101 Nights of Great Sex
Page 23
Now climb back under the covers, but before you wrap your arms around her, reach under the bed... and present her with your loving gift. I saw this rose today and it reminded me of you. Perfect, beautiful, and still blossoming into something even more amazing...
Kiss her ears, her eyes, whisper those sweet nothings. Cuddle, snuggle, hold her and tell her how wonderful she makes you feel. Regardless of your physical prowess in the bedroom, you have now transformed yourself into the greatest lover on earth — one who nurtures the nurturer.
You’re a man who doesn’t take his bedmate for granted, who lets her know how much he appreciates her every move. You are every woman’s dream.
Be forewarned, though. Giving up thirty minutes of sleep this way may cost you — another hour or two of sleep! Something tells me that’s a price you won’t mind paying tonight...
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1 spray of cologne, gently applied
1 traditional cowboy-style bandanna.
I LOOKED ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR THE SEXY tricks and tips that inspire the seductions in this book. Except for this one. This seduction is based on a true story that happened right in my own bedroom. It started as a joke, actually; a bit of silliness between Jeff and me. I was in bed after a long day and was, I confess, in no mood for love. Jeff started his cute prank, and—POW. Something amazing happened.
One moment I was giggling and pushing him away, and the next—I was hot. Smoking hot. He did something that shifted my mental image, and I found myself responding to him. The fantasy, the scent, the awesome masculinity of his move—it all worked some magic. And trust me when I tell you that this seduction has the power to take your woman from zero to 60 in three seconds flat.
It all started when Jeff came home after having a cigar with some buddies. I’ll never say no to a kiss, but I laughed at this one and mentioned his breath, heavy with the smell of old tobacco. He went off to get ready for bed (and brush his teeth!) and when he came back, he was wearing a Red Bandanna across his face. He looked like a bank robber out of an old Western movie. He had the ends tied behind his head, with a triangle of fabric falling over his nose and mouth. Just a joke. A token effort to keep his cigar-breath from bothering me. But then he kissed me... and oh. My. GOD.
Ohmygod. That one little layer of fabric across his lips made this kiss feel different from all the other kisses. It was soft, and the softness of it slid across my lips every time he adjusted for a fresh kiss. The heat of his breath was trapped by the fabric, slowed enough that I became hyper-aware of it—steamy, yummy heat hovering over my mouth, mixing with the warmth of my own lips, cooled only slightly by the red cloth.
I could smell something on the cloth, too, something delicious—oh, yes, he had put a dab of his cologne on it. I wasn’t laughing now. I was making out, hard, and I found myself getting lost in the fantasy of it all. Later, I realized what had taken over my imagination. It’s something I teach couples about, something I’ve talked about on the radio for years. Among women, the two most powerful, popular fantasies are:
1. Letting the man take charge, and
2. Sex with a stranger.
And here I was, getting surprisingly caught up in both fantasies at the same time. And when I say “caught up”, what I really mean is that I was getting completely aroused and quickly heading for my first heart-pounding orgasm of the night.
Not, I am pleased to say, my last.
I’ve since told lots of women about The Red Bandanna, and they all loved it. They got it immediately. Women totally understand the power of scent, the erotic drama of a mask, the sensuous thrill of fabric gliding across skin. They know, each and every one of them, the burning need to just be pinned back and taken by a mysterious man.
So here’s your assignment this week. Get a cowboy bandanna, and leave it in a place where your girl is bound to see it and wonder about it. Play with it a few times. Make her laugh. And then one night this week, tie it over your face like a bank robber... and get ready to steal her heart.
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1 g-string
1 g-spot
1 g-spot stimulator (my favorite is the Icon Je Taime Vibe 7 Le Point G vibe in Pink, available at venuspleasures.com)
Where exactly is the G spot located? The Grafenberg Spot lies directly behind the pubic bone within the front wall of the vagina. The size and exact location vary. (Imagine a small clock inside the vagina with 12 o’clock pointing towards the navel. The majority of women will find the G spot located in the area between 11 and 1 o’clock). Unlike the clitoris, which protrudes from the surrounding tissue, it lies deep within the vaginal wall, and a firm pressure is often needed to contact the G spot in its unstimulated state.
“Apogee” means the very highest point in an orbit around the earth. This week, you’re launching your true love straight into space with a technique that uses a gee of a different sort. No, it’s not rocket science—it’s pocket rocket science!
And you’ve got such a nifty new tool to help you. It’s the G-spot stimulator, and it can be found in most adult boutiques. My recommendation is the one that comes from Paris (See ingredients above)—it’s slim and pink and so very, very friendly. But she might be a little startled at first, so start your hunt the old-fashioned way. Once she’s thoroughly warmed up, slip a well-lubricated finger into her. Mmm, doesn’t that feel good? All that warm, soft, wet flesh inviting you inside....
Ask her to lay on her tummy, legs apart and hips slightly raised, as described in the quote above. Has it been a while since you fingered her? Then take your time—explore her vagina. Her G-spot may not be obvious at first, but as it gets stimulated, you may notice a pronounced swelling, a stiff spot, along the front wall. She’ll notice, too; it’s a tingle that’s not the same as the one her clitoris gives her. And speaking of our little friend, let’s not neglect it! If she rises to her knees, bottom in the air, you’ll be able to stroke her clit while maintaining gentle pressure on the G-spot. And, of course, you have that incredibly erotic view....
Time for technology to lend a hand. Ask your sweetie to turn over and sit up, leaning back against her pillows, and slowly insert the stimulator. Start to thrust in and out, building up your rhythm. Vary the speeds, from slightly pulsating to high intensity. Listen to her body—it’ll tell you if you’re on track. Now get ready. She’s about to have the orgasm of her life.
Five... Switch from G-spot stimulator to clitoris. Stimulate only Clitoris.
Four... Engines ignited. Switch back to the G-spot Stimulator. In and Out.
Three... Switch from G-spot Stimulator to clitoris again. Rub faster. No turning back now.
Two... Add the G-spot stimulator. Maintain Clitoris-stroke. Both strokes together. Full throttle!
One... Rub faster. Kiss her goodbye! Ohhh, geeeeeee....
Blast-off... and bon voyage!
Head’s Up!
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1 new vibrator (something girly like a Lipstick Vibrator found at goodvibes.com)
several pillows
How many vibrators does she own? Well, whatever it is, it’s not enough. A girl can never have too many. You can also use the “Lipstick Vibe” for seductions Morning Muffin, Position of Submission & Light Me Up, Baby!
NO LESSON THIS TIME. No deep insight. Hey, sometimes the best thing you can do for a relationship is just to make each other come as hard as you possibly can.
And fortunately, that’s easier than ever. Motors are quie
ter. Batteries are stronger. This is the freaking Golden Age of vibrators, my friend. We live in wonderful times.
Just for fun, pick up a new vibe this week, and don’t forget to grab a pack of Double-A’s. Have it gift wrapped and then leave it conspicuously in the middle of the coffee table.
When your lover meets you in the living room, make her wait for her surprise. There’s magic in anticipation: Women can get turned on just by thinking about sex. Make out, drink wine, make out some more, and then—finally—offer to satisfy her curiosity. Smile and then let her open her gift. She’ll be nervous (depending on what you bought!) but more than excited. Explain that you have a plan to break in your newest gadget.
Place some pillows on the floor so that she’s comfortable sitting down, with her back propped up against the sofa. I can’t tell you the exact angle or height, since so much depends on you. Or more specifically, your anatomy. Because here’s what you’re going to do:
Straddle her face, knees on either side of her head, facing the sofa. Don’t sit on her, or apply any pressure at all. You may have to adjust those pillows, but when you have it right, she’ll be relaxed, comfortable, and staring at Mr. Friendly dangling right in front of her. You’ll be at ease, too, leaning forward on the sofa for support. Hand her the vibe and say, “I want to feel you come while I’m in your mouth. Just concentrate on making yourself feel good”.
Here’s where things get intense. Way intense, way fast. Because for her, it’s not just the vibrator. It’s the huge erection filling her mouth plus that incredibly hot dirty-girl feeling of masturbating right in front of you. For you, it’s not just the sucking... as if that weren’t enough. No, you also get that sense of control, that dominant take-that-in-your-mouth feeling, plus an awesome, over-the-top view: the image of your woman’s face as she climaxes while clinging to your erection.
It’s like having your own personal porn star, right between your legs.
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a slow hand
an easy touch
Most of the time most women find the best spot on the clitoris to be between two o’clock and three o’clock. So you just want to rub consistently right in that spot... forever and ever and ever. Some women find just the opposite side in the same place between nine and ten o’clock very pleasurable. But, I would say about eighty percent are going to find it between two and three o’clock.
The Art of Extended Orgasm
A woman loves the feeling that surges through her when the clitoris is touched just right. If you don’t know exactly how she likes it stroked... don’t feel bad. No one knows the best way to touch it. No one but her—and tonight she’s going to teach you how.
When your foreplay brings your mouth in contact with her lips—her other lips—pay special attention to the clit. It’s a shy little devil, but you’re going to coax it out to play. Touch it with your tongue, get it wet with your saliva, and then—pull away.
Coat your fingers liberally with astroglide and rub them across her lips; pull them gently apart. Imagine the face of a small clock before you, with the clitoris at twelve o’clock. Where on that clock does she want to be touched? Where do you stroke for maximum effect? Surveys tell us that more women touch themselves at two o’clock than any other position... but take your time getting there. Start at the top — right above the clitoris — and brush against her with fast, short, circular strokes. Move around to ten or eleven — does she respond more, or less?
Keep her wet. Dip your fingertips into her vagina; draw a trail of her juices up to the clock and rub it all over. Her clitoris will change as her arousal reaches new heights. It swells; it gets harder, and finally it makes its presence known when it climbs out from under the clitoral hood. The hood — a small piece of skin that protects all those nerve endings — will pull back, leaving that magic button exposed. Be careful! Too rough a touch, too much pressure, and her sexual revelry will be spoiled.
So ask for help. Place her hand on yours. Show me....
Follow her lead. Memorize her every move. Does she rub fast? Does she press hard? Perhaps it’s too sensitive; does she stroke the clitoris itself, or squeeze up against the base? Watch for signs she’s approaching her climax... and see if she sustains her rapture by stopping short, changing tempo, then starting up again. Most important of all, learn exactly what she does when she finally erupts. That last move, that final, intense touch — or no touch at all — will make all the difference in the world.
Now that you’ve discovered what really works under the hood, you can give her a gift no other man ever has — an orgasm as good as her own.
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