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Fire Spell: Ivy Grace Spell Series 3

Page 15

by T. A. Foster

  She crouched to pick it up. She raised it to the moon again, barely visible with the rain clouds rolling in, and kissed both sides.

  “Here.” She tried to force it in his bleeding hands. “Take it. We have seconds. Take it.”

  Leo grabbed the dagger. Lily closed her eyes and held her palms toward him. For a second, I believed he might actually go through with it, but he turned away from her and shot into the sky as the clouds opened and the rain poured.

  “Leo!” she screamed after him and propelled herself after him.

  I watched in disbelief, my heart heavy and torn. I hovered over the island’s sandy point, my clothes absorbing cold raindrops, my shoulders shaking from the chill of the air and the darkness ahead of me. Then I heard it. The screeching, hissing sound. I whipped around to see one of the hooded Ladri gliding over the marsh.

  “Witch! Witch!”

  It was as if an alarm had been sounded on the island. Before I knew what was happening, I saw the island full of black capes. I didn’t wait to count; I pulled my arms back and pushed forward into the rain. The wind was in my face and my speed was slowed.

  The white coating that had given me the double Fade protection was gone. Only patches of it remained on my jacket. I hoped the rest of the Fade Spell would hold until I could make it to the seam. If humans saw me fly, I would lose my strength and nothing could be worse right now.

  I looked over my shoulder. One of them was following me. I didn’t know they could fly. Panic gripped me as I headed toward the theater. If I get back to the seam, I could close him out and lock him in 1949. It wasn’t too much farther ahead. I had to fly faster.

  I could see the theater a few blocks ahead, but he had gained speed. I fought to land near the corner, but his hand gripped my ankle and a searing pain scorched up my leg. I looked down to see he had sliced through my pant leg. It was already soaked with blood. I felt woozy and the lightheadedness knocked me from the sky. I landed on the sidewalk, my face hitting gravel. I felt the skin split above my cheek. I stood, knowing I was still several blocks from the seam. I heard a thump behind me. He had landed.

  The mixture of cool rain and warm blood steadily washed down my cheekbone. I pointlessly wiped the stream away from my eyes and massaged my throbbing temple. Keep going, Ivy; keep going.

  As I hurdled each expanding step in front of me, the quick pace of the footsteps tracking me seemed to cut the distance between us. My chest hurt as I tried to catch each breath and push myself into a faster pace. He was close and I didn’t know if I could make it to the seam before he stopped me. A quick diversion might help, but that was how I got into this mess. I had to do something. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t make it back, and this was not the place I wanted to get stuck.

  The blur of the sidewalks and brownstone steps rapidly peeled past as I turned to find a place to hide. I felt my body lunge forward and shudder with a thud. I hit the pavement, and my already scraped face smacked into the stones. In that moment, I realized I could be caught. How could I have been so careless to jeopardize it all?

  I thought about Ian’s warnings. I thought about my promises to Finn. Why in the hell did I try this spell? Everything I always wanted I had on the other side of the seam, but I had risked it and now I might not make it back. The panic bubbled in my stomach as I ducked behind a brick wall.

  It had been a long time since I had used my stun skills, but it was the only defense I had in my pocket. I crouched lower, waiting for him to pass by. I heard his hissing breath as the footsteps grew louder. Oh my God, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. I twisted the ring Finn had given me. I promised right then that, if I made it back, I would never do something this stupid again. I couldn’t leave Finn before our forever even started.

  I held my breath, waiting to be discovered, praying I could keep the promises I had already made.

  His boots pressed into the gravel and stopped inches from where I was coiled. He spun on his heels and marched in the other direction. I didn’t hesitate. I ran as fast as I could toward the back of the theater. My injured leg kept me from running at full speed. I tried to block out the pain and focus on the finish line. Each step burned my ankle and I had the sensation that part of my magical essence was draining. I tried to shake the alarm bells and rushed ahead.

  I tore through the door and yanked on the handle to the storage closet. My hands shook as I pointed at the seam. I couldn’t steady them enough to call the spell.

  I whispered, “Unfold.” My voice caught in the back of my throat.

  Nothing happened. I closed my eyes. I needed to calm down. The spell would never work if I weren’t in control. My ankle was on fire from the pain. The blood dripped at my feet, and for a moment, I thought all the magic that was in my body was in a pool at my feet.

  I took a deep breath and tried to think of a happy place, something that would settle the fear surging in my blood. I was too impatient. I threw my hand at the wall, “Unfold!”

  Oh my God, it wasn’t working. The tears welled in my eyes. I had to calm down. I heard the screeching sound outside the theater door. He was only seconds from finding me. If I didn’t gain control of this spell, I would be stuck in 1949, or way worse, I’d be dead.

  I closed my eyes and released my shoulders, letting my shoulder blades slide down my back. I inhaled slowly, feeling the breath expand my lungs. Then I thought about this morning. Scenes of piercing blue eyes, and waffles flashed. I felt warm lips and electric tingles. I remembered the rooftop and the ruins with drifting rose petals. A smile spread across my face. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall.

  “Unfold,” I commanded.

  The wall began to wave and shimmer. I rushed through the frigid curtain and twirled around in time to see the Ladro on the other side. His gnarled hand reached toward the seam.

  I held my palm toward the seam. “Eclipse.” The panels ceased to swish.

  I fell against the wall, knocking the overhead projector on the floor. I let my eyes close; everything felt heavy and achy. I didn’t have the energy to keep them open. The closet was dark and warm, and I gave in to the exhaustion that seized my body.

  “I DON’T know what else to do.” I could hear Holly’s voice, but she sounded far away.

  “That’s not good enough. She should be awake by now.” Oh no, Finn sounded worried. I’m ok, babe.

  “Calm down, Finn. At least her cheek looks better. The healing herbs worked on that.” What happened to my cheek? Why didn’t someone hand me a mirror? They all seemed to be close by, but why weren’t they talking to me?

  “I don’t know what to do about her leg though. It was obviously cut with something poisoned. It doesn’t look any better.” Ok, that doesn’t sound good. I tried to move my leg, but it was useless.

  “She shouldn’t have even been gone. Why weren’t you with her?” Was that Jack’s voice? He sounded angry, of course.

  “Back off. You shouldn’t be here. Don’t you have your own room?”

  “I’m not leaving her until I know she’s ok.”

  “You’re supposed to be her coworker. I am her fiancé, so why don’t you give us some space?” Oh no, Finn was arguing with Jack. This wasn’t good. Why weren’t they listening to me?

  “She’s knocked out right now because of me. She’s trying to keep me alive, so I’m going to sit here with her until she wakes up. You can’t make me leave.” Jack was obviously determined.

  “You? You think this is about you?” Ok, you all should calm down. How could I make them stop this?

  “All right, all right. Neither of you is doing Ivy any good yelling over her like this. She probably just needs some rest. I’m guessing the spell took more out of her since it’s breaking down.” Finally, Ian was here to add some reason to this insanity. “Jack, you go get some coffee for everyone. Finn, you take a walk. Holly, another round of herbs. I’m going to sit with my sister while you both figure out how you can be in the same room together. Got it?”

  I heard mumb
ling and grumbling, and then the room was silent. I waited for Ian to talk to me. Couldn’t he tell I was here? The heaviness wrapped around my limbs again. I couldn’t fight it. The darkness swirled and I gave in.

  “Hey, girl. I know whatever happened to you took a lot out of you, but we kind of need you now. Do you think you could wake up? Then, I promise we can do a spa day or something. You can totally relax.” Why was Holly sounding so nervous? I’m right here. I’m fine. I think.

  “And, you have to wake up because after the spell, we need to start wedding planning. That is definitely going to be amazing. Finn is so crazy about you.” She sighed. “I’m so jealous. And between you and me, I think I really am going to break up with Mike this time.”

  No, Holly. Don’t do that yet. Why wasn’t she listening to me?

  “Seeing you with Finn makes me realize I can’t be with someone who is only human. I want to share all the magic too. I see that now.”

  Was she crying? Why was she crying? You don’t have to break up with Mike. You don’t. You love him, Holly. You already have what I have.

  I tried to make my words louder, but they were like whispers. It was as if I was talking under water and everyone else was on the surface looking at me. How do I get out of here? The darkness whirled, and I slipped until it didn’t hurt to think anymore.

  “Um, so I don’t really know what to say. Your fiancé won’t let me sit here for too long.” Jack! It was Jack. Maybe he would know I was right here.

  “Everyone’s worried about you, Ivy. I’m worried. I know I blew up at you after you turned me down. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. But, if you would just wake up, you could use that smart mouth to tell me off. Please, wake up.”

  I’m totally awake, Jack. I’m not mad at you. I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t want to hurt you. It was the timing. It could have been different. It felt like he lifted my hand. Why was this so hard? I was swimming against the current, and no one could lift me out. The wave surged toward me, and I let it swell over my body until I saw nothing but blackness.

  “Sis, I know you’re strong. You can do this.” Thanks, Ian. No one seems to know I’m here. “But, if you don’t show us some sign that you’re going to be ok, I’m going to have to call Mom and Dad. You don’t want me to call them, do you? So, come on. Wake up, Ivy. Wake up!”

  Now I’m annoyed. Ian’s voice grew more muffled. I heard a door close. I thought someone else had entered the room. If only I could open my eyes, they would see I was not sleeping at all. This was not sleep.

  “No, she hasn’t improved at all. I think we are going to need help.” Ian was stern.

  “She’s not going to like that.”

  Yes, listen to Holly. I can do this. I just need to fight through this cloud. And maybe sleep a little. If I could sleep a little, Ian, I’d be fine.

  “Babe, I waited nine months to see you and I will wait as long as I have to for you to wake up, but you’ve got to wake up.”

  Finn, I’m awake. I’m here. Can’t you hear me?

  “Just open those beautiful green eyes and smile. Ok?” His hand brushed through my hair. “I don’t care about the spell or about anything else. The only thing that matters is bringing you back. Come back to me.”

  His forehead pressed lightly against mine. His cheek was wet. Finn, don’t cry. I’m ok.


  Yes, I’m here.

  He wrapped his arms around my back and lifted me against his chest. “Come back, come back.”

  The blackness was thick, and it settled on my skin, sinking into my pores and working its way toward my bones. I pushed against it, resisting the soothing feeling it spread over my body. I knew it was a trick—a way to lure me away from everyone. I had to resist the power.

  My eyes fluttered open, and I clutched at Finn’s neck.

  “Holy shit, babe. You’re awake. You’re really awake.” His mouth covered mine, and he kissed me like he hadn’t seen me in weeks.

  “Yeah.” I raised my hand to my head. “I’ve been trying to tell you.” I felt sluggish.

  He held my face between his hands. “Yeah, I guess you have. Don’t ever leave like that again, ok? Promise me.”

  I nodded, shaking some of the sluggishness from my head. “I promise. I won’t leave.” I smiled, remembering that, for the rest of my life, I would be waking up to this beautiful face.

  “What day is it?” I had no idea how long it had been since I collapsed in the closet.

  He tucked a strand behind my ear. All I could think about was that I needed to take a shower. “It’s Friday.”

  “Friday? We have to do the spell tonight.”

  “Oh no, we’re going to cancel that. We’ll catch it in sixty-five years or find another way to take the Ladri out.”

  “Seriously? You’re going to let them win? No. We’re doing the spell.” I unwrapped myself from his arms and struggled to put a foot on the floor. I looked at the gash on my ankle. Someone had wrapped it. It shot pain through my muscle when I applied pressure on it.

  “I told you. Nothing is worth losing you. The spell is off.”

  I pushed off the bed, steadying myself until I found my balance again. “It’s on. We are doing it.” I didn’t know where I’d find another Guardian in the next twelve hours, but if I had to, I would and we’d do a crash course in getting-to-know you because there was no way I was letting these evil bastards rule our lives for another sixty-five years. This ends tonight.

  “You can’t even stand with that cut. There is no way you can fly and do the spell. Plus, we still don’t know how to do it.” His eyes had that determined look.

  I crawled back into his lap. It’s where I’d rather be anyway. “I have you to hold me up and help me fly, and I do know how to do the spell. I watched Leo and Lily.” I kissed his cheek. “This is for all of the people under your protection. This is to save Jack.” He bristled. “It’s to save you and me. I don’t want any more nightmares. And I want my powers back.” I locked my eyes on his.

  “All right. But as soon as something goes wacky, I’m flying you right out of there. Understand?” He was looking at me as if I were a delicate, damaged flower, not like the strong witch I knew I was.

  “Got it. But we can do it. We have to.”

  He stood from the bed. “I better go tell everyone you’re awake. They’ve sitting here on rotation ever since I found you.”

  “You found me?”

  “Of course.” He kissed my neck. “You ok for a minute? Their rooms are just down the hall.”

  “Yep, I’m going to try a shower.”

  His eyebrows raised. “Shower?”

  I nodded.

  “Ok, they can wait a few more minutes. I think you’re going to need some help.” He scooped me in his arms and carried me to the shower. I could play patient to his doctor a little while longer.

  I PULLED the zipper on the side of my boot. I winced as I shoved my leg inside. No matter what herbs Holly collected from the local magic shops, nothing eased the pain. She had tried every combination her mother had taught her. Whatever had been on the knife, it was powerful enough to drain some of my powers, knock me out, and leave a lingering burning feeling that snaked its way through my entire leg.

  If I told them how much it hurt, they would try to talk me out of the spell. Given everything that had happened, I understood why they would want to protect me, but there was no way I was going to let this moon window close. I promised Finn he could keep me in bed for weeks if he wanted to after we were done. Tonight, I was taking out the Ladri.

  Ian poked his head in the door. “How you doing?”

  “Good.” I stood, careful to keep my balance on one leg, but make it look as natural as possible.

  “Sis, I’m not feeling great about the plan. What if they are expecting you? What if the one Ladro who followed you knows you’ll be back tonight?”

  I had thought of that scenario. If they knew we were coming, performing the spell would be incredibly
more difficult than it already was.

  “I don’t know for sure. It’s possible. And with the way they’ve been in my head and Finn’s, they’ve done everything they can to keep us separated.” I sat on the bed; my leg needed more rest. “It all makes sense now. All the nightmares were scare tactics. They had me flipping between Jack and Finn, confusing me so much until I was afraid to be with either one.”

  Ian sat next to me. “It really sucks that they could mess with you like that.” He paused. “Holly and I were talking, and we’ve decided we’re going with you tonight.”

  “What? No. You have to stay here. Someone has to watch Jack.”

  “We can seal him in his room. Finn can use a Guardian Spell.”

  My eyes narrowed. “Those spells aren’t holding. You’re going to leave him here like open prey?”

  “No, I think he’ll be fine. You and Finn, however, need backup. If the Sognare Ladri are ready for you, there’s no way you’ll get the first incantation off, much less complete the spell. You need us.”

  “But does Holly even know how to stun?” I couldn’t imagine her knocking anyone out.

  Ian nodded. “Finn took her on the roof and trained her while you were—you know—asleep.”

  Asleep, it would have been a better way to spend my time instead of feeling as if I was on the other side of a glass mirror and was the only one who could see through.

  “So, he’s ok with this plan?” Why would I think he would care whether something happened to Jack? He never liked him.

  “Yep. He agreed you couldn’t do the spell and survive an attack.” Ian stood from the bed.

  “What about the weather? What’s the forecast?” All I could think about was the storm that hovered over Lily and Leo. It stole their extra minutes for the spell.


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