The Republican Brain

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by is Mooney

  The Republican Brain

  The Republican War on Science


  consequentialism and

  expertise gap and

  family metaphor and

  in-group bias and

  moral intuition and

  Moral Politics (Lakoff)

  motivated reasoning

  argumentative theory of reason and

  backfire effect and

  beliefs and

  cognitive dissonance theory and

  Condorcet and

  education level and

  expertise and

  extent of research in

  goalpost shifting and

  Italian study on

  misinformation and left

  morality and

  Openness to Experience and (See also Louisiana State University study)

  primacy of affect and

  pseudo-evidence and

  reality and

  reason and

  rise of “New Right” and

  selective exposure and

  “smart idiots” effect and


  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

  National Center for Policy Analysis

  National Center for Science Education (NCSE)

  National Endowment for the Humanities

  National Institute of Aging

  National Institute of Mental Health

  National Institutes of Health

  nationalism, rise of “New Right” and. See also “New Right”

  National Organization for Women

  National Review

  National Rifle Association

  National Science Foundation

  “nature hypothesis”. See also “environmental explanation”; morality; personality

  Nature Neuroscience


  Nebraska, abortion and


  brain anatomy and (See also brain)

  conflict monitoring

  fear and

  genetics and

  longitudinal study of children’s politics and

  nature vs. nurture

  political conversion and

  study of

  Neuroticism, OCEAN and

  “new class”

  New Republic

  “New Right”

  authoritarianism and

  Phyllis Schlafly and

  right-to-left political conversion and

  See also Christian Right

  New York State, fracking and

  New York Times

  New York Times Book Review

  New York Times/CBS poll

  New York Times Magazine

  New York University. See also Jost, John

  9/11 Commission

  Nixon, Richard

  Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America (Perlstein)

  Norquist, Grover

  North Carolina, backfire effect and

  Northwestern University


  nuclear power

  consilience of evidence and

  in Louisiana State University study

  misinformation and

  Nyhan, Brendan

  Obama, Barack

  approval ratings

  “Birthers” and

  economic conservatism and

  falsehoods about

  on fracking

  loyalty of liberals and

  motivated reasoning and

  on nuclear power

  2008 election of

  2010 election and (See also selective exposure)

  “Obamacare.” See health care; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2009)

  Occupy Wall Street

  OCEAN (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism)

  Ohio State University

  “Old Enlightenment reason”

  Openness to Experience

  conservatism and ideology


  measurement of (See also Louisiana State University study)

  morality and expertise gap

  O’Reilly, Bill

  “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”

  Paine, Tom

  Paisley, Brad

  Palin, Sarah

  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2009)

  falsehoods about

  selective exposure and

  See also health care

  Patterson, Charlotte

  Paul, Ron



  fracking and

  Three Mile Island

  Pennsylvania State University

  People’s History of the United States, A (Zinn)

  Perlstein, Rick

  Perry, Rick


  asymmetry and symmetry theses


  “Big Five” traits and Openness to Experience (See also Openness to Experience)

  character traits of conservatism

  conservatism and ideology

  ideology and

  integrative complexity and

  Openness to Experience

  persuasion, friendly vs. unfriendly

  Pew Center

  Pew Charitable Trusts

  Phyllis Schlafly Report

  Pinker, Steven


  Poland, conservatism and

  politeness, personality and

  Political Brain, The (Westen)

  political conversion

  neuropolitics and

  rise of “New Right” and

  political correctness

  Politically Incorrect Guide to American History, The (Woods)

  political neuroscience. See neuropolitics

  political psychology




  Powell, Lewis

  Prasad, Monica

  President’s Science Advisory Committee (PSAC)

  primacy of affect

  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

  Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA)

  fact checking and

  on Iraq War

  on 2010 election

  “Project Steve”


  Psychological Bulletin (American Psychological Association)


  American Psychological Association

  evolutionary psychology

  Jost on defensiveness about psychology

  “nature vs. nurture”

  political psychology

  See also brain; cognition; groups; motivated reasoning; neuropolitics; personality

  Public Policy Polling

  Qaeda, Al

  quantitative easing (QE2)


  Japanese internment camps

  morality and consequentialism

  selective exposure and

  Ramsay, Clay



  reading time, conservatism and

  Reagan, Ronald

  change and

  economic conservatism and

  “environmental explanation” and

  Fairness Doctrine and

  rise of “New Right” and

  U.S. history and

  Reagonomics (Bartlett)

  reality gap

  abortion and

  conservativism/liberalism compromise and

  consilience of evidence and

  fact checking and

  global warming and

  importance of understanding

  “nature hypothesis” and “environmental explanation”

  same-sex marriage and

  selective exposure and

  See also truth


  Age of Reason

  argumentative theory of reason

  Condorcet on

  heuristic reasoning

  mathematical reasoning

  “Old Enlightenment reason”

  U.S. history and

  See also motivated reasoning

  “red” states

  personality and

  rise of “New Right” and

  selective exposure and


  Reifler, Jason

  Rekers, George

  relativity, theory of


  faith-based economics and backfire effect (See also economic conservatism)

  neuropolitics and

  “New Right” and

  selective exposure and

  separation of church and state

  U.S. Constitution on

  See also Christian Right

  Republican Brain, The (Mooney)

  Republican Party

  authoritarianism and

  backfire effect and

  child-rearing style of

  expertise gap and

  ideology of

  political conversion and

  RINOs (Republicans-in-name-only)

  rise of “New Right” in

  selective exposure and global warming

  selective exposure and motivated reasoning

  “smart idiots” effect and

  two-party system and

  See also conservatism; motivated reasoning; “New Right”; reality gap; selective exposure

  Republican War on Science, The (Mooney)

  Revere, Paul

  revisionism, historical. See also U.S. history

  Revolution: Tomorrow Is NOW (Schlafly)

  right-wing ideology. See conservatism

  RINOs (Republicans-in-name-only)

  Rodda, Chris

  Roe v. Wade

  Romney, Mitt

  Salvacion, Ferdinand

  same-sex marriage

  Sammon, Bill


  San Diego State University

  Schlafly, Andrew

  Schlafly, Phyllis


  prayer in

  selective exposure and

  sex education and reality gap

  Schreiber, Darren


  Condorcet on


  Eisenhower on

  expertise gap and

  need for motivating narratives of

  nuclear power and

  scientific literacy

  Scientific Revolution

  See also misinformation; motivated reasoning; selective exposure; truth

  Scripps Howard


  selective exposure

  cognitive dissonance and

  early research of

  global warming and

  “Ground Zero Mosque” and

  health care and

  ideology and

  Iraq War and

  media proliferation and

  misinformation and

  motivated reasoning and

  reality gap and

  2010 election and

  self affirmation

  self-esteem, selective exposure and

  self-reporting, by conservatives

  Sell, Aaron

  separation of church and state

  September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks

  political conversion and

  reality gap and

  selective exposure and

  1792 Convention (France)

  sex education, reality gap and

  Shermer, Michael

  Sides, John

  Simmons, Solon

  Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind (Condorcet)

  skin conductance

  slavery, Bachmann on

  “smart idiots” effect

  motivated reasoning and

  selective exposure and

  See also motivated reasoning

  smart meters

  Smart Politics (University of Minnesota)

  social conservatism

  social mathematics

  Social Security

  social studies curriculum (Texas)


  “sophisticates,” selective exposure and

  “Southern Democrats”

  Southern Illinois University School of Medicine

  “Southern Strategy”

  Soviet Union. See also communism

  Sperber, Dan

  spreading activation

  Stanford University

  State University of New York at Stony Brook. See Stony Brook University

  status quo conservatism

  stem cell research

  motivated reasoning and

  reality gap and

  Stephanopoulos, George

  Stewart, Jon

  “stimulus bill.” See American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

  Stitka, Linda

  Stony Brook University. See also Lodge, Milton; Taber, Charles

  STOP ERA rallies

  Sulloway, Frank

  supply side economics. See also economic conservatism

  symmetry thesis

  System 1/System

  Taber, Charles

  talk radio

  Tanenhaus, Sam

  “tariff walls”


  economic conservatism and

  falsehoods about

  motivated reasoning and

  Tea Party

  economic conservatism and

  economic vs. social conservatism and

  on global warming

  Occupy Wall Street tactics and

  personality and

  U.S. history and misinformation

  Teixeira, Ruy

  Tetlock, Philip

  Texas Board of Education

  Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, A (Festinger)

  think tanks

  Thomas, Cal

  Three Mile Island

  “Threshold Model”

  “TimeCycle Academy” (Huckabee)

  Tooby, John

  Toomey, Pat

  Tosh, John

  Trilling, Lionel


  conservativism/liberalism compromise and reality


  economic conservatism and

  liberalism and misinformation

  personality and

  reality gap and

  trustworthiness of information sources

  U.S. history and

  See also misinformation; reality gap

  “Truther” conspiracy theory

  TV News Trust Poll (Public Policy Polling)

  twin studies, neuropolitics and

  two-party system, ideology and

  Type 1/Type 2 errors

  University College of London

  University of Alabama

  University of Arkansas

  University of British Columbia

  University of California - Berkeley

  University of California - Irvine

  University of California - Los Angeles

  University of California - San Diego

  University of California - San Francisco

  University of California - Santa Barbara

  University of Cambridge

  University of Illinois at Chicago

  University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

  University of Manitoba

  University of Maryland. See also Kruglanski, Arie

  University of Minnesota

  University of Nebraska at Lincoln

  University of Nevada - Reno

  University of North Carolina

  University of Northern Colorado

  University of Oklahoma

  University of Pennsylvania

  University of Pittsburgh

  University of Virginia

  U.S. budget deficit, taxes and. See also economic conservatism

  U.S. Chamber of Commerce

p; U.S. Constitution

  U.S. Declaration of Independence

  U.S. history

  American Revolution

  Bachmann on slavery

  Declaration of Independence

  falsehoods about

  historical method and

  historical revisionism and

  Japanese internment camps

  misinformation about

  Palin’s views on Revere

  refuting historical revisionism

  Texas Board of Education on social studies curriculum

  “TimeCycle Academy” (Huckabee) and

  See also individual names of U.S. presidents

  U.S. House of Representatives. See also individual names of representatives

  U.S. National Academy of Sciences

  U.S. News and World Report

  U.S. Treasury

  vaccines and autism

  Valla, Lorenzo

  Vanderbilt University

  Vernet, Madame

  von Hayek, Friedrich

  von Ranke, Leopold

  Wallace, Chris


  Wall Street Journal

  Washington Post

  Watts, Fraser

  weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

  Weiler, Jonathan

  Weisberg, Deena Skolnick

  Welch, Robert

  “Welcome to the Future” (Paisley)

  welfare reform

  Westen, Drew

  West Virginia, fracking and

  Whewell, William

  “Why We’re Liberal, Why We’re Conservative: A Cognitive Theory on the Origins of Ideological Thinking” (Taber, Lodge)


  Wilson, E. O.

  Woods, Thomas E., Jr.

  World Health Organization

  World War II. See U.S. history

  Yale Project on Climate Change Communication

  Yale University. See also Gerber, Alan; Kahan, Dan

  Yale University Law School

  Yonsei University (South Korea)

  Young, Everett

  Young Americans for Freedom

  Zinn, Howard




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