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Irish Folk Tales

Page 33

by Henry Glassie

  It was a witch that had a spite to the young man, because he wouldn’t marry her, and so she got power to keep him in a state between life and death till a young woman would rescue him by doing what she had just done.

  So at her request her sisters got their own shape again, and were sent back to their mother, with their spades of gold and shovels of silver. Maybe they were better after that, but I doubt it much.

  The youngest got the young gentleman for her husband. I’m sure she deserved him, and, if they didn’t live happy, that we may!




  There was once a widow living among the woods, and her only son living along with her. He went out every morning through the trees to get sticks, and one day as he was lying on the ground he saw a swarm of flies flying over what the cow leaves behind her. He took up his sickle and hit one blow at them, and hit that hard he left no single one of them living.

  That evening he said to his mother that it was time he was going out into the world to seek his fortune, for he was able to destroy a whole swarm of flies at one blow, and he asked her to make him three cakes the way he might take them with him in the morning.

  He started the next day a while after the dawn, with his three cakes in his wallet, and he ate one of them near ten o’clock.

  He got hungry again by midday and ate the second, and when night was coming on him he ate the third. After that he met a man on the road who asked him where he was going.

  “I’m looking for some place where I can work for my living,” said the young man.

  “Come with me,” said the other man, “and sleep tonight in the barn, and I’ll give you work tomorrow to see what you’re able for.”

  The next morning the farmer brought him out and showed him his cows and told him to take them out to graze on the hills, and to keep good watch that no one should come near them to milk them. The young man drove out the cows into the fields, and when the heat of the day came on he lay down on his back and looked up into the sky. A while after he saw a black spot in the northwest, and it grew larger and nearer till he saw a great giant coming towards him.

  He got up on to his feet and he caught the giant round the legs with his two arms, and he drove him down into the hard ground above his ankles, the way he was not able to free himself. Then the giant told him to do him no hurt, and gave him his magic rod, and told him to strike on the rock, and he would find his beautiful black horse, and his sword and his fine suit.

  The young man struck the rock and it opened before him, and he found the beautiful black horse, and the giant’s sword and the suit lying before him. He took out the sword alone, and he struck one blow with it and struck off the giant’s head. Then he put back the sword into the rock, and went out again to his cattle, till it was time to drive them home to the farmer.

  When they came to milk the cows they found a power of milk in them, and the farmer asked the young man if he had seen nothing out on the hills, for the other cowboys had been bringing home the cows with no drop of milk in them. And the young man said he had seen nothing.

  The next day he went out again with the cows. He lay down on his back in the heat of the day, and after a while he saw a black spot in the northwest, and it grew larger and nearer, till he saw it was a great giant coming to attack him.

  “You killed my brother,” said the giant; “come here, till I make a garter of your body.”

  The young man went to him and caught him by the legs and drove him down into the hard ground up to his ankles.

  Then he hit the rod against the rock, and took out the sword and struck off the giant’s head.

  That evening the farmer found twice as much milk in the cows as the evening before, and he asked the young man if he had seen anything. The young man said that he had seen nothing.

  The third day the third giant came to him and said, “You have killed my two brothers; come here, till I make a garter of your body.”

  And he did with this giant as he had done with the other two, and that evening there was so much milk in the cows it was dropping out of their udders on the pathway.

  The next day the farmer called him and told him he might leave the cows in the stalls that day, for there was a great curiosity to be seen, namely, a beautiful king’s daughter that was to be eaten by a great fish, if there was no one in it that could save her. But the young man said such a sight was all one to him, and he went out with the cows on to the hills. When he came to the rock he hit it with his rod and brought out the suit and put it on him, and brought out the sword and strapped it on his side, like an officer, and he got on the black horse and rode faster than the wind till he came to where the beautiful king’s daughter was sitting on the shore in a golden chair, waiting for the great fish.

  When the great fish came in on the sea, bigger than a whale, with two wings on the back of it, the young man went down into the surf and struck at it with his sword and cut off one of its wings. All the sea turned red with the bleeding out of it, till it swam away and left the young man on the shore.

  Then he turned his horse and rode faster than the wind till he came to the rock, and he took the suit off him and put it back in the rock, with the giant’s sword and the black horse, and drove the cows down to the farm.

  The man came out before him and said he had missed the greatest wonder ever was, and that a noble person was after coming down with a fine suit on him and cutting off one of the wings from the great fish.

  “And there’ll be the same necessity on her for two mornings more,” said the farmer, “and you’d do right to come and look on it.”

  But the young man said he would not come.

  The next morning he went out with his cows, and he took the sword and the suit and the black horse out of the rock, and he rode faster than the wind till he came where the king’s daughter was sitting on the shore. When the people saw him coming there was great wonder on them to know if it was the same man they had seen the day before. The king’s daughter called out to him to come and kneel before her, and when he kneeled down she took her scissors and cut off a lock of hair from the back of his head and hid it in her clothes.

  Then the great fish came in from the sea, and he went down into the surf and cut the other wing off from it. All the sea turned red with the bleeding out of it, till it swam away and left them.

  That evening the farmer came out before him and told him of the great wonder he had missed, and asked him would he go the next day and look on it. The young man said he would not go.

  The third day he came again on the black horse to where the king’s daughter was sitting on a golden chair waiting for the great fish. When it came in from the sea the young man went down before it, and every time it opened its mouth to eat him, he struck into its mouth, till his sword went out through its neck, and it rolled back and died.

  Then he rode off faster than the wind, and he put the suit and the sword and the black horse into the rock, and drove home the cows.

  The farmer was there before him and he told him that there was to be a great marriage feast held for three days, and on the third day the king’s daughter would be married to the man that killed the great fish, if they were able to find him.

  A great feast was held, and men of great strength came and said it was themselves were after killing the great fish.

  But on the third day the young man put on the suit, and strapped the sword to his side like an officer, and got on the black horse and rode faster than the wind, till he came to the palace.

  The king’s daughter saw him, and she brought him in and made him kneel down before her. Then she looked at the back of his head and she saw the place where she had cut off the lock with her own hand. She led him in to the king, and they were married, and the young man was given all the estate.

  That is my story.



br />   There was a king one time who was very much put out because he had no son, and he went at last to consult his chief adviser. And the chief adviser said, “It’s easy enough managed if you do as I tell you. Let you send someone,” says he, “to such a place to catch a fish. And when the fish is brought in, give it to the queen, your wife, to eat.”

  So the king sent as he was told, and the fish was caught and brought in, and he gave it to the cook, and bade her put it before the fire, but to be careful with it, and not to let any blob or blister rise on it. But it is impossible to cook a fish before the fire without the skin of it rising in some place or other, and so there came a blob on the skin, and the cook put her finger on it to smooth it down, and then she put her finger into her mouth to cool it, and so she got a taste of the fish. And then it was sent up to the queen, and she ate it, and what was left of it was thrown out into the yard, and there was a mare in the yard and a greyhound, and they ate the bits that were thrown out.

  And before the year was out, the queen had a young son, and the cook had a young son, and the mare had two foals, and the greyhound had two pups.

  And the two young sons were sent out for a while to some place to be cared, and when they came back they were so much like one another no person could know which was the queen’s son and which was the cook’s. And the queen was vexed at that, and she went to the chief adviser and said, “Tell me some way that I can know which is my own son, for I don’t like to be giving the same eating and drinking to the cook’s son as to my own.” “It is easy to know that,” said the chief adviser, “if you will do as I tell you. Go you outside, and stand at the door they will be coming in by, and when they see you, your own son will bow his head, but the cook’s son will only laugh.”

  So she did that, and when her own son bowed his head, her servants put a mark on him that she would know him again. And when they were all sitting at their dinner after that, she said to Jack, that was the cook’s son, “It is time for you to go away out of this, for you are not my son.” And her own son, that we will call Bill, said, “Do not send him away, are we not brothers?” But Jack said, “I would have been long ago out of this house if I knew it was not my own father and mother owned it.” And for all Bill could say to him, he would not stop. But before he went, they were by the well that was in the garden, and he said to Bill, “If harm ever happens to me, that water on the top of the well will be blood, and the water below will be honey.”

  Then he took one of the pups, and one of the two horses, that was foaled after the mare eating the fish, and the wind that was after him could not catch him, and he caught the wind that was before him. And he went on till he came to a weaver’s house, and he asked him for a lodging, and he gave it to him. And then he went on till he came to a king’s house, and he sent in at the door to ask, “Did he want a servant?” “All I want,” said the king, “is a boy that will drive out the cows to the field every morning, and bring them in at night to be milked.” “I will do that for you,” said Jack; so the king engaged him.

  In the morning Jack was sent out with the four-and-twenty cows, and the place he was told to drive them to had not a blade of grass in it for them, but was full of stones. So Jack looked about for some place where there would be better grass, and after a while he saw a field with good green grass in it, and it belonging to a giant. So he knocked down a bit of the wall and drove them in, and he went up himself into an apple tree and began to eat the apples. Then the giant came into the field. “Fee-faw-fum,” says he, “I smell the blood of an Irishman. I see you where you are, up in the tree,” he said; “you are too big for one mouthful, and too small for two mouthfuls, and I don’t know what I’ll do with you if I don’t grind you up and make snuff for my nose.” “As you are strong, be merciful,” says Jack up in the tree. “Come down out of that, you little dwarf,” said the giant, “or I’ll tear you and the tree asunder.” So Jack came down. “Would you sooner be driving red-hot knives into one another’s hearts,” said the giant, “or would you sooner be fighting one another on red-hot flags?” “Fighting on red-hot flags is what I’m used to at home,” said Jack, “and your dirty feet will be sinking in them and my feet will be rising.” So then they began the fight. The ground that was hard they made soft, and the ground that was soft they made hard, and they made spring wells come up through the green flags. They were like that all through the day, no one getting the upper hand of the other, and at last a little bird came and sat on the bush and said to Jack, “If you don’t make an end of him by sunset he’ll make an end of you.” Then Jack put out his strength, and he brought the giant down on his knees. “Give me my life,” says the giant, “and I’ll give you the three best gifts.” “What are those?” said Jack. “A sword that nothing can stand against, and a suit that when you put it on, you will see everybody, and nobody will see you, and a pair of shoes that will make you run faster than the wind blows.” “Where are they to be found?” said Jack. “In that red door you see there in the hill.” So Jack went and got them out. “Where will I try the sword?” says he. “Try it on that ugly black stump of a tree,” says the giant. “I see nothing blacker or uglier than your own head,” says Jack. And with that he made one stroke, and cut off the giant’s head that it went into the air, and he caught it on the sword as it was coming down, and made two halves of it. “It is well for you I did not join the body again,” said the head, “or you would have never been able to strike it off again.” “I did not give you the chance of that,” said Jack. And he brought away the great suit with him.

  So he brought the cows home at evening, and everyone wondered at all the milk they gave that night. And when the king was sitting at dinner with the princess, his daughter, and the rest, he said, “I think I only hear two roars from beyond tonight in place of three.”

  The next morning Jack went out again with the cows, and he saw another field full of grass, and he knocked down the wall and let the cows in. All happened the same as the day before, but the giant that came this time had two heads, and they fought together, and the little bird came and spoke to Jack as before. And when Jack had brought the giant down, he said, “Give me my life, and I’ll give you the best thing I have.” “What is that?” says Jack. “It’s a suit that you can put on, and you will see every one but no one can see you.” “Where is it?” said Jack. “It’s inside that little red door at the side of the hill.” So Jack went and brought out the suit. And then he cut off the giant’s two heads, and caught them coming down and made four halves of them. And they said it was well for him he had not given them time to join the body.

  That night when the cows came home they gave so much milk that all the vessels that could be found were filled up.

  The next morning Jack went out again, and all happened as before, and the giant this time had four heads, and Jack made eight halves of them. And the giant had told him to go to a little blue door in the side of the hill, and there he got a pair of shoes that when you put them on would go faster than the wind.

  That night the cows gave so much milk that there were not vessels enough to hold it, and it was given to tenants and to poor people passing the road, and the rest was thrown out at the windows. I was passing that way myself, and I got a drink of it.

  That night the king said to Jack, “Why is it the cows are giving so much milk these days? Are you bringing them to any other grass?” “I am not,” said Jack “but I have a good stick, and whenever they would stop still or lie down, I give them blows of it, that they jump and leap over walls and stones and ditches; that’s the way to make cows give plenty of milk.”

  And that night at the dinner, the king said, “I hear no roars at all.”

  The next morning, the king and the princess were watching at the window to see what would Jack do when he got to the field. And Jack knew they were there, and he got a stick, and began to batter the cows, that they went leaping and jumping over stones, and walls, and ditches. “There is no lie in what Jack said,” said the king then.r />
  Now there was a great serpent at that time used to come every seven years, and he had to get a king’s daughter to eat, unless she would have some good man to fight for her. And it was the princess at the place Jack was had to be given to it that time, and the king had been feeding a bully underground for seven years, and you may believe he got the best of everything, to be ready to fight it.

  And when the time came, the princess went out, and the bully with her down to the shore, and when they got there what did he do, but to tie the princess to a tree, the way the serpent would be able to swallow her easy with no delay, and he himself went and hid up in an ivy tree. And Jack knew what was going on, for the princess had told him about it, and had asked would he help her, but he said he would not. But he came out now, and he put on the suit he had taken from the first giant, and he came by the place the princess was, but she didn’t know him. “Is that right for a princess to be tied to a tree?” said Jack. “It is not, indeed,” said she, and she told him what had happened, and how the serpent was coming to take her. “If you will let me sleep for a while with my head in your lap,” said Jack, “you could wake me when it is coming.” So he did that, and she awakened him when she saw the serpent coming, and Jack got up and fought with it, and drove it back into the sea. And then he cut the rope that fastened her, and he went away. The bully came down then out of the tree, and he brought the princess to where the king was, and he said, “I got a friend of mine to come and fight the serpent today, where I was a little timorous after being so long shut up underground, but I’ll do the fighting myself tomorrow.”


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