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Serenity Valley

Page 27

by Rocky Bills

  Escorted by personal guards, the small party walked through the great hall and into the lord and lady’s personal chambers. The guard was set for the night. Two men were posted inside the quarters while the group exited out the back through a secret passage, through the kitchen, and on to the rear turnout of Sirates House. Goodwin required some assistance from Terric and Sayer to make it to the back door of Sirates House, where they met a groomed and bandaged Demon. Demon’s neck had been attended to with poultice and stitching. A bandage had been applied. In Demon’s mouth hung the shirt sleeve containing his treasured arm. Goodwin panted out, “My word, that’s an arm!” Sayer looked on in bewilderment.

  Bells said, “It’s a long story. We’d best just compliment him on his bravery so we can pass.”

  The party praised Demon on being the best battle horse ever, braver than any other horse to walk the earth. Satisfied with the praise bestowed upon his royal magnificence, he allowed them to pass into the house. Fulk was sitting at the table with Nesta when the group came in. Immediately upon seeing Goodwin’s weakened condition, he rose and pulled out a chair for him to sit at the table. After Goodwin took to the chair, everyone else sat down.

  Within a few moments, enormous mugs of hot tea were sitting in front of everyone, compliments of Nesta. Nesta returned to the kitchen with Bells to make dinner. Before long, Bells had a big batch of the sweet black bread emitting its heavenly fragrance throughout the house. A huge kettle was swung into the hearth to heat a vegetable and beef stew.

  “What is the status here, Fulk?” Goodwin asked.

  Fulk replied, “The woods have been swept and guard posted. A response force has been posted at the brook in case of trouble. Ivan and Giselia have gone to the armory barracks to help with the wounded and pick up some things from their wagon, which Ox had put into the main stables. Basilea sleeps, and Gamel is by her side.”

  “How bad are Gamel’s and your wounds?”

  “Gamel had numerous wounds requiring stitches, and his whole body is one big bruise. I fared better with just some minor cuts and bruises.”

  Sayer spoke up to ask, “Does Gamel have his mind back, then?”

  Fulk said, “Yes, he seems to have a clear head. He has Basilea to concentrate on. I think that will keep him anchored.”

  “Best thing for 'im rights now is ta be concentrating on his girl, keep his mind from where it’s been. Is Ivan and Giselia comin' back here tonight?” Terric wanted to know.

  “Yes, they will be back when all the injured have been tended to,” Fulk answered.

  Goodwin turned to Terric. “Captain, I trust you will see to the arrangements for the burial?”

  “Aye, my lord. If you feel all’s well here, I would like ta see ta the wounded an' dead right away.”

  “Of course, of course, and thank you, Captain, for all you have done this day.”

  Terric rose. “My lord, send fer me if'n you need me,” he said and left by the front door.

  Sayer also stood. “My lord, if all is well here, I would like to see that the battle horses have their injuries tended and check on how young Simon is settling in with my family.”

  “Yes, yes, go. Do what you need to do. I’m in good hands here,” Goodwin assured him.

  “Good evening, my lord, Fulk.” Sayer quickly left by the rear door, bidding goodnight to Bells and Nesta on his way.

  Moments later, Bells and Nesta approached the table with big bowls of stew and several loaves of black bread. Bells said, “Now eat, my husband, and then it’s to bed for you. You have done too much this day.”

  “Not to worry, wife. You’ll get no argument from me.”

  Bells and Nesta returned to the kitchen to prepare food for Gamel and Basilea. Bells took a tray of stew and bread into Gamel’s sleeping quarters, while Nesta stacked ten loaves of bread on a tray with as many mugs of hot tea and took them out to the guards. Within a couple of minutes, Nesta and Bells sat at the table with Fulk and Goodwin, enjoying their evening meal of stew, bread, and hot tea. Goodwin looked at Fulk and said, “What are we going to do about Demon and his war souvenir?”

  “Gamel explained it isn’t the arm that Demon wants but the giant opal ring on the hand. He says he made a mistake when he told him he could keep it. Unfortunately, he won’t let anyone close to it now.”

  “That being said, can you imagine the smell in a few days’ time as that thing rots? Surely he has to put it down when he eats.”

  Fulk said, “Yes, he ate this evening, but Ivan couldn’t tell where he put the arm. I will have to do a bit of spying in the morning to find his hiding spot. Perhaps we can get it away from him when he goes for his morning pie at the kitchen.”

  “I will leave it to you, Fulk. Is that Master Ox’s bow I see in the jig over there?” He was pointing to the bow secured in the jig on the great room wall.

  “Yes, Ox gave me his bow since mine was lost today. I guess I have been adopted, as he wouldn’t admit to sleepin' with me mum.”

  Everyone at the table guffawed. Leave it to Fulk to find a way to lighten the mood.

  After dinner, Bells saw that Goodwin was tucked into bed and returned to the table with Nesta and Fulk. “You need to get to bed also, Fulk,” she said as she rejoined them. “The excitement of battle will be wearing off soon, and exhaustion will overwhelm you shortly.”

  Nesta agreed. “My lady is right, good sir, go on to bed. My lady, if it pleases you, I will stay up and see to Ivan and Giselia when they return.”

  “Thank you, Nesta. Please have them use the extra bed in our room. Oh, hold one minute, please!” Bells stood quickly and glided into her sleeping quarters, soon returning with the beautiful mirror set Fulk had given to Nesta. “You may want to enjoy this while you have a chance.”

  Nesta’s face lit up, and she said, “Oh, yes, thank you, my lady. Thank you very much!” Nesta ran her fingers over the finely crafted box as if she were seeing it for the first time. Then, turning to Fulk, she said, “You, good sir, off to bed with you now.”

  Nesta followed Fulk into Gamel’s quarters to find Gamel asleep in a chair he had pulled next to Basilea’s bed. While Fulk undressed to his undergarments, Nesta retrieved a blanket from the chest at the foot of the bed and placed it over Gamel. Quickly checking on Basilea, she returned to Fulk’s bed, where he was getting comfortable under the blanket. She bent down and said, “Good night, dear sir. Dream of me.”

  “None other,” he replied.

  Nesta gave him a gentle kiss on his lips as he immediately fell into sleep. Returning to find Bells had gone to bed, Nesta went into the kitchen and started making another batch of black bread. Ivan and Giselia would be hungry upon their return, and she was sure the numerous guards posted around the house would appreciate the extra bread.

  When morning came, Fulk was greatly surprised to find Nesta curled up against his side, her fiery red hair in a tangle over his shoulder. His right arm had been draped over her shoulder, hugging her to him. He gently moved her hair, uncovering her ear. He whispered, “Good morning, beautiful lady.”

  Nesta stirred. “Good morning, sir. I need to get up.” As she rose slowly, her long red hair uncoiled and fell to her waist. She stretched and said, “What would you like to break your fast this morning?”

  “Break fast biscuits, of course,” he replied.

  “What is break fast biscuits?”

  “I’ll show you. By the way, you are as lovely to see in the morning as a flower opening to greet the early sunrise.”

  “Thank you, good sir,” Nesta said as she blushed prettily and reached to her mirror box sitting on the bed table. She withdrew the comb and began straightening the tangles in her beautiful red locks.

  Fulk got out of bed and went to check on Basilea and Gamel at the other end of the room. When he returned to Nesta, he could not but notice how beautiful she looked. Her delicate face was veiled by her long, glorious hair rolling over her chest and ending at her thigh as she sat on the side of the bed. Long, shapely legs dra
ped over the bed, and tiny feet anchored her to the floor by the balls of her feet. She made a picture in the early morning light that Fulk wished to engrave indelibly into his memory. To him, it was the most beautiful sight in the world. Nesta saw Fulk just standing there staring at her, and she raised her eyebrows in question.

  Fulk said, “I just want to remember this picture, the look of total beauty.” Nesta smiled and blushed at the same time.

  When they were dressed, they went to the kitchen, where Fulk explained to Nesta how break fast biscuits were made. Then he went to feed the horses. He found Mildred grazing in the turnout near the feed trough, but Demon was not in sight. He topped off the water trough and placed a mix of feed grain and grass in the feed trough. He called Demon. A few moments later, Demon came trotting from somewhere at the rear of the covered turnout. Fulk noticed that Demon didn’t have his arm with him, so he jumped the fence to do a bit of snooping. Demon ate alongside Mildred but kept an eye on Fulk while he chewed his feed. When Fulk couldn’t find any sign of the arm, he went around the north wall of the covered turnout to search. In just short moments, Demon joined him with a mouthful of dried grass he continued to chew. Fulk said, “Going to keep an eye on me, are you?” Demon nickered and shook his head up and down. Fulk’s search was futile. He soon gave up and went in the back door of the house to help with the cooking.

  Nesta had a huge batch of biscuits cooking in the big clay oven. Fulk began cooking pork strips in a large pan at the hearth, and soon, the distinct smell filled the house. After some time, Fulk had a huge platter of pork strips cooked and began cooking the eggs. Ivan and Giselia came out of the sleeping quarters they had shared with Goodwin and Bells. Fulk said, “Please, sit down. The food will be ready soon.”

  Ivan sat down at the table as Giselia went to check on Gamel and Basilea. Ivan said, “Food is smelling good, very good.”

  Nesta immediately placed a mug of hot tea in front of him and asked, “Did you sleep well, Sir Ivan?”

  “Sleep well, thank you, very well we sleep.”

  At the hearth, Fulk continued to cook the eggs as he said, “Ivan, thank you for fighting in our battle yesterday. You are a fantastic warrior.”

  “We Gypsy people not many friends be having. We fight when true friends in danger.”

  Bells and Goodwin had entered the great room and found their way to the table. Bells said, “Good morning, everyone.” Everyone exchanged greetings.

  To everyone’s surprise, Giselia entered the room followed by Gamel, carrying a tightly bundled Basilea. Gamel had Basilea so wrapped up, all you could see was her face. Gamel sat her gently in a chair across from Bells. Bells was delighted to see her. As soon as Basilea’s hands found their way from the cocoon, Bells grabbed one and said, “I’m so glad to see you up and around today.”

  Basilea said in a weak voice, “I’m glad to be here, although I have been cocooned.”

  Giselia sat next to her husband, across from Bells and Goodwin. As always, she wore a wide, open smile on her face. Nesta saw that everyone had mugs of hot tea in front of them. Plates were set out with utensils. A plate of huge biscuits was brought to the table, and Fulk added a platter of pork and eggs. Starting with butter and honey, Bells demonstrated to Ivan and Giselia how to construct a break fast biscuit. Nesta swung a huge pot of tea into the hearth to heat while she and Fulk started to construct break fast biscuits in the kitchen for the guards. A smiling Giselia said, “Food being very good, thank you break fast biscuit.”

  “My kind lady, you do not thank us; we are the ones to thank you!” Goodwin insisted.

  Giselia looked puzzled, so Ivan interpreted for her. Once she understood what Goodwin had meant, Giselia blushed. “You no thank, friends for be helping.”

  Goodwin replied, “And fine good friends you and Ivan are to all of us.”

  “Friends few for Gypsy people, good friends be you to Ivan and Giselia,” Giselia said.

  Basilea spoke now. “Thank you for saving my life, Giselia. If not for you, I would be with God now.”

  Giselia and Ivan were visibly uncomfortable with such compliments. Giselia said, “Basilea, most welcome you are being.”

  Goodwin spoke next. “Ivan, Giselia, I would like to offer you a proposal.” He waited for Ivan to translate, then continued, “We wish that the two of you make De Ferrier Hold your permanent home. Would you consider bringing your family here to settle and live with us?”

  Ivan and Giselia spoke in their language for some time. Ivan finally said, “Very kind your offer to us, but we cannot accept gift. We very proud peoples.”

  “It would not be a gift. I propose that Giselia be employed as a master healer. Our healers can learn much from her. When your family arrives, they can be employed in numerous forms of work at the hold, or a lease can be arranged for tenant farming or ranching as they wish. You would all earn your way, just like everyone else in Serenity Valley.”

  Ivan and Giselia conversed for some time, then Ivan spoke again. “Offer is very good offer, our family like settled life one place. Giselia and Ivan like travel some time, to feel free.”

  Goodwin replied, “That would be perfect! When you feel the need to travel, Giselia and you could travel through the valley, visiting our tenants and outposts. Many people live in remote locations and suffer from lack of a healer.”

  Ivan and Giselia were deep in conversation when Gamel interrupted them. “Please say yes. No better friend would a person need or want than the two of you. I’m sure your family is just as precious as you, my friends.”

  Giselia looked at Ivan with a huge smile. Ivan nodded at Giselia, and she said, “Yes, we are home here now.” Everyone at the table gave a holler of excitement.

  Everyone able hopped to their feet. Gamel was the first to pick up a squealing Giselia in a bear hug. He was followed by Fulk and Bells. Ivan was busy shaking hands with everyone, except Bells, who grabbed him in a strong bear hug of her own. Still weak, Goodwin sat at the table pounding his palm against the polished wood in appreciation of the moment. As everyone calmed down and took their seats, Goodwin said, “Tomorrow, we will make arrangements to bring your family to the valley. Where are they now?”

  Ivan said, “Some are still in old country. Few, like Giselia and Ivan, traveling to make trade.”

  Goodwin said, “Very well, then. We will send runners with dispatches to those traveling. We will arrange passage for those in your mother country as soon as possible.”

  Everyone at the table was lighthearted while they enjoyed their food together. No one could be more welcome to the close-knit group than their fine Gypsy friends. A huge tray of break fast biscuits was taken out to the guards as the conversation turned to another subject.

  Bells asked, “Gamel, have you and Fulk figured out what to do about Demon’s arm he is keeping?”

  “Well, it’s not really the arm he wants, but the big, sparkly ring on the hand. If there was some way we could substitute the arm out with something else that held the ring, he should be satisfied.”

  Fulk added, “This morning, I tried to find where he hides it when he eats, but I didn’t have any luck.”

  Ivan said, “I could carve wooden arm with hand to hold ring on finger.”

  A very excited Bells said, “Exactly! A carved wooden arm. I know something that would work very well! Ivan, do you have a small wood saw?”

  “Yes, saw for wood I have, yes.”

  “Gamel, Fulk, you two find his hiding spot and figure out how to make an exchange. After the funeral, Ivan and I will go in search of a carved wooden arm. I know just the place to find it!” Bells said.

  “Ivan, Giselia, please stay with us at Sirates house until your quarters are built,” Gamel said.

  After an exchange, Giselia said, “We must be closer to good boy, my Samuel.”

  Gamel replied, “Good, then it’s settled! You will bring Samuel here to be with Demon and Mildred.”

  A joyful Ivan spoke to Giselia in their language. Giselia started
squealing again, ran to Gamel, and gave him a huge bear hug. Ivan said, “I told you, my wife, hot blood she has, best wife Giselia is!” Several different conversations broke out at the table. Everyone was enjoying the mood when there was a knock at the door.

  Fulk went to the door and opened it. “Good morning, Devin. What’s the news?”

  Devin replied, “All is well, Fulk. Master Ox sends word that the field and forest have been cleared of all battle evidence. Forest people's weapons have been collected, cleaned, repaired, and sharpened as necessary.” Devin stood at the door with a handful of weapons, belts, and chain mail. Behind him was another soldier with an armful of like equipment.

  Fulk said, “Right over here will be good,” pointing at the corner. “We will sort it all out in a bit. Thanks, Devin. How is your wound?”

  Devin and the soldier deposited the weaponry in the corner as Devin said, “The wound is minor. Just a few stitches, and I be good to go. Master Ox said it will be a little longer to repair Basilea’s mail, as they had to cut it off of her. It’s good to see you up, Lady Basilea!”

  Basilea replied, “Thank you, Devin. It’s good to still be here! I’m afraid they won’t let me attend today’s funeral, but please tell the families that I’m sorry for their loss.”

  “Not to worry, lady. Just concentrate on your health, and I’ll pass on yer wishes.”

  Basilea said, “Did the guards get enough food this morning, Devin?”

  “Oh, yes, my lady. Everyone is fat, slick, and happy!”

  Everyone at the table enjoyed the old horse phrase and laughed heartily. Devin and the soldier left the house to resume their duties. Fulk retrieved a huge quill of arrows from the stack of weapons and hung them on the wall next to his bow. He ran his fingers over the varnished surface of the bow in admiration. Bells stated, “Ox must hold you in high regard to give his bow to you.”


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