Book Read Free

Quantum Entanglement

Page 10

by S R Watson

  She looks super casual in her short cutoffs and tank, hair in a French braid. I actually think she looks better this way. Understated sexiness without trying too hard.

  “Well, I stopped by just in time. Sundays are for reflection. Plus, I want to finally officially introduce you to our Elite Eight. You briefly met everyone last night except James. We like to gather near the creek to show what we’ve learned in the past week. It’s like show and tell, but with our powers.”

  “Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to participate. Other than the running thing you showed me, I’ve yet to tap into anything else.”

  “Nobody is going to expect you to give us a demonstration. Your first class isn’t until tomorrow. Just come and watch. It’s both informative and entertaining.”

  I don’t want to pass on a chance to see my peers in action or to find out what this whole Elite Eight is about. “Count me in,” I agree.

  “Sweet. I was headed there now after I checked to see if you wanted to come.”

  “I know it’s a bit of a trek, so let’s take my bike.”

  Her eyes light up with excitement. “I wondered if I’d ever get to ride with you. Your bike is so edgy and bad boy like. The jury is still out on you, though. Your tattoo sleeves are quite the contradiction. You don’t come off as the typical bad boy, but something tells me you just haven’t shown that side of you yet.”

  “I definitely walk to the beat of my own drum, so I guess you’ll just have to see for yourself.”

  She wastes no time climbing on the back of Shelby. Her arms wrap around my waist, under my Henley T-shirt. She toys with the muscles she finds there, not letting a moment to flirt pass. The ride is short, but as we come to a rolling stop, I see a small group has already gathered. Including Loren and Genesis. Her eyes meet mine before she looks downward. Unfounded guilt gnaws at me, but why? She’s the one who decided how we were going to act with each other.

  I lean my bike to the side so that Madison can get off. She winks at me before joining the group.

  “Nice bike, man,” one of the lanky guys compliments. “I’m Matt from last night.”

  “Thanks, man. I remember.”

  “I’m James,” a taller redheaded guy introduces. His red hair is a few shades darker than Genesis. He towers over my five-feet-ten frame with much broader shoulders. “Sorry, I couldn’t make it last night. I heard that it was a blast.”

  “Nice to meet you, man. It was a blast for sure.”

  I take a seat on the ground next to Madison, which happens to be directly across from Genesis. She picks at the grass next to her, anything not to return my gaze. Our group forms a circle around a fire pit, so let’s see how long she can pretend she doesn’t see me.

  “Break out the booze.” Madison chuckles. “Don’t tell me you all were waiting until I got here.” The nods around the circle confirm that is exactly the case. It’s becoming more evident just how much clout she has here at this academy, and maybe that’s my appeal. I couldn’t care less about popularity and status. If you’re cool to be around, then that’s enough for me. “Well, we have two newbies in our midst—Elysian and Genesis. Let’s give them a warm welcome by introducing ourselves and our class.”

  I’ve scanned our circle for a quick count, and there are ten of us—six girls and four guys, including myself. I listen intently as they introduce themselves and whether they’re a witch, warlock, werewolf, or vampire.

  “My name is Genesis, and I’m a demigoddess,” she blurts. When the fuck did we decide to tell everybody what we are? I know—we didn’t. No discussion at all.

  The circle goes completely quiet, including Madison. “Holy shit. What about you, Elysian. Are you a demigod?” she asks.

  Well, the secret is out of the fucking bag, so what else can I say? “Yeah,” I murmur.

  “Dude! Do you even know what that means?” lanky guy Matt questions with excitement.

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. Let the flood gates of fuckery begin. “We’ve been given the CliffsNotes version of the class.” I sigh.

  “It means you’re going to be two of the most badass motherfuckers once you have your shit under control. I don’t even think we have half gods here on Earth. We’ve learned a little history of gods and half gods in our curriculum, but it was enough to know that you’re at the top of the pyramid when it comes to abilities—right underneath gods,” he continues.

  “Pyramid of abilities?” I inquire.

  “Basically, the only supernatural with greater ability than a demigod or demigoddess is a god. That makes you a threat.”

  There goes that word again— threat. Thanks, Genesis. “Look. We’re just here to learn. Neither Genesis nor I asked for this. We’re not a threat.”

  “Sorry to break it to you, babe, but that’s not something you can disown and it be so. But we’re not judging. We really invited you out here to invite you to join our Elite squad so we’d have your back,” Madison assures. The group collectively agrees with a nod.

  “What exactly is the Elite Eight?” I ask.

  “As I mentioned at that first party, most classes stick with their coven, clan, or pack. Our group is a mix of all the classes. Yes, we interact with our own class, but we choose to branch out. Our circle is the most coveted group on campus. We’re the best looking, best dressed, and most popular.”

  “No offense, but it sounds kind of pretentious,” Genesis points out. “I’m not a mean girl.”

  “None of us are,” Madison corrects. “We don’t treat people poorly. We just choose to keep our circle small and do our own thing. We’re not antisocial. We throw parties and invite others, but I guess the closest thing you can compare us to is a fraternity or sorority. Besides, it’s not like we’re snobs. That’s the Legends.”

  “Legends?” Genesis prod.

  “Legends Supernatural Academy is the other academy. They have two campuses—one here in Washington State and another one in Washington DC,” Madison explains. “The faculty wouldn’t have mentioned either of them. It’s for the true elite. The family of politicians, celebrities, etcetera. Basically, being famous is the entry criteria.”

  “I’ll pass. That academy doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. I’m more of a down to earth kind of guy. Anyway, why invite us into your Elite? What do we have to do?” I ask.

  “Nothing. We vibed from the beginning. And now finding out that the two of you are half gods adds to our diversity. You don’t have a coven, clan, or pack, but you have an Elite—an inclusion of them all.”

  “Well, thank you for welcoming us into your Elite Eight. That’s kind of rad to have such a diverse group. A community within a community per se. Like my wrestling team. I had friends outside the team, but those guys were like my family. I trusted them like no other.”

  “Exactly,” Matt agrees. “Now you get it.”

  “Now that’s settled, let’s get this show and tell going,” Matt suggests. “Melissa, Haley, Loren, and Kristin are witches. James and Trevor are werewolves. That leaves Madison and me. We’re vampires and move fast.”

  I blink as he lifts me and takes me to the other side of the fire pit next. Now I’m standing next to Genesis. My jaw slacks.

  “He’s even faster than I am,” Madison warns. I know how fast she is, and I can’t imagine anyone going faster than that.

  I’m in awe as I watch each person introduce their powers. Witches mostly rely on spells and their Grimoire, which nobody knows its location. The werewolves show off their speed and strength, while the vampires compete to see who’s faster.

  “I’ve learned how to do something else,” Madison shares vividly. She walks directly over to me and pulls my face down to hers, staring me down. “I think you have the hots for Genesis. If you do, then go kiss her.”

  “What? Why would I do that? I don’t want to kiss her.”

  “How did that not work?”

  “Somebody wasn’t paying attention in class that day,” Matt teases. “Gods and half gods can’t be compel

  “Compel what? Why would you tell me to kiss her?” I huff.

  “Don’t be upset. It was just a small test. Vampires can compel people to do as they say without question. Obviously, it works on humans, but I just wanted to see if it worked on supernaturals too.”

  “Not cool,” I chastise.

  “Well, I like to think that I’ve uncovered another one of your abilities. You can resist compulsion.”

  I walk back to where I originally was and take a seat. Several hours pass and night begins to fall. James lights the fire pit as more beer is handed out. I watch as he takes a seat next to Genesis. I haven’t spoken to her since last night at the club. The last thing I want is to start our classes tomorrow with this awkwardness between us.

  “Hey, Genesis. Can I talk with you for a minute?” She looks over the flames at me, unsure. “Just for a bit.”

  She says something to James, who just sat next to her, before rising to her feet.

  “What do you want?” she asks once we’re some distance away from the group.

  “Look, I don’t know why things are so weird between us, but I just wanted a chance to talk.”

  “Oh, you mean like we were supposed to do today before you blew me off and then rolled up here with Madison on your bike.”

  “Do you like me, Genesis?”

  Her face contorts before she blows an exasperated breath. “Don’t be so narcissistic.”

  She walks ahead to the edge of the creek. She picks up a few stones and skips them across the water.

  “Okay. What is it then? You’re constantly pushing me on Madison, but then appear jealous when I talk to or show up with her.”

  I pick up a few stones of my own, skipping them farther than her attempt.

  “I don’t have to push her on you. She does that all on her own. I’m not jealous. I purposely stay away from people like you. Like her.”

  “Like me? What about me?” She kneels to collect more stones.

  “Never mind. Forget that I even said anything.”

  “No can do, sweetheart. You can’t make a judgmental statement like that and then tell someone to forget it. So what about me? Because I can promise whatever you’re thinking, you’re wrong.”

  “Okay,” she begins, using the end of her shirt to hold her collection of rocks. “You’re the pretty boy … the jock all the girls chase. You’re the cool guy all the guys want to be like. You’re the reason we got invited into this Elite. You’re used to using your winks, smirks, and shameless innuendos to get whatever you want. You make a girl feel special and then turn it off when you move on to your next plaything.”

  “Is that it? I made you feel special, and now you think I’m moving on to Madison?”

  “Don’t be a jerk! Of course not. Is that the only thing you took away from everything I said?”

  “You mean everything you accused me of. I’m none of the things you said. Do I think I’m attractive? Of course. That’s just having a healthy self-esteem. Do I use my looks to get what I want? No. That’s superficial and couldn’t be further from my personality.” I skip a few stones to tamper down my frustration that she would even think such a thing. “Anyone that gets to know me sees me as loyal, caring, and friendly with everyone. Looks or possessions should never play a part in how you treat someone. That’s in part why I’m so nice to Madison. If you pull back your own bias, you’ll see she needs friends just like anybody else.”

  “I don’t care who you’re friends with,” she says, paying more attention to her rocks than me. “We’re fine. No awkwardness,” she assures. She skips the rocks in rapid succession.

  I don’t believe her. The tension in her face could be mistaken as concentration, but I’m good at reading people. She’s trying not to let me see what she’s holding back.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t pick you up to hang out like I mentioned yesterday. I wasn’t sure if you’d still want to. You were pretty distant and snarky last night.”

  “No biggie,” she says as she takes a seat on the ground. I take a seat next to her.

  “So when did you find out you were adopted?” I ask, changing the subject. I think this is part of what she’s suppressing—where her some of her underlying mistrust of others stems from.

  “Jan and Steve waited until I was leaving for college.”

  “Why do you call them that instead of Mom and Dad?”

  “Because they’re not my real parents. I’m not mad anymore, but it still hurts to know that I wasn’t wanted.”

  She looks straight ahead, but I see the break in her armor. She is hurting and pushes people away before they get too close and leave. I’m not sure if my empath ability is another one of my powers, but it has always been a part of who I am.

  “Let me ask you something. Have Jan and Steve provided a good home for you, shown you love, and raised you to be a good person?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “Then there are no buts. Biology has nothing to with it. They are your parents. They love you, and it’s unfair to punish the people who did choose you. Not every parent gives their child up for adoption due to lack of love … it’s one of the most unselfish things a person can do if they know they can’t give you the life and support you deserve. Jan and Steve didn’t have to choose you, but they did. They deserve all your love and gratitude.”

  Her head drops, and she nods. “I guess I’d been so caught up in my own feelings that I didn’t stop to think about how they must feel. It’s not that I’m unappreciative. I love them. I was just upset that they waited so long to tell me. My whole life felt like a lie and now to learn about all of this.”

  “Maybe they were waiting for a sign that you could handle it because from what you’ve shared, it doesn’t seem like you took the news well. Our lives are what we make them. This bit of supernatural news is a game changer for sure, but we’ll acclimate and prevail.”

  She smiles over at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “So what about you? Any guesses as to which parent may not be biological?”

  “That’s just it. Regardless of what all of this reveals, they’re still my folks no matter what. One of them or neither could be biological, but I don’t care. DNA shouldn’t be the only criteria to call yourself a parent. And I would never call them by their first names. That’s beyond disrespectful.”

  “Well, apparently I’m just a judgmental, disrespectful, unappreciative brat,” she responds, a slight tremble in her voice giving away her hurt.

  “Don’t say those things about yourself. We all have room for growth, including me. Sometimes we just need to hear another people’s perspective. Next time you talk with them, try calling them Mom and Dad. Watch how much better you feel and how happy you’ll make them.”

  “I want to see them next time we go out,” she confesses. “But it will always be so late. How do I explain wanting to visit them so late?”

  My eyes bulge, and words fail me. I point at the ground next to her until her eyes follow my finger. She gasps, clearly shocked as me. I pick up the crystal looking unicorn she just made with a twirl of her fingers.

  “Did I do that?” she asks, stunned as I hold the iced figurine between us.

  “Yes, but how?”

  “I don’t know. It’s ice,” she remarks as she examines her masterpiece. “I was just thinking about the crystal figurines that my parents would give me for each birthday. Last year, it was a unicorn, and it’s back in my dorm.”

  “This is amazing. So detailed. Let’s keep this little discovery between us for now,” I suggest.

  “Oh, for sure. I’m not exactly ready to be part of the exhibit for show and tell. I don’t even know if I could do that again.”

  “Why did you tell everyone what we were?” I question. I’ve been wanting to ask as soon as we were away from the others.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. I wanted to take away the opportunity for you to tell them, I guess. It was stupid.”

  “Well, the cat is out of the bag now. The gro
up promises not to share, but that’s not very realistic. It only takes one person to spill.”

  “I truly am sorry. I wish I could take it back.”

  “It’s out there now, so let’s not dwell on it. Can I get you another beer?”

  “Nah. I think I’m going to head back and get ready for what awaits us tomorrow. Thanks for the chat.”

  “Yeah. I think we both needed that. Let me take you back on Shelby.” I help her to her feet. “I insist.”

  When we get back to the campfire, it’s as though we never left. The side conversations continue, so I’m guessing the entertainment portion of the evening is over. Madison’s eyes narrow, but she stays quiet. I inform the group that I was taking Genesis back to her dorm. Some acknowledge, and some are too immersed in their own discussions. We arrive back at the dorm, and Genesis invites me in for tea. I’m not ready to say goodbye yet either, but I know I need to pump the brakes. We just made progress with our friendship. I decline her offer and promise her another time.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Classes have been enlightening thus far. After finally getting our uniforms, I was pleased that it looked nothing like the plaid stereotypical schoolgirl crap Madison wears. Elysian’s uniform is just black leather-like jeans with a white neoprene-type tank. My uniform complements his but is a little more involved. The black top resembles a Kevlar tactical vest. Straps and buckles hug my black, jean-clad thighs. I even have matching arm cuffs from the elbow down. I feel so badass. Elysian joked that it looked more like I was going to battle than to class, but it was explained that the clothing was a strategic choice. It aids in the regulation of our respective body temps, thus reducing accidental use of our powers from temperature surges. Stress causes the surge, and the surge causes us to unleash our powers without warning.

  After being outfitted with the uniforms for our classification, we get our schedules. We started with Supernatural Analogies 101. The focus is on the capabilities of each supernatural being with an understanding that not every person reaches their greatest potential. Some powers are more readily accessible than others, and it takes practice and consistency to coax out the more advanced abilities. I was intrigued to learn that demigods and demigoddess share a foundation of increased speed, agility, and strength. But in addition to this, we possess our own unique powers such as fire and ice manipulation. Well, as Professor Thorne explained in more technical terms, one of my powers is glaciokinesis, and Elysian has the power of ignikinesis, which basically means the same as fire and ice manipulation.


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