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Mated To The Alpha Dragon (A BBW Paranormal Romance)

Page 4

by Rachel Red

  We made our way out of the great hall while conversation resumed. I heard someone exclaim that Victor was finally going to claim a bride, and I hoped with all my heart they were right. I liked how Julia had described him as strong but kind. I loved how he moved with long, powerful strides, and I loved the masculine, square angle of his jaw. I loved the way he looked at me. He was the kind of man I knew I could be happy forever with. He was the kind of man I knew I could reach heights of ecstasy with.

  Over the next several hours, Julia gave me a tour of some of the main areas of Stonebrook, including the large cavern-rooms where I'd stay that night, though that wasn't nearly enough time to even glimpse at everything. It really was just like a small town beneath the mountains, complete with "roads" that were actually long, lighted, interconnected cavernous hallways. Each of the hallways even had "street signs" and hanging maps at various points along the way. But early in the afternoon, even though I was enjoying discovering everything, our feet were getting tired, and Julia said that maybe we'd explored enough for one day, and asked me if I'd like to relax in the community hot springs.

  "There's actually several of them, one smaller one kind of out of the way and not used very often, so we can go to that one so maybe you can get a little peace just to unwind for a while."

  I said that sounded perfect. "I guess I didn't bring a bathing suit, though, and I bet any of yours would be too small on me."

  "Oh, you'll fit one of mine easily. We make our suits from a stretchy kind of fabric we weave. It'll be fine."

  Julia was a little on the heavy side, though not as big as me, and I wondered if any of her suits would really actually fit me. But one did, and easily, like she'd said.

  She smiled. "See? The make some pretty amazing fabrics in the manufacturing center. Oh! After this, we'll go find the head seamstress so you can get measured for your wedding dress. She'll work on it all night so it'll be ready for tomorrow."

  My wedding dress. Just thinking about those words sent a little thrill racing through me. I imagined how Victor would look in a dark suit or tux, which made my pulse accelerate. I wondered if he was for sure, for sure, for sure going to claim me as his bride, suddenly desperate to know the answer. But I didn't have to wait that long to find out.

  Julia and I spent a while relaxing in the hot springs, then dressed and visited the head seamstress, who was all too eager to start creating the dress of my dreams. I told her what I had in mind, which was something fairly simple, cream-colored, and floor length, with an empire waist and a satin ribbon at the top of a strapless bodice. She said that sounded lovely and was absolutely doable, and after taking my measurements, she got to work right away.

  Julia and I went to the rooms where I'd be staying that night and began getting ready for the formal dinner that evening. I dressed in a swingy, knee-length fuchsia dress with a short, black cap-sleeved jacket, glad I'd brought something dressy. A while later, after we'd both applied a little makeup and twisted our hair up in loose updos, we were ready. Or at least, I was as ready as I ever would be to find out whether or not Victor was going to officially claim me as his bride.

  When Julia and I entered the great hall, just a couple of minutes late, most of population of Stonebrook appeared to have already arrived. The hall was now dimly, yet still well-enough lit, since the high windows carved in the side wall now revealed only night sky, but the thousands of tiny white lights on the lofty hall ceiling still sparkled at least fifty feet in the air. White candles in clear glass domes glowed on each of the tables. Some people were seated; some people stood milling around, talking; but everybody hushed, their gazes on Julia and me. Boisterous conversations became low murmuring.

  Victor and Sam came over from the long table and offered Julia and me their arms to escort us to the table. Victor wore a black suit, maroon tie, and white shirt that made his light tan an even deeper golden. His well-tailored suit jacket accentuated his broad shoulders and slim hips. I took his strong arm, silently reminding myself to just breathe, and just walk, and don't fall.

  While we made our way to the long table, he turned his head and spoke near my ear. "You look absolutely beautiful."

  Now I really had to work hard to just breathe and walk and not fall. "Thank you. You look very handsome."

  That only had to be the understatement of the millennium. Devastatingly handsome might have described him better.

  He gave me a half-grin, his charcoal eyes twinkling. "Thank you."

  I smiled, my stomach doing a flip.

  He seated me at his left at the long table, across from Sam and Julia. But he didn't sit down himself. Standing next to his throne-chair, he began addressing everyone present. Between his deep, resonant voice and the massive, cavernous stone hall, he didn't even remotely need a microphone.

  "May I have everyone's attention, please."

  Everyone hushed, suddenly and completely.

  "Please be seated, everyone."

  Those still milling around quickly took their seats. Victor continued.

  "Before we enjoy our meal, I'd like to make an announcement. For the first time in nearly a hundred years, there will be no post-dinner council meeting to determine who is to be allowed to claim the Haverbrook bride. And that is because I am formally claiming Kate Archer as my bride right now."

  A collective gasp came from everyone seated. Including just a little one from me. My heart seemed to skip a beat. Julia actually gave me a tiny wink, the corners of her mouth twitching.

  Victor took a filled wineglass from the table and lifted it. "I'd like to make a toast. To Kate, and her bravery and beauty. To our future together." He turned his gaze to my eyes. "To my soon-to-be bride."

  My stomach did somersaults, and I couldn't hold back a smile.

  Victor grinned in return, revealing straight, white teeth, and then turned back to the crowd and lifted his glass again. "Cheers."

  Many people called out "Cheers!" and "Hear! Hear!" and "To Kate and Lord Victor!" before taking a sip of their wine or water. I lifted my wineglass to my mouth and took a drink, hoping nobody would notice a slight trembling in my fingers.

  Victor took his seat; a trio of female violinists in one corner of the hall began playing a joyful, uptempo piece; and at least a dozen waiters, all dressed in white shirts and black pants, began delivering plates of food to the tables.

  Victor took my hand, which I'd had resting in my lap, and spoke in a low voice, his expression serious. "Are you happy?"

  The touch of his skin on mine made me slightly dizzy, in the most pleasant possible way.

  I nodded, my eyes suddenly and inexplicably filling with tears. "Yes. I'm very happy. Are you?"

  He nodded, breaking into a grin. "Extremely happy."

  I blinked back my tears, feeling like my heart might soar right out of my chest.

  While we ate, Victor and I talked, shared a few laughs, and got to know each other a little better. He asked about my hobbies and interests, and when I said that I'd taken up watercolor painting in the past year, absolutely loved it, and wanted to continue with it, he said he'd have a large cavern room near the center of Stonebrook turned into an art studio, just for me.

  "I want you to be able to do whatever brings you joy."

  At that moment, just being near him while talking to him and looking into his dark eyes was bringing me joy. Joy on a level I never even dreamed possible. I marveled at my good fortune to be marrying a man like him. To have been chosen by a man like him. I marveled at the day's turn of events. From near-despair when first meeting Sam that morning, to total bliss by night.

  The dinner went by far too quickly. Around ten, after a dessert of lemon tarts with whipped cream, Victor seemed to notice that I was beginning to have a hard time keeping my eyes open, despite very much enjoying the conversation with him.

  He smiled at me, his normally fairly stern expression one of tenderness and concern. "You've probably been up since well before dawn. And you've had a very long tiring day, I'm su

  I couldn't deny it, and soon he stood and thanked everyone for coming to the dinner.

  After walking me to my rooms while holding my hand, he paused by the door, lifted my hand, and kissed it. A current of electricity seemed to travel from his firm, warm lips to my skin and all the way up my arm.

  "Sleep well, beautiful Kate. Goodnight."

  My voice came out in somewhat of a sigh. "Goodnight."

  With a little smile, he turned and began down the stone hallway, and I watched him while he walked, studying his powerful strides and broad back. The next time we would see each other, it would be to become joined as husband and wife. I stepped into my rooms with butterflies dancing in my stomach, despite my exhaustion.

  I changed into my pajamas, and then washed my face and brushed my teeth in the master bathroom before hearing a knock at the door. It was Julia, wanting to know if I needed anything. I led her to a couch in the living room cavern, shaking my head.

  "No, but thank you so much for checking up on me. But, no, I guess I don't need anything." I couldn't help but smile. "I guess I just need him."

  We both sat down on the couch, and I still couldn't stop smiling.

  "I think I'm like... I'm falling in love with him already."

  Julia grinned back. "I'm so happy for you. You deserve this. And I can tell just from the way Victor was looking at you tonight that he's definitely falling in love with you, too. He actually seemed almost goofy tonight compared to his usual, stern self. I think I saw him smile more tonight than I have in the entire past three years."

  We continued chatting, talking about the wedding and the festivities the next day, and after a few minutes, I had a sudden thought.

  "Oh! I know what I wanted to ask you. That one part of the ceremony tomorrow... The Mingling of the Blood. What is it?"

  Julia winced, tucking a strand of her long brown hair behind one ear. "Well... I'll tell you about it. But I remember that you have kind of a weak stomach. So if at any point you feel sick or faint, just tell me, and I'll stop talking."

  I nodded. "Okay. Go ahead. Whatever it is, I can handle it."

  I was trying to be brave, but honestly, I wasn't so sure whether or not I could handle hearing about whatever the Mingling of the Blood was. But I was about to find out.


  Julia took a deep breath, her expression kind of troubled in the soft light from three electric wall sconces. "Okay. The Mingling of the Blood. It's really not too terrible. Well... okay, it's a little terrible. Here's basically what it is. It happens at the very end of the ceremony, right before the kiss. And by the way, Keeper weddings are very brief and to the point. Before the Mingling, Victor will only be asked if he claims you as his bride, and he'll say yes, and then you'll be asked if you accept him as your husband, and you'll say yes, and then he'll give you a ring he'll have picked from a collection made by our jeweler. That's it. Oh, and then I'll hand you a gold band that you'll give to him. And that's it. Oh, and also by the way, don't be worried about having to stand up in front of the whole population of Stonebrook to be married; shifter weddings are very small, intimate affairs. It'll just be you, Victor, me, Sam, a few other of Victor's right hand men and their wives, maybe six of them and their wives, so just a dozen more people, and then our officiator, Michael, who will do the actual wedding and stand in front of you and Victor and all that. Anyway. Sorry. I've gotten off track, haven't I?"

  "That's all right."

  "Okay. So anyway. The Mingling. This is when the magic happens, literally. So basically, here's what it is. Michael the officiator will ask Victor to extend his hand, and Victor will extend it, palm up. Michael will take a knife and slice his palm. Victor will make a fist and...." Julia studied my face for just a second, wincing slightly. "Sorry, Kate. I'll just spit this out as fast as I can. Victor will make a fist over a fancy gold chalice with dragons on it and stuff, and he'll squeeze some of his blood into it. And it's not like a ton, but it's like... maybe half an ounce? I don't know. Someone will wrap up his hand, and then you'll be asked to extend your hand for the same thing. Michael will slice your palm, but don't be too freaked out; it's not a slice that will require stitches or anything, and it's really not deep at all. Oh, and you'll have fast-healing shifter properties after all this anyway, too, even though you won't be a shifter. My cut healed super fast and left no scar. The blade Michael uses is razor sharp, and he knows exactly what he's doing. He knows just how to cut to produce blood, but without going too deep. So, anyway. Then you'll make a fist, and trickle some blood into the chalice with Victor's. But you don't even have to watch. You can totally turn your face away. I did. But I'm not gonna lie; you will hear the blood trickling into the chalice and it is gross. But then, pretty much right away, you'll feel a literal little current of electricity run through you as your blood mingles with Victor's in the cup. And that's the magic. That's what transfers his unusually long shifter lifespan onto you, and that's the moment when you become husband and wife. Oh, and don't worry about the little current of electricity, either. It doesn't hurt at all. Just feels weird for a second. So. Anyway, that's the Mingling. Think you'll be okay?"

  I couldn't speak right away, fighting a wave of nausea. I shook my head. "I just feel really sick right now. And really... I'm freaked out about all this."

  Julia had been right earlier when she'd recalled that I had a weak stomach. But she didn't even know the full extent of it. It was mainly just a weak stomach about blood. But the words weak stomach didn't even fully convey what I often experienced. I often felt terribly sick and faint even just taking care of my own sanitary items every month. And it never got any easier. I wasn't quite sure how I'd handle seeing or hearing blood running from my palm into a chalice. Probably not well.

  I cradled my arms around my ribs. "Just a little sick right now. It'll pass."

  Julia studied my face. "Okay, you look really pale. Like, really pale. So we're just gonna change the subject right this second. Now, just give me a sec to think of something interesting enough to... oh! You wanna know how the Event happened?"

  I let go of my ribs, sitting up a little straighter. "Oh my gosh, yes."

  Julia grinned. "Okay, good. Well, I know it's getting late, so I'll give you the very condensed version. So, back when the world was 'normal' or whatever, back when it was they way it was like we read about in all the old books... well, it actually wasn't perfectly normal. There was a group of human American men with supernatural abilities, a group of about two hundred of them. Sorcerers. And all evil to the core. They all got together and wanted to kill everyone on earth, just for the fun of it. Just because they were sick monsters. And they eventually figured out a way to do it. Well, while they were figuring out the spell that would kill everyone on earth within seconds, like a big nuclear blast or something like we read about in school that one time, well, a brilliant government scientist somehow caught wind of their plan. He knew if he told the authorities about it, if he told them that a bunch of evil sorcerers were going to kill everyone in the world, he'd probably just be taken as mentally unstable and be locked up. But he decided he couldn't just do nothing. So... oh, by the way, can you guess where this government scientist was from? Hint, his last name was Endicot."

  The Endicots were one of the oldest families in Haverbrook.

  "He was from our town?"

  Julia nodded. "Yup. James Endicot. So anyway, he couldn't just sit by while sorcerers destroyed the world. He had to at least try to save as many people as he could, or help in some way. Well, he wasn't just a scientist; he also had some supernatural talents of his own, and maybe that's how he found out about the evil sorcerers; I imagine the supernaturally-gifted community wasn't a huge one. So in his lab, he kind of blended science and the supernatural and did a bunch of experiments. He found that he could do some kind of temporary force-field type thing around a small area of land, which he did around Haverbrook. Which ultimately saved everyone in our town, our ancestors. But while that was
a success, he also found that he himself couldn't do much to directly harm or stop the sorcerers, who the Keepers now call the Oppressors, by the way, but he could use science and magic to transform humans into sorcerer fighting machines with a few magical gifts of their own, including being shape-shifting into fire-breathing dragons. So, he decided to use humans who were already strong to begin with. He transformed five hundred or something current and former American navy SEALS. And of them all, even before the transformation, Victor was the best of the best. He'd killed the biggest, most evil Middle Eastern terrorist that ever lived in some really dangerous nighttime raid or something. And that was only one of the many really dangerous, heroic things he'd done. That's why it was decided by everyone that he'd be the leader."

  I couldn't believe my good luck and fortune. I was going to be married to a devastatingly handsome man who was not only falling in love with me like I was with him, but who was also the lord of the shifter dragons and also a former navy SEAL. And apparently, maybe even the best one there had ever been. I'd read about navy SEALS in old books and had always wished there were men like that in Haverbrook. And now, the best one was going to be my husband.

  Julia continued. "But anyway, so the Keepers were created, and created with magical properties so they would have unnaturally long life and couldn't be killed like normal humans; the sorcerers killed everyone in the world, everyone, that is, except a few hundred women to use as sex slaves; Haverbrook was saved because of the force-field; and the Keepers began protecting us from the Oppressors. And that's why they've never told anyone in town what they're really doing, that they're less our controllers and more our protectors. They don't want anyone to have to live in fear of the Oppressors. They'd just rather keep everyone in town safe with a little intimidation; they'd just rather keep everyone in a state of somewhat ignorant bliss, which I think is what their creator asked them to do."


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