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Alone: Book 4 in The Everett Gaming Series

Page 14

by Drew Sera

Tuesday, January 14th


  I messed with her mind and body last night. I wore her down physically and mentally, and I loved seeing the defeat on her face. I kept her tied up to the stairs, facing the woods for about fifteen minutes. Then I’d bring her inside, flog her, and then chain her back up in the room. I left her alone in the dark room for a few hours and then took her back outside and left her for another fifteen minutes while tied to the stairs. Then I’d bring her inside out of the element, flog her, and leave her in the dark room again. After our fourth cycle of this, I decided that I had achieved the results I wanted. I brought her inside, fucked her, and got her to scream while I flogged her. Her raw scream sent tingles up my spine today. Since her skin was still cold, the flogger probably felt like a hot sword slicing through her skin. Unintentionally, I broke some skin on her back due to the skin’s temperature.

  She shivered and curled up on the floor after I finished whipping her. I brought her some toast and water, but she looked defeated and resigned. I wondered if we were possibly getting closer to her realizing I had no intentions of giving her back to Everett and Graves.

  I actually had a place all set up in the Cayman Islands, and she was going to make me a lot of money. But before I went anywhere with this one, I was going to make sure she was rid of anything Everett and Graves. I knew we were getting closer. At least I thought so until I went back to see if she had finished her toast.

  When I walked into the room, she begged me to hurt her and not Graves. Unfucking real. I tied her to a staircase and left her in the freezing cold for several cycles. I’ve flogged her, fucked her, and barely feeding her. Yet the bitch is still thinking of Graves and Everett. She had a stronger will than I anticipated she’d have. I went a little off the plan. I was irate and seeing red.

  I held her up against the wall and decided to make a nice video of her passing out under my hand for Everett. I hoped it would cause him extreme distress. I wonder if he’s going to start lashing out at the Golden Boy due to stress. I’d enjoy watching Everett beat the fuck out of the beloved Anthony Graves.

  My video turned out perfectly, and I obtained the desired effect of her passing out. That would definitely upset Everett. While I was applying just the right amount of pressure to her twig neck, I was a little surprised she had so much energy to fight, given her weakened state.

  Hours later when she came around, I began pushing her mind some more. She’s so weak from what I’d thrown at her physically that she couldn’t think straight.

  “You shouldn’t give a fuck about Graves.” I began my mind fucking some more. “Graves told me he didn’t care what I did to you as long as I left him alone.”

  She shook her head at me after being knocked out for a few hours. The crazy bitch actually shook her head. She was calling me a liar. She said, “Anthony would never say that.” I hit her so hard in the face that I saw her eyelids flutter and then they stayed closed as she slumped against the wall. I was fucking pissed. Her play card from Irons said that dark rooms were something to avoid.

  No. She wasn’t going to be so lucky. Sydney and the dark were going to become good friends.


  Tuesday, January 14th


  The police came over to update us on the investigation, and I showed them the text and video I received. Paul had been meticulous in his planning because at this point, he’s been untraceable. Since all of the texts and pictures were coming from different numbers, they said Paul must have a supply of prepaid phones. He kept them off to prevent from being tracked and flipped them on just for a few minutes to send the text or picture and then gets rid of the phone. I sent the pictures, video, and texts to the detective’s phones. I was frustrated that we were no closer to finding her than we were Friday.

  When they left I sat back down at the couch with Anthony, Matt, and his folks. We all vented our frustrations. It helped having so many people around. They weren’t just anyone though; they were my family.

  Matt was on the phone with Blake talking about dinner when Anthony came over to me and said he needed some air and was going out to the patio. I could sense that he was trying to make an effort to not shut down, which is why he told me he was going outside rather than just go. I still need to sit down and talk with him and find out what happened Saturday.

  Gina and Gloria were in the kitchen making cookies for dessert when I walked into the kitchen. They smelled pretty good, and I realized that this was the first time in days that food smelled good to me. Blake arrived with a few pizzas and salads. There was a box of a plain cheese pizza, which instantly reminded me of Sydney. It made me smile just a little as I thought about how all she wanted was cheese pizza. Quickly my smile faded as I thought about what she might be going through right now. I hoped she was getting some food.

  “Where’s Anthony?” Blake asked me. I nodded towards the patio and explained that he said he needed some air. “Should I go get him to come in and eat?” Blake asked. I sat down at the breakfast bar and looked at him as all the other voices in the kitchen died down.

  “He won’t eat, Blake. I took him to McDonald’s this morning. He barely ate half the breakfast sandwich.”

  Blake tapped the island with his thumb and looked out on the patio. Gloria was pulling cookies out of the oven and turned towards me. There was a sad look in her eyes.

  “Anthony still won’t eat?” she asked me. I didn’t want to worry her anymore than she already was, but I couldn’t hide things or keep things in. I nodded at her.

  “He’s got to start eating or else he’s going to get sick. He’s weak and tired. Everything gets tougher to deal with when you’re tired and hungry,” Matt said.

  I knew he regretted saying that because I winced and looked down. I worried about Sydney eating. Paul knew how to run a sub down and break them. He knew how to get inside their heads and mess with them. Matt knew what had popped in my head.

  “Sorry, Col. I only meant that Anthony would feel better if he ate something.”

  I nodded. I knew he meant that he was referring to Anthony and not Sydney. But it did make me think of Sydney and not eating enough. Everyone had gathered in the kitchen now, but I told everyone to start on the food while I went outside to get Anthony. While I was afraid to push, I was afraid of not pushing.

  He was stretched out on the lounger and was looking upwards at the stars with his hand over his stomach. I sat down on the other lounger across from him and leaned forward facing him. He looked depressed and lost.

  “We should get her one,” he said to me. He hadn’t looked up to see who had sat down, but he knew it was me.


  “A star,” he said. I looked upward at the dark sky and looked at the stars. “She liked to look at them. The night I brought her to your party, I had the moon roof open. She stretched her arm up so she would feel the air blow through her fingers. She said she liked the moon roof open because she could see the stars. We can give her the stars. We just need to get her back.”

  I was surprised when I saw a wet spot hit the ground where I was looking down. He made me fucking cry again. I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. Anthony and I could give her everything and anything. I wanted just one more chance to give her the world. I wouldn’t fuck it up.

  “We’ll get her a star. Once we get her back and taken care of, we’ll get her one.”

  Anthony nodded and he didn’t seem so far away from me now. We weren’t giving up hope. I refused to give up.

  “Anth,” I started but waited for him to say something first before I went on. I wanted his full attention. “Look at me, Anth.” He sat up, swung his legs over the lounger and gave me his attention. I knew he was trying. “I need you to let me in and help you. Please, man. I’m trying to help, but I’m drowning here. I know that there’s something going on with you that’s keeping me out, aside from Sydney. Don’t shut me out. We’ve been through a lot together, and I will always have your back, but you hav
e to let me in.”

  I think it struck a chord with Anthony. He sat still and was looking downward. He began to nod, and I saw it as hope.

  “I’m sorry, Col. I’ll do better. I’m not feeling well, and I don’t mean to push you away. I won’t let you down.”

  “I need to ask you to do something, Anth.” He looked skeptical and tilted his head to the side. “Eat. I know you don’t feel hungry, but trust me, your body is starved.”

  He nodded and we both stood up to go inside. As he moved to walk around me, I felt the urge to hug him. He’s been a mess since Saturday night, and I know he’s hurting. I’m trying to give him some space so he doesn’t feel like he’s suffocating and then leaves. I felt he needed a hug. I remember how much he clung to me when he came home the other night. Matt and Blake both noticed and commented on how Anthony has been freezing up when anyone but me tries to touch him. I think he misses all the physical touch and connections we had with Sydney. It’d be a good reminder that I’m here for him, and he can lean on me. I knew how good the embraces have felt, especially in this time of need. Matt and Arthur have been there to let me take a load off, and it’s really helped. Anthony has been rejecting affection for whatever reason, and I thought he really needed it now. I grabbed his shirt by the sleeve to stop him and then pulled him into a hug. I could feel him exhaling like he’s been holding his breath for a long period of time. It took a moment, but he hugged me back. I smiled knowing that he’d be okay as long as he was still letting me close to him. He wasn’t pushing me away; he just needed time. Without thinking, I thumped him in the back in a guy sort of way and heard him grunt. I let go of him and apologized. I knew his back was bruised, but he laughed some.

  I put my arm around his shoulders and we headed inside. I felt invigorated after talking to him and maybe that hug helped energize me. Anthony and I were close, and he was the only one that understood exactly how I was feeling with Sydney’s abduction. I felt like he finally heard me with my plea to get him to eat. He needed to eat.

  Our family began bending over backwards for us the second we stepped inside. Matt got us drinks while Blake walked over with plates. I could tell Blake was still very concerned about Anthony. Blake started to put his arm around Anthony, but Anthony tried to move away. Anthony was continuing to evade everyone’s touch but mine. I’ll admit, I was deeply concerned by this. Five minutes ago I had him in an embrace but he won’t let Blake get too close to him.

  With a plate of food, I sat down at the head of the table with Matt and Arthur on either side of me. Anthony sat between Matt and Blake with a slice of cheese pizza on his plate. I knew it wasn’t a lot, but at least he was eating. Conversations were light while everyone ate, and I think a lot of eyes were on Anthony and what he was or wasn’t eating. I prayed that people would let him be and wouldn’t put him under a microscope right now.

  We took the cookies Gina and Gloria made into the great room and tried to relax in there. We talked about Sydney of course. Gina made the tears well up in my eyes again.

  “She loves you two. I know that you knew that, but when she and I would go out, the way she talked about you guys was always filled with love and happiness,” Gina said and smiled through some tears that fell. “She loved the candy you put in her purse and your love notes, Anthony.” Gina wiped her eyes and let out a small laugh as Matt hoisted her off the couch to sit on his lap. Matt pulled her to lean against his chest and pressed his lips to her head. “You should have seen her face the first time she and I went shopping. She opened her purse and pulled out the candy bag and the little love note from Anthony. God, that girl loved finding the candy and notes.” She looked over at Matt’s parents and sniffled. “Anthony would hide her favorite candy along with a little note in Sydney’s purse or one of the pockets of her coat or jacket. She’d smile so brightly when she found it.” Gina wiped her eyes again. “When she’d hear either one of your names, you’d have thought someone just told her she won the lottery. That’s actually how I knew she was in love. It was after she starting staying here and Anthony was helping care for her. We were at lunch and I asked her how it was to have you two helping her, and I knew she was in love. Just by the look on her face when I said your names.”

  I hadn’t heard this story, and it was gutting me. I looked over at Anthony, and he was leaning back in the chair next to the fireplace, looking upwards. I knew he was doing it so he didn’t cry.

  Gina was leaning against Matt as she recalled her story of their shopping trips. Matt pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. Fuck, it made my chest ache. Anthony and I often kissed Sydney’s forehead like that. “And she knew that you two loved her,” Gina added.

  I think it was emotional for everyone. Gloria sniffled and wiped her eyes. I stood and went over to Gina, bent over, and gave her forehead a kiss while Matt held her. I thanked her for telling Anthony and I about their girl talks during their shopping trips and how Sydney wore it on her face that she loved us.

  “The three of you obviously have a strong, loving bond. I wish I had known. Were the three of you involved when we saw you at Thanksgiving?” Gloria asked.

  I nodded and told her Anthony and I thought it’d be best at the time if no one knew. To Matt’s family, Anthony would be her man and to our work friends, I was her man. Work. Shit, I need to try and get to the office this week for a bit. If nothing else to make a presence and talk to Dwayne and Mitch. Arthur asked if he could ask Anthony and I something personal. He was curious and wasn’t being judgmental so I encouraged him to ask.

  “What is the sleeping arrangement?”

  “Dad,” Matt started, but I held my hand up. It was okay. Anthony jumped in though.

  “We both sleep with her at night. In the beginning it was for her comfort. She felt safe with us, and she knew she had nothing to fear. She’d have horrible nightmares and it would take both Colin and I to calm her down. She slept between us and would let us hold her. Somewhere along the way, I fell in love with her. I think Colin loved her subconsciously before he knew it.”

  Anthony looked over at me and nodded. He was right. I hadn’t seen it coming either, just like Anthony. I pulled my phone out and pulled up my “G” rated pictures of Sydney. I passed it over to Gloria so she could see them and Arthur looked on as well. I was proud of those pictures. They are part of the best thing that has ever happened to me. She smiled, put her hand over her mouth, and turned the phone around to show us the one that had touched her. It was the picture of Sydney, Anthony, and I in front of the Christmas tree at Bellagio.

  “We have that one framed. It’s upstairs on the dresser,” I told her.

  “Oh my goodness. You three look so happy. She looks so content and just seems to fit perfectly with you two. You both look like you’re in love. She’s lucky to have both of you.”

  Gloria and Arthur continued to flip through the pictures and smiled or laughed as the rest of us had smaller conversations. Blake and Anthony were talking about something I couldn’t quite hear or make out. He eventually stood as Blake did. I looked up at him, and he motioned for me to follow him to the hall. Blake followed as well.

  “Monday, when I was at Blake’s, we were talking about old stuff. Stuff my nightmares were made of. I told him I’d show him.”

  I knew what he meant. He was going to share his hospital and police file with Blake. Blake has genuinely cared for Anthony ever since he took him under his wing to mentor. I nodded, and then I opened the safe and stared at the two tattered files that sat on top. It wasn’t my place to touch them. Anthony could pick those things up. I moved out of the way and put my hand on his shoulder as I walked past and out of their way. I gave Blake a knowing glance as I walked by. Blake was a very calm and controlled man. I knew that he knew that whatever Anthony was about to show him, was ugly.

  “I’ll be in the great room. Holler if you need me.”

  Blake nodded, and with that I left the room and headed back to be with everyone else. I was a little worried about wha
t Anthony was doing. The content of those files was traumatic and destructive. To throw that on top of whatever he was messed up from over the weekend and Sydney was recipe for disaster. At least he was home, and Matt and I were here.


  Tuesday, January 14th


  Yesterday I told Blake I’d show him where my bad dreams came from. I promised him. I make good on my word, and I thought it might help him to relax and not be so worried over me. Or it’d make it worse. At least it would be out and he’d know. Blake was an important part of my life and he’s what helped me find purpose. He sat down on the leather couch, and I sat down beside him with the folders.

  “Remember, this was a long, long time ago Blake.”

  He took the folders from my hand and opened them. I saw the top picture of what is now my scar sitting on top. He was reading the police report first. I looked away and found my heart was pounding. Every now and then I’d hear him swear under his breath or sharply inhale.



  Tuesday, January 14th


  When Matt’s parents and Gina went home for the night, Matt and I made our way down the hall to my den. Blake had the files open on the desk and was standing up while he flipped through the report and photos. The expression on his face gave me an idea of what Anthony’s biological father must have looked like when he saw what had happened to his son. Anthony sat on the couch, leaning forward over his knees with his head hung, looking downward and one of his legs bouncing nervously. He looked up in our direction and his face held an expression that was silently begging for Matt and I not to make this any harder than it already was.


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