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Serenity Valley

Page 15

by Rocky Bills

  “It is absolutely perfect!” I said. “Lady Giselia, you have excellent taste!”

  Giselia looked at Ivan, who rambled off something in their strange language. She started hopping up and down again and squealing like a little girl. “You want for sister?” she eventually asked.

  “Yes, I want.”

  More squealing and hopping around. “You want wrapping up?”

  “Yes, can you gift wrap, please? And do you have a small box for the locket?”

  “Yes, necklace box I have; wait, no go.” Giselia dug around in the wagon for a minute, then produced a pretty little box with a horse head carved on the lid.

  “Perfect. I like it very much.” I reached down on the table and picked up a thick spool of thin, bright red ribbon. “I would like this also. How much for everything?”

  Ivan and Giselia had a lengthy discussion with troubled looks and glances at all of the items. Ivan was smart enough to let Giselia handle the negotiations. I would not barter hard with this sweet lady. Giselia said, “For all things, engrave done expert, wrap and ribbon, four and half gold.” I didn’t say anything, just looked into Giselia’s beautiful brown eyes. She said, “But okay, you first customer, best deal make good, only three gold coin.” I looked at Ivan. He was smiling and just nodded yes.

  “Deal!” I declared.

  Giselia started dancing and squealing again. I looked at Ivan, and we both laughed. Giselia finally settled down. “Okay, okay, Deal!” I shook her hand, then shook hands with Ivan. I handed Giselia three gold coins, which put a perplexed look on her face. She said, “You no pay now, pay pickup when coming.”

  “I pay now,” I argued.

  Ivan spoke up. “Don’t you want wait to pay for all when picking up later?”

  “When do you think the engraving will be complete?”

  “It will take me maybe three hours. It is good job; you will like.”

  “Master Ivan, Lady Giselia, it has been a pleasure trading with you. I hope this first sale brings you much good fortune during the festival. I will return in three or four hours. Thank you very much!”

  I stood by as Ivan translated for Giselia, who was bobbing up and down with a huge smile. When Ivan finished, Giselia held her hand out for me to take the coins. I took her hand in mine, and with my other hand, I folded her fingers over the coins. I said, “It’s done. I trust you. You have an honest heart.” Ivan translated, and Giselia stared at me with tears running from her eyes. I suspect the two of them are not treated well because of their culture. I smiled, picked up the spool of ribbon, and walked away. I decided to go by Basilea’s bread tent to see if everything was going well.

  When I was close enough, I called out, “Oye, most beautiful lady, how goes your battle here?”

  “Hello, good sir,” Basilea said with a welcoming smile. “Everything is almost ready. It’s going to be a lot of fun.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “No, we have everything under control. Go have fun. I’ll see you this evening, good sir.”

  “So much of my life is wasted. It is all a waste until I can once more see your beautiful emerald eyes!”

  Trina was helping set up the portable bakery and overheard me. “Why don’t me old man say things such as that? All I ever hear is 'what’s to eat woman?'.” Basilea and I started laughing, which caught on. All the other women started laughing along.

  “Fair princess, fine and beautiful maidens, I bid you farewell,” I said gallantly.

  I turned and started to walk towards Sirates House and heard Trina speak, “Fair maiden? I ain’t been no fair maiden since me was thirteen.” I heard the roar of laughter behind me but kept walking, trying to subdue my urge to join in.

  When I arrived at Sirates House, Demon and Mildred were at the rear turnout fence waiting for me. I said, “Oye, you two fine horses. Waiting for me?” They were both excited to see me. “I have plans that include the two of you. Just be patient with me. We will go out for a jaunt in just a little while.” Both horses trotted along with me back to the covered turnout, where I collected a couple brushes and a coarse comb. The horses followed me outside, where I rough brushed them both. They really enjoyed grooming and usually fell asleep during the process. Switching to the polishing brush, I brought up the natural oils in their hair until they both shimmered in the sun. Demon’s coat showed the distinct diamond dapple pattern. His mane and tail had grown out long, and he was truly breathtaking. Mildred had turned into a fine-looking mare. Since she had stopped nursing, her dark chestnut coat had become very healthy, and with flaxen mane and tail, she was a stunning animal. She polished up beautifully and shimmered as bright as Demon.

  I then took the coarse comb and combed out their mane and tails. By now, both horses were fast asleep, with one foot resting on the tip of a hoof. I always thought it amazing how they could lock their knees and sleep on three legs. Some horses never lie down to sleep. Even in their sleep, their ears were always following sounds, always on alert for danger. After combing them out, I started braiding Demon’s hair. I wanted four thin braids in his mane. Tying them off with pieces of the red ribbon I had cut from my roll just set his mane off perfectly. I did the same thing to Mildred, then stored my equipment and went into the house. From my quarters, I got a pack out of my cabinet and emptied the contents. I needed something to bring packages back in. Back in the turnout, I grabbed a lead rope, just in case. The horses were still asleep where I had left them. I said, “Hey, sleepyheads, you going to sleep all day, or do you want to have some fun?” Both horses were instantly awake. Demon immediately trotted over to Mildred and started lipping her ribbons. “Hey, fellow, you got them too; look here.” I grabbed a couple of Demon's braids and held them out so he could see them. He bent his neck around, almost touching his nose to his shoulder. Satisfied, he whinnied and started hopping in place. I said, “I tell you, buddy, you are one good-looking young man!” Demon whinnied again and bobbed his head up and down in agreement. So Mildred wouldn't feel left out, I turned to her, “And you, my beautiful Mildred, just look at you with your fine ribbons.” I pulled around a couple of her braids so she could see them. She nickered in approval. It was probably the first time she had been groomed like this in her life. “Well, would you two like to go show off a little bit?” I asked. Both horses snorted and whinnied, then bolted for the rear turnout gate. I put the empty pack on, coiled the lead rope over my shoulder, and ran to catch up with the excited beasties.

  Both horses were pawing and pacing at the gate. “Okay, you two, we have many guests here, so be on your best behavior or I won’t be able to take you out for the next several days.” Mildred ignored me, and Demon pinned his ears back and glared at me. “Not really the answer I was hoping for, young man.” I pushed the rail back, and both horses trotted through the gate and straight to a clump of wildflowers. Mildred had the drill down by now, and in short order, both horses headed for the kitchen with their flowers. When I got to the kitchen window, the horses were just finishing their pies. I could hear the women in the kitchen, clamoring over the horses' ribbons. Soon I had most of the kitchen staff outside admiring the horses.

  “Oh, look at Sir Demon with his pretty ribbons.” “What a beautiful fellow he makes!” “Look at Mildred, what a pretty girl!” “She just looks grand!” The horses had inhaled their treat. Demon raised his head proudly, arched his neck, flagged his tail, and proceeded to absorb all the praise heaped upon his majestic self. I looked over at Mildred. She was flagging her tail proudly with her head up too. She had been totally corrupted by her stepson. Demon took a little trot around the group, stopped in front of us, and knelt down as I had taught him. The ladies just thought that was the grandest thing and actually clapped their hands.

  “Oh, that’s just grand!” “What a smart horse!” “Gamel, did you tell him to do that?”

  “No, ladies. He is acting totally on his own. He knows what to do for attention. He soaks up praise like dry sand in the rain. Well, ladies, I ha
te to leave such a collection of beautiful doves, but we have a few errands to complete. I regretfully must bid you our goodbye.”

  After I left, I walked along the path encircling the main house. When I made the corner at the front of the complex, Lord Goodwin and Lady Bella were outside welcoming guests, noble families no doubt. When we were spotted, Lord Goodwin called out, “Hoy, Master Gamel. Come here, please.”

  We altered our direction to come over to the front of the great hall. A crowd was starting to gather. People were pouring out of the great hall in small herds. Demon walked by my side in his most regal pose. Mildred was at her queenly best also. As we neared the crowd, I heard a lot of whispering from the group. I asked, “Yes, my lord, what might I do for you?”

  Goodwin said, “Lord Hamond wished to see the Sirates colt.”

  “Of course, my lord. We were just out on a walkabout on some errands.” Demon felt he wasn’t getting enough attention, so he trotted back and forth in front of the group a couple times. To my surprise, the group gasped. They all took a step back.

  At my surprise, Goodwin said, “Lord Hamond was Hades's old owner when things went amuck. I was explaining about your bond with Demon, and that the situation that occurred with Hades should not repeat itself.”

  “Oh no, Lord Hamond. Demon is very smart and sane. He is the smartest horse I have ever handled. He doesn’t understand why everyone is nervous; he shows off in order to get praise.”

  Hamond said, “Well, he is the finest stud colt I have ever seen, by far, and it seems that you have good control of him, young Gamel.”

  “Thank you, my lord. Would you like to meet him, sir?”

  “Is it safe?”

  “Perfectly safe, my lord.” Lord Hamond walked to where Demon and I were standing. I said, “Demon, this is Lord Hamond. He thinks you are a fine-looking fellow.” Demon nickered and bobbed his head up and down.

  Hamond said, “He acts like he can understand you.”

  “Demon senses tone of voice and mood changes, probably a few words, even.” Lord Hamond came closer and began to relax with Demon. I said, “Now he can tell that you are relaxing, and he is more comfortable.” I asked, “Do you like Lord Hamond, Demon?” Demon bounced his head up and down in agreement. Everyone in the crowd started cheering and clapping. Demon just ate up the praise and came to his best princely pose. More applause was heard from the crowd. That was all Demon needed to go into his antics.

  He pranced in a parade step around the group while his subjects applauded and bestowed praise upon him. After his parade prance, he stopped in front of Lord Hamond and knelt as he had at the kitchen. I couldn’t believe he was doing it again. What a show-off. Of course, the crowd went wild. Demon got his accolades.

  Lord Hamond was smiling from ear to ear as he asked, “Did you tell him to do that just now?”

  “No, my lord. Demon just naturally shows off without any prompting from me.” Lord Hammond and the group went wild with laughter. Lord Goodwin and Lady Bella were smiling wide and laughing with the rest. Demon rose to a standing position now, and I said, “My lord, if you scratch behind his ear, he really likes it.”

  Soon Demon had his head on the lord’s chest and was leaning into the scratch. Lord Hamond stopped scratching and started to talk to him after a moment. “You are a smart one, you are.” Demon nodded up and down, yes. More praise from the crowd.

  “My lord, he wants to hear about his braids, sir,” I told him.

  Hamond, following my prompting, and said, “Well, Mister Demon, you sure look grand with your braids and shiny ribbons in your mane.” Demon took off on his prance again, shaking his head back and forth playfully, and then stopped in front of Lord Hamond again and resumed his regal stance. Hamond asked, “Young Gamel, who is the mare? She is a fine-looking horse also.” Sensing that the conversation had switched to her, Mildred immediately flagged her tail and assumed her best stance of attention.

  I said, “She was Demon’s milk mother. Now she is his companion.”

  “Fine-looking mare indeed!”

  With that last praise, Mildred couldn’t help herself and took off on a pretty parade trot around the group, flagging while she did it. Everyone went nuts. Even Lord Goodwin and Lady Bella were amazed.

  Hamond said, “It appears the mare shares Sir Demon’s intelligence.”

  “Yes, my lord. I have found Mildred to be very intelligent. What you just saw, she learned from watching Demon. I’m afraid he has corrupted her with his appetite for attention.” Everyone roared in laughter, although I didn’t think I had said anything funny. I had simply been stating the facts. I guess they weren’t used to humor.

  “Well, thank you very much for the demonstration, Master Gamel. He is a fine animal. Thank you.”

  I looked to Lord Goodwin to see if I was excused. He just nodded with a broad smile. I said, “My lords and fine ladies, it has been a pleasure. We will be off on our duties now.” I turned and headed for the festival grounds. Demon and Mildred walked with me, Demon on my right side and Mildred on the left. I couldn’t have asked for any better performance from either one of them. I said, “You both are really great horses!” Both horses whinnied in agreement. I could hear all of the excited people behind us talking and praising us to Lord Goodwin and Lady Bella. Good for them. I said, “You two made our lord and lady very proud today. What fine horses you are!” I was answered with two low nickers.

  We continued on our way to the festival grounds. Great numbers of vendors had arrived and were setting up tables and tents. People were stopping their work to stare at the three of us as we passed. I guess we made an impression. The conversations I could hear were indicative of just that. “Look at those fine horses.” “The lord raises some good uns here, he does!” “Look at the pretty ribbons in their hair.” “I think that might be the Sirates colt.” I couldn’t help but feel pride in the horses.

  “Mildred, Demon, do you hear that?” I said. “You two are famous now!” Both horses whinnied loudly and bobbed their heads up and down while flagging their tails and holding their heads high. Demon bent his neck at the poll to make himself look even more stately. I wonder if he could actually see better with his nose down. We made our way over to Basilea’s bakery tent. “Oye, fairest princess of all the known lands,” I greeted.

  Basilea cried, “Oye, would you look at you two? Demon, Mildred, you look so pretty with your hair in braids and with beautiful ribbons in your manes.” Both horses hopped around a little in place for a moment. Demon couldn’t resist any longer and trotted over to Basilea and presented his mane to her for closer examination. Well aware of how much of an attention hog he was, Basilea said, “Oh, what fine braids you have, Sir Demon. What a handsome horse you make indeed.” The other ladies clustered around the two horses, stroking their necks and examining the braids. The praise fed their need for attention. Soon, both horses were prancing about in their parade stance, shaking their heads from side to side to show off their ribbons. Demon came to a stop in front of his audience. To my amazement, Mildred pulled up next to him. A large crowd of people were gathered now to watch the antics of the two horses. When Demon knelt to take his pompous bow, Mildred shocked me. Although she struggled and was unsure, she also knelt on her forelegs, trying to imitate Demon. The crowd screamed with surprise and applauded. The horses rose to attention and received their praise with great dignity.

  “Sir, have you been training Mildred to do that?” Basilea asked.

  “No, my princess, I didn’t teach her that. She’s just smart and watches to see how Demon earns his praise.”

  “Smart girl, Mildred; you’re such a good girl, you are!”

  This was probably the best day of Mildred’s life. She had never been given much attention as a brood mare. If she hadn’t nursed Demon, no one would have ever known how intelligent she was. Her days would have been spent working as breeding stock. “Ladies and princess, we have business elsewhere but couldn’t waste an opportunity to dine on such delights to
the eye. Farewell, lovely doves. We will feel great remorse in the absence of your beauty.”

  Trina couldn’t help herself. “Remorse in absence, that’s a mouthful, I tell ya!” The crowd rewarded her remark with their own banter.

  With a much-pleased crowd behind us, we moved on to our next stop. “Ah, Master Forwin, how go sales, sir?”

  “Oye, Gamel, nothing yet, but I have your order ready.”

  “Perhaps I could do a bit of advertising for you, sir.”

  “That’s a good idea. Here, put your boots on.” Forwin handed me a pair of the forest boots. “Me daughters had fun dying them. Is that what you wanted, Gamel?”

  I looked at the boots. The tan and two green colors patterned them in free designs. “That is exactly what I wanted, Master Forwin. They are absolute perfection!” I sat on the stool next to the wares table and took off my old boots, then laced on the forest boots. I stood and walked around. They were lighter than my old boots and much more comfortable. The soft leather bent like they were an old broken-in pair of boots. “These feel great, Master Forwin, as comfortable as an old pair of slippers!”

  Forwin was gleaming with pride in his work. “The missus wrapped the others; blue ribbon for Fulk, and pink ribbon for the ladies’ boots.”

  I stuffed my old boots in the bottom of the pack and placed the three packages on top. “Thank you very much, Master Forwin. I’ll send business your way. Such fine boots will not go unnoticed!”

  “Thank you, Gamel. Any customers would be greatly appreciated!”

  Grabbing the pack, we started out again, Demon’s head even to my right shoulder, and Mildred in perfect position on my left. I felt a surge of pride as we walked through the grounds and people stopped to stare and comment. We hadn’t gone far when Demon started grabbing at one of the pack straps. “What, Demon, do you want to carry it?” He nickered loudly. “Okay, you can carry it.” I held out the pack, and Demon promptly took the strap in his mouth without missing a step. I said, “Demon, you’re not only good-looking, but useful also.” Demon bobbed his head up and down, flinging the pack all over. Now we really drew attention with Demon carrying the pack and prancing like a parade horse. Mildred responded to the attention in kind. We made our way over to the Gypsy wagon and were met by an excited Giselia.


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