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Rescued By The Alien Warrior: A Sci Fi Alien Romance

Page 13

by Leia Gray

Darvok draws away for only a moment, throwing his shirt to the side and working at the buckle on his pants. I take the hint and do the same, my head spinning with lust and adrenaline.

  This time, there is no question. Only an answer, one simple answer that fills the room like an angelic choir. Yes. Yes. Mine.

  There we are, naked and on display in front of each other. It’s surprisingly intimate, and for a second, we do nothing but admire the other’s body. Even without touch, I can feel his presence. And I’m sure he can feel mine.

  “Let me show you how a Rathian pleases his mate.”

  Without warning, he delves deeper, kissing along my stomach, making a trail downward to the waistband of my pants. He hooks his teeth into them and pulls, the garment slipping away easily. I’ve never had someone remove my pants with their teeth before—I thought that was just something that happened in fantasies! But the heat of my mate next to me is very real, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  A rush of cool air hits the area between my legs and Darvok buries his face there, drawing in a long breath. The feel of his skin, his gentle hands holding my thighs, the whispery breath against my most sensitive area...

  I shudder out a breath.

  “You’re so wet, Liana,” he says in awe. His tongue shoots out to lap at my nectar and I arch into him, seeing stars. The feel of his mouth on me is too impossibly good. My flesh reacts with a new rush of wetness, begging for more.

  “And so delicious,” he whispers into my thigh, taking a moment to kiss and nip at the skin there.

  “Tease,” I breathe. My hands are fists balled into the sheets, my breathing quick and shallow. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and he’s enjoying every second of it.

  That makes two of us.

  “I want you to feel every,” he laps at me, “little,” he laps again, this time higher, “thing.” Then his lips close around my clit, and I cry out.

  Darvok is an absolute master at this, his lips and tongue teasing every little inch of my body, drawing my pleasure out closer and closer to orgasm before pulling away and giving me that wicked smile I’ve come to love.

  I’m writhing, gritting my teeth, fisting the sheets. And all the while he continues his onslaught, bringing me to new heights of pleasure I didn’t know possible.

  “Come for me, Liana,” he breathes like a prayer, and my body responds, snapping like a rubber band until I’m broken and shaking with wave after wave of sensation. I lose myself, shuddering and twitching around him, my hands reaching out to weave through his hair and pull him in closer.

  “Don’t stop,” I whine, still quivering. “Don’t ever stop.” Another wave of pleasure courses through me, another orgasm lingering on the horizon. I’ve never had multiple before—is it even possible? But before I can make sense of the idea, it crashes into me, sending me over the edge once more.

  “Darvok,” I whimper when the world stops spinning. I hold him closer to me, letting him be my anchor. My body is here, but my soul is still soaring, still reaching new heights. With him.

  “Liana.” He lifts his head and wraps his arms around me. His body is so big, it’s like being wrapped in a warm, protective blanket. A very sexy blanket.

  My eyelids droop and my body is covered with sweat and cum, but it doesn’t matter. Here, in his arms, I’m home. “I love you,” I mumble, the words flying off my tongue easy as breathing. I’d said it. I’d actually said it. But it wasn’t a weird, awkward sort of confession like I’d thought it would be. It feels so right, so natural. Why wouldn’t I tell him how I feel? There’s none of that trepidation or fear that he might not feel the same way. In my soul and in my heart, I know.

  “I love you too, my mate. Forever.” He kisses my forehead, and curls around me into a spooning position. I let my breath return to normal, and soon I’m drifting away.

  When I wake, it will be to greet my new life.



  A cool, female voice comes over the ship’s intercom and wakes me from my slumber.

  “Now approaching Rathia. Please take your seats for re-entry.”

  My eyes snap open. That was long was I out?

  I take only a moment to appreciate my beautiful mate lying beside me. She’s still fast asleep, her body curled up around mine and her hair splayed out over the pillow. I hate to wake her, but...

  “Liana,” I place a hand on her shoulder, gently rocking her. “We’re nearly there. Wake up.”

  She opens her eyes sleepily, a peaceful smile still gracing her face. “Wha?” she says, rolling over and burying her head in the pillows. By all the Tia, she’s adorable. But we’ve got to get prepped for re-entry.

  I touch her shoulder again. “We need to get up. We’re nearly back to Rathia, and we’ll need to take our seats when we pass through the atmosphere.”

  Liana turns to face me, the smile gone. “Is it dangerous?” She pulls up the duvet around her small frame, like that will keep her safe.

  “No, darling. We’ll be fine. I promise.” I take her hand in mine and help her out of bed. “Here, put this on and follow me.” I toss a mint-colored gown in her direction and she pulls it over her head, her eyes still bleary.

  The sight of her in the long, elegant gown almost takes my breath away, though. I almost forget we’re about to go through re-entry. I want to hold her, dance with her, take in every curve of her delicious body.

  “Come on,” I say, squeezing her hand. “We gotta get to the cockpit.”

  I try not to show it to my mate, but ever since I heard the announcement, a tempest of anxiety has been bubbling through my gut. I didn’t exactly leave my home planet on the best of terms. I spent so long in exile, searching for Krevith and trying to avenge my people, my clan, my planet. And to be coming home after so long...would they even remember me?

  Would they welcome me back with open arms, or shoot us out of the sky?

  There was only one way to find out.

  When we emerge out of the sleeping chambers and back out into the cockpit, there it is: Rathia. I haven’t seen it in so long, and certainly not this close. I dream about it every night, stake all my hopes and dreams on one day returning, and finally the day has arrived.

  And I even have my mate by my side.

  The warm, orange-red glow of the atmosphere draws closer and closer. It pulses and shifts, the clouds flickering with light. It must be storming. I tear my eyes away from the approaching planet for long enough to look over at Liana. She can’t take her eyes off the planet, either. Her mouth hangs open, even though she covers it with her hand. Her eyes stare out the window, wide.

  “You ready?” I ask her, taking her hand.

  She nods, swallowing. “Ready.” Liana squeezes my hand a little more tightly than usual, though, and I can feel the tension bubbling off of her. We click in to the restraints.

  “Prepare for re-entry in 5...4...3...2...”

  Then the lights go out, and for a blessed second, all is silent. Then comes the roar. Red clouds rush around us at blinding speed and we’re falling. Liana squeezes her eyes shut, and I take in a few breaths as I watch the meters on the dashboard go wild. No one would ever say re-entry was their favorite part of space travel.

  The ship, a silky-smooth ride up until now, rumbles and shakes like an earthquake. The solar panels on the outside of the shuttle snap off and fly away, disintegrating in the heat of the atmosphere. Only a few more seconds... I grit my teeth.

  Boom, a final wave hits the ship, throwing me back into my seat and Liana back in hers. Thank the Tia for seat belts.

  When I open my eyes again, the raging red storm is gone. We’ve made it through.

  Rolling sand dunes and dusty hills sprawl across the planet as far as the eye can see. The ship is coasting now, drifting downward toward a docking area I thought I’d never see again.

  “We’re here, Liana.” I let go of her hand, stretching my fingers. For such a small one, she has quite the grip! She opens her eyes slowly, b
ody still tense. Then she lets out a long-held breath of awe. Her eyes roam everywhere, taking in as much of the landscape as she can. Then she looks back to me, and when she does there are tears in her eyes.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispers.

  “It is,” I agree. All my thoughts are on Rathia now. Now that we are through the atmosphere, I need to contact central control and—

  A flashing hail blinks to life on the console. I take a deep breath and patch it through.

  “Unidentified Spacecraft: you have entered the territory of Rathia. This is private airspace. Have you prior authorization?”

  Since when did—

  I gulp. “No, but—”

  “State your name and purpose here. Take care not to lie—sentry speeders are on their way now.”

  Liana looks to me with alarm. I want to soothe her, to tell her it will be all right, but I can only project a vague feeling over our link before returning to the console.

  “You are speaking to Darvok Kar’thallan of the Vetha-Rek clan. I have returned to claim my birthright.”

  Silence hangs on the line for a few deadly seconds. This is it. Will they believe me? Will they even care?

  “Darvok Kar’thallan has been missing for over a decade. He’s considered dead.”

  A stone drops into my stomach. Dead. They really thought I was dead?

  I fight to keep my voice even. “Scan me if you must. I am who I say I am, and I have returned to Rathia at last.”

  A few more moments tick by. I grit my teeth and squeeze Liana’s hand, breathing hard through my nose.

  A red light appears from the console and scans down my body. Typical security measure, I suppose, but it still doesn’t feel great to be treated like a stranger. The silence keeps going.

  There’s a few clicks and beeps from the other end and the sound of hushed voices.

  “So it’s true,” the voice on the other end says. I can hear shuffling and movement and excited voices. “Darvok Kar’thallan, returned from the Wastes at last. We’re terribly sorry, we just thought...”

  I wave them off. “No matter. Grant us docking permission and we will speak soon enough.”

  “At once, sir.”

  The call clicks off and there is a buzzing at the dashboard. “Docking permission granted. Please proceed to bay 42b.”

  “That’s our cue,” I mumble and steer the ship toward the station.



  When the door of the ship hisses open at last, I’m faced with a huge crowd of Rathians. How they managed to gather so many important allies so quickly is beyond me, but instantly I see faces I recognize. It’s a soothing balm after so long lost in the Wastes.

  The people’s glances turn from me to the human mate by my side as soon as we step out of the shuttle. So many faces. So many eyes on us. I hold my breath and pray they will accept us.

  Smiles light their faces like the suns on a winter morning. Those tired, haggard faces that I haven’t seen in so long. Those faces that have been through such turmoil in grief in the last years. But now we are home, and I am going to make things right.

  Liana never lets go of my hand as we move through the procession. “Quite a crowd,” she whispers to me and stays close. Everyone’s trying to get a look, welcoming us, wanting to shake our hands, nodding in recognition.

  “Stay close,” I mutter to her and we push through the crowd. Before us stands a tall ivory spire, the sight of which I haven’t seen in over ten years. The seat of Vetha-Rek leadership. My former home.

  When we approach the door, there are guards there to meet us. They pause for a moment. When they realize who it is, they quickly step aside. “Welcome home,” one says.

  Home. There’s that word again. It feels...almost foreign to me. After so long, I never thought I’d be back here. Never thought I could call it home again. Everything looks so different now...yet still the same, in so many subtle ways. Liana’s strength flows through me and steels my spirit.

  “It is good to be home,” I tell them. “I would set a meeting with the council as soon as possible. We have much to discuss.”

  “Right away, sir,” the guard says, hurrying off. The other ushers us through the doors and into the shining atrium of the palace.

  Liana stares at the splendor in awe, and I have to admit it: I’m proud that she is able to see my planet like this. When I left, it was barely a ruin, but they have recovered well in my absence. They have begun to grow once more, and soon we will be able to reach out into the galaxy on new missions like in the days of old.

  First, I need to see my sister.

  I hear the click of her heels running down the marble hallway before I see her. Her eyes widen and she lets out a whoop of joy, launching herself into my arms.

  “Darvok,” she sighs into my shoulder. “After all this time, you’re alive! I heard the rumors but I didn’t want to believe, until...” She draws away just long enough to notice Liana standing by, staring at the ground. This has to be awkward for her. I shake my head.

  “Ethra,” I say, and put an arm around Liana’s shoulders. “This is my mate, Liana. She helped me get back home. Liana, this is my sister.”

  Ethra draws away and looks at Liana, then back to me. “She’s yours?” Ethra asks, beaming.

  “I’m Liana.” She steps forward and holds out her hand before I have a chance to speak. Ethra’s face betrays her surprise for only a moment, then she sticks out her hand and shakes Liana’s, like an equal.

  “Liana, what a beautiful name.” She grins down at my mate, and Liana’s positively glowing. “I always knew it would take a special woman to mate with you, Darvok. The Tia have really outdone themselves this time.”

  “We’re here as equals,” I tell her, ignoring the momentary confusion on her face. “She is mine as much as I am hers. We are partners. See to it that the mating ceremony is arranged in the great hall? I want to give my betrothed a tour.”

  “Of course. It’s so good to see you again, Darvok.” She turns to head away and then whips her head to look back at me. Her pale silver hair flies over her shoulder in a wave. “We’ll give her a big Rathian welcome.” With a mischievous giggle, she turns on her heel and clack-clack-clacks out of the room.

  “What was that all about?” Liana asks me, raising an eyebrow.

  “She’s my sister.” I pinch the area between my eyes. “And I love her to death, but she’s always causing trouble.”

  Liana chuckles at that. “Sounds like a handful. Now about that tour?”

  She takes my hands in her own, and that delicious zing of energy passes between us once more. I don’t know that I’ll ever get tired of it. I could be next to her all day, every day, and it still wouldn’t be enough. Now I know why my brethren went so crazy (well, I had called them crazy at the time) when they found their mates. It was more wonderful, and more all-consuming, than I could have ever imagined. I want to give her the world, just to see one more smile on those cute little lips.

  “I would love to, princess. There’s something I want you to see.” I take her hand and lead her through the atrium down a long marble hallway and down a set of stairs. It’s not a very well-traveled path, but it’s one I know by heart. My own little sanctuary.

  We duck through a small servant’s door and Liana gasps in delight as soon as we’re outside.

  “Welcome to the Whispering Gardens. Our own little piece of paradise.”

  Jewel-toned birds squawk and swoop around us, and long green vines hang down from a trellis above, letting in just the right amount of sunlight. Delicate lilac blossoms reach out to follow us as we start down the path, hand in hand. Immediately I feel more at ease, more relaxed than I have been in all the years since my departure. I reach out and brush my hand across the delicate blooms, plucking one and bringing it to my nose. The soft, floral scent fills my senses, promising hope and new life.

  “For you.” I hand it to Liana, who stares in awe at the splendor around us. Her cheeks redden
and she looks up at me through those long lashes. “It’s beautiful,” she breathes, drawing the flower to her nose. “Outside is all did you get all this to grow?”

  I point upward. Far above us, a shimmering layer of glass, barely visible, holds in the light and moisture. “We’re in a greenhouse, of sorts. One of my favorite places on the whole planet. The garden masters tend all kinds of flora and fauna here...some of it unique to Rathia herself.”

  Liana squints upward, shielding her eyes with the back of her hand. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  I can’t help but feel the rush of pride and nostalgia flowing over me like wine. “Long days and pleasant nights were spent in this garden, ever since I was a child. When I could get away from my training duties, of course.”

  Liana laughs. “You’re an old softy!” she teases, nudging me. “You try to act like this tough warrior, but deep down you have a soft spot for gardening!”

  “Hey!” I scoff and run after her. Her hair and the tail of her gown flies out behind her, fluttering in the not-quite-breeze. The flowers and clover bend to her as she passes, as if heralding our arrival as well.

  This is right. This is home. This is perfect.

  I catch up to her, laughing and grinning, in the middle of the gardens where a huge stone fountain bubbles and spills fragrant water over tier after tier of marble. Her cheeks are red and flushed with exertion, and a few strands of hair stick to her forehead with sweat. I waste no time taking her into my arms, crushing her against my body. Her lips close over mine readily, plump and sweet. My human. My mate. Forever. I run a hand up to weave through her hair and bring her closer still. Our tongues dance across each other and sparks crackle across my skin, lighting up my senses and my spirit. After all this time...

  Maybe we could even be a family.

  “I love you,” I mumble against her lips. Liana presses her hips against mine and all thought goes straight to my dick.

  “Then love me,” she mutters, still grinding against me. Her eyes are glittering, full of joy and hope and love. I’m already painfully hard, but a little voice warns me to stop, to take her away before I lose control completely. Rathians are not shy about nudity, sure, but the gardens are sacred! In the moment, that doesn’t seem to matter. All sense of duty and honor flies out the window when I’m around her.


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