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When You Make It Home

Page 13

by Claire Ashby

  But Theo had a different plan. His tongue circled my navel and then traveled south. I realized where he was headed, and I tensed. Against my will, my mind’s eye flooded with Bradley’s it’s-just-not-sanitary explanation for never going downtown.

  “Wait, not that.” I attempted to wiggle away, but he gripped my hips, kissing and licking the curve of my hipbone. “It’s okay, you don’t have to do that.” I squirmed beneath his strong fingers.

  “I want to,” he murmured, his voice thick and smooth. He planted one kiss after another, warm and velvety, low on my stomach. “Trust me… You’ll like this.”

  He parted my knees, and I gasped as he pinned my legs wide. He playfully bit my inner thigh, and I whimpered, arching my spine. His mouth pressed against me there, and I cried out, blind with pleasure. Steady, strong flicks, slippery strokes, rhythmically licking me, his skillful mouth devoured me; my legs shook as the throbbing ache swelled and resonated through me.

  Each thrust and pull of his tongue reached deeper, lapping over me. My hands fisted the sheets, my hips rocking into him with legs splayed. I writhed against him, against the pressure building inside me, winding me tighter. And still his tongue lashed at me, licking and licking, until I thought I’d lose my mind. My muscles clenched and flexed, and when he plunged his fingers into my tight wetness, my whole spine arched.

  “Oh, Theo…”

  Pushed over the edge, I shattered, and cried out as orgasms burst through me.

  With eyes shut, wracked with spasms, I panted, out of breath. Theo pressed kisses along the side of my face. I heard the tear of a condom wrapper, and then he was between my legs, ready.

  Theo nibbled my ear. “This is what you want.” His words were raspy in my ear. I shivered.

  I thought I couldn’t take any more. I needed a moment to catch my breath, but when he thrust into me, I sobbed, overwhelmed at the sheer pleasure of Theo, thick inside me. He pulled back and then shoved deeper, a long groan escaping his mouth. “Oh, Meg.”

  Theo hovered over me, watching me, cautiously impaling me, slow and firm. My body yielded to him. A shudder swept through me. I needed more, so much more. Hips hitching into him, I cried out. My skin hummed from the top of my head to the tips of my curled toes; tiny spasms swirled into waves of rocking liquid heat, my body quaking from the inside where Theo plunged on. I gripped his strong, broad shoulders, holding on as the sweet building pressure wound tighter and tighter, until the tension shattered me.

  Seconds later Theo’s body went rigid over me. He called out my name at his release. The sound of his voice, the emotion behind the one syllable, swept through me. He buried his face in my hair, collapsing next to me in bed.

  I held him in my arms while we lay there, catching our breath. He ran his fingers over the side of my face, brushed my hair back, placed his hand on my belly, and kissed my shoulder.

  As it turned out, playing Russian roulette with my emotions was more dangerous than I thought. I knew, with every part of me, I was deeply and irrevocably in love with Theo.

  Chapter Twelve

  Time was meaningless in Theo’s arms. Ignoring all responsibility and accountability with the rest of the world was fine, as long as I could remain limbs entangled, skin on skin with Theo.

  But my body had different plans.

  “Are you hungry?” Theo lifted his head, kissed my forehead, cradled my nape and kissed me again. My body stirred, and I kissed him back, only interrupted again by my stomach’s insistent growl.

  “I’m going to feed you.” Theo pulled away, and found his shorts.

  While he ventured off to the kitchen, I slipped into the bathroom. Snapping on the light, I was stunned by my reflection. I looked different. It wasn’t the way my body was still taut, dusted with a heated flush, or that my kiss-swollen mouth bore a startling color match to my sensually abused nipples, or that my wild hair told the tale of earth-moving sex. The change was found when I made eye contact with myself. Sure, we’d made a pact. But even so, I couldn’t deny my attachment to Theo.

  I returned to the bedroom to find Theo propped on the pillows with a pie and two spoons. He smiled as he watched me. “Chocolate pie?”

  My hunger overpowered any shyness I had about walking naked across a lit room.

  “You know how to feed a girl.” I settled in next to him, accepting the spoon he offered. “Oh, this is homemade. Did you make it?”

  “I don’t make pie. The church ladies are sending food this way now. Mom brought it by this afternoon. She says ‘Hi.’”

  “What do you think the church ladies would say if they knew you were using this as sex fuel?” I asked. Theo held the pie plate between us, and our spoons clinked together as we ate.

  “They’d be pleased I’m not eating alone.” He swiped his spoon across my nipple, leaving a trail of whipped cream that he promptly devoured. I continued to eat. I had to; I was starving. My nipple puckered at his attention, and soon enough the pie plate was tossed aside, and we played together again and again into the night.

  The sun was high when I woke up, naked and alone. My body vibrated with elation and soreness from the most inspiring sex of my life—all-encompassing joy, found in the arms of the man I loved.

  The aroma of bacon and coffee called my name. I pulled on a robe, tying it below my breasts, and made my way to the kitchen.

  Theo orchestrated the stove, an assembly of pots and pans in front of him. “Good morning,” I sang as I headed for the coffee maker to cash in on my allotted one cup a day.

  Theo grabbed my arm and tugged me to him. He clasped me in a full-body embrace. Pulling back to kiss me tenderly, his hands moved down my sides, cupping my bottom through the robe.

  He groaned and pulled back. “Good morning yourself, Sleeping Beauty.” He returned his attention to the stove and flipped the pancakes.

  “You taste good.” I poured my coffee, squeezing in every drop I could to still make it count as one cup, and then topped off his mug.

  “Ah, the princess likes bacon breath in the morning.” He beamed at me, and I moved both our plates to the table.

  We ate in silence at first. Every time I looked up, Theo’s gaze was on me. While we ate, he randomly reached under the table and squeezed my knee, or he’d slide his hand over mine, finding some way to touch me as if to make sure I was really there.

  “Hey, I love the wood you picked out.” I sprinkled salt on my eggs.

  “Yeah, Cortez will be over later. I’m ready to get at it.”

  There came a knock at the door, and Theo looked up. “That can’t be him. He’s never up this early.”

  I probably should have considered how it appeared, me lounging in my robe and slippers, late-morning dining with Theo. But when I saw Jake through the peephole I didn’t hesitate; I pulled the door open.

  “Good morning.” Jake came in and strolled across the room to Theo. I shut the door and leaned against it, considering whether I could make it to my room without Jake noticing. He wasn’t there to visit with me. But as his disapproving eyes wandered from Theo to me in my robe his expression changed.

  “What’s going on?” Theo asked him.

  “Ellie’s in the hospital—”

  “Uh-oh, what happened?” I asked.

  Jake only looked at Theo as he talked. “The baby is fine. Ellie’s blood sugar numbers went through the roof. She’s not well. They’re pumping her with insulin and fluids. She’s pushed herself too hard.” He leaned against the kitchen counter, cramming his hands in his pockets. “They’re putting her on full bed rest.”

  “Oh no,” I said.

  He turned to me. “She can’t have anything to do with work.”

  “Of course not,” I said, my brain racing. “Let me get dressed, and I’ll go to the hospital with you.”

  “No, she’s coming h
ome in a little while. I’m heading to the house to get her clothes—she was in her pajamas when we went in last night. Come over later and help me keep her spirits up. She’s worried, and that’s no good for her or the baby.”

  “Okay, I’ll get ready.”

  While I changed, I listened to the low rumble of the men talking. I couldn’t make out what was said, but I wasn’t fooled. Hushed voices passed hard judgments.

  Jake did not approve.

  “Looks like you have the golden pass from the bookstore,” I said, climbing into Ellie’s bed. Ellie huddled under the covers. With no makeup on, she looked fifteen.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll get my staff together, and we’ll figure it out.” She sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a tissue.

  I reached across the bed and took her hand. “Look, you’re going to have to forget about work for a while. I’ll handle everything. You need to rest and let this little guy grow.”

  Ellie’s lip trembled and tears slid down her face.

  “It’s going to be okay,” I promised.

  We exchanged a look as the sound of the men coming down the hall got louder and louder until Steve, flanked by Theo and Jake, entered. Steve walked to the foot of the bed while the other guys hung back at the door. “Hey, you two.” He pulled off his size twelve shoes, dropping them on the floor with two loud thunks, and wedged his way onto the bed between us. His arrival was met with a deep exhale. He flopped onto his back, arms spread wide, Ellie and I each cuddled into him on our own side. “Ah, now this is the way I really wanted to spend the day—in bed with my two favorite girls.”

  “Don’t forget whose bed you’re in,” Jake grumbled, going to the far corner and plopping down in front of the vanity. I worried his powerhouse body would demolish the tiny chair. His focus was on watching Ellie like a hawk.

  Theo looked equally uptight perched on the edge of a chaise lounge on the other side of the room. I noted the tightness around his eyes as he massaged his thigh. A muscle twitched in his jaw, but when he caught me staring, he smiled.

  “Oh, I know it’s your bed, man, but I can’t help feeling like a king sandwiched between these bountiful beauties. Remind me not to bring any of my ladies around you two. Is it the water?” he went on, making us all laugh.

  “But it’s your turn now,” Ellie told Steve. “You need that special someone.”

  Steve beamed. “I have someone special.”

  “Yeah, right,” I said. His someone special changed as often as the supermarket sales.

  “Hey, I’m not dumb enough to bring her around for your interrogation.”

  I looked over his chest at Ellie. “If Steve is calling a girl special, he’s already on the downward swing of losing interest.”

  He shot me a dirty look. “Cut me some slack. You know, you haven’t exactly mastered the whole relationship thing yourself.” He poked me in the belly, and I pushed his hand away.

  Although I knew Steve’s comments were made with a light heart, I was busted. I looked to Theo before I could stop myself, and he gave me a wink. I flushed and cut my eyes to Jake, who scowled at both Theo and me. Steve was right; I had no clue what I was getting myself into.

  “All right, the bookstore is calling my name. You say the word, and I’m back here for you, Ellie, for anything.” He kissed the top of her head. “Meg and I will cover work. Don’t sweat it.” Steve put his shoes back on and strolled to the door, turning back to Jake and Theo. “Take care of my girls, men.” He bowed and backed out of the room.

  I rolled off the bed. “Steve, wait.” I raced down the hall and caught him at the front door. “I’m glad you came. I know it matters to Ellie, and it matters to me too.”

  “No big deal. I’ve always been on your side. Why do you expect it to be different now?”

  “We have a different way of dealing with things,” I said and noticed Theo’s backpack propped against the wall next to the door. “Your way of being on my side can be stifling at times.” I reached past Steve and hauled the bag onto my shoulder.

  “What do you expect? You fall too fast, too hard, every time. What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t try to look out for you? What’s up with the way Theo’s looking at you?” Steve eyed Theo’s bag. “It’s getting serious, isn’t it?”

  Not as serious as I want it to be, I thought, but I wasn’t about to say that, so I gave Steve the short answer. “I like him.”

  Steve’s face darkened. “Don’t keep doing this. It’s time you stop getting messed up over guys who aren’t going to stick around.”

  “How do I keep someone from leaving?”

  Steve gave me a look that was too close to pity.

  “Go. It’s okay. Besides, I’m a big girl now. I can take care of myself.” The statement sounded lame, even to me.

  “Okay, then, big girl.” He pulled me to him and hugged me too hard. “I’ll be here when you need me.” I waved him off and went back to join Ellie.

  They were talking about the baby’s room when I returned. I placed Theo’s bag next to him and took my spot in bed again.

  “You have to let me do the nursery, Jake. It’s a rite of passage,” Ellie said.

  “No, you have to rest. Tell me what you want, and I’ll do it.”

  “That’s no fun,” Ellie said.

  “I can help.” They both turned to me. “I need to go to all the baby stores anyway. We’ll plan your room together. I’ll buy stuff and return what doesn’t work. Then Jake can put the room together.”

  “Are you sure?” Ellie asked.

  “Are you kidding? We’ll have a blast. It’ll be almost like you’re there with me.”

  From the corner of my eye, I noticed Theo discreetly taking his medication.

  “It might work,” Jake said, and for the first time all day, he dropped the scowl and his face relaxed.

  “Okay, I guess, as long as you don’t mind,” Ellie said.

  “I’ll help, too,” Theo said. “Why not? It’s a boy’s room and you need a man’s vision.”

  “Good point,” Jake said, warming to the idea. “Theo’s help will keep you girls in line.”

  “We’ll do your baby’s room at the same time.” Theo watched me closely. “Since we’re doing your place up anyway, might as well do the baby’s room.”

  Ellie perked up, “That’s perfect!”

  “Okay, if you really want to,” I said softly. I looked forward to any and all time with him after our night together, but shopping for a baby’s room with Theo was a big step. I wondered if what we felt in the dark still existed in the light of day. We were friends, we were preparing for my baby together, and we’d entered into a special sleeping arrangement. Could I keep my end of the no-strings-attached agreement?

  The boys finally left, and I thought Ellie and I would take a nap, but the minute they were out the door, Ellie was on me.

  “Okay, tell me everything.”

  “What are you talking about?” I was being coy, and she knew it. We were both grinning like kids about to dive into the cookie jar.

  “Spill it, girl. I heard you and Theo have a pretty cozy setup at your place. Did you have sex with him?” Her fingers curled around the edge of the comforter, and when she said “sex,” her eyes got really big. “You did!”

  “Sshhh…” I put my finger to my mouth. Ellie held her breath, waiting. I nodded yes, and we both busted out giggling.

  Life’s greatest moments were only made better by sharing them with a true friend.

  Chapter Thirteen

  My life changed considerably after the weekend I began sleeping with Theo, and Ellie was put on bed rest. Those events pulled me in two directions, accelerating the pace of my life in ways that were at times fantastic but also bewildering.

  Theo encouraged me to buy a sofa, chairs, and tab
les for the living room. The bookshelves were finished; a wall the entire length of the condo housed my library. Row after beautiful row of books lined up. When I bought a television, he bought a gaming system, and Cortez came over more often. Whenever I was around, the guys would talk about the baby. They argued over whom I should name it after if I had a boy.

  “She’s naming it after me,” Cortez said. “Right, Meg?”

  “Hmmm… Cortez Michaels. I like that.”

  “She’s not naming it after you.” Theo came up behind me, putting his hands on my belly. “It’s a girl.” He was sure of it.

  Theo went with me to my twenty-week ultrasound. He couldn’t wait to find out the gender, but the baby kept it hidden during the ultrasound. The technician told us she’d look again at my twenty-four-week checkup. Somehow, not knowing the sex of the baby made it easier for me to remain distant from the radical changes my life was about to take. I had no doubt I wanted the baby, but the thought of becoming a parent was so big, I couldn’t manage to grasp it. Secretly, I wondered if my motherly instincts were ever going to kick in.

  Sleep was bracketed by intimate moments with Theo naked in my bed. To my delight, acquiring time with him had become effortless, and I never had to beg for his touch again. Our relationship, although undefined, was the most passionate connection I’d ever had with anyone.

  But no matter how hard I held onto that happiness, I was always aware of the cracks in our alliance.

  One thing that seemed to cheer Theo up was shopping for the babies. A few days a week, he’d pick me up for lunch, and we’d go to all the baby shops and furniture stores. Theo followed me around with paint chips. He had big plans for painting the baby’s room. I learned he had once aspired to be an artist. He saw colors differently from me—where I saw yellow, he saw butter cream, cadmium, daffodil, or gold. While we shopped, I would pick out things for Ellie, and Theo would pick out things for me, but he’d always make me look away. The room was a gift in progress, he told me, and I couldn’t see it until he was finished.


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