by is Mooney
argumentative theory of reason
asymmetry thesis
authoritarian conservatism, defined
authoritarian personality
heuristic reasoning and
rise of “New Right” and
selective exposure and
Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics (Hetherington, Weiler)
Bachmann, Michele
backfire effect
economics and
measuring ideology and (See also Louisiana State University study)
personality and
Bacon, Francis
Barker, David
Barnett Shale
Bartlett, Bruce
on economic conservatism
political conversion of
Barton, David
belief systems
cognitive dissonance and
media and rise of “New Right”
motivated reasoning and
rise of “New Right” and
See also conservatism; liberalism
Believing Brain, The (Shermer)
Bernanke, Ben
of Fox News reporting (See also selective exposure)
morality and in-group bias
motivated reasoning and
“smart idiots” effect and
See also motivated reasoning
“Big Five” personality traits
Bipartisan Policy Center
Bloom, Paul
“blue” states
personality and
rise of “New Right” and
Boehner, John
evolution and
fetal pain and
primacy of affect and
See also motivated reasoning; neuropolitics
Brooklyn College
Brown, Lewis H.
Buckley, William F., Jr.
God and Man at Yale
National Review and
political conversion and
rise of “New Right” and
Burke, Edmund
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
change and
economic conservatism and
economic falsehoods and
“environmental explanation” and
Frum and
motivated reasoning and
political conversion and
rise of “New Right” and
U.S. history and
Caldicott, Helen
carbon dioxide. See global warming
career choice, expertise gap and
Carney, Dana
Cato Institute
cementing, fracking and
Center for American Progress
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
centrists. See also independents
Chait, Jonathan
Chamberlain, Neville
“change brains”
morality and expertise gap
resistance to
character traits, of conservatism. See also personality
Cheney, Dick
Cheney, Lynne
Chernobyl (Soviet Union)
adolescence and pseudo-evidence
politics of
same-sex marriage and
vaccines and autism
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
Condorcet on
separation of church and state
U.S. history and misinformation (See also U.S. history)
See also religion
Christian Right
Conservapedia and Andrew Schlafly
Frum on
fundamentalism and personality
“New Right” and Phyllis Schlafly
reality gap and
rise of
U.S. history and misinformation
See also religion; U.S. history; individual issues
Churchill, Winston
Citizens for Tax Justice
civil liberties
climate change. See global warming
Clinton, Bill
closed mindedness. See cognitive closure
closure. See cognitive closure
cognitive dissonance theory
cognitive load
cultural cognition model
See also brain
cognitive closure
Columbia University
Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives
leftist regimes of
personality and politics
rise of “New Right” and
Condorcet, Marquis de (Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Cariat)
confirmation bias
conflict monitoring
Congressional Budget Office
Conscientiousness, OCEAN and
Bartlett on “conserving”
centrists, independents, and
change and
compromise and reality
Condorcet and
as core political ideology
cultural cognition model and
economic vs. social (See also economic conservatism)
ideology of
leftist regimes and
liberal ideology and
motivated reasoning and
political conversion and
reading time and (See also Louisiana State University study)
“team” affiliation and
See also morality; motivated reasoning; “New Right”; personality; selective exposure
consilience of evidence
contraception, reality gap and
conversion, political
Cornell University
Cosmides, Leda
Coulter, Ann
Council of Economic Advisors
“creation science”
Critchlow, Donald T.
cultural cognition model
curiosity. See Openness to Experience
Danbury Baptists
Dartmouth University
Darwin, Charles
Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR)
“death panels”
falsehoods about
motivated reasoning and
reality gap and
selective exposure and
death penalty
debt ceiling crisis (2011)
decisiveness, motivated reasoning and
defensive goals, selective exposure and
Democratic Party
backfire effect and
expertise gap and
selective exposure and global warming (See also selective exposure)
selective exposure and motivated reasoning
“smart idiots” effect and
“Southern Democrats”
two-party system and
See also liberalism; motivated reasoning; reality gap
DeWitt, John L.
Dickens, Charles
disconfirmation bias
Discovery Institute
Ditto, Peter
Dobbs, Michael
DRD4 (gene)
Drudge Report
Duke University
Eagle Forum
economic conservatism
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and
r /> backfire effect and
debt ceiling crisis (2011) and
falsehoods about economics
Federal Reserve and
ideology and
individualists and
Medicare Part D and
quantitative easing (QE2) and
social conservatism vs.
supply side economics and
education level, motivated reasoning and. See also academia; schools
Eidelman, Scott
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight
Ellison, Harlan
Emanuel, Kerry
Emory University
Engelder, Terry
Condorcet and
“environmental explanation”
ideology and
“nature vs. nurture”
political psychology and
reality and
rise of “New Right” (See also Republican Party)
selective exposure and media proliferation
Environmental Protection Agency
epistemic closure
equality, resistance to
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
Ethics and Public Policy Center
Europe, debt problems of (2011-2012)
of brain
“creation science”
falsehoods about science
neuropolitics and
“Project Steve”
evolutionary psychology
expertise gap
motivated reasoning and
rise of “New Right” and
extremism. See also Christian Right; ideology; “New Right”
“Fact-Checker” (Washington Post)
fact checking. See also reality gap; selective exposure
Fairness Doctrine
family, as metaphor
neuropolitics and
political conversion and
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Reserve
Feeney, Tom
Feldman, Lauren
Festinger, Leon
“fetal pain” bills
First Amendment
Firth, Colin
Fisher, Kevin
Flanders, conservatism and
flowback water, fracking and
“Founding Fathers.” See U.S. history
Fowler, James
Fox, Josh
Fox, Timothy Davies
Fox News
fact checking and
on global warming
motivated reasoning and
selective exposure and
claims about
consilience of evidence and
research on
Age of Reason
French Académie des Sciences
French Revolution
Frazer, James George
Friedan, Betty
Friedman, Milton
Frum, David
Fukushima Daiichi (Japan)
fundamental attribution error
fundamentalism, personality and. See also Christian Right
gas drilling. See fracking
Gasland (Fox)
gay rights
motivated reasoning
reality gap and
Geithner, Timothy
genetics, neuropolitics and
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgia State
Gerber, Alan
Gingrich, Newt
Glaser, Jack
global warming
falsehoods about science
in Louisiana State University study
motivated reasoning and
personality and
reality gap and
rise of “New Right” and
selective exposure and
“smart idiots” effect and
goalpost shifting
God and Man at Yale (Buckley)
Goldberg, Jonah
Goldwater, Barry
“Go-No Go” task
Goodman, Amy
Google Scholar
Gore, Al
Gorody, Anthony
Great Expectations (Dickens)
Green, Kenneth
Griffith University (Australia)
Grissom, Thomas
Gross, Neil
“Ground Zero Mosque,” selective exposure and
argumentative theory of reason
morality and in-group bias
motivated reasoning and
Haidt, Jonathan
Hannity, Sean
Hart, William
Harvard University
Hatch, Orrin
Hatemi, Peter
health care
economic conservatism and
falsehoods about
motivated reasoning and
reality gap and
selective exposure and
Henry, Patrick
“herd immunity”
Heritage Foundation
Hetherington, Marc
heuristic reasoning, authoritarianism and
Hibbing, John
Hicks, Josh
historical method
history, U.S. See U.S. history
Hitchens, Christopher
Hofstetter, C. Richard
Holdren, John
Holocaust denial
House of Commons (Britain)
Huckabee, Mike
Huntsman, Jon
Hussein, Saddam
hydraulic fracturing. See fracking
Iacoboni, Marco
Idaho, abortion and
identity-protective cognition
of conservatism
“environmental explanation” and
ideological constraint
measuring (See Louisiana State University study)
personality and
rise of “New Right” and (See also “New Right”)
selective exposure and
“idols of the mind”
Illinois, backfire effect and
Imagining the Future: Science and American Democracy (Levin)
Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy (Bartlett)
In Defense of Internment: The Case for “Racial Profiling” in World War II and the War on Terror (Malkin)
centrists, independents, and
expertise gap and
“smart idiots” effect and
economic conservatives as
morality and
personality and
Ingraffea, Anthony
Institute of Medicine (U.S. National Academy of Sciences)
integrative complexity (IC)
intelligence, Openness vs.
International Atomic Energy Agency
internment camps
Iraq War
falsehoods about
morality and
motivated reasoning and
selective exposure and
Iyengar, Shanto
Jackson, Lisa
Jackson, Robert B.
Jacobins (France)
Jacobson, Louis
Japanese Americans, World War II internment of
Jean Nicod Institute (France)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins-Smith, Hank
John Birch Society
Jost, John
on defensiveness about psychology and politic
on ideological extremism
on ideology
neuropolitics and
on personality and politics
on resistance to equality
Kahan, Dan
Kaiser Family Foundation
Kansas, abortion and
Kazin, Michael
Keech, Marian
Kemmelmeier, Markus
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr.
Kenyon, Cecelia
Kerry, John
Kessler, Glenn
Keynesian economics
Klaczynski, Paul
Kristol, Irving
Krosnick, Jon
Kruglanski, Arie
Krugman, Paul
Kuklinski, James
Kull, Steven
laissez-faire conservatism
Lakoff, George
Lay, Ken
Lederman, Cindy
leftist regimes
left-wing ideology. See liberalism
Legislative Assembly (Revolutionary France)
Levin, Yuval
Liars for Jesus (Rodda)
“liberal establishment”
“liberal hawks”
change and
compromise and reality
Condorcet and
as core political ideology
ideology and
misinformation and
morality and consequentialism
motivated reasoning and
need for motivating narratives of
Openness to Experience correlation (See also Louisiana State University study)
political psychology and
refuting historical revisionism and
rise of “New Right” and
See also morality; motivated reasoning; personality; selective exposure
Lilla, Mark
Limbaugh, Rush
“Linear No-Threshold Model”
Lodge, Milton
Louisiana State University study
on Openness to Experience
study design
Lynas, Mark
MacInnis, Bo
Madison, James
Making Work Pay tax credit
male strength, neuropolitics and
Malkin, Michelle
Mankiw, N. Gregory
Marcellus Shale
Martin, Dorothy
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
mathematical reasoning
McCarthy, Jenny
McConnell, Mitch
McCrae, Robert
“conscious” choices about
proliferation of
reality gap and
rise of “New Right” and
selective exposure to (See selective exposure)
truth and reality
See also individual names of media outlets
Medicare Part D
memory retrieval
Mercier, Hugo
meta-analysis, defined
metaphor, morality and
Meyer, Aviva
fracking and
liberal views and
motivated reasoning and
nuclear power and
selective exposure and
trustworthiness of information sources
U.S. history and
vaccines and autism
See also truth
Monbiot, George
Montreal Protocol
Mooney, Chris