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Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)

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by Teresa Greene

  “They paid for three more days. The best we can hope for is they stay out of trouble.” She disappeared into the house and returned with a trash bag. She gathered the fragments of broken glass and dropped them into the bag. Grant collected an arm full of beer bottles and Nina held the bag open while he dumped them inside. At least Clay used one of the bottles as an ashtray. The last thing he wanted to do was pick up his disgusting cigarette butts.

  After Grant dropped the last of the beer bottles into the trash bag his arms fell heavily to his sides. He had an uneasy feeling. Deep in his gut he knew Clay was planning something. If only he could convince Nina to insist they leave, but that wasn’t going to happen.


  Randle Collins’ heart pounded as he navigated his black SUV down the winding, secluded dirt road. Trees thickened and limbs scratched the side of his vehicle as he slowly made his way over the bumpy, dusty road. The narrow road wasn’t wide enough for a vehicle the size of his. Every time he heard the scrape of a limb scratching into the paint of his SUV he cringed. It would need a trip to the body shop after tonight. “Are you sure this is the right location?”

  Dan Harris replied, “Yes, boss, I’m sure. Just a couple more miles and we’ll be there. I followed Mendez’s sons last night and this is where they led me.”

  Three times they had to stop and remove limbs and bushes from the road. If Dan hadn’t already known where the road led, they would never have found it. It looked as if it disappeared into the surrounding forest. Someone had done a great job of concealing the dirt road. Collins drove about another mile before Harris offered, “We’d better go on foot from here.”

  Eight men dressed in black piled out of the SUV and stepped to the back of the vehicle where Randal handed each an automatic machine gun. The only noise on the secluded back road was the metallic sounds as they checked the magazines of their weapons. His excitement grew knowing they were close. Air charged through him. “Are you ready?” Instead of an answer he received a nod from each of his men, two of them deputies on his payroll, men that worked for his father. That was how Collins stayed one step ahead of the law. No one would suspect the sheriff’s son of being a drug lord. He handed three, red plastic containers of gasoline to three of the men.

  Flashlights in hand, they walked the last half mile. No one spoke a word and Collins enjoyed the quiet and peace. Very little light penetrated the thick clouds as they made their way to the end of the dirt road. From the edge of the woods they saw a light from one of the tents erected under the seclusion of the trees. The other two tents were dark. Collins smiled. Just maybe they would be lucky and Mendez’s sons and guards would be in the one tent. Dan divulged he didn’t have but seven men guarding the marijuana crop. He motioned for his men to fan out.

  Machine gun to his waist, Collins stepped mere feet from the tent, pressed his finger to the trigger and did a wide sweep with his weapon. His men then began to pepper the tent with gunfire. As a precaution, they shot up the other two tents. No one would survive because they would not leave behind witnesses.

  Confident no one survived the ambush, Collins raised his fist in the air and shouted, “Cease fire.”

  Harris was the first to step into the tent now riddled with bullet holes. Collins shadowed him inside to see all the carnage. Only one person survived. He recognized Mendez’s youngest son, Angel. Blood poured from a shoulder wound. By his estimation the boy couldn’t be more than fifteen years old. Pity the youth would have to die, but Mendez should never have let his sons become involved with the family business of growing and selling marijuana. Family should be protected.

  Flat on his back, he raised his hands in the air and pleaded, “Please don’t kill me.” A tear slipped over Angel’s cheek.

  Without batting an eye, Collins raised the automatic machine gun at his waist and pulled the trigger. The young man’s body jerked two or three times then stopped moving, blood pouring from several holes in his chest. Blood soon covered the simple plank floor.

  Harris moved to the table where the dead men had been playing poker. It was a miracle it was still standing after the spray of bullets. He picked up one of the hands of cards and laughed. “A full house.” He stepped to the side and did the same. “Four queens.” He tossed the cards and they landed on the dead bodies that littered the ground. “Too bad we don’t know who won.” Always trying to find a little humor even when there wasn’t any, he laughed at his own joke.

  Collins rolled his eyes. “Like it matters. Mendez is going to be distraught over the death of his sons. I doubt we’ll have a problem with him in the future. After tonight he’ll leave North Carolina and relocate.”

  Harris asked, “You sure he won’t retaliate?”

  “He has no idea who I am. No one knows who I am. Besides, this will end his business.”

  Collins stepped outside and shouted, “Burn the crop!” He watched as his men moved about the field pouring gasoline on the marijuana plants only a couple of weeks from harvest. The glow of the flashlights caused them to look eerie dressed in the black clothes. Harris lit a match, threw it to the ground, and with one big whoosh the fire ignited. The flames lifted to the sky as the fifteen foot plants burned. It was a shame to let the crop go to waste, but he felt he had no other choice. Mendez had been warned to leave North Carolina, but the man ignored his warning. Now three of his sons and seven of his men lay dead. Sometimes he had to be ruthless to get his point across. No one was going to muscle into his territory.

  Harris moved to his side. “What do you want us to do with the bodies?”

  A beat up red truck was parked behind the tents. “Put their bodies on the back of the truck and leave it in Mendez’s drive.”

  Harris slapped him on the back. “One thing I can say about you boss, you sure know how to leave a damn impression.”

  Yes, Randal thought, he had taught Mendez a lesson. As he watched the fire spread, he smiled. Mendez would never know who was responsible for the deaths of his sons.

  Chapter Ten

  Early in the morning Grant returned to his room to change into some work clothes. The romantic day he had planned at the waterfall with Nina wasn’t going to happen now that he needed to keep an eye on Clay. He wished he knew the man’s intentions. The not knowing what to expect had him rattled.

  The moment he opened the door, he knew someone had been inside his room. The tiny piece of orange paper he had wedged in the closed door was lying on the floor. With hard eyes he scanned the room but nothing was out of place. He opened the drawer on the dresser to see his clothes were folded and neat. Whoever searched his room was meticulous and put everything back just as they had found it. Of course he knew it was Clay. Sometime during the night he had gone through his things.

  Hopefully he didn’t find the map pointing the way to the marijuana crop or the information he had on Nina, Beth, and Lacy. As a precaution he had locked all his surveillance equipment and files in the trunk of his car. To make sure Clay had not tampered with his car, Grant jogged across the yard, fished into his pocket, and retrieved his keys. A feeling of fear surfaced until he unlocked the trunk and saw that everything was just as he had left it. They were so close to having all the evidence they needed and he didn’t want to be the one responsible for tipping Clay off that he was assisting the FBI to take down Collins.

  Grant slammed the trunk and went back to his room. He grabbed his phone still laying on the bed where he threw it when he first came into the room. He punched in his uncle’s number and dropped to the bed. He heard his uncle’s voice on the other end. “Hold on a second.” Feeling as if he were going to suffocate in the room, he opened the door that led out to a small patio and hurried outside. He peered over his shoulder before he lifted the phone to his ear. “We have a problem.”

  “Has something gone wrong?” By his uncle’s voice he was worried.

  “Yes.” Grant gave a quick explanation of everything that had transpired since Clay and his cohorts’ arrival.

“More has happened. I need to see you. Can you meet me in town?”

  Grant thought of Nina. “I’m scared to leave Nina alone. I have the feeling Clay may be dangerous.”

  “I got back the DNA from the cigarette butt you gave us. He is an extremely dangerous man.”

  A sense of doom washed over Grant. “What did you find out?”

  “As I said, it is nothing I want to discuss over the phone. We need to talk in person.”

  “I’ll call you later when I’m sure it’s safe for me to slip away.” Without saying anymore Grant ended the call. No matter what his uncle asked of him, he would not leave Nina until he was sure Clay was no longer a threat. He considered knocking him in the head and tying him up until his Uncle Tate could arrange for someone to come and get him. Then he thought about Collins. More than likely Clay was feeding him information. If he suddenly disappeared, Collins might become suspicious.

  Again Grant punched in a number on his phone. He lifted it to his ear and waited for his brother to answer.

  “Hello, Grant. How are things going?”

  “Not so great. How quick can you leave Virginia and come to Taylorsville, North Carolina?”


  “What are you doing?” Grant and Juan both turned and looked at Nina as if they had been caught doing something wrong. Neither had heard her enter.

  “I’m just showing Juan some kickboxing moves. It’s part of my exercise routine and he has been working out with me.”

  Both kept staring at her like a couple of idiots instead of continuing. Interest piqued, she replied, “Carry on. I’d like to see what you’re teaching him.” Grant held up his hand and Juan swung around and kicked his palm. Nina clapped. “I’m impressed. What else have you shown him?”

  Grant winked at Juan. “Do that hand thing I showed you.”

  Juan took her hand and pushed her thumb back sending her to her knees. An anguished sound was torn from her throat. “Ouch, you’re hurting me.”

  Instantly, he released her and fell into a fit of giggles. “It worked just like you said it would, Grant.” Shoulders straight with pride he replied, “She might be a girl but she’s no pushover.”

  Nina rubbed her aching thumb. “That hurt.” She took Grant’s hand. “Show me how.” The moment she touched him it was as if she had been scalded. He was wet with sweat from the workout and she loved the strong male scent. If a man could be deemed beautiful, it would be him. Muscles flexed under his tee shirt as he gripped her hand into his. He showed her how to press his thumb back. It was hard to focus because she was enthralled with his physique.

  After a few attempts, she was able to put Grant on his knees with just a little pressure to his thumb. “Show me something else.”

  “Let Juan show you. He is a very good pupil.” Grant gave him a firm look. “Just don’t hurt her this time.”

  “Sorry about that. I guess I got carried away.” Juan folded his fingers leaving his palm exposed. He pressed it to Nina’s nose. “I could break your nose with one swift movement.” A huge smile plastered on his face, he replied, “Isn’t that cool?” Then he did a karate chop to her throat pulling back at the last moment. “I could have killed you with that move.” Loud laughter filled the room.

  Her expression turned serious. “But you wouldn’t would you? I hope you know not to use any of these moves on people.” She dragged her eyes away and looked at Grant. “Have you told him how dangerous it is to hit someone in the throat?”

  When he didn’t answer quick enough to satisfy her fears, her brows drew together in confusion. They were keeping something from her. “Why are you teaching him how to hurt someone?”

  Juan interrupted. “He is showing me how to take care of myself, Nina.” He placed his hand over his heart. “Hand to God, I’d never hurt anyone. You of all people know that.”

  Relieved, Nina smiled. She placed her hand to Juan’s cheek. “Of course I know that. I’m sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion.” Juan was a gentle soul. She should never have worried he would take the things Grant was showing him and use them for the wrong reasons. “Dinner is ready.”

  Juan said, “Be there in a minute.”

  The moment Nina disappeared through the door Grant sat on the edge of the workout bench. “I think you should tell her what is going on. You need to tell her you are being bullied.”

  “No, I don’t want to worry her or mama. They fuss over me as if I’m two years old. I can see them now showing up at school having a fit. Mama would call the boys’ mothers and then I would be picked on by the whole school. It is time I take care of myself.” A stubborn tilt to his chin, he continued, “The next time they lay a hand on me, I’m defending myself.”

  “I hope you’ll be prepared for the consequences.” Problem was if Juan used the defense moves he showed him and then got suspended from school, it would be his ass in trouble. Nina would send him packing if the boy got into trouble. She adored Juan and wouldn’t understand why he went along with keeping the fact he was being bullied a secret. Still, he would respect the boy’s wishes and not say anything.

  Chapter Eleven

  Grant didn’t recognize the number displayed on his phone. He tapped the send button and heard Juan’s hysterical voice on the other end. “I’m in trouble.”

  “What’s happened?”

  “I got into a fight with the boys that have been bullying me. The principal called mama and I’m sure she’s on the way.”

  “Whose phone are you using?”

  “One of my friends. I’m in the boy’s bathroom but I gotta go back to the principal’s office.” Seconds passed before Juan continued his conversation. It sounded as if he was almost in tears. “The principal is going to suspend me.”

  “I feared this would happen. I’ll be right there.” Part of him regretted teaching Juan to defend himself. Now he would have Nina and Maria angry with him. He hefted the bushel of corn and placed it on the back of the four-wheeler trailer. He drove back to the house as fast as he could without dumping the five baskets of corn over the side. He parked it in the shade. Old blue was not in the drive so Grant assumed Nina had gone with Maria to the school since Maria couldn’t drive a straight drive.

  Even though he was dirty and sweaty from gathering the corn, he jumped into his car and gunned the engine. It took twenty minutes to get to the school house. On the drive he had practiced what he would say to the principal. He couldn’t stand by and let Juan get suspended.

  Before he got to the entrance, he heard children’s laughter. When he opened the door, he had to push his way through the crowded hall because the students were changing classes. He shoved the glass door to the office open and cringed. Three boys sat in chairs, one with a bag of ice on his bottom lip, one with a black eye, and one with scuffed elbows. It had to be the three bullies Juan described.

  “May I help you?”

  He tried to calm down so he would be allowed to see the principal. He gave the woman behind the desk a huge smile. “Yes, ma’am, my name is Grant Wilson. I am a friend of Nina Reynolds. I received a call that Juan Rodriguez is in a little trouble and hoped I could speak with the principal.”

  She locked eyes with him. Then she leaned over the desk giving him a good view of her impressive cleavage. “I’m sorry, but Mr. Heron cannot be disturbed.” She craned her neck toward an office at the right and Grant saw the principal’s name on a gold plate on the door. Turning her attention back to him, she came around the desk and propped an ample hip on the edge. “If you would like to have a seat and wait, I’m sure he’ll speak to you later.” Petite and curvy, she was quite attractive.

  Grant feared if he waited, it would be too late. He glanced at the name plate on her desk. “Barbara Henley, it is imperative I speak to Mr. Heron.”

  She pushed a stray, black hair back into place that had fallen over her brow. “I’m sorry. I can’t disturb him when he is with a parent.”

  Instead of taking no for an answer, Grant crossed to the door and opene
d it without knocking. Behind him he could hear Ms. Henley calling his name. He shut the door to drown out her angry voice.

  “What is the meaning of this?”

  Grant offered his hand to Mr. Heron. “Sorry about the intrusion. My name is Grant Wilson. I am a friend of Nina’s.” With a wary look on his face, he shook Grant’s hand.

  Juan sat on the small sofa against the wall. His clothes were torn and dirty. Maria and Nina sat in chairs in front of the principal’s desk. Wondering what he was doing there, Nina looked at him with confusion. By the look he was getting from the principal, he knew he had better start talking and quick. “I taught Juan how to protect himself. He informed me he was being bullied.”

  Nina’s quick intake of breath caused his stomach to tighten. The principal shook his head and stated in a cold tone, “As I have already told Mrs. Rodriguez, violence is not tolerated at this school. I have no other alternative but to suspend Juan.”

  Maria begged, “Please don’t suspend him. He has never been in trouble before. He is a good boy.”

  The principal gave her a sympathetic smile. “It is school policy. Zero tolerance for violence.” He came around the desk to let them know the meeting was over. “Now if you’ll allow me to walk you out.”

  Grant blocked his path. “Listen to me, Mr. Heron. The moment we walk out that door I’m going straight to the media. Anyone that will listen to me will know that Juan was bullied and you did nothing to stop it. The bullying has been going on for weeks.”

  Four inches shorter than Grant, Mr. Heron straightened to his full height. “Don’t threaten me, Mr. Wilson. No matter what you say, the boy is suspended. I will not change my mind.”

  Shocked, Nina bolted to her feet and snapped, “Grant, this has nothing to do with you.” Her eyes locked with his and he saw anger spark.

  “The hell it isn’t. I feel responsible. Juan came to me and asked for my help. I saw the three bullies sitting in the office. They each outweigh Juan by twenty pounds.” He tore his gaze from Nina and faced the principal. “Do you allow bullying at your school?”


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