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Unbroken (The Disclosure Series Book 2)

Page 20

by R. E. Hunter

  Morgan turned toward her and grabbed her hands, bouncing up and down. “I think it is!”

  They toured the rest of the venue and texted photos back to Brett while they began spouting out ideas for color schemes and favors. After an hour, the wedding consultant ushered them out so she could meet with her next appointment. But before they got into Morgan’s car, they both stood outside the venue and stared up at the gorgeous building.

  Morgan shrugged. “It’s up to Brett now. I’ll drag him back here this weekend.” She looked to Embry. “Starbucks?”

  Embry looked at her watch. “We have an hour. Coffee it is.”

  They sat on a worn leather couch in the corner, chatting and sipping on their lattes.

  “So, how are things with Southern Sexy?”

  Embry couldn’t fight the grin that spread across her face if she wanted to. “Really good, actually.”

  Morgan looked genuinely pleased. “Good, I’m happy for you.”

  “It was your engagement that did it,” Embry admitted.

  “My engagement?” Morgan asked, eyebrows raised and pointing to herself.

  Embry nodded shyly. “I… I want the kind of love you and Brett have.”

  Morgan’s face softened.

  “And I think I can have it with Luke,” Embry continued. “I just had to give him a chance.”

  “You can thank me at your wedding,” Morgan teased, winking.

  “One thing at a time,” Embry said. “Actually, I was thinking…” She trailed off, afraid to speak her thoughts out loud, afraid she was falling back into the same patterns, moving too fast, rushing something that shouldn’t be rushed.

  “Thinking what?” Morgan prompted.

  Embry shrugged. “Eh, never mind.”

  “Really? Well, now you have to tell me,” she pressed.

  Embry bit down on her lip nervously. “Well, I was thinking, maybe, I could ask Luke to move in together… again.”

  Morgan squealed and bounced up and down on the couch. “Yes! You should. Yay!”

  Embry shook her head. “I’m not so sure. I mean wasn’t the whole point to take things slow?”

  Morgan gave her a dubious look. “And making your patient, kind, amazing, sexy, southern boyfriend wait almost two months to sleep with you again wasn’t taking it slow enough? I mean really, you were ready to make the commitment in December, now it’s almost April. I’m pretty sure you aren’t rushing anything.”

  Morgan had a point. “Well, when you put it that way…”

  “Actually,” Morgan started, nervously twisting her engagement ring around her finger. “It would kind of be perfect timing.”

  Embry tilted her head. “How do you mean?”

  “Well…” She wore a careful smile. “I put off telling you because I felt bad, but my parents kind of want to sell the condo.”

  Embry flushed red. “Oh my God. I overstayed my welcome, didn’t I? I’ll find another place immediately. I’m so—”

  Morgan put up a hand. “Christ, calm down! You’re fine. They aren’t in a huge rush, and I haven’t wanted to tell you and force you into anything. But since you’re considering living with Luke again, I figured I could let you know. I’m sorry,” she smiled sympathetically.

  “No, no.” Embry shook her head, still somewhat embarrassed. “I brought this whole subject up. We haven’t spent the night apart in over a week. We’re great together. I think it would work. I just don’t know how to bring it up.”

  Morgan looked at her like it was obvious. “Just tell him you want to move in with him.”

  Embry was still unsure. “I want to make it special. I don’t want to seem like I’m just inviting myself.”

  Morgan rolled her eyes. “Haven’t we had this lesson? Men are dumb. They don’t need a big ordeal. Tell him what you want, and he’ll be thrilled you’re suggesting it.”

  Embry shrugged. “Maybe.” She did have a cute idea she thought he’d like.

  Just then, her phone beeped with a text from Luke.


  Embry’s eyebrows bunched in confusion as she responded to his text.

  Umm, so?

  You didn’t open it yet…

  “Oh, shit.” Embry dug through her purse for the envelope she’d completely forgotten.

  “What?” Morgan asked.

  “Luke left something for me this morning, and I forgot about it. He just texted me to see if I opened it.”

  She pulled open the envelope and found a small note card.

  Cute butt,

  I know how much you love surprises. This is last minute and I didn’t ask, but be thankful I’m even telling you where we’re going. Five days alone in a cottage on the beach. Sun, sand and LOTS of sex. Spring break on Tybee Island in Georgia. You in? If so, turn this over.


  Embry burst out laughing at the nickname he’d used, and she couldn’t help the giddy smile forming as she read the rest of his note. Excited, she flipped over the card and found two first class tickets to Savannah clipped to the back, along with a photo of a cozy little cottage, with a hammock swinging from the front porch, nestled on the sand near the ocean.

  “Oh my gosh!”

  “What? What is it? Let me see!” Morgan leaned in trying to get a look.

  Embry handed it over.

  “Cute Butt?” Morgan exclaimed, looking oddly horrified. She shook her head. “No, no. We’re going to have to work on this. What kind of nickname is that? We give him ‘Southern Sexy’, and all he can come up with is Cute Butt?”

  Embry chuckled. “It’s a joke from Valentine’s Day.”

  Morgan cringed. “Then I probably don’t want to know.” She flipped over the card, and a huge grin spread across her lips. “This man knows how to woo, though. I’ll give him that.”

  Embry grabbed her phone and dialed Luke.

  “I’m going for a shot of espresso,” Morgan said as the phone rang in Embry’s ear. “Want anything?”

  She shook her head, waiting for Luke to pick up. It went to voicemail. That’s right. He was in court. Smiling down at her phone, she typed out a text instead.

  Just opened. So excited! Might have to work on my nickname, though. xoxo

  What’s wrong with cute butt? It has a nice ring to it. Can’t wait to get you in a bikini.

  You mean we aren’t staying on a nude beach? Shame. :(


  She looked up from her phone to find the girl from the courthouse. Again. “Oh, hi.” She furrowed her eyebrow. It was a bit strange the way she kept running into her.

  Morgan slid back onto the couch next to Embry, espresso in hand. “Who’s this?” Morgan asked, being friendly.

  “Hi.” She smiled awkwardly.

  “Morgan this is—” Embry began when she realized she still didn’t know the girl’s name.

  The blonde didn’t wait as she gave a slight wave. “Hi, I met Embry at the courthouse a few weeks ago.”

  Embry’s phone buzzed in her hand. Another message from Luke.

  I think you misunderstood. A bikini is the most you’ll have on all week ;)

  Embry was grinning when she looked up from her phone. “Sorry, my boyfriend.”

  The girl’s blue eyes turned to ice before quickly thawing as she plastered a fake smile on her face. “Well, it was nice seeing you. Funny we keep running into each other.”

  ‘Yeah, funny,” Embry muttered, watching the girl walk away. She didn’t know what it was about her but something didn’t feel right. And what were those looks she gave her?

  “Who was that?” Morgan was frowning. Apparently, Embry wasn’t the only one that thought that was strange.

  “I have no idea, to be honest. And for some reason I never seem to catch her name. But she keeps popping up everywhere.”

  “I don’t like her.” Morgan took a dainty sip of her espresso.

  Embry blinked at her. “You don’t even know her.”

  “I’m telling you,” Morgan warned, her eyes narro
wing. “I don’t like her.”

  Embry launched herself through the entryway and into Luke’s arms, her long legs wrapping around his waist as her soft lips pressed against his. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said between kisses.

  He was relieved and ecstatic that they’d be going away together. He lived to make her happy, and if taking her on a quick surprise getaway got him this response, he’d do it all the damn time.

  Her lips moved to his neck, her warm breath against his skin making his dick twitch, and he had to fight the urge to push her against the wall and take her right here. “If this is what I get, I need to surprise you more often,” he rasped.

  “I hate surprises,” she whispered, still busy teasing and nipping.

  He walked her into the kitchen and set her on the counter. Standing between her legs, he traced the curve of her face with his fingers. So beautiful. “I think you like my surprises.”

  She batted her long eyelashes and shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe?” He raised an eyebrow.

  She nodded shyly.

  He had to taste her, to feel her against him. It had been a long day. Digging his hands through her hair, he tilted her head and crushed his lips to hers, his tongue stroking into her mouth. Her tiny hands gripped his biceps, holding on while he kissed the ever-loving shit out of her. The softness of her tongue, the wet warmth of her mouth, was driving him insane. He was like a fifteen-year-old boy around her, always ready. Regaining some control, he pulled away and dragged her bottom lip through his teeth.

  She looked up at him, lips swollen and slightly parted, her eyes soft and hazy. It was his favorite look. The one that meant she was all his, that he could take her, have her anyway he wanted.

  So he did.

  Brushing her hair aside, he bent his head and licked a path up the column of her neck, eliciting a low moan as she leaned back against the counter and tilted her head to accommodate him.

  “God, I fucking love you,” he moaned, and he could hear the need in his own voice. This girl had gotten so far under his skin she was in his blood; she was a part of him. There was no going back from this. And there’d be no surviving if he ever lost her again.

  She wound her arms around his neck, her lips lightly sweeping across his. “I love you, too.”

  Abruptly, he lifted her from the counter and set her down. She gazed up at him, emerald eyes filled with silent expectation. His hands wandered her body, following her curves until he found the hem of her sweater. In one motion, he swept it over her head, his eyes lowering to her round, perky breasts covered in pink lace. She seemed just as needy as her hands gripped his belt, fingers working the buckle open as she stepped out of her boots. She pressed up onto her toes, gripping his tie as she rose to meet his kiss. He felt her barely contained need with every swipe of her tongue against his.

  She broke the kiss, pushing his suit jacket from his shoulders, and yanking off his tie. Her small fingers began working his shirt. Each button that popped open sent a shockwave straight to his cock. He was ready to explode, but she was taking her time, her lips sucking and kissing, tracing the path of her hands down his bare chest as she undid the rest of the shirt.

  He closed his eyes and clenched his jaw as her fingers brushed against his erection. She had his pants off in seconds, and finally he stood before her, his dress shirt open, in just his boxers, heartbeat pulsing in his painfully hard cock.

  His eyes roamed her body as he thought for the thousandth time that this couldn’t be real, she couldn’t be his. But when her lusty eyes fell on him, begging him to touch her, to take her, all thoughts left his mind.

  Taking her by the shoulders, he spun her around and bent her over the counter. He kissed and licked a path down her spine, while her body quivered beneath him. Dragging her thong down her legs, he nipped at her perfect ass before standing and arching over her, his hands exploring every curve of her body.

  “You’re so fucking perfect,” he whispered in her ear.

  She looked back at him, eyes flooded with need. “Show me how perfect.”

  Her words nearly undid him. Freeing his cock, he wrapped his hand gently around her throat as he sunk into her from behind. “Oh, fuck.”

  She was tight and wet around him, and his balls immediately constricted. He fought his release, dragging himself out of her fully before slamming back in, causing her to cry out.

  Suddenly, he stilled inside of her. “You all right?”

  “Don’t stop,” she whimpered. “Please.”

  He bit down on her shoulder and plunged deeper. With each thrust he whispered how beautiful she was, how hard she made him, how easily she undid him as she gave herself over to him, her soft moans filling his ears. He loved her with his mouth, his body, with every ounce of his soul, until they both found their release and lay panting and spent over the counter.

  Still catching his breath, he kissed her softly before sliding out of her. He bent, reaching a hand beneath her knees and back, picked her up and cradled her to his chest as he walked up to bed. He settled beside her on the mattress, and she wrapped herself around him, pressing her lips to his—slow, drugging kisses that lulled him into a trance-like state.

  “This,” she whispered, her finger tracing the outline of his abs. “Nothing but this for five days, in a cottage on the beach. Just me and you?”

  He nodded. “Just this, baby. Just us. Always.”

  Embry melted into the leather seat near the window, buckling the seatbelt tight across her lap as Luke tucked their carry-ons into the overhead bin. He settled down beside her, grabbed her hand, and she beamed at him.


  She leaned in, brushing her lips against his. “Very.”

  “Very?” He quirked an eyebrow, his eyes heating.


  They hadn’t spent any real time together in almost a week. She’d been busy with classes and research while Luke had been on trial. They hadn’t made love since that night in his kitchen. Her body shivered at the thought. She’d never look at that countertop the same again. The way he’d touched her, made her body feel… She squirmed in her seat. Five uninterrupted days with Luke Brody—no classes, no clients, no outside drama—hell yeah, she was excited!

  They chatted idly as the plane filled up, and the flight attendants buzzed about the cabin, readying for takeoff.

  “What time do we get in again?” she asked, excitedly.

  Luke looked down at his watch. “The flight’s a little over two hours. We should be in by seven-thirty, and we’ll head to my parents’ for dinner before we take off for Tybee.”

  She nodded. It would be nice to see Luke’s family again, see where he grew up, before they started their vacation. They couldn’t go to Georgia and not stop in for a quick hello.

  The plane began to accelerate down the runway and Embry braced herself, closing her eyes momentarily. She squeezed Luke’s hand as they were launched into the air, ears popping and stomach dipping as the plane climbed higher.

  “You all right?” His warm breath tickled her neck.

  Embry let out a breath as the plane leveled out. “Yeah.” She nodded. “Sorry, I hate that part.”

  He smiled conspiratorially at her and whispered, “I hate landing.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “Really?”

  He scrunched up his nose and nodded.

  She frowned, feigning shock. “You mean you’re not superman?”

  “Far from it, beautiful.”

  Embry laughed, her giggle interrupted by a yawn.

  Luke pulled a blanket from the seat pocket and draped it over her. “Tired?”

  Her mouth opened in another yawn. “It’s been a long week.” She smiled and rested her head against his shoulder, letting herself drift off.

  His warm fingers painted a pattern across her skin, sending a thrill through her body. Then came his mouth—hot and wet—trailing down her spine. She leaned against the counter, his body holding her in place, trapping and con
trolling her in her own delicious prison.

  He peeled her panties down her legs, then ran his hands up her body as he stood over her. “You’re fucking perfect.”

  His hot breath on her neck, and his lips connecting with the sweet spot below her ear, set her ablaze. She turned her head, her eyes seeking his. “Show me how perfect.”

  He slid into her from behind in one long, solid stroke, shattering her.

  She cried out.

  “Bree. Baby, wake up.” Luke’s voice, thick and raspy, broke into her sleep.

  She opened her eyes, blinking slowly. As Luke’s gaze melted into hers, she flushed hotly.

  “Good dream?” he whispered.

  “I—um.” She gulped. Did he know? Had she made a noise?

  When his lips found that spot on her neck, she writhed against him, an involuntary moan escaping her lips. “Luke, please. I—” The dream had been so real, she felt heat pooling between her legs.

  “You what?” His lips moved up her neck and nipped at her ear. “What were you dreaming about?” he coaxed.

  She clenched her jaw, his mouth on her skin too much to handle. Her entire body was shaking with need.

  “Tell me,” he pressed, then his hand disappeared beneath the blanket, and she held her breath as his fingers traced a path up her thigh, never coming close enough to where she needed him.

  “I was dreaming about you.” She spoke softly, trying to avoid attracting the attention of the other passengers in the cabin.

  He found the waist of her jeans, freeing the button with a flick of his fingers, and she sucked in a sharp breath as he pulled down the zipper, his hand slipping easily into her panties. He’d barely touched her, but she had to bite down her lip to keep from crying out. She was drunk with need. It didn’t matter where they were. If she didn’t have him soon, she’d explode.


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