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All In Good Time: Book Six of The Thistle & Hive Series

Page 20

by Jennae Vale

  “Does Logan know?” Sara asked.

  “We’ve only just arrived. I’m sure he’ll speak with him after he spends time with Aisla.”

  “Do you mind if I stay with you for a while longer? I mean, what would people think if I just moved in with him?”

  “Of course, ye can stay with us. Do ye even need to ask?”

  “Good. Aisla has asked me to take care of her garden. I’m guessing Logan isn’t much of a gardener.” Sara couldn’t help but laugh, trying to picture him in the garden tending to the plants.

  “I can help ye. I’ll teach ye everything I ken about gardening. Ye’ll enjoy it,” Helene assured her.

  “I hope so. I’ve never tended a garden in my entire life and every house plant I’ve ever had died a terrible death.”

  Helene laughed. “Ye’ll see. ’Twill be fun, but ye need to speak with yer man.”

  “I will,” Sara said. “I promise.”

  Chapter 19

  Flowers decorated nearly every surface in the great hall of Dunaill. It was Rory and Aisla’s wedding day and everything had been prepared for their special day. Sara joined the Mackall women in Aisla’s chamber to help her get dressed.

  Her gown was beautiful. It was a dress that belonged to Lettie. She had insisted that Aisla have it and between all of them, they’d stitched it and redesigned it into a dress that Aisla wore with pride. They’d also found a lovely gown for Sara to wear. She’d only come to Dunaill with the dress she’d been wearing the day she left Breaghacraig. She had been able to borrow things from Kat over the last couple of weeks, thank goodness. Today she had a beautiful green dress to wear.

  “Ye all look beautiful, especially ye, Aisla,” Lettie announced. “Ye’ve made Rory a verra happy man and I’m so happy to welcome ye into our family.”

  Aisla smiled shyly at her new family. “Thank ye.” Sara could feel tears of joy forming as she looked at her friend surrounded by women who loved her.

  “Now, shall we join the men in the great hall?”

  Lettie led the way downstairs where the ceremony took place followed by a huge celebration that lasted far into the night, and continued on into the next day.

  The next morning brought much excitement and activity as the MacKenzies prepared for the journey back to Breaghacraig. Provisions were gathered for the three-day trek, the horses were checked over from head to hoof and everyone stood around in the courtyard for one final visit with each other.

  Sara watched Aisla and Rory, who were right in the midst of it all, stopping with each of their guests to thank them for coming and to wish them a safe journey home.

  It seems that they saved Sara and Logan for last and as they approached, Aisla’s emotions got the better of her. Without speaking, she hugged both Sara and Logan.

  “Sara, thank ye again fer all that ye’ve done,” Rory said. “And ye as well, Logan. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, without ye none of this would have been possible. We’ll tell the tale to our children and grandchildren, ye can be sure of it.”

  “It’s been a pleasure getting to know you,” Sara said. “I hope we’ll see you again soon.”

  “I ken ye will,” he said. “Yer always welcome here.”

  “Take good care of my dear friend,” Logan said. “Aisla, ’til we meet again, I wish ye much happiness,” he said as he took her hand and kissed it.

  “Thank ye, Logan. We’ll send word when the babe arrives,” Aisla said. “Have a safe journey home.” Sara watched as they walked away to stand with the others.

  “Where’s Hamish?” she asked. “I haven’t seen him.”

  “He’s just arrived. Hamish!” Logan called.

  He was already astride his horse and ready to go. He rode up to them. “I’ve had a good visit with me cousin, but ’tis time to go home.”

  “Aye. Yer right. Shall we?” Logan said. He gave Sara a leg up onto her horse and then mounted his own. They all waved goodbye to the Mackalls and were on their way. The group was much larger today and so a festive mood surrounded them as they began day one of their trek back to Breaghacraig.

  Robert and Irene led the way and were followed by Hamish, who rode with Edna and Dr. Ferguson. Helene, Dougall, Sara and Logan took up the rear and rode four abreast on this wide section of road.

  Each group chatted amongst themselves. The conversation being had by Hamish and Edna drifted back to Sara, who exchanged glances with a smiling Helene. Dougall and Logan were chuckling at what they were hearing

  “Edna, do ye think I could travel to the future?” Hamish was asking.

  “Why would ye want to, Hamish?”

  “To see all the wondrous things ye speak of. I could go back with ye.”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now,” Edna said.

  “Will ye at least think on it?”

  “I will,” Edna answered with warmth in her voice.

  “Tell me more about yer time,” Hamish said, obviously enamored with Edna’s tales of the future.

  They rode all day until darkness began to set in and then made camp along the road they travelled. Sitting around the campfire, they laughed and exchanged stories. Sara got to know a bit more about everyone there that night and, as she’d always suspected, they were an interesting group. There was much talk of time travel. Hamish was not happy to find that he was the only person in the group who had never been to the future, causing him to start again his campaign to convince Edna to take him with her when she went back to Glendaloch.

  “’Tis nae as simple as that,” an obviously exasperated Edna said to Hamish. “I must go back and think on it.”

  “Aye,” Dougall said, with a teasing lilt to his voice. “She must first find ye a lass and then decide how she’s going to torture ye until she gets ye together.”

  “Dougall!” Helene apologized to Edna. “I’m so sorry fer me man’s bad behavior.”

  Edna didn’t seem to mind at all. She thought the comment quite funny and was heartily laughing.

  “Did ye do that fer Sara and Logan?” Hamish asked.

  “Nae. Sara did that all by herself. She’s a stubborn lass, as ye’ll soon ken, Logan.”

  “I already ken it,” Logan said, winking at Sara.

  “I can be quite stubborn, too,” Hamish added.

  “Hamish, if I let ye come to the future, it will be on me own terms, nae yers.”

  “Don’t push it, Hamish,” Sara said. “She might turn you into a toad.”

  Everyone laughed at this, with the exception of Hamish who was taking this all quite seriously.

  “Hamish, while I’ll nae take ye with me when I go home, I will keep ye in mind fer a time yet to come. Dinnae be disappointed. I promise ye’ll be in me thoughts and if an opportunity presents itself, yer me man.”

  A wide grin spread across his face. Edna had appeased him. They could now hopefully talk about something else, which they did until the yawning began and everyone decided they needed to sleep before they continued on with their trip.

  Sara slept snuggly in Logan’s arms and thanked the bright and shining stars above her head for her good fortune.

  Chapter 20

  The horses passed through the gates of Breaghacraig mid-morning of the third day of their journey home and their riders were greeted by those of the clan who’d stayed behind.

  “Welcome back,” Cailin said as he grabbed the reins to Edna’s horse.

  The others all dismounted. Several young lads came to take the horses to the stables as the returning travelers exchanged greetings with Cailin, Cormac and the rest of the MacKenzies.

  “How are the Mackalls?” Cormac asked.

  “They are all well.” Robert answered.

  “Even Rory? Has he fully recovered, then?” Cormac said.

  “Aye. ’Tis as if he never ailed,” Irene responded.

  “I’m happy to hear it, for Aisla’s sake,” Ashley said.

  “Shall we go inside?” Robert led the way, but before they even reached the door,
Edna stopped them.

  “Robert, Irene it has been wonderful as always visiting with ye, but I must get back to The Thistle & Hive. I’m missing my Angus and I told him I’d come back as soon as I could. I wonder if some of yer men could escort me to the bridge? I’d like to leave as soon as possible. I’m tired from the trip, but if I keep going, I could be back in me own bed by tomorrow night.”

  “We’ll be sorry to see ye go,” Irene said, disappointment showing in her eyes.

  “I’ll arrange an escort fer ye,” Cailin said.

  “Thank ye so much, ye sweet man. Arthur will be staying on here with ye. Take good care of him.” Edna hugged each and every one of them. “Arthur, when yer ready to come back all ye need do is call to me. The MacKenzies can help ye with that.”

  Cailin returned with two of his most trusted soldiers. “Edna, this is Fergus and Latharn. They’ll see that ye get to the bridge safely.”

  “Edna, can I talk to you privately before you go?” Sara pulled Edna away from the crowd that had come to welcome them home. “I have decided to stay here with Logan. Can you tell Zeke where I am?” her voice was shaky as she thought of Zeke.

  Edna held her hands, “I will, dear.”

  “Can you tell him I love him and he’s the best big brother in the whole world?” Tears were forming in Sara’s eyes as she spoke.

  “I can and I will.”

  “Do you think I’ll ever see him again?” Sara asked.

  Edna smiled, “I’m sure ye will, love. Remember, as I’ve told all the ladies who’ve come here from San Francisco, anytime ye wish to return all ye need do is call to me.”

  Sara felt relieved. It might be a while, but knowing that she could see Zeke again calmed her fears and helped her look to the future. “Thank you, Edna,” Sara threw her arms around her, “for everything.”

  “Now,” Edna sniffed and wiped a tear from her own cheek, “if my two handsome escorts are ready, we’ll be on our way.”

  Cailin helped Edna back onto her horse. Fergus and Latharn were already mounted and ready to go. She waved a final goodbye to all those gathered and the three were on their way.

  Sara was sad to see her go. “I feel like I’m watching my mother ride away,” she said.

  “So do we,” Jenna said. “She’s always felt like a mother to me and Ashley.”

  “She’s a verra special lady,” Helene chimed in.

  “Sara, if you need anything at all, let us know,” Ashley said. “We’re here for you. Sisters in spirit, right?”

  Sara smiled. “Yes. Sisters.”

  The MacKenzies headed back into Breaghacraig. “We’re going to our home,” Dougall called after them.

  “Sara, are ye coming with us?” Helene asked.

  “She’s coming with me,” Logan said. “Alpin has left me his cottage and I’d like to see what Sara thinks of it before I move meself in.”

  “We’ll see ye later then. Come join us for the evening meal.”

  “We will,” Sara said.

  She watched them walk away and then turned to Logan. He took her hand and led her towards his new home. As they walked down the path, Sara couldn’t help but wonder what would happen now. He still hadn’t asked to marry her and in this time she couldn’t move into the cottage with him. She guessed she’d be staying with Helene and Dougall for the foreseeable future. After nearly three weeks spent in his arms every night, it was going to be hard to sleep alone.

  They approached the cottage and Sara immediately remembered Aisla’s request. She glanced at the beautiful flowers and plants growing there and said a silent prayer that she wouldn’t kill them. “Aisla has asked me to care for her garden,” she said to Logan.

  “Has she? ’Tis yer garden now, ye ken.”

  “Technically, it’s your garden.”

  “What is technically?”

  “Never mind. This is your cottage… your garden.”

  “Ah, but Sara, ’tis yer cottage too.” Logan seemed confused.

  “Logan, I can’t live with you here,” she said, exasperation in her voice. “It’s not like we’re married!”

  “Ye told me that ye wished to stay in this time with me. I took that to mean we’d be wed.”

  “You want to marry me?” Sara stopped near the rosemary bush and stared at Logan.

  He came towards her, “Aye. I do.”

  “You never asked me,” her brain was not quite processing this conversation yet.

  He seemed puzzled. “I thought we’d agreed.”

  Sara’s brain caught up with her and a big grin snuck across her face. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. “In my world, when a man wants to marry a woman, he gets down on one knee and asks her.”

  Logan made a big show of kneeling down at her feet. He took her hands in his and looked at her with those deep ebony eyes. “Sara Barrett, would ye be me wife?”

  “Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes! I will.”

  Logan shook his head as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her inside their new home.

  “What do ye think?” he asked as they explored the tiny cottage.

  Sara had already seen the living area when she’d visited Aisla. It was small, but had a warm cozy feel to it. She explored the adjoining room and found it to be a bedroom. It was a clean, neat little room with a decent sized bed. The wheels started turning in Sara’s head as she imagined how she would decorate it. She continued exploring and found that there was another small room that must have been Aisla’s bedroom. They’d left everything behind except for their clothing and personal items.

  “We can fix it up however ye like,” Logan said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms about her waist.

  “I’ve got some ideas, but I’ll need Helene’s help.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be happy to give it to ye.”

  “Oh, Logan, I’m so happy. I love this.”

  “Remember, if ye ever wish to return to yer own time, I’ll be coming with ye. I cannae live me life without ye.”

  “Knowing that you’d do that means everything to me. I love you.” She turned in his arms and kissed him.

  “And I love ye. I’ll be forever grateful that ye came into me life and that ye were stubborn enough to do the right thing, when no one else would.”

  “I prefer the word determined. You’re going to have to get used to it. When I want something, I don’t give up until I get it.”

  He raised his eyebrows in mock surprise and then said, “’Tis one of the many things I love about ye, mo chroi.”

  “You know every time you say that to me, my lady parts get all melty.” Sara said.

  “I’ll be saying it often then. Now let’s do something about those lady parts.”

  Walking to Helene and Dougall’s home, Sara felt as light as a feather. Her world had been turned upside down in the best possible way. Holding Logan’s hand the whole way there, Sara couldn’t imagine a better outcome for her life. She glanced up at Logan, who looked like he had something on his mind.

  “What’s going on up there in that head of yours?” she teased.

  “Nae a thing, lass,” he said.

  Sara laughed. “Just as I suspected. Empty,” she teased as she knocked on his head.

  “I see what yer doing. I didnae mean I have an empty head, if that’s what yer getting at. I only meant that what I’m thinking I dinnae wish to share.”

  “What are you up to?”

  “At this verra moment, I am nae up to a thing, as ye say.”


  They reached the front door to Helene and Dougall’s home and Logan knocked.

  The door opened and they were greeted by Helene and Dougall, along with the rest of the MacKenzies, their children, and Dr. Ferguson, who wore their finest clothes and seemed ecstatic to see them.

  “What’s going on?” Sara asked.

  “Ye’ll soon see,” Helene said. “Ladies, I’ll need yer help.” Ashley, Jenna and Irene joined her as they went into the bedroom Sara had b
een using while she stayed with them.

  She was surrounded by women and they were all grinning. “What is happening, ladies?”

  “We are going to help you dress. Now off with that frock!” Ashley helped her out of her gown while she giggled.

  “Do I look that bad?” she asked.

  “Nae. But we thought you might want something extra special for tonight.” Helene held up a beautiful golden colored gown. “Yer going to be beautiful,” Helene said as she helped her into the dress and did up the lacing.

  Jenna was in charge of her hair. The women were all chatting excitedly but she tried to be still while Jenna brushed out the haphazard braid Sara had put in after her afternoon in the cottage with Logan. She got to work removing the knots and re-braiding it in a more elaborate fashion. Ashley tucked in fresh flowers that had been laying on the bed.

  “There, you look amazing,” Ashley said, placing one more flower in Sara’s hair. As she looked around, Sara felt blessed to be surrounded by so many friends. No, what had Ashley said? Sisters. They were all sisters. Then she realized they were all looking at her with big smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

  Then it hit her, “Am I getting married?” Sara asked.

  “Ye’ll see,” Helene hugged her. “Come. Yer man awaits.” They returned to find Logan standing in the middle of a circle which had been formed by the MacKenzies. He too had been given some finery to wear. If it was possible, he looked more handsome than ever. His face brightened as he spotted Sara. Helene guided her into his waiting arms, where he kissed her lips to the applause of the others. “Ye look beautiful, love,” he said.

  “So do you,” Sara replied.

  Logan turned Sara to face Dougall, who was standing in front of them with a rope in his hands. Sara knew exactly what that meant.

  “With all of those here tonight as your witnesses, ye declare your intention to be handfasted.” Dougall wrapped the rope around their wrists and hands, finishing his words as he tied the knot. “This knot is a symbol of yer commitment to each other.”

  Logan turned to Sara and spoke next. “I have naught to give ye, Sara, but me heart, me soul and me protection. I will love and care fer ye always and forever.”


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