!! If I could give this book ten stars I would. My husband and I have had this book for five months and it’s been a TREMENDOUS help. We’ve been together for five years and you could set a schedule and a stopwatch to our romantic life. Some of things in the seductions are things we’ve done before, but Laura put a new twist on them and made them fresh and exciting. Other things we would of never thought or dared to do, but we committed to do whatever we picked, and boy is it worth it! It’s like we’re having a hot and steamy affair with each other! I have recommended this book to all of my friends and even my mom.”
“I got this book for my husband on our 6th anniversary and we have had so much fun with it! I didn’t realize why the pages were all sealed up until we got it and that is 80% of what is so fun. You never know what’s coming and you can’t wait to see what you’re doing next. It is a great book and I think a wonderful present for a fun-loving couple.”
“I have heard Laura on a number of radio talk shows and finally decided to break down and buy her book. Let me tell you, I’m glad I did. This book is adult fun through and through! I cannot get that point across enough. It really makes you feel like a kid again when it comes to your love life. If you’ve been with the same person for a while you’ll feel yourself reconnect with them like you didn’t think was possible.”
“We’re happily married for four years with two small children and this book has made us feel like newlyweds again!”
“It’s so hard to find the time and energy to think of creative, sensual activities to strength your relationship and explore each other’s bodies. When you get into a rut in your sex life, this is the book to get you out! I highly recommend it!”
READ ME FIRST: What’s Different from the Print Edition
This is the new E-book edition of the best-selling 101 Nights of Great Sex, and renders best when using a smaller font setting. Just like the famous print version, this book makes a pretty exciting promise:
You’ll have Great Sex twice a week—every week—for one full year!
Plus this digital version lets me add some great new features:
Live links, to sites that help you customize your Seductions
Always-current connections to my favorite products and services
My famous e-Teases are now just a click away
The e-Teases take on a whole new life, thanks to E-book technology. With a click, you can start creating a customized e-Tease from inside some of the seductions. These e-Teases are gorgeous, sexy little pictures and animations that get delivered by email– and are guaranteed to grab your partner’s attention. They generate a wicked smile and a growing sense of anticipation, whether you’re sending or receiving. Consider them foreplay for the internet age!
As hard as I tried, I couldn’t find a way to bring my legendary Secret Sealed Pages to electronic books (not unless you buy the His & Her separate E-books). So you’re on the honor system here: Don’t peek! Don’t spoil any secrets by reading your partner’s instructions. Seduction is always hotter when it’s a surprise. To help keep your instructions a secret, we created two Tables of Contents: one for men, and one for women. The His & Her Table of Contents will take each of you directly to your Seductions with a click.
Once per week, you and your mate each pick a seduction. Then sometime in the next week or so you both have to surprise each other with your secret instructions. Talk about anticipation! You’ll both be on the edge of your seats.
Those are the features that make the E-book different. But what happens next is exactly the same experience shared by more than two million readers. You are about to be surprised... and seduced for an entire year!
Best wishes for Great Sex and Great Romance.
Have fun!
Laura Corn
p.s. This E-book is best viewed in a smaller font. Enjoy!
Los Angeles, California
Send all inquiries to: parkavenuepublishers@gmail.com
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the publisher or author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
Copyright © 2013 by Laura Corn.
101nights.com www.LauraCorn.com
DISCLAIMER Please read before proceeding
This book is sold with the understanding that it is intended solely for the use of informed, consenting, and hopefully monogamous adults who want to rejuvenate, enliven, and sustain a great sexual relationship. The author is not a medical doctor or therapist; she has, however, intensely studied this subject for the past 17 years and is the best-selling author of 9 books in this genre. Almost every recipe in this book has been recommended by leading sexual therapists.
The reader is cautioned that following the suggestions and scenarios herein is strictly voluntary and at the reader’s own risk and discretion. Also, this book contains suggestions of sex acts that are illegal in some states. Know your state’s laws about sex and break them at your own risk. The positions and products mentioned in this book are safe and satisfying for the majority of adult women and men. Every individual is unique; therefore, you should not employ any position, technique or product that is not suitable to your physical or sexual limitations.
The author, publisher, and distributor do not endorse any specific product or assume any product liability for any product mentioned in the book. The choices and responsibility for any consequences which may result from the use of any product or following any suggestion or scenario herein belong t
o the reader.
The author and Park Avenue Publishers, Inc., Los Angeles, shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with regard to any losses or damage caused or alleged to be caused, either directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book.
Cover Design by Rodrigo Corral
Interior Layout by Rodrigo Corral and Doris Jew
Page Layout by Doris Jew
Icons Designed by Paul Payongayong (paulpayongayong.tumblr.com)
This book is dedicated with deepest love and affection to my lover and partner, Jeff Petersen. Without you there would be no Great Sex, either in print or in my life.
I am also deeply indebted to a host of people who made this book possible. I have been especially fortunate to have so many wonderful teachers, friends and business associates. To each of them, I extend my heartfelt gratitude:
Marty Bishop, DJ extraordinaire, whose fertile imagination and flair permeate this book.
Amanda Barnett, my amazing editor. There’s no way I could have pulled off this amount of great sex without your skills.
Charlie Ilgunas, my copyeditor, whose hard work, exuberance, and eagle eye have been invaluable. I wish him a bright future as an editor!
Joe Ullrich, the best PR guy in the world. That’s U, double l, r-i-c-h. LOL!
Rachel May Stafford, Tina Macintosh, Joe Ullrich, Amanda Barnett, and Rich Lippman for exercising their writing chops on seduction titles. Chow Down, Baby!
Stacie Anthony, my wonderful assistant for the past 7 years.
Rodrigo Corral, incredible graphic designer, who took this book and made it a work of art. A gazillion thanks for bringing your remarkable talent to this project. I would also like to thank Rodrigo’s assistant, Rachel Adam, who kept everything on track.
Doris Jew, for her work implementing the entire book’s design. It’s always a joy working with you, Doris. You are one of the hardest working, most skillful designers on planet Earth.
Nikki Groom, trailblazing ink slinger & digital scribe.
Jen Bergstrom and Simon & Schuster for allowing me to print seductions from the best-selling book, Passport To Pleasure.
Paul Joannides, Dr. Sadie Allison, Chip Rowe, Tracy Cox, Leslie Swartz, Tim Daze, Andrea Skelton, Nicky Curranza, Robin Eisenman, the entire staff at the Doves Beauty Salon in Santa Monica, and the sexy B-school Babes.
I’d also like to thank all the people who bought my books, responded to me on the air, stood in line for hours for a personal word with me, endured my probing interviews and opened up their hearts, minds, and souls to provide me with the most essential ingredient in this book: their desires, needs and experiences. Without you, this book truly would not be possible.
Are you totally thrilled, aroused, and satisfied after every erotic encounter? Is your life behind the bedroom door absolutely, completely, overwhelmingly fulfilling?
Then put this book down!!
Somebody else needs it more than you.
Most of us, in fact, find it all too easy to let life get in the way of love. Jobs and bills and chores and kids all conspire to push intimacy to the bottom of our list of priorities. If we can make any private time at all for each other, it’s only when we’re tired and distracted. The same old moves, the same old positions, and after a while sex gets, well—
Boring. Boooorr-ing.
In survey after survey, boring sex is the number-one complaint of couples across the country. And it doesn’t have to be that way.
Because this book guarantees great sex. 101 Nights of it, just like the title says.
That’s every week, twice a week, for one full year. Now, I know that’s a lot to ask from one little book! But I promise you that it works. Here’s how—
Every week, you and your partner flip through the titles, discussing the ones that catch your eye. This can be a real blast—it’s a little like window-shopping for sex. Each of you then tears a page from the book, and in that one special moment, you’ve made a serious commitment to each other.
By removing a page right in front of you, your lover has just given a promise that, no matter what, you are going to be seduced in a fresh, exciting, original, and highly erotic manner. Sometime during the week, your sensual pleasure will be the only focus. You, of course, are making the same promise in return.
And neither of you has any idea what the other is planning! The pages are sealed, in fact, and you have to read yours in private. Each one contains a complete seduction, written out step-by-delicious, detailed step. Some of them are simple, fast, and fun — “quickies” designed to startle and excite your lover. If you’ve ever felt like sex was getting too predictable, just wait until you get to Seduction number... well, I think I’ll keep that a secret for now, too.
On the other hand, some of these scenarios require a bit of planning. You might spend hours setting it up just right, and the end result will be absolutely unforgettable. There is nothing in the world quite so thrilling as the thought that someone went to a whole lot of effort to make you feel special. And best of all—you get all the credit! Remember, these recipes for great sex are a secret, so your partner will never know which ideas came from the book... and which were fueled by your own steamy and slightly naughty imagination.
And let’s hope some recent recreational reading has helped fuel your imagination. The world has been electrified and energized by E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and a few seductions here—that I wrote about even before I read the novels—will sound very familiar. Have fun with them as you get the chance to be Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey for the night!
You’ll eventually notice some common threads linking these seductions, and here’s one of the most important: almost all of them ask you to do something to tease your lover. Often it’s just a hint; the tiniest little clue left lying about early in the week to remind your bedmate of the surprise in store. Now, if you find a seduction that’s not exactly your cup a tea, feel free to change it. I’ll bet you can come up with something that suits you even better. But please— please!—keep that element ofanticipation. It’s the heart and soul of this book. That sense of expectancy is more than just spice in the sauce. It’s what elevates sex from mundane to magnificent. It transforms intercourse from an athletic event into one of the mysteries of the universe.
And, because of this, no matter how stressed or strapped for time you are, you’ll find the time to carry it out. You’ll come to covet these special moments together, especially since these seductions were created to give each of you exactly what you’re looking for—that is, if you’re anything like the thousands of people I’ve talked to over the years.
On hundreds of radio shows across the country, as I was researching and promoting some of my nine books on the subject, I heard what men and women want in the bedroom. We want to know how to turn our mates on. We want them to know what turns us on. We’d like more variety... more foreplay... more surprises... more interest... new tricks... and once in a while, somebody else should do all the work! And that’s what gave me the idea for this book:
Fifty seductions written for his eyes only, spelling out exactly how to get her attention, how to make her laugh, how to make her want you-and how to bring her to new heights of passion.
Fifty seductions written for her eyes only, filled with clever and fun ways to spark his interest, each with an unusual twist or advanced sexual technique designed to fan that spark into a white-hot flame.
And finally, one very special seduction to be read by both of you. Number 101 is a sort of graduation exercise for my newest Masters of The Erotic Arts—save this one for last.
The New Edition:
For the past seventeen years, I’ve discussed these seductions with people from across the country—couples who’ve used these techniques to put the sexual excitement back into their relationships. I’ve heard which erotic encounters have worked best for the
m. They’ve also been kind enough to share with me how they’ve improved upon their favorites and altered them to fit their needs. Thanks to their contributions, I’ve been able to add their ideas and enhancements to this new edition and I can’t close this introduction without a word of thanks to these readers.
And, on top of their help, I have also welcomed the addition of some celebrity guest authors, who’ve shared their considerable expertise with us here. These include three of the greatest minds in sex today: Tracey Cox, Dr. Sadie Allison, and the best-selling author, Chip Rowe. They are just one of the new and exciting aspects of this updated version of 101 Nights of Great Sex. This edition is truly like my Greatest Hits—containing the most popular seductions I’ve come across in my seventeen years writing about sex. Many of these greatest hits are from other books I’ve written—such as 101 Sexy Dares, Passport to Pleasure, and 52 Invitations to Great Sex.
I’m thrilled to be updating 101 Nights of Great Sex because trends are always changing and you can always do more to improve your sex life. But one thing never changes: the anticipation of an erotic encounter, plus the surprises you spring on your partner, plus the excitement of the seduction itself, plus the thrill of trying new things with your lover—it all adds up to truly Great Sex. Don’t just read about it. Do it! And thank me later.
Santa Monica, California
Now — some final notes before you start your big adventure:
Hygiene. It’s critical! I can’t tell you how many men and women have told me they’ve lost interest in sex because their partner has some personal grooming flaws. Think of it this way—as you go through this book, your lover is going to kiss and nibble and lick and suck various parts of you, a lot. You’re going to do the same. Fresh breath, clean teeth, shampooed hair, and scrubbed skin—it’s the uniform you put on before the game of love.