by Corn, Laura
It’s the same with seductions. Sex toys and handcuffs and flowers and gifts are great, if you have the time and money. (And once in a while you should make certain that you do.) But sometimes you just have to improvise—and you’d be amazed how erotic some of things you have lying around the house can be.
Of course, most of your household tools are out of the question. Ouch! But she has a few tools that can be quite thrilling. And soft. One of those is something you see her use every day. It’s her makeup brush, the one she uses to put blush on her cheeks. You’re going to use it in a way that Revlon never intended, but trust me — this works. Oh, yeah, it works go-oo-oo-ood.
Start by using some sort of blindfold. A necktie or scarf would work well, or even a rolled-up pillowcase. Late in the evening, right after her bath, spring your surprise. Tie on the blindfold, ask her to lie down on the bed, and bring out your improvised seduction tools. One of them is a small cup of your usual massage oil or lotion, which you can warm up with a twenty-or thirty-second blast in the microwave. (Critical note: Test the level of heat with a few drops on your own skin first.) Your other tool is that fluffy soft brush from her makeup kit, which, needless to say, must be thoroughly washed and dried both before and after you use it.
As always, kissing and nuzzling and touching come first. Then... dip the brush into the oil. Draw a circle around an aureole, slowly spiraling in towards her nipple. Mmm, that’s nice. Do the same on her other breast. Work your way down her tummy with the warm wet sable.
The real art begins when you get down between her open thighs. Start with broad strokes up and down her outer lips, gently working them apart. Zig-zag between them, like a kind of porn-star Zorro, always making sure your brush stays slick with oil. When you get to her clitoris, pay extra attention to her reaction, because you don’t want to be too strong or too intense for comfort. But here’s what worked for me: Spin the brush. Spin it until her head spins. Twirl it back and forth, on both sides of her clit, alternating with tight little circles and long, wet strokes.
Some of the best ideas come to you when you improvise. And this one is a stroke of genius.
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1 kitchen chair
1 sexy outfit
1 giftwrapped surprise
1 great dinner (G-spot stimulation makes a girl hungry!)
HERE’S A SEDUCTION THAT STARTS by making her crazy—and ends by driving her wild. On Monday, move one of your kitchen chairs into the bedroom and place it up against the wall. Don’t say a word.
Just leave it.
She might move it back, so on Tuesday, return it to the bedroom with a note that says, “Don’t Touch!” On the seat, place a pair of her sexiest shoes, the ones she wears when she really wants to look hot, and a beautifully wrapped gift. Well, well... now you’ve got her attention.
Wednesday, add her sexiest bra, but forget the panties (you’ll understand why soon). The next night, a skirt; the night after, a blouse. By now she’s dying to know what you’ve got planned, but you’re keeping mum.
Saturday, ask her to put it all on. She’ll probably think you’re taking her out, but here’s the real story—you’re going to be having fun with her G-spot, and the chair is going to help you do it. There are two special positions, according to researchers, that are ideal for stimulating that enchanted place. And you, you lucky boy, get to do the stimulating... with your penis!
Ask her to sit. Hike up her skirt; open her thighs as you move in for a kiss. Have fun with your foreplay. There’s no rush tonight. But after you’ve aroused her... after you’ve tasted her, and fondled her, and stroked her... tell her it’s time to reveal the secret of the chair. Invite her to stand and face it, legs apart but straight, waist bent, and hands on the seat for support. Ooh, how enticing! There she is, wide open with nothing on under her skirt. Slip inside, and ride slow and easy while the steam starts to build.
Now have her kneel on the seat, arms braced on the back of the chair. In this position, the head of your penis is riding across her G-spot with every stroke. Don’t let her clit get lonely—reach around and tease it. Lean forward to cup her breasts; roll her nipples in your fingers. Let her feel your hot breath and warm mouth on her neck, but most of all—keep pumping, hard and fast. Please don’t stop! That magic button deep inside will be aching with desire, burning with anticipation. Ultimately, it will be driving her to an intense and very powerful climax. And you owe it all to a kitchen chair.
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1 sleepyhead
A little sleepy head!
On radio and in interviews, I’ve talked to a lot of men over the years. They can all name favorite aromas that put them in the mood for love— flowers, a special perfume, even a certain favorite meal on the stove can trigger hot memories. All men seem to love the smell of a woman’s freshly washed hair.
But when it comes to taste, there’s just one that’s always guaranteed to, um, raise the flag, if you know what I mean. It’s the glorious, fragrant, slightly sweet and always highly evocative flavor of your lady’s you-know-what. This week, believe it or not, you’re going to sneak a bite when your lover isn’t looking!
Pick a day when you both can sleep in for a while without interruption. First thing in the morning, encourage her to stay in the sack. Cuddle up close to her; she’ll love being held as she drifts in and out of that drowsy half-awake state. When she slips back into dreamland, crawl out of bed and head for the kitchen, where you’ll make some coffee or tea or some other hot drink. Bring her a cup, but before you present it to her, take a big sip—
And climb under the covers. Way under. Try very hard not to wake her before you run your tongue right across her belly and down to her sweetness.
Wow! What a way to wake up. The drink has heated your mouth and moistened your lips. Your tongue is creating steam everywhere it touches. The hot fluid engorges her, making every lick feel like an orgasm.
She might still be dreaming... sweet dreams, no doubt. But soon she’ll come to realize the magic you’re making is no fantasy. Don’t expect conversation from your little sleepyhead this morning—but a deep sigh and a few moans will let you know you’re on the right track.
As for you, enjoy, but I should warn you: a mouthful of hot liquid will also speed up her orgasm and make it twice as intense.
And twice as addictive.
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1 pair of handcuffs
1 bath
dinner with light appetizers or salads
babysitter as needed
FREE BONUS! e-tease her at
By the time you’re 28 years old, you’ve eaten more than 30,000 meals. But how many do you actually remember? How many are so special that you talk about them years later? Here’s one that will go right to the top of that list, a dinner you’ll never forget. Or, to be more precise, a dinner your lover will never forget.
Start by letting her know that you’re taking charge. Early in the week, send her an e-mail like this one.
You are going to LOVE Saturday night. Kids will be at your mom’s—I’ll have dinner ready at seven. You don’t even have to dress up because we’re staying home. But a skirt would be nice. Yes, a skirt would be perfect. Wear a skirt. ;-)
Dinner, no kids and you’re taking care of everything?? Oh, she is so looking forward to the weekend now. But just to keep her on the edge of anticipation, send one more e-mail on Friday:
Did I mention you should wear a skirt tomorrow night?
Love - Me
Preparation is easy. Dinner can be takeout from your favorite restaurant. Just dress it up a little by serving it on real plates with a couple of candles.
By the time she gets out of the bathroom—clean, smelling great, wearing a cute skirt and a grin from ear-to-ear—she’s going to be the happiest woman in town. Enjoy your meal. Have a drink. Or two.
Then whip out the handcuffs.
What, no cuffs in your toolbox?? Then buy a pair! Before your sweetie gets up from the table, give her a big kiss... let her see your new toy and play with it for a moment... and then gently lock her wrists together behind the chair.
Kneel in front of her. Slide your hand between her knees and move them apart, hiking her skirt up as you go. Kiss her thighs and her hips. Nibble at the edge of her undies... nibble her through her undies... and then tug them aside. She can’t help, she can’t stop, she can’t do anything at all right now except enjoy being the focus of your attention and your love. And your tongue. Remind her that, of all those 30,000-plus meals you’ve had in your life, she’s still your favorite thing to eat...
You’re not quite done yet, though. To make this truly a meal for the ages, a dinner that glows forever in her memory, you still have to do two remarkable, wonderful things:
1) Bring her to a shuddering climax.
And then:
2) Do the dishes.
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1 shoebox
massage oil
1 scented candle
1 vibrator
1 blindfold
assorted playthings
No, seriously. No one loves an expensive gift more than me, but I have to share one of the Great Truths of Great Sex: Diamonds aren’t really a girl’s best friend. What really makes a woman hot is not jewelry, or flowers, or anything you can buy. It’s not even romance. (But this doesn’t mean you can skip the jewels, flowers and romance!)
No, what makes an orgasm great — earth-shattering, mind-blowing, out-of-this-world great — is anticipation. Hey, sex is good, pretty much any time. But you know what’s even better? Sex you’ve been thinking about. Sex you’ve been waiting for, and dreaming of, and planning. For a woman, the act of imagining sex counts as foreplay, and when it comes to foreplay, here’s Laura’s number one rule: More is better.
Which brings me to the shoebox and how you can use it to get your woman hot. Start by filling it with some of her favorite sex stuff. Massage oil, of course. A scented candle. A little Godiva chocolate.
A vibrator, maybe. Are there any other toys you’ve tried that she loves? Throw them in. Maybe get adventurous and add some candy g-string panties or some body paint. Use your imagination to spark hers. Then close the lid and tape it shut. (Interesting side note: This may be the only time in your entire life that duct tape can be used for purposes of seduction.)
Friday morning, hand her the box. “This,” you say with a smile, “can give you the greatest orgasm you’ve ever had.” Umm... what did you just say? “You heard me. Best orgasm ever. In this box. Wanna know what it is?”
Well, yeah, she does want to know. She wants to know pretty bad, in fact. But she can’t open it, not until Saturday night. And that means for almost two whole days, she’ll be thinking about that orgasm and imagining what’s in the box. She’ll shake it. She’ll move it around. And no matter what else she does, she’ll always find her thoughts drifting back to that box.
Saturday night, tell her to bring the shoebox to the bedroom. Dim the lights, put on some sexy music, and unseal the box. But before you open it... blindfold her (use something soft and silky). And then, one by one, pull your surprises from the box. Use them. And use your hands and mouth and everything else. Stimulate her sense of touch, her sense of smell, her sense of taste. But the real object tonight is to overwhelm that one sense that’s been on edge for days, like an erotic itch just begging to be scratched:
Her sense of anticipation.
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1 pair of leather gloves
1 leather belt (or riding crop)
What is it about leather that makes it so fascinating? A woman looks totally hot in a leather miniskirt. A man in black leather strikes us as powerful, even foreboding. Our fantasies are often not of exposed skin, but of a second skin made of soft, supple leather.
When evening rolls around and your flirting turns to touching, make a dramatic move. Yank off your leather belt, grab it by the ends, and rope her in. Pull her hard against you for a kiss. Slip the strap down her back, stopping every few inches to cinch it in, especially when you’ve got it tight against her butt. Now help her get undressed, and if there’s any kind of leather jacket in the house, ask her to put it on, skin to skin.
Wear gloves so that your every touch is a kiss of leather. Use your belt like a silk scarf, dragging it across each inch of her flesh, one side slightly course, the other butter-smooth. Draw it snug against her face for the overwhelmingly sensual aroma. Bite her nipples through the tender hide.
Ask her to lay face-down on the bed and, as she stretches out, straddle her back facing her deliciously bare bottom. Massage her thighs and calves. Part her cheeks with your leather-clad hands; trail your fingers between her legs. Is she wet? Is she soaking the tanned skin? Now ask her to turn over; spread her legs wide. Take the very end of your belt and dip it inside her. Get it soaked with her nectar. Place the tip squarely over her clitoris and, with only a light squeeze, gently slide it off. The slick friction, the pressure, the exquisite pop as her clit comes free from it’s leather restraint will have it singing. Do it again. And again, faster and firmer. Each soft snap of leather on her flesh pushes her closer to the edge. Alternate with light strokes from your fingers and strong licks from your tongue. Make it quicker, and wetter, and when she explodes, press all your toys against her steaming lips. Let her drench them with her honey.
Now, what are you going to do with a belt that carries the very faint aroma of sex? Well, if she pulls it out of the closet for you one evening — it’s a sure bet she doesn’t want you to get dressed for dinner.
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1 voice, and a willingness to use it
1 penis, and a willingness to let it be used!
IT’S SO NICE TO HAVE A MAN around the house!
You take care of us, you make us feel beautiful, and you’re so good at fixing little things. Well, most of you, anyway. Of course, you also work too many hours, you drop your socks on the floor, you never do your share of the housework....
None of that matters; we love you anyway. But do you know the one thing that really, seriously bugs us? The thing you all do that just drives us nuts?!
You don’t talk to us. You don’t tell us what’s on your mind, or what you want, or how you feel about us. And when it comes to sex, well....
You’re going to surprise your true love. You’re going to startle her, and thrill her. You’re going to seduce her with your words all week long, and, in the process, discover an entirely new path to arousal.
Start with flirty words, the language of romance. Ring her up at work—Hi! No, no special reason. Just missed you, I guess. I was sitting here thinking about you, and I thought I’d call to say I love you....
Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? But you just knocked her socks off.
When you see her later, your tone is more sensual. Hey, you look gorgeous today. Come here, give me a hug. And you smell great—is that new? Mmm, I think I need a kiss. And by the time you make it to the bedroom, you can be downright uncivilize
d. You know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking I want you to come. Yes, in my mouth, I want to taste your sweet juices. If I suck right... here... think you could come? You smell so good... I’ve been dreaming about this all day long...
It takes more than words to communicate in the bedroom. You might be having a good time, but if you’re quiet and still, she feels like a failure. So let her know how much you like what she’s doing! Moan, sigh, move, gasp, grab her and whisper yes Yes YES OH GOD YES!
That’s a powerful reward for all her effort...
And a powerful incentive for her to do the same thing again!
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3 teasing text messages or emails
2 pages of instructions
1 sign, taped to the bedroom wall
SOMETIMES, GETTING A WOMAN TO SUBMIT to lust is simply a matter of saying the right words. And sometimes—like this time—you don’t have to say any words at all.
Get your sweetie psyched up for this erotic encounter with a text message early in the day: Been thinking about you. Follow it up with another one: Thinking of things I want to do to you! Then send one more: Be ready for anything tonight.