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Gladiator Wolf (Gladiators Book 1)

Page 18

by Marteeka Karland

  It made sense to her. Though, she had much more respect now for the self-control displayed by the shifters under her father’s brutal care. How had they fought their instinct so effectively, even in the face of death?

  “Miranda,” Brand called. “How many of those portals do you know of?”

  “Only the one we came through. But I know there are more. From what I’ve heard, each gate opens to a different section, and each section has a different species of shifter.”

  “Figuring out where those gates open would be nearly impossible. They could be anywhere.”

  “Well,” the king said, shrugging. Miranda saw the smirk on his face and held her breath. “I wouldn’t say impossible. You’re not the only one who’s been working the past five years, Guardian.”

  “Enlighten me. Your mood seems to suggest it would be much more than simply possible.” Brandwulfr’s grin was more a flashing of teeth.

  “We can detect when a portal has been opened. So far, we’ve detected two. The one you came through, and one that opened up a couple of hours later. Both in my kingdom. We can’t duplicate the technology—yet—but we can locate where the portals are. Give us enough time, and we’ll be able to detect residue from previous openings and figure out a way to shut all of them down.”

  “This could end,” Miranda murmured. “It could really end.”

  Leif nodded. “We still need to rescue all our people from your world. I hear the lion king allowed himself to be caught in order to save his own people. Much like you did.” He leveled Brandwulfr with a menacing stare. “Much like I intended to do.”

  Brand merely shrugged. “It was for your own good. Our people need you. Besides, it’s my job. If one of us needed to be sacrificed, it would be me.”

  “A discussion for a later time.” Leif gave Miranda a grin. “I dare say you’d prefer to take your woman someplace private? It sounds like there are things the two of you need to work out. And I need a change of clothing.”

  “Indeed,” Brand growled, making Miranda’s stomach flutter. He could be so deliciously wild when he wanted to be. Temper that with the perfect amount of tenderness, and she was completely helpless against him. Brand led her outside before scooping her up in his arms. “Be well, my brother,” he called to Leif as he left. “Do not go near those portals without a full contingent of trusted guards. Getting trapped there is not something you want to experience.”

  Leif waved him off from the carriage door. “Yet you found your woman there. A fair trade, no?” When Brand would have protested, the king raised his hands in surrender. “But I have no plans on visiting myself. I look forward to seeing both of you at court soon. Be with your woman, Brandwulfr. But don’t keep her away too long. You’re both fearsome allies, and I’d like to get to know the woman who saved my life.”

  Miranda blushed. “I threw some rocks,” she said inanely from Brandwulfr’s arms. “How heroic is that?”

  “You defended your king,” the king said, his eyes boring into hers with a serious light. The man was an enigma. Try as she might, she couldn’t shake the feeling he wasn’t as he appeared to be. His moods seemed to shift with each topic, but there was something in his eyes that said it was all for show, to make those around him more comfortable. There was definitely more to King Leif than met the eye.

  “I defended men on the road who were being attacked and were out-numbered. And you’re not my king. I’m human.”

  “You’re my best friend’s woman. You may not claim me as your king, but I have the feeling you’ll come around.” His words should have been accompanied by one of the smiles he seemed to give freely, but they weren’t. As Brand carried her back through the woods to their own conveyance—and privacy—she had to wonder what part the king intended her to play in this world.

  “The king is a tough one to figure out,” she mused out loud. “How much of his easy-going personality is real and how much of it is designed to put people at ease so they let their guard down?”

  “Everything he does, he does for the good of the people. You’ll never meet a better man, or a worse enemy if you cross his kind. Because he has accepted you, the others will as well. I expect your transition here to go much more smoothly than I’d thought. I’d feared the others had gotten the ear of the king. I was gone for so many years, and I expected friendships to wane. Fortunately, ours stayed true. He trusts me. And I trust you.”

  As he climbed the steps to the carriage, Brand rubbed his face against her cheek, sighing as he did so. He acted as if she were the most important thing in the world to him, as if there were no place else he’d rather be than with her. Did she dare hope for such?

  “Guardian!” Astrid’s voice broke through Miranda’s musings. Brand stiffened, but continued inside the carriage. When he didn’t acknowledge her, the other woman called out again. “Brandwulfr!”

  Turning to her, Miranda still cradled in his arms, he bared his teeth at her. “What?”

  “I need to speak with you.” She refused to look at Miranda even though she and Brandwulfr were close enough to kiss. “It is urgent.”

  “Say what you will, Astrid. I’m weary and need the solace only Miranda can give me.”

  Astrid’s lips parted in surprise, but she continued. “I can understand the need to sate yourself with your concubine, but—”

  “Not my concubine, Astrid,” Brandwulfr grated as he set Miranda on her feet beside him, his voice hard. Miranda had heard that tone in his voice before. He was moving past irritated and on to pissed at a rapid pace. “Miranda is my mate. The sooner you realize that, the better.”

  “Impossible! The king will never accept this! She tormented so many of your brothers! How can you possibly do this, Brandwulfr? The pack will kill you both in your sleep!”

  In an instant, Brandwulfr drew his sword, the tip poised at Astrid’s throat. A small bead of blood welled beneath the sword to slowly trickle down her neck. Several from the camp stopped what they were doing and stared. Brand’s eyes never left Astrid’s face, and they were cold. Hard. Again, Miranda glimpsed the gladiator he’d been forced to become. Judging by the look on Astrid’s face, she hadn’t expected this kind of outward display.

  “Listen, all of you!” His voice boomed, echoing throughout the camp. “Miranda is my mate! Anyone wishing to voice his objections should be prepared to eat steel. I will not be merciful. I will not mourn your passing with your families.”

  “Well said, Guardian.” Jorak approached a visibly stunned Astrid, taking her arm and moving her away from Brandwulfr’s sword. “You can count on my support in defending your woman. She saved our king. I’m forever in her debt.”

  “As am I.” While the gathering crowd parted, Leif walked toward them. He was dressed in the same black leather uniform the guards wore, but with a swatch of red over one shoulder. Miranda shifted, uncomfortable with all the attention, but Brandwulfr simply gathered her to his side, holding her close. He lowered his sword, but she noticed he didn’t sheathe it. Was he expecting trouble or was it simple prudence? “Your woman has a brave heart, Guardian. She will be a positive contributing member to our society.” He looked her over, an appraising gaze as if he were seeing her for the first time even though they'd only just left his carriage. “She’s obviously a warrior, but you dress her in the garb of the healing caste?” Miranda thought it odd that he only now mentioned her clothing. She'd had a feeling when she'd put them on back at the creek the color meant something but hadn't dwelt on it. Now, she realized the king had brought it up for a reason.

  “She saved many lives in the catacombs where we were held,” Brandwulfr said, his chin up, shoulders back as his voice rang over the crowd. “It was her choice. If she wishes it, I would have her continue her work here with us. She would be a great asset to the wounded after a battle.”

  “A giver of life rather than a taker? Are you sure that’s where she belongs? She’s quite fierce in battle.”

  “I’m sure that’s where I belong,” Miranda said
quickly, stunned that Brand would even suggest such a thing. She wasn’t sure what her role in this new world would be, but she was glad he was offering something she was comfortable with. Her affection for him grew and when she looked up at him, she was certain it showed in her eyes. How was it possible to love someone so fiercely in so short a time?

  Leif grinned. “Few things surprise me, Mate of the Guardian, but I have a feeling you will do so at every turn. I have no doubt your services will be required in the months to come.” Miranda knew this whole exchange had been, not for the king's benefit, but for the people's. He wanted everyone in the camp to know he respected and trusted her. He wanted them to know her roll in Brandwulfr's enslavement as well. To have Brandwulfr explain it himself would carry much more weight than if she'd explained it herself.

  Leif shifted his gaze to Brandwulfr and his eyes hardened. “Our troops arrived at the second gate we detected. They captured one who calls himself Ur. The woman with him claims he is one of the slave masters of the other realm. He freely admits he can lead us to other portals and we’ve sent guards back with him. If he’s lying, they will kill him. If not, we’ll be going to war soon.”

  “But why send more of our kind back to that place?” One of the men in the crowd yelled. “They’ll only be enslaved as we were!”

  “It was necessary,” Brandwulfr responded. “The portal can only be opened for a few minutes before it closes. Doubtless the only reason this realm hasn’t been invaded by humans bent on our destruction or worse. I’m certain the king’s guard took any necessary precautions to ensure their safe return.”

  “Indeed,” Jorak growled. “Since I trained them. Now, are there any more who wish to question the king on this subject? If so, my blade is in need of a good sheath.” The way he showed his teeth to the crowd, Miranda had no doubt he was hoping someone would take him up on the challenge. Obviously, Brandwulfr wasn’t the only fierce warrior among his people. If Leif and Jorak were any indication, any war they waged on her plane would be decidedly one-sided.

  “Well, now that that is settled.” The king grinned, crossing to Miranda, holding out his hand as if in greeting. She immediately took it and his warm fingers closed around hers. Bringing her hand to his mouth, he kissed her lightly. “Welcome to the clan, Mate of the Guardian. You will ever have our protection as long as you wish to stay among us.”

  “All right,” Brand groused, extracting Miranda’s hand from Leif’s. “Let’s get moving. I want to reach Denwulf by nightfall.”

  Leif chuckled. “As you wish, Guardian.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  They did indeed reach Denwulf by nightfall. After five long years of living in a stinking cell with several other men, a small pallet for a bed, and no woman to comfort him, Brandwulfr was in his own rooms in the palace. The domestics were scurrying around, obviously rearranging things, moving things in and out of his rooms in a hurry.

  “What the hell?” Brandwulfr ran a hand over the back of his neck, wanting a long soak in a hot bath with Miranda to knead his shoulders for him before he made love to her all night.

  “Well, you see,” one of the older domestics bowed slightly before him, her clear blue eyes flashing with her obvious irritation. “Mistress Astrid moved into your apartments right after you left to investigate matters. She’d declared herself your Mate in Waiting, claiming the two of you were to be wed upon your return.

  “Well that explains a lot,” Miranda grumbled. “Any truth to that?” She quirked an eyebrow at him, but Brandwulfr simply pulled her to him, kissing her soundly in front of everyone.

  “You know there’s not. And, Mya. I appreciate you setting things to rights now that I’m home.”

  The older woman waved away his thanks. “Once word reached us you had returned, I started. I knew you wouldn’t have made wedding plans without telling me.” .She gave Miranda the same slight bow she’d given Brandwulfr. “I take it you are the Guardian’s true Mate in Waiting?”

  Miranda looked at him, a shy, questioning look on her face. “I’ve already claimed her, Mya, so she is Mate of the Guardian.”

  “Already claimed her?” Mya looked aghast, as if he’d just confessed to committing an unpardonable sin.

  “Never fear, mother of my heart.” Suppressing a grin wasn’t even an option. “You can plan the perfect wedding to your heart’s content. Miranda will have a grand event if she wishes it.”

  “Just so.” Mya crossed her arms over her breasts. “Every woman deserves a proper mating ceremony.” She turned to the domestics still scurrying around his rooms. “Out with you all! We can finish later. The Guardian has need of rest.”

  Within moments, everyone was gone. Mya closed the door behind them all, pausing only to smile at Miranda. “Make him happy, Mate of the Guardian. He’s a good man.”

  “I know,” Miranda responded, her voice laden with emotion. “He’s a good man indeed.”

  “I’m not sure anything could feel as right as having you in my home does right now.” Brandwulfr pulled her into his arms, kissing her gently. “You made me proud today. You not only won over the king, but I think you made quite an impression on many of the men under Jorak’s command. They saw you fighting for the king with naught but your bare hands. Well, that and a few well-placed rocks”

  “You’re making fun of me!”

  “I’m not! I swear! Though, you have to admit, it was rather funny.”

  “I was improvising!”

  She looked so adorable standing there defending her methods Brandwulfr’s heart ached with it. How could one woman capture his heart so completely in such a short time?

  “You were magnificent,” he praised, brushing her cheek tenderly with the backs of his fingers. “I couldn’t have been prouder.” He let his fingers trail down her throat to the ties of her leather vest. “You know I love you, right?”

  “So you said,” she breathed. “I have to admit, after our first meeting, I never thought I’d hear you say that and mean it.”

  “I do. Very much. You’re more than I could have ever imagined a mate could be.” With a slow pull, he undid the leather laces. Her vest fell open, freeing her breasts to his touch. The peak of one pebbled under his thumb as he brushed the pad over it. Was there ever a female more beautiful?

  She arched into his touch, stepping closer to him. “I know you’re tired, Brand. I know that after everything you went through to get back to your home you deserve rest, but I need you to make love to me.”

  “I’ve been five years away from here. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t missed this life, but even five minutes without being inside your body would feel longer than the five years I’ve waited to return home.” He meant every word. He’d already claimed Miranda. She bore his scent proudly for all to witness. But he wanted to make love to her in his home. Wanted this place to become her home as well. They would start their life together here. Tonight. As one.

  Ridding themselves of their clothing proved a wondrous journey. As he laid her in his bed, he felt like he was discovering her body for the first time. Ridding her of her pants, he slid his palms over her hips, raking his nails over her tender skin lightly just so he could see his marks appear. As enjoyable as it was, nothing compared to the way she arched into his touch, rolling her hips to encourage him to continue.

  “Brand,” she breathed. “I need you!”

  “You’re so beautiful, love. Gods, you drive me mad!”

  He covered her body with his, lying between her thighs as he settled in to lavish attention on her breasts. As he suckled her, kneaded her plump globes until she moaned, she thrust her hips against his belly in need. The moist heat of her cunt beckoned him like a flame would a moth. She needed. He would provide.

  Kissing his way down her body was a special kind of torment. Worse than when he’d been tortured by the slave masters in the catacombs. Brandwulfr wanted nothing more than to cover her body with his and plunge inside her until he was sated. But he needed to make sure she was ready
for him, that she clung to the edge of sanity with the merest fingertip before he took her.

  Her body seemed to be a wonderland of erotic sensation. As he kissed her belly, licking and nipping her skin at his leisure, she squirmed, crying out from time to time. Her fingers clutched at his hair, trying to move him where she wanted him, but Brandwulfr refused to let her orgasm until he was good and ready. He loved the way she moved beneath him, rubbing herself against his body with wanton desire.

  The fine muscles of her belly quivered with each breath she took, with every move as she thrust her hips at him. Not kissing her tempting navel wasn’t an option on his way to her glistening sex. Miranda rewarded him with a sharp intake of air as he continued to kiss his way down her body until he reached the fine, blonde curls covering her sex.

  With a groan he lowered his mouth to her, delving his tongue between her folds to flick her little clit several times. He was rewarded with a scream and her hands tugging his hair as she tried to get him closer. Brandwulfr sucked her lips into his mouth one at a time before thrusting his tongue inside her cunt. Sweat slickened her skin as she teetered on the edge, her head thrashing about on the pillow. Strands of her pale hair stuck to her face and eyelashes in her frenzy, which she seemed not to notice. She looked magnificent, so beautiful and sexy it made his heart ache.

  “My woman. My love,” he whispered as he gave her clit one last slow lick with the flat of his tongue. “My woman.” He settled himself over her, positioning his cock to enter her. “” With one slow slide, Brandwulfr sank himself into Miranda, reveling in the feel of her sex contracting around him as she climaxed.

  * * *

  Miranda screamed as her orgasm overtook her. Her whole body seemed to be on fire, centered at the place where their bodies joined. Digging her nails into his back, she clung to Brand, needing his strong body to anchor her in the turbulent sea of emotions and sensation she experienced. His powerful body was an aphrodisiac in itself, but the way he moved over her, in her, simply drove her mad. His cock pulsed inside her with a life of its own, seeming to drive her to new heights of ecstasy with every stroke. Her clit rubbed against him with every surge forward of that magnificent body.


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