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Allister, J. Rose - Displaced Cowboys [Lone Wolves of Shay Falls 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by J. Rose Allister

  She turned back to find a petrified stranger in the mirror, whose dishwater hair hung in limp strings around bugged-out eyes and tears streaming down her face. She hadn’t even realized she was crying. Her pupils were still wide and dark, though not as much as when she’d felt the giddy high while driving with Connor.

  Another bam came as something bounced against the door, briefly bowing it inward and jarring her attention away from her reflection.

  “Shit!” Terra flew backward to plaster herself against the back wall. There, she sank down on the floor with her head against her bent knees and her hands pressed tight against her ears to drown out the vicious cacophony of animal rage.

  Hot tears flowed freely now, and her heartbeat thundered until she thought her eardrums would explode. If this was just a hallucinogenic nightmare, it was much more like a bad acid trip than the hazy shadows and twitching purple mice she vaguely recalled seeing skitter across the floor of her hospital room.

  A tooth-grinding yelp shot through the muffled sounds penetrating her covered ears. Then, as abruptly as the vicious struggle had begun, a heavy and ominous silence fell.

  Moments came and went with her folded up on the floor, waiting for evidence that the fight might still be going. Finally, she withdrew her hands from her ears and lifted her head, straining to hear any sound. The nothingness disturbed her almost as much as the violent noise of the battle.

  When five minutes of absolute hush had ticked by on her slim gold wristwatch, she was ready to concede that the nightmare might finally be over. She crawled across the hard, cracked tile on hands and knees in order to get closer to the door. Perhaps the animals had run off to continue their terrorizing out in the woods. Maybe her delusions of gorgeous cowboys that turned into werewolves had faded.

  Maybe they were lying in the other room, dead.

  Guilt washed over her at the thought. After what Nash had done, or would have if Connor hadn’t returned, Terra should be glad to see the man go to hell. But the man hadn’t been in his right mind. He was deluded with fever—something that was apparently going around—and there were other forces at work that had clearly been cleaving him in two. And what of Connor? He’d warned her to stay away and told her he’d been trying to protect her. He’d proven it, too, by kicking down the locked door like an action hero in order to save her. Should his reward be to die in a cheap motel while the woman who’d stupidly ignored his warning cowered in the bathroom?

  Scenarios of what she might find outside ran through her head, each contradicting the other until she couldn’t think anymore. She could sit tight until morning, wait until housekeeping came along. But who wanted a poor housekeeper to stumble over this disaster? And meanwhile, Connor’s life could be draining away into the carpet beneath them.

  “Damn it.”

  On shaking knees, Terra slowly rose to her feet. Her hand shook so hard she could barely turn the lock. She pressed her ear against the door for a long moment, praying for some warning noise to startle her out of this decision.

  At last, she twisted the doorknob and sealed her fate.

  Chapter Four

  The pop as the door opened would surely bring wolves running, and Terra kept an iron grip on the knob while the palm of her other hand pressed firmly against the back of the door. At the first sign of a lunging canine, the wild dogs would get a door slammed on their snouts.

  She heard the ragged panting of exertion even before she dared stick her head through the narrow opening. Someone was still breathing, at least. Two of them, judging by the staggered chorus of rapid air exchange. Then again, breathing didn’t necessarily mean healthy. She needed a better look.

  Sucking in a breath to steel herself, she risked a peek through the narrow opening. The room looked like a war zone, but that’s not what shot her seeking eyes, not to mention the door, wider.

  Both men, who had shifted back to human at some point, were naked and heaving together on the floor. Sweat glistened from every flexed, rippling muscle, and between the two of them there was plenty of it on display. Bloody punctures and scratch marks were scattered over their flesh, most of which were oozing red. Fresh reddish-purple bruises marred other sections of their bare bodies. Otherwise, they seemed all right. More than all right, considering what was going on.

  Connor was bent over Nash, who was lying on his stomach with a leather strap—one of their belts, apparently—looped around his neck. The long end had been threaded back through the buckle, and Connor held it like a leash behind Nash’s head. Connor had his knee pressed against Nash’s back.

  “Okay, boy,” Connor said through heavy breaths. “Up on your knees now. Nice and slow.”

  As he twisted to remove his knee from the other man’s back, Terra caught sight of his cock and felt her jaw drop. Not only was it even larger than she’d guessed from her brief rub, but it was stiff enough to point straight ahead. Her head began a slow spin.

  Somehow, she managed to tear her gaze away from his throbbing erection to notice another belt in his free hand. He tugged on the leash, and Nash pushed up onto his hands and knees. Jutting out from beneath him was a long, thick shaft that indicated he was just as aroused as Connor was.

  What the hell was going on here? One minute they were tearing each other to shreds in a fight to the death, the next they looked like they were starring in a cowboys-in-bondage porno flick.

  When Connor tossed his hair back from his still-golden eyes, he caught sight of Terra standing there, slack-jawed. “Not a great time for you to be out here yet,” he said.

  Nash’s head shot around, and she stiffened at the wild yearning in his stare. His upper body fought against the leash as his every muscle strained toward her. Connor yanked back hard and used the belt in his other hand to deliver a loud slap to Nash’s round, pale ass cheek. The man jerked in surprise, though his cock gave a noticeable twitch.

  “Stand the hell down,” Connor snapped. “You done fucked up royal with Terra. Is there somethin’ you need to say to her for that?”

  The animal gaze wavered, darkening into something pensive, more human. “Very sorry, ma’am,” he ground out. She felt her grip tighten on the edge of the door she was still holding. “I didn’t know what I was doin’. I just wanted you so bad and—”

  A sharp tug on the leash and another lash with the belt cut him off. “Shut up. Fuck your jackass excuses,” Connor snapped. “I done lived around one werewolf too many who treated women like raw meat with no will of their own. Vowed the next one who tried that shit around me would get a long, hard taste of how I feel about the subject.”

  Nash’s head twisted to glimpse the man behind him. “It weren’t me,” he protested. “It was the animal drove me to it.”

  The loud whipcrack sound on Nash’s ass this time made him cry out and Terra jerk. She folded her arms over her breasts as an angry red welt rose over the curve of his rear. It had to burn like hell, but Terra noticed the man’s erection didn’t flag. Not one bit.

  Connor reined up on the leash and leaned over the man’s back. “Bullshit. The animal did nothin’ more than join hands with your own demons. You can control it, if you choose to do so. And you will.”

  “I suppose,” Nash said, his voice a bit hoarse from Connor’s tight grip, “that you figure I’m gonna do what you say cuz you bested me in our little wolf contest.”

  Slap! came a sharp stroke on the man’s other buttock. “Shit, Connor!” Nash said between gritted teeth.

  “I figure you’re gonna submit before you find yourself in a shit heap of trouble you can’t dig your sorry snout out of.” Connor gripped both belts in one hand, and Terra watched in stunned fascination as his other hand reached around to wrap around the thickly veined hard-on between Nash’s legs. “Or are you gonna pretend I don’t already have a power over you that you ain’t never felt before?”

  Nash’s eyes fluttered at the man’s touch, as did Terra’s stomach. Connor was gay? Not that she should care, really. It wasn’t like she wanted
him. Well, okay, she wanted him, but not in a let’s-register-for-china sense. But there had been such undeniable heat between them, the same heat that was stirring in the pit of her stomach right now. There had been the unforgettable kiss-and-grope session in the parking lot. And what about all his talk about her being his mate? She’d never have guessed that his tastes ran to outies rather than innies.

  “I ain’t into men,” Nash said, his voice strained as he tipped his head back even farther than his leash demanded. “I don’t swing that way.”

  Slowly, with a mad sensuality that sent a tingle through Terra’s pussy, Connor began to stroke Nash’s shaft. “Yet you know this stiff cock is for me. You know I’m gonna take you, and you want me to do it. You will submit. Your body is beggin’ me for it.”

  Nash shook his head. “It’s just adrenaline, left over from the fight.” Yet when Connor’s fingers dragged over the mushroom head of his cock, Nash shivered and let out a moan that was far and away different from his earlier cries of pain. The throaty, lustful sound puckered Terra’s nipples, and she crossed her arms tighter against her front.

  Connor’s smoldering eyes flicked up to Terra. “Then tell me to stop.”

  The challenge in his eyes made her wonder who he meant, and with a start, she realized she was praying Nash wouldn’t stop him. God help her, she wanted to stand right there and watch her cowboy hero take charge of the chiseled, glistening stud with that leash wrapped tight around the bad boy’s neck. Let Nash pay for what he did to her while she got to indulge a sight she’d never even dreamed of. Two gorgeous fantasy men together? Hell, yes.

  Her chemical burn flared again, sparking her torso with a heat that prompted her to drop her arms and pull the nap of her sweater away from her body repeatedly to fan herself. How she longed to tear off that bulky knit and feel the cool air caress her body the way Connor caressed Nash’s swollen dick. She saw Connor watching her, could almost see him reading her thoughts, and the smile she was coming to know all too well rode up one side of his face. His eyes, now tinged in burnished gold, traveled downward, and she redirected her attention to the hand she wasn’t aware she was sliding toward her crotch.

  She froze, a flush of embarrassment slapping at her cheeks. Then again, the two men who were engaging in the most graphic sexual display she’d ever witnessed didn’t seem the least bit self-conscious. Why should she be ashamed? Especially since she was probably hallucinating the whole thing, anyway.

  Connor’s gaze raked over her, seizing her breath. “Submit to me,” he said, again confusing Terra with who he really meant.

  “Yes,” Nash breathed, all traces of his earlier bravado washed away. “Fuck, yes.”

  Connor’s hand roamed lower, cupping Nash’s swaying balls and kneading them close against the man’s body. Nash let out a sigh that curled Terra’s toes inside her sneakers.

  “Get down,” Connor said in a gruff tone that might have sounded much meaner if not for the undercurrent of desire flowing through it. “Show me your belly.”

  Nash lowered himself to the ground and flipped over onto his muscled back. His cock lay rigid and twitching against his stomach as he stared up at Connor with a wicked smolder. Connor’s hold on the leash slackened just barely while he straddled the man and leaned forward until their erections were rubbing.

  He lowered his face so close to Nash’s that Terra thought he was about to kiss him. “This is how you will show me respect,” Connor said. “Full belly up, without question and on command. Always in wolf form, except for this one time. Understood?”

  Nash nodded, and Connor yanked the leash tight while he used the other belt to deliver a slap to Nash’s corded thigh. “Am I understood?”

  Nash stiffened. “Yes, Connor.”

  “Better. In public, when required you will show submission by lowering your head and clasping your hands together in front of that cock that makes you think like the animal you are.”

  Nash nodded. “Yes, Connor.”

  Now Connor’s grip and expression relaxed, and he gave into the melding of lips she’d been expecting. Her breath caught at the memory of his searing lips mingled with hers while she watched him thrust his tongue inside Nash’s mouth. Nash’s hands slid around him, one holding Connor’s head close, the other grabbing a handful of Connor’s tight, narrow ass. Nash’s hips thrust upward, grinding his cock against the other man’s pelvis.

  “Oh, shit,” Nash breathed in a desperate whisper. Then his lips were too busy sampling Connor’s shadowed jaw and chin to talk anymore.

  Terra’s body erupted in a slick sheen of perspiration, and she couldn’t stand it any longer. She tugged the angora sweater up over her head, hearing static crackle in her ears as the fuzzy knit ran through her hair. She tossed it onto the bathroom floor behind her and waited for the air to bring some blessed relief to her burning skin. It was soon apparent that simply shedding her clothes wouldn’t ease that fire. Only one thing could grant that relief. Preferably soon, before flames of longing consumed her entirely.

  She parted her thighs and dipped a hand where the hot, moist crotch seam of her denims throbbed with need. Her soft moan was well overshadowed by the men’s passionate growls, but as soon as she whooshed it out, Nash pulled back from the kiss and stared straight at her. She yanked her hand away, but he’d seen what she was doing. He was already trying to buck Connor off and claw himself to his knees to get at her.

  “Submit, damn you,” Connor boomed. He shot her a glance and did a double take. The gold in his eyes darkened to near red as he skimmed her white silk bra and bare stomach. She knew he could see that her nipples were hard. They were tingling like hell, and every slight brush against the flimsy material sent stabs of pleasure straight down to her clit.

  “You really have timin’ issues,” he said to her. “You shouldn’t be doin’ that, for a couple of reasons.” He rose up enough to use his arm to pin Nash’s shoulder flat. “Down,” he growled. “You have no rights to her, especially not until you come through me first.”

  She blinked. Go through Connor first? As if he could grant or deny permission to her favors.

  Nash tensed for a moment, but ultimately turned his gaze away from her and relaxed beneath Connor’s strong grip. “Then fuck me,” Nash said to him. “Make me submit.”

  The base, crude request spread though her pelvis like warm honey even while she chided herself. How stupid could she be, ripping off her top and fondling herself in front of two strange men, especially when one of them had already proven he was a loose cannon? The cowboys might have devolved from self-preservation to adult pay-per-view, but she wasn’t behaving any better.

  “I’ll fuck you when I’m ready,” Connor told him. “First, show me how bad you want it.”

  He swung his leg off Nash and sat on his haunches beside him. Another pull on the leash brought the darker-haired cowboy’s head near Connor’s naked lap. Nash seemed to get the idea quickly, and scooted himself so he had better access.

  Terra was a virgin, but it wasn’t like she’d never heard the term suck my cock. Still, knowing it could be done hardly prepared her for the sight of Nash going straight down on Connor’s shaft. She gasped almost as loud as Connor, who tipped his head back while Nash groaned and bobbed his head up and down eagerly.

  “Jesus, you’re so hard,” Nash rasped when he pulled away after a moment. “Tastes so good I want it down my throat.”

  Connor pushed his head back down. “Then do it,” he breathed. “All the way down your throat. Shit, that’s fuckin’ good. You want it, all right—bad. Get it nice and wet for me, cowboy.”

  The dirty cursing set Terra’s hands in motion again, one grazing her sensitive nipples while the other plunged beneath her waistband and down inside her panties. She was certainly “nice and wet” for him, and dragging her fingers over her clit brought a little whimper of pleasure from her throat.

  Nash’s rabid oral attention lasted a couple of minutes before Connor yanked his head back by the hair. �
��Turn around and show me that tight ass,” he growled.

  His subordinate scrambled to comply, kneeling on all fours with his backside facing Connor. The position left Nash staring straight at Terra, but while his eyes darkened as he watched her masturbating, he made no move toward her this time. Testing his resolve was stupid, she knew, but the sight of Connor controlling Nash with the leash while he positioned his cock was too much. The unrelenting, crazy-making heat inside of her roared, and she was powerless to do anything except respond to it by speeding up the fingers she was using to work her nipples and clit.

  The head of Connor’s wide cock probing Nash’s ass finally dragged the latter’s attention away from her. Over his shoulder he said, “Ain’t you gonna prime me with a finger or somethin’ first? I never been breached before. You’ll split me.”

  “You’re primed as much as you need. And deserve.” Something hard glittered in Connor’s eyes. “Consider this moment of jaw-clenchin’ terror your payback for the fear you caused my woman.”

  With a heavy grunt, Connor thrust himself deep into Nash until his hips were pressed hard against the man’s ass. Nash tensed and cried out with a fearful yelp, and even Terra flinched. She was surprised, however, when Nash regained his composure quickly and let out a much more languid groan.

  Connor remained still for a moment, his eyes shut in concentration. When they reopened, they found Terra’s. “The changes in your chemistry will make you able to withstand the breach of even the tightest virgin hole, but only if your mate is the one to claim it.”

  The implication seemed as clear as the raw lust in the stare he dragged over her constantly moving hands. Still, her mind was stuck on the two words it played over and over. His woman. He’d called her his woman.


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