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The Girls From Alcyone

Page 12

by Cary Caffrey

  Sigrid wondered what it would be like to fire something with that much power, but there was no opportunity to dally. It was nearly time for her appointment with the Captain. They were running a bit late so Karen hurried her along. As they ran through the corridors, heading quickly for the Captain's Mess, Sigrid noticed several of the crew giving her appraising looks as she hurried past in her short, flowing, blue dress.

  Sigrid and Karen burst through the double doors, startling the two officers already in attendance. The mess room itself was just big enough to accommodate the small dining table. First Officer, Commander Tapert and Chief Engineer Romi, were there waiting for the Captain and their new VIP guest. Sigrid felt a moment of panic when she realized that Ensign McTeer wasn't staying for dinner; she held onto her hand.

  "Don't worry—you'll be fine," Karen reassured her.

  Sigrid looked to her, worriedly.

  "We'll take good care of her, Ensign," Commander Tapert said, smiling at Sigrid. Chief Romi greeted her in turn, taking time to shake her hand.

  As friendly as they appeared, Sigrid still felt them eyeing her, as if she were a curiosity. She remained aloof, feeling very self-conscious.

  "I'll check in on you later." Karen gave her a kiss on the cheek, patted her on the shoulder and departed as the doors opened to admit the captain and Shinji Kimura.

  Captain Maalouf smiled warmly and greeted Sigrid, extending his hand. The captain was a short man of dark complexion, with what Sigrid found to be a charming and pleasant demeanor.

  He invited Sigrid to take the seat next to him, with Kimura on the right. "Ms. Novak—it's an honor and a pleasure to finally meet you. You've become quite the curiosity on board."

  "Me, sir?"

  "Oh, yes. We've all heard about your lineage and training—well, at least what isn't classified, which isn't very much." The captain looked from Sigrid to Shinji Kimura. "From the little I've heard, you must be commended, Mr. Kimura. The program sounds most impressive."

  "I'm afraid I can't take any credit for that, Captain. The Academy is strictly my mother's domain."

  The captain turned back to her. "Do you mind if I inquire as to your specialization?"

  Sigrid raised her eyebrows. Murder? Espionage? She wasn't quite sure what she was permitted to say.

  Shinji Kimura answered for her. "Ms. Novak is trained as a highly versatile operative, Captain. In fact, I'd be surprised if she couldn't assume any post on your ship."

  "Is that so?" the Captain remarked, studying Sigrid with even more interest; Sigrid felt herself shrink lower in her chair. "Then we're lucky to have you aboard, Ms. Novak."

  The Mess Attendant came in, filling water glasses, offering wine and other spirits. Sigrid was relieved to see their attention shift away from her.

  "Red or white, miss?" the attendant asked her.

  Sigrid had no idea, having never tasted wine, so she simply nodded. "Yes, please."

  Watching her closely, the Captain chuckled as he signaled the steward to bring forth their meals.

  The selection of entrees turned out to be impressive; a far cry from the simple fare Sigrid was used to at the Academy. There were roasted meats, whole fish, trays of exotic vegetables and fruits. Sigrid stared at the plate that was presented to her—she was far too distraught to eat, her stomach still twisted in a tight knot.

  Captain Maalouf noticed her pushing the roasted zucchini across her plate. "Is it not to your liking, Ms. Novak? Can we bring you something else?"

  Sigrid flushed as she noticed the other men looking at her. "No—no. It smells wonderful. It's just…" She couldn't tell them…couldn't tell the captain. "I think I'm having trouble adjusting—to the gravity." It was a lie; one the captain easily recognized, but he nodded.

  "Your first mission," he grunted. "I understand. It's been a while, but I do remember what it was like—fresh out of the Academy. Don't worry. You'll make the adjustment."

  Sigrid nodded politely and returned to her food. A nibble at a carrot was about all she could manage, but she put on a brave face. It was easy to sit in silence, listening as the officers discussed the itinerary of the journey. It would take 6.7 days at maximum acceleration to reach the Warp Relay that lay just outside the boundary of the solar system. Sigrid noted the grumbling of the officers as they discussed the surcharges and fees charged by Daedalus Corporation—the company that controlled the network of Warp Relays that allowed travel between the different systems in the Federation.

  The captain told them there was no other traffic scheduled in or out of the system, yet he remained cautious. They would be at their most vulnerable during this portion of the voyage. As they closed on the Relay, they also ranged further from Alcyone and any help that they might get from ships stationed there. Skirmishes with Independents were becoming alarmingly frequent, and Daedalus was not famous for warning of incoming traffic changes or of ships traveling through their system of relays.

  Shinji tilted his head at these revelations. "So you don't trust Daedalus?"

  Captain Maalouf chewed his last forkful of steak and swallowed before answering. "I trust no one—least of all Daedalus. They maintain their neutrality, but that doesn't mean they'll do us any favors by announcing changes to the relay traffic. They never do. But with all the trouble with the Independents, we'll maintain alert status until we reach Aquarii."

  "I'm surprised, Captain. I didn't think the Independents had anything that could threaten a ship like this."

  "A few years ago, perhaps, but recently…well, someone's been selling to them."

  "Independents, sir?" Sigrid asked. "Who are they?"

  The captain smiled. "Nothing to worry about, my dear."

  "They're not really anyone," Shinji explained. "They're mostly companies that have separated themselves from the Federated Corporations. Some have even gone so far as to attempt to form governments on the planets they control. Of course, they've all been abysmal failures. Captain Maalouf is correct—they're of no concern."

  "Still, the Council will have its hands full, what with all the secessions. Almost makes me miss the old days when the CTF could actually maintain order. Nothing but a toothless tiger now."

  Sigrid knew from her schooling that the Council for Trade and Finance was responsible for maintaining order in the Federation, but it had never been disclosed that they lacked the ability to maintain control. If that were the case then she'd need to update her database.

  "Who controls the Federation now, sir?"

  They all stopped eating and regarded her with amusement. Captain Maalouf laughed out loud. Sigrid flushed at her apparent gaffe. "An excellent question, my dear. The Council maintains—well, claims—authority, but the Federation has grown…too many planets, too fast."

  "My mother, the Lady Hitomi, calls it a Market Correction," Shinji said with a snicker.

  "With so much more territory, so much trade," the captain continued, "and so many more companies working the systems, the Council hires companies like ours to plug the gaps in their patrols. But those gaps are growing."

  "The attack on the Academy, for instance," Shinji offered. "That would have been unheard of just a few years ago."

  "In the past, no mercenary company would take a contract against another. Guild law forbade it, and for obvious reasons. The results would be chaotic—not to mention the tariffs and fines. But greed, it seems, often wins out against logic. The CTF is stretched thin, the Mercenary Guild fractured. We used to pass by ships from other companies without a care in the world. Now, skirmishes are commonplace occurrences. I'm quite positive you and your girls from the Academy will have all the work you can handle."

  * * *

  After dinner, Sigrid was escorted to her quarters. She didn't know what to do with herself. She unfastened the dress and unpacked the rest of her things, trying to get herself set up, but the more she tried to make the modest quarters comfortable the more the room felt oppressive and stifling. She sat on the bed and hugged her pillow, trying to quell the
pangs of loneliness that twisted at the knot in her stomach, but the pain only got worse. If only Suko were there. If only she could be with her just a little longer…

  Sigrid groaned. It hadn't even been a day; how would she survive a week?


  Sigrid stood up abruptly and zipped the dress back up, fastening it behind her neck. She couldn't confine herself to quarters—she'd go mad! She checked the door, half-expecting it to be locked, but it slid open for her. Sigrid stiffened, startled at the sight of the crewman standing guard outside her door.

  "Ma'am," he said with a nod.

  "Am I allowed…out?"

  "Of course, ma'am."

  That was a surprise. She'd expected him to send her back inside; instead, he accompanied her as she started off down the corridor. Guard or escort? She still wasn't sure.

  Sigrid had no idea where she was going; she only knew she had to go somewhere—do something. The tiny observation lounge provided a moment of distraction, but she needed something more—something more physical. She found just the thing when she reached the small gym. Though late in the evening, the ship ran twenty-four-seven and the gym was crowded with crewmen and officers exercising.

  As Sigrid walked into the locker room to change, she caught sight of Ensign Karen McTeer dressed in a towel and heading toward the showers.

  "Oh, hello, Sigrid. How was dinner?"


  Karen caught her frown. "I hope they weren't too cruel."

  "Cruel? Oh—no! They were fine. I just…well, there's a lot I don't understand, I suppose."

  "Well, that's what I'm here for. Are you on your way in or out?" she asked, pointing back to the gym.

  "In—I thought I could use a workout."

  Karen's eyes widened; Sigrid was, by far, the fittest person she'd ever seen.

  "I just need to work off some steam," Sigrid explained.

  "Well, I'm just on my way to the mess to meet some friends. We'd love to have you—if you like—if you're not busy, that is…"

  Sigrid considered the offer; she really didn't want to be alone at the moment, and Karen was so friendly… "Yes, that would be lovely, thank you."

  Karen's face lit up; she squeezed Sigrid's arm. "Perfect. Hang on, I'll be right out."

  Sigrid watched Karen retreat to the showers. After a few minutes, a fresh-looking Karen returned and led her quickly to the mess.

  Karen's companions were already there with a table waiting. Karen introduced the young man as Lieutenant Christian Lopez. He rose and took Sigrid's hand in greeting; his easy smile was warm and friendly, despite his slightly rough look. He towered above Sigrid; his large hand made her own seem small as a child's. The other girl was introduced as Ensign Melissa Greenway. Unlike Karen and Lieutenant Lopez, Melissa greeted Sigrid with evident apprehension.

  Karen elbowed her in the side. "Melissa…"

  Ensign Greenway blushed. "Sorry."

  "She's clearly been listening to the latest batch of rumors," Karen explained.

  Christian gave her a wink. "The way people are talking about you, they'll expect you to be eight feet tall."

  Sigrid was shocked. "Me! What did I do?"

  Karen gave her a sympathetic look. "They're all just a little…curious. It's nothing."

  "Well, you have to understand," Christian explained, "we were taken off assignment to come ferry you to Aquarii—that's a lot of ship for one little girl—sorry…young lady. And then we hear about the Academy. That gets people talking."

  "I've already told them not to ask you anything," Karen said, patting her hand and glaring a warning at her two friends.

  Christian grinned. "Of course, that just means we get to keep making up our own versions. Don't worry. In mine, you breathe fire."

  "Christian…really!" Karen chided, swatting him on the shoulder. But it was all rather lighthearted and Sigrid felt her mood lifting as she followed the easy banter they all shared.

  "Who wants a drink?" Christian asked. "I could use a drink."

  "Ooh—me!" Karen said. "I want something tall—with an umbrella."

  "One girly-drink, comin' up. Sigrid?"

  "Water's fine, thanks," Sigrid said.

  "Water? Nah-uh. I'll get you something good."

  "I'll take a lemonade," Melissa said.

  "Hard," Christian said, with a leer; Melissa rolled her eyes.

  "Ladies…" Christian bowed respectfully before heading off to the dispenser to fetch their drinks.

  He was back in a flash, with something tall and orange for Karen—with an umbrella—a vodka and lemonade for Melissa and two tall pints of something dark and foamy for himself and Sigrid.

  "Cheers," he said, raising his glass.

  "Cheers," Karen said, mimicking him. Sigrid joined them and they all clinked their glasses together.

  Sigrid had never had beer before; the dark liquid teemed with delicious-looking bubbles that wriggled down from the creamy head of foam. Despite its deep, dark color, Sigrid found the taste light and smooth. She quaffed the pint of ale back like a seasoned veteran.

  She felt a tingling sensation in her extremities as the alcohol worked its way into her bloodstream. Her head felt light. The bubbles reacted in her stomach, causing her to burp loudly. Karen laughed. But within moments, the nano-swarms in her system surged forward, working to process the alcohol. The tingling quickly abated.

  Christian looked at her expectantly. "Well?"

  Sigrid considered the beverage. It was like nothing she'd ever had before. It was flavorful and very refreshing. She smacked her lips, still experiencing the taste. "Good!" Sigrid said, giving a thumbs up.

  "A girl after my own heart." Christian raised his glass to her and took a large mouthful.

  Sigrid offered to get the next round. As she waited in line for the dispenser a man standing behind her bumped into her. She didn't think much of it, but then he bumped into her again, harder this time. She turned to see what was going on and saw a young crewman leering down at her.

  "You're new," he said.

  Sigrid looked him up and down, warily. "Yes—I just came on board at Alcyone." She turned away—it was her turn at the dispenser.

  "You're her! You're one of those girls."

  "I suppose." Sigrid could tell that he was already drunk, and so were his companions. The three of them stood snickering behind her. She heard one of them make a comment about her rear—it didn't make her feel flattered at all. She flushed red. As she placed two more pints of ale on her tray, he bumped her again, making her spill both glasses.

  "Whoops!" he said, barking out a drunken laugh.

  Sigrid retrieved the toppled glasses and gathered some towels to clean up the mess.

  "Lemme help." He leaned over her, pushing her up against the dispenser, then put his hand over her own as she tried to mop up the spill. "Well, aren't you a little one."

  Sigrid wasn't sure what the regulations were concerning her aboard the ship, but she knew a bully when she saw one and she'd just about had her fill of him. Sigrid pushed him back—not hard enough to hurt him, though sufficient to make it clear he'd overstepped.

  "Easy…!" he said, holding his hands up. "I was just trying to help."

  Christian, who'd been watching the altercation grow, had seen quite enough. He hastened over and lodged himself between Sigrid and the crewman, placing a warning hand on the man's shoulder. "I think you've had enough, crewman. Why don't you boys go sleep it off."

  The crewman swatted Christian's hand away and stepped closer to the Lieutenant. "I'm off duty."

  "You're also out of line."


  Christian didn't see the sucker-punch coming, but Sigrid did—her hand moved up so fast it shocked both men. They stared as Sigrid held the crewman's fist in her own hand, centimeters in front of Christian's face. The startled crewman tried to pull his hand away, but it might as well have been locked in a steel vice. Sigrid tightened her grip and twisted and watched the man sink to his knees,
his face contorted with a mixture of shock and pain. They all heard the sharp crack as she broke his arm at the wrist. He howled in pain.

  Sigrid glared down at him. "I've had a very long day."

  "You broke my fucking arm!"

  Sigrid calmly turned back to the dispenser, refilled the pint glasses and got two more drinks for Karen and Melissa. Behind her, two crewman quietly set about hauling the injured man off to the Medical Ward. Sigrid was given a wide berth as she made her way back to the table.

  "Well," she said, handing out the drinks. "Where were we?"

  Karen tried her best to stifle a laugh. "Oh my God!"

  Christian returned to join them. He took a long pull from his pint, before looking seriously at the three girls. "I could've taken him, you know."

  Karen and Melissa erupted into laughter and raised their glasses to Sigrid.

  Melissa frowned. "Do you think he'll press charges?"

  "Charges!" Christian cried, losing some ale in the process. "I put him on report."

  "Good for you," Karen said.

  Despite the near fisticuffs, Sigrid enjoyed the rest of her evening immensely. The camaraderie went a long way toward easing some of the loneliness she felt, but she still couldn't sleep that night. She spent most of it tossing and turning, uncertain of her future, uncertain about herself, and missing Suko terribly.

  * * *

  March 1, 2348

  They were almost at the Warp Relay when Sigrid heard the call come through her comlink. Karen was waiting for her in the forward observation lounge so Sigrid joined her there. It took several minutes to find her because most of the off-duty crew had gathered there and were crammed into the small lounge near the forward viewport.

  "I thought you might like to see this before we drop," Karen said, gesturing to the wide window in front of her.


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