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Alone: Book 4 in The Everett Gaming Series

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by Drew Sera

  The doorbell rang and brought all of us out of a trance. I started to nudge Gina off my lap so I could get the door, but Anthony jogged to answer it.

  I heard Blake’s voice and was happy that he was here. Gina was a mess, and I wasn’t able to take care of all of them on my own.

  Anthony brought Blake into the kitchen and resumed his post at the breakfast bar, texting and dialing Sydney’s phone. Blake put his hand on Colin’s shoulder as he took a seat next to him. He noticed Colin was staring at the necklace and was pretty much in shock.

  “How is Gina, Matt? Blake asked me as he looked at Gina and held his hand against her shoulder over the blanket.

  I stroked Gina’s hair and nodded at Blake, letting him know she was upset. She was definitely shaken by this, but she was safe. I thanked God for that. It could easily have been Gina in Sydney’s place.

  Colin stood and said he needed to get out of his golf clothes and went upstairs. My watch beeped, and I glanced at it realizing it was 7:00 p.m. and Gina hasn’t eaten since lunch with Sydney.

  “Pet, you need to eat. You haven’t eaten in awhile,” I reminded her

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You’re going to try to eat something, pet,” my word was final on the subject.

  I knew Colin and Anthony had food in the house, so I headed over to the pantry and found some soup and popped it in the microwave for her. I had just set it down when Colin came back into the kitchen. He flopped down next to Blake and kept staring off trying to think of what the fuck was going on.

  Finally, the police arrived and sat down at the table to begin taking information as to who each of us were. Blake’s friend was Detective Michael Prestin and seemed to be taking the lead on the report, and his partner was Detective Branden Foreman.

  “Okay, Colin Everett, you’re the boyfriend?” Prestin asked and looked up from his notepad waiting for Colin to confirm the info.

  “Yes, I am, but so is Anthony.”

  The detective didn’t bat an eye at that. Blake smiled, and I realized that somehow Blake’s circle included kink friendly detectives. Thank God for that, or else Colin and Anthony would have been looked at differently. They didn’t need that shit right now.

  Gina recounted the series of events this afternoon, and Anthony had gone to the den after sending photos of Sydney to the printer to give to the police.

  “You own Everett Gaming, correct?”


  “It’s a big company. You must have a lot of casino connections and clients.”

  “Detective, my business is casino driven and caters to clients,” Colin said, still sounding calm.

  “Sorry, Mr. Everett. Due to your position and profession this is considered a high profile case.” Detective Prestin turned to face Anthony now. “Mr. Graves, what line of work are you in?”

  “Finance,” Anthony muttered without looking up from his phone.

  “Where are you employed, Mr. Graves?”

  Anthony set the phone down and turned to face all of us at the table, but Colin spoke up.

  “He’s my CFO and business partner.”

  The detectives were quiet while Detective Foreman continued to take notes.

  “So, a number one and number two of a global company. Something like that?”

  “No. Not something like that. That’s exactly what it is. Anthony’s my business partner and Chief Financial Officer. We have one other partner, Mitch, and he’s also the Chief of Operations Officer.”

  “Off the tops of your heads, any business deals or clients that would have anything against you?”

  “No, I can’t think of any,” Colin said as he shook his head.

  The two detectives were nice and they tried to be calming as they took the information down. We talked about the possibility that Howard could very well have taken her. I knew that thought was at the front of their minds. Detective Prestin said they’d follow up with Howard as he had posted bail.

  “Give me a description of Sydney: hair, eye color, weight. Anything important that might be useful. Anything you can think of.”

  “She has light brown, straight, shoulder length hair. She’s about 5’5” and about 120 pounds. Blue eyes.” Colin was doing as well as could be expected but grew emotional when one of the detectives asked if Sydney had any birthmarks or scars that would be easily identifiable.

  Colin let his head drop, and he rubbed at his eyes. Blake put his hands on Colin’s shoulders and addressed the detectives.

  “Sydney has many physical scars. She left an abusive relationship a number of months ago with Howard and still carries some of the physical marks. Most visible are matching scars on her wrists. They’re from burns.”

  “Jesus, okay. I have that noted here. We will get these pictures sent out and her description to our officers in the field. Tomorrow we will see if those security tapes were able to catch anything of use. Until then, I recommend trying to get some rest. If anything comes up, here are the numbers where we can be reached. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.” Prestin and Foreman gathered their notes and stood.

  Colin took the cards from the detectives, and he and Blake walked them out. I looked over at Anthony and he looked absolutely lost and exhausted. Blake and Colin sat back down at the table, and Colin began spinning his cell phone on the table.

  “Col, you and Anthony need to try to eat something. We ate lunch almost eight hours ago. Let me make you something.”

  I stood with Gina in my arms, set her down in a chair, and went to the pantry. Neither of them argued, but neither said anything else. I found more soup and quickly made it in the microwave for them.

  “It’s cold out. I wonder if she’s cold,” Anthony said out of nowhere. When I turned around he was standing by the patio doors, looking out. “And hungry. I hope she’s not hungry.”

  No one spoke, but everyone’s heart was breaking. Anthony put his arm on the patio door and let his head drop to his bent elbow. I started to go to him, but he sensed it and opened the door and went outside to the patio. I looked over at Blake and Colin.

  “Let him be for a few minutes,” Colin suggested.

  I knew Anthony didn’t have much tolerance for emotion. This was torture, and he couldn’t deal with someone trying to comfort him. I took the soup to Colin and sat back down.

  Time ticked by so slowly, and I decided that Gina and I were going to stay the night. They needed us. We talked quietly at the table while Colin ate some soup, and then I took Gina to the couch. I got her settled and told her that I wanted her to try to sleep.

  Next stop was Anthony. He had his few minutes to be alone, and now he was going to have company. The soup was still warm and in one of the containers where you just microwave all of it together. I grabbed it and a spoon and headed outside with the soup.

  He was sitting on the lounger with his knees bent and had his arms outward resting over his knees. Last time I saw him like that was at the cabin at Christmas after he and Colin had that intense evening with Sydney. Prior to that, he was in this position when he shared his abusive past with Colin and I at his high rise. This was a vulnerable Anthony. I sat down across from him and handed him the soup. He took it quietly and stirred it with his spoon.

  Anthony grew up under a house of scum and violence, and they forbid him from showing emotion. And when he did, he was beaten or worse. I could tell he was biting his tongue and just trying to keep it together.

  “Anth, it’s okay…” He quickly cut me off and didn’t give me the chance to tell him that it was okay to show emotion.

  “It’s not fucking okay, Matt. Sydney isn’t here, and we don’t know where the fuck she is. She could be cold and hungry.”

  I knew that all I could do right now was be a sounding board and just let him talk. At least he was talking.

  “Matt, do you think she just ran off on her own?”

  I don’t know how he could even think that. Sydney loves Colin and Anthony. There’d be no fucking way she’d do t

  “No, Anth. She loves you guys. She wouldn’t do that.”

  “I hope she did. It would be better than the alternative to Howard taking her.”

  Fuck, I hadn’t seen that coming. Anthony was hoping she had gone off on her own. It was more comforting for him to think in those terms than someone grabbing her and hurting her. It was possibly that asshole Howard. He was probably pretty pissed.

  “I know the thought of that makes you feel a little better, but I’m going to be honest, Anth…I don’t think that’s what happened.”

  He nodded at me and set his soup down and went back to his vulnerable position on the lounger. My heart went out to him and Colin. We went inside and sat down at the kitchen table for a while. After another hour or so, Anthony went to take a shower and came back down in his jeans and a tee shirt.

  The four of us were sitting at the kitchen table when Colin’s cell phone chirped, notifying him of a text. He grabbed the phone, and the rest of us all sat on the edge of our seats. All of the color drained from his face, and then he yelled, “Fuck!”

  “What? What is it?” Anthony got up from the table and went over to Colin, who was now standing and grabbing his chest as he paced frantically.

  Colin let the phone drop to the table and Anthony grabbed it. His face was a frown, and then an expression of anger was followed by his face turning red.

  “No! No, no, no! Fucking not possible!” Anthony yelled.

  Blake stopped Anthony from moving and took the phone from him. He looked at it for a few moments and then handed it to me. The text to Colin was from an unknown number.

  702-555-6250: And you said I’d never play with her. How does it feel to be wrong for once in your life, Master Colin?

  With the text was a picture of Sydney bound, gagged, and slumped on the floor in the corner of a dimly lit room. I set the phone down when I realized I was shaking.

  Fucking Paul Fielding kidnapped Sydney as a way to piss Colin off. I knew right then that I was looking at a text from a man that was good as dead. What was so frightening about it was that Paul knew how to get inside the head of a sub and break them down. And he was a sadist. This wasn’t just the violent, abusive Howard. This was a man who was an expert with mind fucking. And little Sydney wasn’t going to be much of a challenge for Paul’s tactics. The enormity of the situation was quickly sinking in for all of us.

  Blake pulled his phone out and called the detectives to let them know we’d discovered the identity of the man who took Sydney. Blake was quick and calm on the phone and gave the detectives all information he had on Paul.

  Anthony pulled himself off the chair and picked his car fob up from the counter, and without a word he headed to the garage door. I stepped in front of him and effectively blocked his route. He didn’t need be behind a wheel.

  Colin grabbed Anthony’s shirt in the back, which also halted him. He spun and grabbed Colin by the upper arm and said he wasn’t sitting here when Paul had her.

  “Blake, give me Paul’s fucking address.”

  “Anthony,” Blake was trying to reason with Anthony. He shoved himself away from Colin and slumped down on the chair. Honestly, I’d be doing the same thing. “The detectives have the info and are headed over. Give them a chance.”

  We all grew quiet when Gina appeared in the kitchen with the throw wrapped around her shoulders. She looked at each of us and asked what happened. I pulled her close to me and told her that Paul had abducted Sydney. When she began to cry in my arms, Colin came over and rubbed on her back. I took her back to the great room and sat beside her as she got comfortable on the chaise. I stroked her hair and made sure that she felt safe.

  In the hours that followed, I couldn’t help but thank God that Gina was safe. The detective called back and said that there was no one at Paul’s home and it looked empty. There were police staked out at the house in case anyone came or went. They also had DMV records and were looking out for his truck.

  I sat back down at the table with Colin. He was spinning his cell phone on the surface again and stared blankly at nothing. He knew I was there at least.

  “Matt,” Colin started but then stopped.

  “What, Col?”

  He started shaking his head, and he made a fist. “He’s going to hurt her.”

  “Col, you have to try to think positive.”

  Hours had passed since the text from Paul, and it was now going on 1:00 a.m. I encouraged Anthony and Colin to try to rest and let them know I’d be here. Anthony went to the downstairs guest room, but Colin stayed at the table. Sydney’s collar sat on the table, and he fingered it and stroked it. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “I love her Matt, I can’t live without her,” Colin proclaimed.

  “We’ll find her, Colin. Stay positive. Let the police do their footwork,” I tried to reassure him.

  “She’s been through so much already…”

  “And she’ll make it through this, too. She’s got you and Anthony. And Gina and I.”

  “And me,” Blake said. “You and Anthony have Matt, and we’ll have the support of the club members. You’re not in this alone.”

  “I’m just numb. I keep telling myself over and over that this can’t be happening,” Colin muttered to no one in particular.

  By 2:30 a.m. Colin was very close to asleep. He was at the kitchen table and had his head resting on his forearms.

  Blake and I talked about how someone needs to be with these two. They were madly in love with her, and she had become a huge part of who they were. Blake was going to go home and then come back tomorrow around noon, then Gina and I would go home and sleep. Blake said that he would also reach out to the club members in the morning.


  Saturday, January 11th


  Life had thrown me a curveball that I can’t comprehend. I was numb and in shock over it. Nothing made sense to me except for one thing; Sydney was gone. My baby. Mine and my best friend’s fragile kitten. With her absence, pieces of my heart and soul were disappearing.

  The police detectives were over last night, and everything was bad enough until I found out Paul had her. I remember the sickening feeling as it made it’s way into my body when I saw the picture of her gagged.

  Thank God for Matt and Blake. I really don’t know what I would have done. This morning, Gina made breakfast, though I couldn’t stand the sight or smell of food. She was quiet this morning, and I can’t help but think that this incident has left her shaken.

  While she made breakfast, I went upstairs to take a shower, but I had my phone on the highest volume setting. I kept hoping that the app that I have on my phone would alert me when Sydney’s phone was turned on. The phone hadn’t left my side since Sydney went missing.

  I walked into our room and stopped as though an invisible wall blocked my path. I looked at the bed - our bed. The bed was made, and there were six pillows propped up just right…Anthony.

  Fuck, I haven’t even looked at him more than a few times since Sydney disappeared. I knew he was hurting, just like I was. I’m assuming he slept in the downstairs guest room last night. I slept at the kitchen table here and there. I needed to get a grip and focus. Sydney and Anthony needed me to be strong and focus.

  Next to the bed was a small, glass, trinket bowl that I set her collar in. I touched the heart on it and prayed for her safe return. Whatever the fuck Paul wants, I’ll gladly give him. I just want Sydney back. I sat down on the bed and had picked up the framed photo of Sydney, Anthony and I in front of the Christmas tree at his cabin. When my tears started to threaten, I stood up and headed to the bathroom, pulling my clothes off as I went.

  I stepped in the shower and let the hot water pour over me. Before I knew what I was doing, I had pulled Sydney’s shower sponge from its spot and inhaled the vanilla scent that was on it. It almost brought me to my knees. I ached for her. I needed to hold her.

  I was surprised that I hadn’t cut myself shaving as I went throug
h the motions of getting ready. Normally, I had Sydney and Anthony in here with me. She would move around playfully, and Anthony and I would flirt with her and touch her. We always made sure she knew and heard that we loved her. I just hoped that it was enough to give her strength.

  Wearing jeans and a long sleeved navy henley, I headed back downstairs where the scent of food filled my senses. I really wasn’t in the mood for food but Gina had tried. Matt and Gina looked up when I entered the kitchen.

  “Colin, have a seat, and I’ll get you some coffee and food,” Gina said as she headed towards the stove, and I sat down across from Matt. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to look at it, but there was nothing new, nothing giving me hope. I saw that Anthony’s phone was sitting on the counter charging and I looked at his screen, too - nothing. I sighed.

  “Matt, thank you for staying. You and Gina should go home. You don’t have to stay.”

  “No, not happening. Blake is coming at noon. Gina and I will go then.” Matt sipped his coffee and continued to look me over. “You’re looking better than you were last night. I know you’re not doing any better, but you look better.”

  I muscled my way through some toast and bacon. I drank some more coffee and asked if Matt had seen Anthony yet today. He shook his head.

  “I need to talk to him. He’s hurting.”

  “You are too, Col. You have to give him some time right now. If you don’t mind, I’m going to call Chris. He should know.”

  I nodded my approval and went back to my toast. I couldn’t even taste anything. My senses were totally numb, yet I ached from head to toe, inside and out.

  Right before noon, Blake arrived. He brought sub sandwiches with him and hugged me when he stepped inside. Fuck, I ached. I got another hug from Matt and Gina before they left, and they informed me that they were coming back tonight with dinner.

  “Wait, you guys don’t have to babysit us. We’ll be okay.”


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