All In Good Time: Book Six of The Thistle & Hive Series
Page 15
“Ye said ye were thinking on it, not that ye’d made up yer mind,” he barked.
“Well, it went from the thinking to the doing stage verra quickly. I hope ye willnae mind. I won’t be gone long and I’ll have Dr. Ferguson with me. I promise to be safe.” She gave him her best I-love-you-dearly look.
She didn’t like the way Angus was looking at her. It appeared his head may explode at any moment. He wasn’t saying anything and when Angus went totally silent she knew she was in trouble.
“Come, my love. Let’s have breakfast together and I’ll explain things to ye. Arthur has gone to Mrs. MacDougall’s to get the horses and he’ll be here in a bit, but we’ve still time to sit and talk.”
Angus scowled in her direction and then stalked into the dining room. Edna smiled to herself. Angus was very predictable when it came to her. He’d be angry, he’d scowl, he’d argue and then he’d give in. She was certain he would this time, as well.
“Why am I nae going with ye?” He pulled out a chair for her to sit.
“Angus, there’s nae need fer ye to come. I’ll be fine, and if anything comes up, there are plenty of highlanders available to help.”
He pouted a bit at that. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of ye, Edna. I should go with ye.”
He’d nearly died during his last trip back in time and she wasn’t about to let that happen again. He’d be safer here with Maggie and Dylan. The problem in telling him that would be his reaction. It would undoubtedly make him more determined to go. So, she’d keep that to herself.
“My darling man, are ye saying I cannae take care of meself? Because if ye are, I’m offended.” That should take him one step closer to acceptance. As she gazed at him, she saw his face softening from angry scowl to soft eyed love.
“I ken yer a verra capable woman. A force to be reckoned with. I’ve seen it with me own two eyes. ’Tis just that I dinnae wish to be away from ye. Ye ken how much I love ye. I’ll miss ye, Edna.” He gazed at her with puppy dog eyes.
Now who was playing who. He was on to her game, trying to soften her stance with his sweet words and even sweeter face. “Angus, I’ll miss ye as well, but this is something I must do on me own.”
“I dinnae care for it, but if that’s the way ye want it, then I’ll respect yer wishes.”
“Thank ye, love. I’ll be as quick as I possibly can and back here before ye can miss me too much.” She hopped up from her seat and into Angus’ lap, where she clasped his face in her hands and kissed him. Angus, never one to miss an opportunity, held her to him and kissed her soundly, leaving Edna wishing she didn’t have to go.
“Dr. Ferguson is waiting fer ye out front with the horses, Auntie.” Maggie peeked her head into the dining room and smiled when she saw what was happening there.
“Tell him I’ll be right with him,” Edna said, a little more breathless than she was earlier.
“Will do.”
“I must go, Angus. I promise to be careful and I promise to return to ye.”
“If yer nae back soon enough, I’ll come looking fer ye. Maggie can send me.”
She certainly couldn’t stop him if he made up his mind to follow her. “Fair enough, but I can tell ye here and now that won’t be necessary. Come, see me off.” She took his hand and headed for the door.
Dr. Ferguson looked quite handsome in his medieval attire. “Well look at ye, Arthur,” Edna said. “Ye’ll fit right in.”
It was obvious he was excited to go on this journey with her. After meeting Catherine Jefford last Christmas, he’d been asking her constantly when he could go visit her. He now would have his chance.
Angus helped Edna mount her horse and he and Maggie walked with them to the bridge.
“Good luck, Auntie,” Maggie said, when they’d arrived.
“Remember what I told ye,” Angus said.
“I will,” Edna answered. “I love ye.” She blew him a kiss and then waited with Dr. Ferguson for the fog to take them back to the sixteenth century.
As expected, when the fog cleared, Wallace waited for them with his wagon. He doffed his cap and waved, then went on his own way.
“Are ye ready fer this?” Edna asked.
“Aye. More than ready,” Arthur replied.
She’d never seen him smile this much. He was a very serious man and a good doctor. It was good to see this side of him. “Then let’s go.”
Their journey to Breaghacraig was uneventful, as Edna assumed it would be and when they arrived, it was to much surprise and elation.
“Edna’s here!” Ashley shouted as they came into view of the castle doors. “And Dr. Ferguson!”
They dismounted and walked the rest of the way to greet Ashley, who was joined by Jenna. They hugged Edna and Dr. Ferguson.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Jenna said. “I’ve been getting nervous about the baby.”
“I’m here fer ye both,” Dr. Ferguson said. “Dinnae fash. All will be well. I’ll take good care of ye.”
Jenna held the little dog Cormac had given her for Christmas. It barked excitedly at the newcomers. “Shhh…” she said, holding the dog up and kissing her nose.
“Where is everyone?” Edna asked.
“They’re here somewhere. Come inside.” Ashley led the way into Breaghacraig, where one by one the rest of the group joined them. Edna explained their presence without giving away the details about Aisla and Rory, but it seems they all were well aware of what had happened.
“I’d like to see Aisla if possible. I’ll want her to join us when we go to Dunaill.”
“I’ll send word for her to come to the castle,” Robert MacKenzie said. As laird of the Mackenzie Clan, a summons from him would be viewed as being very important.
“Good. In the meantime, tell me how ye’ve all been.” Edna made herself comfortable by the fire and the others joined her to share stories of life at Breaghacraig since they’d last seen her. The most obvious being that Jenna was pregnant. She’d been so worried it would never happen and yet here she was looking the picture of health.
“I’m happy to see that yer wish came true,” Edna said, placing a gentle hand on her belly. “Oh! The babe moved.”
“He’s been verra active,” Cormac said.
“She,” Jenna corrected.
Cormac chuckled as he propped himself up alongside the hearth. “What do ye think, Edna? Lad or lass?”
“I’m not in the business of predicting that sort of thing,” she said. “And I dinnae wish to be on anyone’s bad side.”
Dr. Ferguson asked Ashley and Jenna many questions about their pregnancies and seemed happy with the answers he received. “Since ye both be healthy, happy mothers-to-be, I am quite sure ye’ll be having happy, healthy bairns. I’m to travel with Edna, but when we come back I’ll be staying until the babes are born. I hope that somewhere in that time period I’ll be able to visit with the Jeffords.”
“We’ll see to it that ye do,” Robert said. “Mayhap we’ll invite them to Breaghacraig and then ye’ll nae have to travel so far.”
“That would be perfect,” Edna said. “So, is everything else well here? I’ve nae heard from ye since Dougall and Helene returned.”
“All is well.” Dougall entered the hall and immediately went to Edna. “Thank ye ever so much, Edna. We’re verra happy and ’tis all yer doing.”
“Dougall, I’m delighted to see ye.” Edna was never one to stand on ceremony, so she hugged him. Dougall hesitated at first, but then he returned the hug, picking her up from the floor in the process.
“Oh, my!” Edna’s feet touched the ground again. “I may have enjoyed that a wee bit too much.” She peeked around the room. “Where’s Helene?”
“I’ve sent fer her,” Irene said. “She’ll be happy to see ye.”
“Ye are a lovely couple,” she said to Dougall. “Ye deserve a lifetime of happiness.”
“They surely do,” Ashley said.
“We’ll have a fine feast this night, to celebrate y
er arrival,” Irene said. “If ye’ll excuse me, I’ll go inform cook of our plans.”
Helene joined them and greeted Edna with a big hug and thank you. “How long will ye be with us?”
“We’re leaving tomorrow for Dunaill. We’re to see Rory Mackall. He’s quite ill.”
“Sara and Logan are there,” Helene added.
“Aye. I’m aware of what’s been going on. We’re hoping to help Rory and by doing so, help them both.” The group continued their conversation and were joined once again by Irene, along with a servant who brought whisky for everyone.
Robert raised his glass, “To our guests. Sláinte!” They all drank to Edna and Dr. Ferguson. When they were done, one of the servants returned. “Laird Robert, Aisla and her Da, Alpin, have arrived.”
“Show them in please,” Robert said.
A very nervous Aisla entered the room guided by her father.
“Welcome, we’ve visitors who wished to speak with ye, Aisla. This is Edna Campbell and Dr. Arthur Ferguson. They’ve traveled quite far to visit with us.”
“We’re pleased to make yer acquaintance,” Alpin said.
“Aisla, come here, dear. I’ve some news fer ye, that may be difficult to hear, but hopefully upon hearing it, ye’ll understand some things that have come to pass. The good doctor and I are here to do our best to set things to right.” Edna guided Aisla to a chair, “Please, sit.” Aisla appeared quite worried about what was to come next.
“Aisla, I ken ye’ve wondered what may have happened to Rory Mackall. Ye’ve wondered if he’d deserted ye and whether he loved ye at all. I’m here to tell ye that ye were nae deserted. He does love ye, but he had a bad accident and he’s nae well at all.”
“How do ye ken all this?” Aisla asked, her voice cracking with emotion.
“I have me ways and ye’ll understand more soon. Dr. Ferguson and I are leaving tomorrow morning for Dunaill and we’d like ye to come with us. I believe ye can help Rory. He needs a reason to live. Ye see, he’s been fighting hard for his life and he’s tiring of that fight. Seeing ye may be all he needs to continue battling.”
Aisla gazed around the room at the others, who all stood silently focused on her. “Aye. I’ll go with ye. I’d do anything to save Rory.” She wiped a tear from her cheek and taking a shaky breath, looked to her father.
“I understand ye love the lad, Aisla. Ye have me permission to go.” He turned his attention to Edna and Dr. Ferguson. “Ye’ll take good care of me wee lass, will ye?”
“Aye. Ye have nothing to fear. She will be safe with us,” Dr. Ferguson assured him.
“I’ll have her here in the morning then. If ye dinnae need her fer anything else, we’ll take our leave now. She’ll need her rest before the journey.”
“We’ll see ye tomorrow then,” Edna said.
“Come, Aisla,” Alpin said. He helped her up from the chair and placing an arm around her shoulders, escorted her from the hall.
Bright and early the following morning Aisla and Alpin were at the doors of Breaghacraig, where they found Edna and Dr. Ferguson waiting for them.
“Good morn to ye,” Alpin said. “’Tis a fine day fer a journey.”
“Aye. Good morning to ye both. We’re waiting on our horses. Do you ride, Aisla?”
“Aye, ma’am.” Aisla answered.
“Please, call me Edna. No need fer formalities.”
“Edna, how long will it take us to get there?” Aisla asked.
“It’s about a three-day journey, from what I understand.”
“Will Rory still be alive when we arrive?” The worry in her voice touched Edna deeply.
“Aye. Dinnae fear.” Edna noted that Aisla was shaking. Either she was cold or afraid. “Bundle up. We dinnae wish ye to be cold.”
“I’m warm enough.”
“Och! So yer shaking from fear?”
“I dinnae ken I’d call it fear. I’m anxious to leave and anxious to see Rory.”
“Good, because as I told ye last evening, ye’ve nothing to fear. We’ll take good care of ye.”
The two men Robert tasked with leading them to Dunaill arrived with their horses, all loaded with food and supplies for the trip. All three said their good-byes to their friends and mounted their horses. Alpin stood by his daughter’s side appearing worried, like a good Da. “I’ll miss ye, sweetling.”
“I love ye, Da.” She leaned down and kissed Alpin who clasped her hand as if he wouldnae let go.
“It was lovely to meet ye, Alpin. We’ll be back before ye ken it.” Edna turned her horse towards the gates and the others followed. Alpin walked with them as far as he could before waving goodbye and heading home.
Chapter 15
The sky wore an angry gray pall as it had for the past week, a reflection of the mood at Dunaill. Logan and Sara walked hand in hand around the courtyard, avoiding the topic that was at the forefront of both their minds. Rory Mackall wasn’t getting better, he appeared, in fact, to be getting worse. He was sleeping more and more and, despite the medication, things were no longer looking hopeful. Rory was dying and there was nothing more they could do.
Plans had been made for Sara and Logan to return to Breaghacraig first thing in the morning. Their days had been filled with the reality of giving each other up, but their nights were the exact opposite. They clung to each other and loved each other as if nothing could come between them. They blotted out all thought of Sara leaving and Logan marrying Aisla. It quite simply didn’t matter when they were alone in their room. It was a protective bubble where no mention of what was happening outside their locked door was ever uttered.
Sara recalled that Edna had warned her that her timing was off and she wouldn’t be able to help her, but Sara hadn’t listened and she was glad of it. She’d been able to see Logan again. She’d been able to experience the love she’d never had in her life and as heart breaking as it was, she wouldn’t change a thing. She had learned a lot about herself on this adventure and was grateful for every moment.
As they approached the doors of Dunaill, a servant came out to greet them. “Sir, Lady Katriona wishes to speak with ye.”
They followed him inside where Kat was waiting for them. “Rory is awake and he wishes to speak with ye, Logan.” She glanced at Sara. “Privately.”
The door to Rory’s chamber was ajar. Logan tapped lightly.
“Come in,” Nick said.
Logan entered to find Nick was seated at the side of Rory’s bed.
“Rory, Logan’s here.” Nick patted his brother’s hand.
Rory opened his eyes and a faint smile lit his lips. “I’ll leave ye now.” Nick squeezed Rory’s hand and left the room.
“Ye wished to see me,” Logan said as he drew closer to the bed.
Rory drew in a breath before weakly proceeding. “Take care of Aisla and the babe fer me. Please. Tell her I love her and I dinnae wish to leave her this way.”
“I will.” Logan sat on the edge of the bed. “Rory, if ye love her ye must fight to stay alive. Dinnae give up. Do ye hear me?”
“I’ve tried, but I’m tired,” he whispered.
“Ye must continue to try. Think of Aisla. Think of the babe. Think of yer life together. It will give ye hope and the will to continue the fight.”
Rory had drifted off to sleep again leaving Logan unsure of what was to come. He hoped Rory would continue to fight for his own benefit and for Logan’s, but things were not looking promising.
Leaving Rory’s room, he ran into Kat and told her what had occurred. “I don’t know what’s wrong. The antibiotics Sara gave him didn’t work, he’s lost all hope and he is willing to give up on Aisla and the babe. There must be something more to this than we know.”
“Mayhap what wounded him wasnae as we thought.” She seemed as perplexed by this as he was.
“I’d like to inspect the place where the accident occurred,” Logan said. “I can leave right away.”
“Let’s see what Nick thinks.” Kat led the way back d
own to the hall.
Sara appeared skeptical. “So, what… do you think it was something else. Something magical?”
“It could be,” Kat said. “But we have no way of knowing unless we go and see for ourselves.
“I’ll go with you, Logan.” Sara wasn’t about to let him go off without her. They had so little time left together she wanted every moment, every experience she could get with him.
“Sara, ’tis best if ye stay here. Hamish and I can handle this. We’ll be back in no time.”
Sara wasn’t having it. She stood with her hands on her hips and her chin in the air. “I’m going and you can’t stop me.” He definitely could if he wanted to, but she had to try. “Besides, Hamish is enjoying his time with his cousin. Let’s not pull him away.”
It was obvious she wasn’t going to budge. “We’ll leave as soon as possible. I’ll go see to the horses. Be ready when I come back.”
“Yes!” she shouted, throwing her fist in the air.
Logan cast a glance at Kat, who appeared to be trying to hide a smile. He shrugged and left.
Kat began laughing so hard there were tears in her eyes. “I love it,” she said. “Ye really told him.”
“Yeah, if I want something I don’t give up until I get it,” Sara said. “So, Kat, tell me why ye believe it could be magic that has caused Rory to be so ill.”
“I dinnae necessarily believe that ’tis magic, but I certainly know, better than most, that magic doesn’t have to have a logical explanation. I’m at a loss as to what else it could be. Mayhap when ye’ve seen the place fer yerself, ye’ll find something that will help.”
“Let’s hope.”
Approaching Dunaill with Dr. Ferguson and Aisla, Edna was glad she’d decided to make the journey. She’d been keeping an eye on things as best she could and knew of Rory’s illness. While she wasn’t able to meddle in Sara and Logan’s romance, she could help Rory and she was going to do her best to save him. She already had an idea of what the problem was and what would work to cure him, but she needed to see him for herself. Dr. Ferguson was along to help in the interim. Hopefully he could keep Rory alive while she worked her magic.