Ghost Sex The Violation

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Ghost Sex The Violation Page 13

by G L Davies

  The first thing that any good paranormal investigator should do is examine the place of the haunting with thorough detail. You need to establish where every cold spot is, what noises the house makes and what factors may influence a rational mind into believing that something paranormal is happening. With the aid of a thermal imaging device I was able to determine where there were natural cold and warm spots in the home. A thermal camera, also called an infrared camera or thermal imaging camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. This also gave me accurate temperature readings. I found a cold spot on the landing that was streaming in from the attic hatchway and once up there I found a missing tile on the roof. Could this be responsible for the cold spots encountered? Lisa, Tyler and Daniel all complained about freezing temperatures on the landing. I would keep evaluating the temperatures on the landing and see to which level they would drop to,

  The house of course had settling noises and the neighbours next door might have been non-existent for the amount of noise they made. With Night vision cameras, thermal imaging, digital audio recorders, motion sensors and web cams set up in every room, I settled in for my first night. Alone, I made myself comfortable in Lisa’s bedroom.

  I lay on Lisa’s bed, alone, and contemplated the disturbing events that had taken place in this house, in this room and in this very bed. I did not feel malice or rancour but a feeling of melancholy for Lisa. Regardless if this was a psychological condition or a genuine paranormal materialization surely everyone is entitled to have a normal and loving relationship? Surely this woman is entitled to sleep at peace in the night without the fear and trauma of inexplicable violations. What sort of hurt must Lisa feel to lose not only Dan, but Leon and Ian? For no fault of her own she has endured a horrific experience that we can only begin to contemplate through the safety of written words in a book or magazine or through a Hollywood movie.

  Over the first two days I stayed there, I experienced no unusual activity. The temperature on the landing remained around the same constant temperature.

  I was met on the third day by a female paranormal investigator who would be monitoring Lisa and her sleep patterns. I would remain vigilant at the bank of monitors and readouts in the living room. From there I had full scope of the house. If anything were to happen to Lisa, I would be there.

  For four nights we were sat there and for those four nights nothing happened. I know it must be a tremendous disappointment to you, the reader, but we cannot fabricate fictitious findings. I cannot in good faith sensationalize a traumatic and confounding series of events just for the purpose of entertainment. Like, yourself, we were most disappointed. However the person most upset was Lisa. She really hoped that we would find something or witness something that would help her make sense of what had happened to her and those close to her. We of course have thousands of hours of video footage and audio to sift through and a thorough examination of these is time consuming and we hope that somewhere hidden in a split second of footage is a clue to the events of that home.

  Lisa was concerned that lack of evidence would deem her a fraudster. I reassured her that the investigation was not to prove she had manipulated and deceived but that we had hoped to find some solid and conclusive evidence that would help her come to terms with her experiences.

  We are welcome back to the home and we shall conduct further investigations but we have discovered nothing. Metaphysical activities cannot be conjured up at a whim. They cannot be controlled or cajoled into existence. If such things were to exist then they will manifest at a time and place befitting their own uncanny needs. Who knows what really happened to Lisa in this home. What had broken Daniel to become a shadow of his former self? What was behind the haunting activities? And was Lisa a victim of a long term and abusive sexual violation? I shall continue my investigation and one day hope to have the answers that Lisa, richly, deserves.

  This is not the end. There are a few more answers that I need to add to the comprehensive research on this case. There may be more to this than meets the eye. There are two people in particular that have more to add to this story.


  I had the sense that Tyler had begun to warm to me over the last several weeks. He had opened up and displayed genuine emotion in regards to the events surrounding his mother. We have to realize that if this account is true then Tyler has witnessed things that no child should of their parent. Despite the rapport we had, I knew that Tyler was hiding something from me. I had to establish if this was something vital to the case. I sat down with him for our final interview session and I was absolute in my determination to bring this missing piece of the puzzle into the light. Tyler was stubborn and strong-willed but He knew that the full account had to be told and eventually he acquiesced. This is Tyler final words on the terrifying events that took place in the home.

  Tyler: I never wanted to talk about this. I never wanted to talk about any of this. If people think it happened to Mum, then they might think it was happening to me. People might think I’m gay or something. I don’t want people thinking that I was having sex with a ghost or some shit. Nothing like that happened but there was one day when something really strange happened. I didn’t want to tell you. This is Mum’s ordeal and her story and this is just embarrassing. I would burn him if I could, I would destroy him for what it did to us.

  I was around eighteen; I was in my room, my old room. Mum was out one afternoon at work. I was lying in bed reading a magazine. It was a porno mag O.K? I had picked it up at a newsagent in Haverfordwest as I didn’t want anyone to see me buying it here in the Dock. It was only Readers wives, you know, the one with the Milfs? Well you know what you’re like when you’re eighteen? I was enjoying the magazine so to speak. I was…masturbating. There’s nothing wrong with that. I’m doing it in my own home. Mum is out. It’s not like I’m a pervert. Most men I know crank one out to pornography.

  I’m reading away when there is this overpowering smell of shit in the room. The same awful smell that would herald the arrival of the shitty man. I stop and next thing something really hard hits me in the face. Full on hits me. It hit me with enough force to knock me down onto the pillow and it left a red mark. I’m shocked as fuck and then the magazine just launches across the room. The magazine by its own flew across the room and fluttered against the wall and fell on the floor in a heap. I was too shocked to yell. I was shaking like a shitting dog.

  Then the smell disappeared and it was as if nothing had happened at all. If it was not for the stinging on my face it could have been that I had dreamt it. I was furious. I wanted to smash something up. It was so humiliating and I was powerless to retaliate. I’m lying there with my dick out and with a hand mark across my face.

  Obviously it makes you weary to do anything like that again or bring girls back home but thankfully it only happened once, well to me, we know what happened to Mum. I think it was sending me a message. I can’t think why it would hit me and what it had against my porno mag. No one will know what the motives of that stinking fuck the shitty man will ever be. He’s not been back since and I pray he never does. If I could then I would ruin him. I would torture him for a lifetime for what he did to us. I hate him so much. If your house ever starts to stink that bad and you can’t find a cause then just get out of there. It might be the shitty man and you cannot stop him.


  There was another person I felt had something to add to this. Judith. She claimed to have had knowledge passed to her from the spirit realm on the identity of one of the spirits in the home. Could it be true? If so could this person be investigated and linked to the home? Maybe there was one final possibility to solve this and perhaps we could help a spirit find peace and leave our plain of existence. Was this spirit the one responsible for the attacks on Lisa? Was it the disgustingly christened Shitty man or the one dubbed the Cold man?

  Judith despite being ostracized by her family for her involve
ment in the events was more than willing to shed some light on the perpetrator. She hoped that by revealing his identity that Lisa may reach out and reconcile with her and bring her back into the family.

  Judith: I understand why Lisa is so angry with me. I really do. When we cleansed the house there were two spirits there. There was one that was evil and dank and another that just wanted to be close to her. The spirit world had changed and confused it so much it was as if it had two minds. Maybe he had mental health issues in life. This is how confused the spirit is. It is like it is fighting with itself sometimes but at its core the intention is nothing but good.

  I ask you now that if you had the power to stop a family from breaking apart then would you? If you could keep everyone in that family together then I would hope that you would make that right choice. Lisa cannot understand but I made a choice for her and Tyler. I sacrificed being part of this family for them and they don’t realize it. Every family has the right to be together.

  Rose was the first to tell me that he was dead and I was surprised. I didn’t know he had died. I did not know he had passed. When I came to the house I felt the presence of the evil and filthy one but there was another force there battling with it. I sensed it was him and when I did my research and found out he had been killed then everything started to make sense. I can show you the newspaper clippings. Lisa never knew, Lisa was never told. Lisa believed he simply vanished. Lisa believed that he no longer loved her but he did. He never stopped loving her and he wanted to come back to her but he wasn’t allowed. Once he had died then there was nothing stopping him. He is never far from Lisa; he is never far from Tyler. He is their Guardian Angel.

  Every child deserves to be close to their Dad and that is what I Did. I allowed Ian to remain close to Lisa and Tyler and it is Ian that is protecting them. Ian’s love for Lisa never died. He never wanted to leave and now the three of them are together. Ian’s parents tore his world apart and now he is back and they cannot interfere this time. Ian just wants to be close to his son and be with his sweetheart.

  I don’t want you to tell Lisa. I want her to find out for herself. When she reads this then she will know the pain and sacrifice I have been through for her. I may not have Lisa but I still have my Rose.

  I may have to wait until we are all passed to be part of the family again but until then I am happy knowing that I did the right thing for my child and my grandson. One day Rose, Lisa, Tyler, Ian and I will be together and we shall walk in fields under the sun. I look forward to that time.


  I am puzzled by so much that has happened to this family. Is it simply a cacophony of psychological conditions that has affected the people in the home? Have the family created an elaborate fiction for motives unknown only to themselves? Dare we believe that metaphysical bodies are entering our realm to abuse and violate us? Has a long lost love truly returned to his family? Despite Judith’s assurances of evidence I could find none relating to Ian.

  As is always a danger of prolonged exposure to the witness’s and I have grown fond of Lisa. I admire her courage and determination. This is a woman that always put her son first. This is a woman like so many of you reading this had so many hopes and dreams of a normal life. She wants to love and be loved and the environment surrounding her makes this almost impossible.

  Through the many weeks that the interviews took place, I always questioned her motives for doing this and the answer was always the same: I want to help others that maybe going through this.

  She hopes that no one ever has to suffer in the fashion that she has but she knows that she is not alone that there are others like her out there. Despite the continuing threat of violation she is tenacious. She continues to work and support her adult son and she always finds something good in the day to comment on. This is a woman resigned to her fate. This is a woman that has sacrificed the love of a good man to protect them. This is a woman destined to be alone forever.

  Further research will continue and any findings will be posted on the website and before we have Lisa’s final words I ask you one last time. What would you do if this was happening to you?

  Lisa: Some days I feel lonely. I feel sad inside. You take for granted a hug or the touch of a hand. To lie next to someone, held in their arms, would be just as nice as a full night of passion. This will never happen again. I cannot allow anyone into my life again. You saw what it did to Daniel.

  I see people walking hand in hand in the street or customers where I work and I smile. I feel so happy for them and I hope they appreciate it. I see people arguing and I just wish they would stop and realize how lucky they are to be together.

  I think about those perfect times with Leon or Dan. Those days when you wake up and they are lying next to you, asleep. I would look at them, so peaceful and I would slowly lift my hand to just stroke their face. Little things like that are the things you miss the most.

  I put a brave face on but sometimes the loneliness hurts so much. A girl I work with is always down on her boyfriend. He cooks and rubs her feet and he does nice things for her all the time but she doesn’t know what she wants and you can see it in his eyes when he comes to pick her up from work that he adores her. He thinks so much of her and yet she is so blind to how this man would never want to hurt her, cheat on her or put her down. She is blind to that this one man would do anything for her but all she thinks and talks about is other men. I would do anything in the world just to have that feeling of being wanted again. I want to be part of something so amazing. I want someone to be there for me when I finish my shift with a hug and a cup of tea. I will never have the bath run for me or breakfast made for me in a romantic way. I will never stand in a card shop picking out a Valentines card or snuggled up watching a movie or making up after an argument. I lie in bed some nights just wishing that someone would text me goodnight to say they love me. It’s nice just to know that there is someone out there thinking of you. These are such simple things that people take for granted. I want to feel loved.

  When I was sixteen I’d imagine getting married and having children. I imagined buying a house and having a garden and having friends and family over. I thought I would be nurse or a policewoman. It’s strange how things work out. I have Tyler and he is my world. He is a man now and it will only be a matter of time that that he leaves for good to have the life he wants.

  I wish Tyler had never had to see the things he had to. I wish none of this had ever happened but every day when I get up I just thank God that I have Tyler. I would not change a thing. He is my life.

  The attacks are frequent now. Maybe six or seven times a year. I lie there and let it carry on. I don’t fight them or cry afterwards. Once it is done I just go to sleep. It never hurts me and since I have had no boyfriends come to the house it hasn’t done anything but have sex with me.

  I’ve tried to just like it, enjoy it, but it is too strange and unnatural to just accept. I don’t have any sexual pleasure in my life at all. I don’t pleasure myself. What it does has ruined that part of my life. I see what it does the same as having a migraine. It’s there and I just wait until it has passed. One night it lasted for hours and another night a few minutes. I guess the spirits are just like men in our world in that respect then.

  I don’t know what it sees in me. I don’t know what its fixation is with me and I often wonder if one day it will ever stop. I wonder how I will feel the day it finally ends? Maybe by then I will have come to accept it and I will be sad. I will never have peace as I will always wonder when it will come back.

  I am glad the Cold man beat the shitty man as I could not endure its abuse any longer. If that had carried on then I have no doubts that I would have taken my own life. It is strange to think that I have become acceptant of a lesser of two evils.

  I think about Daniel a lot. He was a good man. He did nothing wrong but love me. I have never known someone so supportive of my life. He encouraged me to do the things that made me happy. He bel
ieved that if you were happy inside that you would make others happy. Now he’s miserable and alone and it’s all because of me.

  If someone reads this and they think I’m insane then think what you will. I am happy for you to be able to think like that as that means that this has not happened to you. There are others out there that have been assaulted and abused by these paranormal rapists. I have read about them online and in books. I didn’t want it in my life and I wish I could be the one reading this book and thinking poor cow or bullshit. Some of you will think it’s just ghost porn or too far-fetched but this has happened to me. Put yourself in my shoes and use your brain to think how it must feel to be me, to have to endure this. It’s easy to think this is fiction and I wish it was. I know what people will be like and that hurts me.

  I want nothing but for my story to be told and for people out there to realize that there are strange and terrible things that pass into our world. I want people to hold on to what they love so much. Fight for the things you care for the most and to enjoy every second of every day. I want people reading this to tell the people in their lives that they love them, to hug them, to appreciate them.

  For if what happened to me happens to you then you can kiss all of that goodbye.


  The account as told by Lisa and her family is not a unique encounter. Even in this small part of the world which I inhabit, has had its fair share of paranormal sexual activity.


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