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The American Soldier Collection 16: Seeking Love in Salvation (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Helena chuckled.

  “Honey, I think they were thinking the same thing about you, Miss New York.”

  “Oh, stop that,” she replied.

  Helena smiled. Valentina had been in a beauty pageant when she was seventeen and won Miss New York in a statewide competition. She won not only because of her beauty but also because of her personality and her goal to be a police officer one day. She’d achieved her dreams and was outstanding in her profession. Helena worried about her, though. Her friend was still recovering from gunshot injuries after the attack on her, Lois, and Kenny. She hoped she would be able to go back to police work. She would be an asset to any department. Hopefully working in the special victims recovery unit with the Texas Rangers would encourage her to get back out on the streets. Helena wasn’t sure.

  “So, this Gunny guy sounds pretty intense. Was he really honest about the specifications for the part-time job or what?” Valentina asked her.

  “Gunny is a straight shooter. He tells it the way it is. I’m good friends with his wife. She’s the one that just had the baby. It’s their second.”

  “Her and Gunny?”

  “Well, and Wes and Garrett, his brothers.”

  “God, I need to get used to this whole ménage thing you all have going out here. I thought you were lying to me when you warned me about them.”

  “Nope, they exist and you’re living in an area where multiple towns accept it and encourage it. I mentioned when you called me months ago about seeking a safer, more secure, and calmer location to move to—Salvation has its advantages.”

  “You did, but from what I’ve seen so far it has the quaint town, the friendly people, and the peace and quiet.”

  “You all are safe here. Women are extra protected around Salvation, as well as some of the surrounding towns. It’s something I’ll need to explain to you and to Lois.”

  “What do you mean?” Lois asked, joining them.

  Helena looked at Lois. She hadn’t seen her in years, but she knew she was an attractive woman and shared similar features with Valentina—like her blue eyes and the blonde hair, but Lois’s hair was a darker blonde. She looked so withdrawn and fragile. Valentina had told Helena some of the details of their attack, but Helena also knew that Valentina had a knack for counseling and helping talk people through things. If anyone could help Lois get through this, it would be Valentina.

  “Well, the first thing you should know is that any day now the sheriff will come by to visit you.”

  “The sheriff? Why?” Lois asked, taking a seat by the island in the kitchen where they were unwrapping glasses, wiping them, and putting them away in the cherrywood cabinets.

  “Well, the old sheriff, Morgan, retired a couple of years back and now Ford Brazos, one of my other cousins, is the new sheriff. He and his brothers live in the house right next door on the other side.”

  “Damn, you were serious about making us feel safe, weren’t you?”

  Helena chuckled. “I know you carry a gun and can handle security yourself, but when you’re working, and to give Lois and Kenny with peace of mind, it’s good to know you have both law enforcement and military men surrounding your house.”

  “Military men?” Lois asked, tears filling her eyes.

  Helena reached out and placed a hand on Lois’s arm.

  “Good military men. Trustworthy ones who always put a woman first.”

  “Oh, God,” she replied and closed her eyes. Valentina went around the island and placed her arm around her sister’s shoulders.

  “Helena would never steer us wrong,” she said to her, and Helena watched, feeling her gut clench. Lois was still in victim mode and would need time to recover and feel confident. Helena didn’t know all the details about who her ex was, but perhaps he had some military affiliation. She would need to ask Val later.

  “Listen, the sheriff is trustworthy and a good man. He was in the military for years, Special Forces, and then was in the police department working under Sheriff Morgan. When the town voted on a new sheriff, he came out on top. What you both need to know is that they make sure that all the women in town are looked after and supported.”

  Now Valentina looked taken aback.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Listen, it’s not like you have no rights. Basically, no matter what your situation, profession, or position in life is, the men of Salvation watch over you. In fact, they usually assign guardians.”

  “I do not need guardians,” Valentina snapped at her.

  Helena raised her hands up. “I understand that, and so will Ford, but this is the way things are done. They assign guardians to help you, guide you, and protect you, if needed. I’m certain that Ford will see that you’re more than capable of handling things your own, Val, but you need to know the rules in case Ford decides to assign you guardians. Any questions you may have would go through them. It’s like a support network.”

  Helena saw Lois look at Valentina.

  “Don’t worry, we don’t need that. I’m taking care of you guys and can handle things,” Val told her sister.

  “I know it’s a lot to adjust to, but it’s set up as precaution. It’s not a big deal and I doubt they’ll even assign anyone to you guys, especially since you’re law enforcement.”

  “Do your cousins know that? On both sides?” Val asked.

  “No. I didn’t tell them. But I’m certain they’ll find out quickly,” Helena said and smiled.

  “Why is that?”

  “Oh, I just have the feeling that my cousins, and any other guys you meet, will be asking me all about you in no time.”

  “Helena, I’m not interested in meeting any guys.”

  “That’s when it happens, though. Don’t worry. It’s just an observation on my part. You’re a beautiful, attractive, single woman under thirty. You carry a gun, know how to use it, and are friendly, likable, and well-rounded. They’ll be coming around in packs.”

  “Oh, really, and what about you? How come you’re not seeing anyone?”

  “Who said I wasn’t?” Helena asked.

  Val widened her eyes and gasped. She gave her a shove and then walked around the island.

  “You didn’t share it with me? That’s frigged up.”

  “No, it’s just complicated.”

  “Complicated? Hell, Lois and I do complicated real well, don’t we, sis?” she said to Lois, but Lois looked about ready to cry. She got up and walked out of the room.

  Val now looked emotional.

  Helena covered Val’s hand with hers and held her gaze.

  “Time. Time will heal everything. We just need to be patient.”

  She felt so bad for her best friend. Val had put her entire life on hold for her sister. She left her job with the police department in New York after saving her sister and her nephew and moved out here to continue to care for them and, slowly, work to make money to support them. Helena wished there was more she could do.

  “You’re such a good person, Val. I mean it. I don’t know many people who could have survived what you all did, and then to put your life on hold...”

  “No, it’s not like my life is on hold. My life has more meaning now. My sister is in a bad place, Helena. A very bad place. I needed to recover from my injuries and get to her before she did something rash.”

  “What do you mean?” Helena asked.

  “I didn’t totally give you all the details of the attack. It was traumatic for all of us.”

  She lowered her voice.

  “She was beaten and raped. Her son was stepped on and held down to the floor while it happened. I fought so hard to get out of that bathroom to get to them...” She swallowed hard. Helena felt terrible. She’d had a feeling, from what little details Val had given her over the phone months ago, that her sister had been sexually brutalized during the attack. Her feeling was just confirmed.

  “No wonder she’s so withdrawn. Are you going to seek counseling out here?”

  “I don’t know who she would tr


  “I know someone. She is retired from the military now but works a lot with soldiers and first responders who have gone through traumatic experiences. She works with a lot of women, especially ones who were brutalized or abused by military men.”

  Val widened her eyes and held her gaze. “How did you know her ex was military?”

  “Just a feeling I got when she reacted to the sheriff visiting, and being Special Forces.”

  Val got quiet for a moment. “I want to explain it all to you. Every detail, Helena, but I just can’t, yet. I’m trying to focus on Kenny and Lois. They need help, and my next step tomorrow is finding someone to help him, too. I want them to feel safe and confident enough to stay alone while I leave the house and go to work. I’m hoping to get a position where I can be in town, but I just don’t know if that’s possible.”

  “It could be. They offer lots of things at the medical center twenty minutes from here. In fact, that’s where my friend works and where Lois would see her for counseling if she is open to it. I think they even offer art therapy for kids. There are lots of programs there.”

  “That sounds so perfect. Do you think you could call your friend and see if she would be willing to meet with us this week?”

  Helena smiled. “Of course I can, and if you want, I could go with you guys. Maybe stay with Kenny while you two meet with her?”

  “Thanks so much. That might work. He really seemed to warm up to you at your place yesterday.”

  “That’s because of those delicious chocolate chip cookies I made. I’ll just whip up another batch after my shift tomorrow and have them ready for the trip to the medical center.”

  Val looked about ready to cry, but that wasn’t her style. She was always being tough, having something to prove. They were so much alike. So when Val pulled Helena into her arms and hugged her tight, she felt her own eyes well up with tears and prayed that her friend and her family would make it through this just fine. Salvation was a special place, and these women needed special—big time.

  Chapter 3

  Jace Brazos was on a long run through the woods and back trails lining the property. When he got in late last night, showered, and shaved, he felt revived. He knew his brothers were pissed at him, but they didn’t say a word. He needed to disappear for a few days—just camp out, live off the land, and be free. He sure as shit hadn’t expected to see that someone was living in the cottage next door. He’d seen the compact car and a few empty boxes at the bottom of the driveway near garbage pails, indicating someone had moved in. He wondered who, but he hadn’t spoken to his brothers yet. In fact, Jace knew that Beck went out for a run earlier, too, and he thought he might see him on the trail. It was early, and the sunrise and the darkness in the woods gave Jace an eerie feeling. His senses were still so trained and in tune to every sound that, when he heard the breaking of branches, he went on alert.

  He saw someone in the distance through the thick brush, and it wasn’t Beck. The person was dressed in black hood, too, and he wondered if it was a thief trying to sneak onto the property and steal something. He heard about some tools and personal items being taken on other ranches closer to town.

  The person wasn’t really paying attention, and as they rounded the corner of the brush, he jumped out. “Who are you?” he yelled.

  The woman screamed.

  A woman? Jace thought to himself. Then, she reached back and pulled out a gun. Instinctively, he did the same. They stared at one another, pointing. She was breathing heavily, and despite him scaring the hell out of her, she held the weapon like a pro.

  “Who are you?” he demanded as they slowly moved in a circle, never letting their guns down.

  “Who the fuck are you?” she replied with an attitude and a thick New York accent.

  “Put the gun down before you hurt yourself,” he said to her, despite thinking she held the weapon like she knew how to shoot. Her lip lifted slightly.

  “Put your gun down and identify yourself before I put a bullet in you,” she said to him.

  He chuckled. The woman had guts. She didn’t know who she was dealing with, though.

  “Who are you and what are you doing on my land?” he asked. Her eyes widened and then she started to lower the gun.

  “Your property?” she questioned, and he made his move. He knocked her gun away and had her pinned on the ground underneath him with the barrel of his gun pointed under her chin. He held her firmly, and he could feel how well-endowed she was—and fit, too.

  She parted her lips, looking shocked, and he couldn’t help but smirk smugly.

  “You always run through these woods dressed in black and carrying a Glock?” he asked.

  She clenched her teeth as she spoke. “Yes, I do, in preparation for men like you who are carrying, too, and may want to assault a woman just out for a morning run,” she snarled at him.

  He was insulted that she would think he could assault her, and he lifted up slightly, pulling the gun away. She made her move and wound up on top of him gripping his wrists. He rolled her to the right, and they did that several times. She was pretty good, but not good enough. He slammed her back down and held her wrists above her head. That was when he heard his brother yelling.

  He looked to the right and saw Beck running toward them. A glance down at the very angry blonde with gorgeous blue eyes and her toned belly showing, since her top was lifted, made his cock instantly hard. Her eyes widened, and he wanted to say something cool, but nothing came to mind.

  “Jesus, get off of her. She’s our new tenant in the cottage,” Beck stated, grabbing his brother’s arm and pushing the gun away.

  He held her hands above her head as she stared at both of them. He put his gun behind him in the holster on his back and then lifted his grip slightly.

  “She didn’t identify herself and pulled a gun on me,” he said to Beck. Beck reached down and got Valentina’s gun off the ground.

  “You were carrying?” he questioned, squinting at her. It seemed his brother wasn’t so worried about Jace restraining her now.

  “Yes, I carry. I’m out in the middle of the woods running at five thirty in the damn morning. Any animal or beast could be out here prowling,” she said, nearly spitting at Jace.

  Was she calling him a beast? He almost chuckled. As he stared down at her face and the display of skin, he realized she had one hell of a body. This reaction bothered him. He avoided women all the time. He barely socialized, and when he did, he was filled with nastiness.

  “You have a license to carry this?” Beck asked, holding her gaze.

  “Yes, I do have a license to carry it.”

  “Do you know how to use it?” Beck pushed.

  “Yes, I do, want me to show ya?” she asked, filled with spunk. She pushed against Jace’s hold on her and Jace looked at Beck.

  “Let her up. We’ll get to the bottom of this immediately,” he said.

  When Jace let her up, stood, and offered her his hand, she slapped it away, turned to the left, and jumped up. She had a great ass, too. Damn, who was this woman?

  She held out her hand to Beck. “Gun, please,” she demanded.

  “Not yet. I need to confirm you have a license to carry.”

  Her mouth gaped open. “Confirm I have a license to carry? What about him? How do I know he has a license to carry that? He came at me first.”

  “You’re dressed all in black running through my woods on my property,” Jace stated firmly, stepping toward her. She didn’t retreat, but stepped closer and pointed at him.

  “I was protecting myself. I don’t know who the hell you are, so if you pull a gun on me, then I pull one on you. Be happy I didn’t pull the trigger.”

  “No, you be happy I didn’t pull the trigger and blow your pretty little head off,” he snapped back.

  “Be happy neither of you pulled the trigger, because neither of you are enemies or criminals. Jesus, someone could have been shot or hurt badly,” Beck intervened as the voice of reason.
/>   Jace stared at her and she stared right back with attitude. He should have walked away right then, but he couldn’t. Those damn eyes and that body. Shit, his dick was so fucking hard. He was completely turned on right now.

  “I’m calling the sheriff to confirm your license to carry.”

  “What about him?”

  “He’s got a license,” Beck replied as he dialed the number on his cell phone.

  “How do I know that? I don’t even know you, except that you’re Ridge’s brother.”

  “This is our other brother, Jace. Retired Green Beret, like the rest of us. He’s more than trained, honey. He’s a lethal weapon.”

  Valentina’s eyes widened and then she looked Jace over. He hadn’t thought that expression would affect him, but damn if the woman was hot and getting hotter by the second. Who was she? Where did she come from? Why the fuck did he care?

  “Green Beret or not, he’s just as wrong for pulling a weapon on me.”

  “You pulled on me first.”

  “Damn straight,” she said back and then looked at Beck as she heard him saying that they would ‘be at the house when he got there.’

  * * * *

  Standing on the front porch steps, Valentina was tapping her foot as they waited for the sheriff to arrive. Ridge joined them, and another guy came out the front door.

  “What in God’s name is going on?” Sparrow asked, looking her over. She had pulled off her hoodie, and Beck had offered her a bottle of cold water.

  “Your new tenant pulled a gun on me in the woods.” Jace snapped. Sparrow was a big guy who looked like he was the oldest and the meanest of the brothers, except maybe for Jace. He was a jerk and a half with a bad attitude.

  “A gun? What the fuck are you doing with a gun? You could shoot yourself!” Sparrow yelled.

  She chuckled and then crossed her arms and turned away from them as she saw the sheriff’s patrol truck coming down the long road before their driveway. It would take him another thirty seconds or so to arrive.

  “Did she just turn her back on me?” Sparrow asked, his tone harsh and almost firm enough to make her turn back. God, these military men were a force.


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