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The Price of Seduction

Page 5

by Nina Blake

  Two worlds met here – the outback and the tropics.

  They’d stopped talking and the familiar hum of the car engine had ceased. It was so quiet, so far from everything.

  Suddenly she was struck by the isolation into which she’d entered. They weren’t far from the Il Bosco Residence but it was a two hour trip by four wheel drive to Kim’s Creek, the nearest town, and they were over four thousand kilometres from Sydney.

  She’d travelled around the world and been to many countries across Europe but had never before felt this sense of isolation. Everything she knew was far, far away.

  Conrad stretched his arm out to her. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and took his hand, then strode silently ahead, leading the way along the dirt path to the springs. She could hear Conrad’s footsteps behind her. She had the sense that they were very much alone, far from the safety of everything she knew and all the things that made up her world.

  They were in a place where anything could happen. If she let it.

  After weaving their way along a path, they stepped over two small wooden bridges that took them them over trickling creeks.

  Passing through a canopy of trees, Bree stopped in awe to look at Zebra Springs and the multitude of little pools at the foot of the gentle waterfall in front of her. Spring waters cascaded over large sandstone rocks. A rich pocket of tropical vegetation surrounded them, dappled light filtering down over the rocks and the water.

  Warmth rose from the heated waters of the spring to meet the humid tropical air. It was spectacular scenery but it wasn’t there just to be seen and admired. It was a beauty you could feel deep inside. Suddenly she understood Conrad’s fascination with this part of the country, not because he’d explained it to her but because she felt it now too.

  Conrad’s breath on the nape of her neck brought her back to the present, sending a delicate frisson up her spine. She’d been so lost in her surroundings, she’d almost forgotten he was there but, then, he had a way of reminding her.

  His hand pressed against the small of her back, he ushered her ahead. “Keep going.”

  Did he have any idea of the effect he had on her? Of course he did. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  Stepping across the rocks and carefully over the wet paths surrounding the spring, Bree explored the area more closely.

  She crouched down and slipped her fingertips into one of the pools. “It’s warm.”

  “Of course.”

  She turned towards Conrad, stunned to see him stripping in front of her. He’d ripped off his shirt, kicked off his shoes and stood bare chested in only a pair of long khaki shorts. Although she’d taken a good long look at him last night when he’d taken his midnight swim, his body looked even more enticing close up.

  The terrain of his torso could compete with that of the surrounding landscape in terms of ruggedness. Muscles covered his shoulders, his chest was strong and broad and his abdominals rippled with the slightest movement. The smattering of dark hair on his tanned chest only made her stare at him harder. He was certainly an impressive specimen of manhood.

  Bree’s mouth had fallen open so she closed it as she stood. “What do you think you’re doing?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Going for a swim. What are you doing?”

  “I-I’m not doing anything.”

  His lips curled to a sly smile. “Didn’t you get enough of a look last night?”

  She turned away. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Yes, you do.” His voice was slick with confidence. “I didn’t think there’d be anything here to surprise you, given the good look you had last night.”

  “What was I supposed to do?” she shot back nervously. “ I was going for a walk and I heard a noise outside and then there you were.”

  He tilted his head closer and whispered to her, his breath hot on her neck. “Is that why you hid behind a pot plant?”

  She lowered her eyelids, unable to lie convincingly. “I wasn’t hiding. I was just resting.”

  Conrad laughed. “Surely you can do better than that?”

  “Okay, I was hiding but I didn’t know what else to do. I could hardly continue my walk with you hanging around the pool naked.”

  “Did you think I’d mind?”

  “I thought you’d planned a solitary swim. I didn’t think you’d want company.”

  “And did you like what you saw?”

  She’d liked it very much. The vision of his naked body had kept coming back to her all night as she’d tossed and turned in bed. She’d been tormented by images of the muscles of his torso rippling, of his tight butt clenching as he dived in the water, not to mention dreams of his muscular arms wrapping themselves around her.

  But she wasn’t going to tell him any of that.

  “You can’t just strip off here,” she said. “Or are you wearing a bathing suit underneath? You didn’t say anything about bringing bathers this afternoon.”

  He shrugged. “No bathing suit. But I did ask you to bring a bikini.”

  “You did no such thing.”

  “I did, back in Sydney, but you insisted you didn’t own a bikini so I didn’t think there was any point reminding you.”

  “Of course I brought my bathers but they’re back at my room.” She watched with awe as Conrad flicked open the button on his shorts and unzipped them. “You can’t do that. We’re supposed to be conducting a business relationship.”

  She wasn’t sure her argument was convincing but she had to make sure he kept at least some of his clothes on. She felt like a silly schoolgirl arguing with him like this. She’d seen naked men before and had seen him nude last night but she knew all too well what would happen if she didn’t take care of herself. She couldn’t let that happen. Not yet.

  Conrad laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Okay then, I’ll leave my boxers on. Will that make you happy?”


  Conrad laughed.

  “No, not happy,” she said. “That’s not what I meant. I’m not happy you’re in your underwear. You’ve got this all wrong.”

  Conrad peeled his shorts off and tossed them behind him, revealing muscular legs and hips encased in a pair of brushed cotton navy boxers.

  “Bree, you’ve really got to learn to relax a bit more. This might be business but it’s a holiday too and you should make the most of it.”

  “I’m already relaxed,” she said but he wasn’t paying attention.

  Stepping across some rocks, he slipped into the shallow water, clearly enjoying the sensation of warm water engulfing his body. Dappled light danced across his muscular torso as he lowered himself into the spring water. Bree looked longingly at both the warm water and the man before her.

  Kicking off her sneakers, she stepped down onto some rocks, resting her bottom on a large dry rock while her feet dangled down. Warm water ran across her feet and ankles as she moved her legs though the tepid warmth.

  She looked across at Conrad. “It feels like a warm bath.”

  His lips curled to a teasing smile. “How can you tell with only your feet in the water?”

  She stared at the glimmering pool. “The water is lovely.”

  “You’ll be missing out if you don’t come in.”

  He was right. What the heck, she shot up off the rock and turned to take her clothes off. Why should she miss out on a chance like this just because she didn’t have bathers?

  Unzipping her denim shorts, she tried to recall what kind of underwear she’d put on that morning. It came to her. Her turquoise knickers were quite demure and she wore a matching tee shirt bra so she’d be well covered. She pulled off her shorts and top confidently.

  Turning to face the pool and Conrad, she saw he was looking at her, a knowing smile across his face, his expression resting part way between admiration and amusement.

  “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” His voice oozed with confidence.

  She stepped over two rocks into the water, settling h
erself beside some rocks over which the water tumbled like a mini waterfall. She relaxed back, allowing the temperate water to engulf her, enjoying the sensation of the liquid warmth cascading over her body. It felt sensual, natural, as though this was meant to be.

  Sitting up a little, she arched her neck slightly towards the sun filtering through the trees. Sunlight landed on her and she tilted her head back to enjoy the warmth of the sun on her chest. Warmed from the sun above and the water around her, she felt at one with her surroundings.

  Then she heard a loud swish of water and looked across to see Conrad walking over the rocks near her, exploring the area.

  He shot her a quick smile. “I knew you’d enjoy it.”

  There was so much here to enjoy. His wet boxers clung to him, outlining the distinctive bulge at the front. He continued over the rocks and she turned her head to watch that backside she’d taken such a good long look at only the night before.

  If his underwear was clinging so revealingly to his body, she wondered what her own apparel was like now it was wet. Looking down, she saw her boy leg panties weren’t transparent but her bra was a different matter. She’d thought the deep aqua fabric was opaque but instead the material clung to every curve and had become pale, clearly outlining her nipples.

  She had to get out of the water and back into her clothes. Conrad may have taken a good look at her breasts last night but she couldn’t allow a repeat of that situation. Especially not after what he’d said to her.

  Standing up, she waded through the water and over the rocks. She made her way to the spot where she’d left her clothes, only to find Conrad was already there. His body was wet, water glistening on the smooth muscled surface of his skin, his boxers still clinging to his hips.

  And his eyes were riveted to her.

  She felt him devour her with his gaze, his eyes on her breasts, her legs, her waist. Suddenly warmed from the inside out, Bree felt a current of electricity shoot through her.

  There was just the two of them in this remote, exotic location and she’d never felt so isolated, so far from everything she knew.

  Conrad’s lips parted and there was hunger in his eyes. Slowly, like a panther prowling through the jungle, he inched closer to her and slid his hands over the bare flesh of her waist. He pulled her closer, slamming her body against his.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pressed his mouth against hers.

  His kiss rocketed through her like an explosion, his tongue sliding and rolling against hers as he devoured her mouth. It felt like their worlds had collided and this was their only chance.

  There was no decorum, no restraint, no rules. This kiss was a feverish outburst. Their passion had been detonated and neither of them would let go of the other until they’d had their fill.

  Her breasts were crushed against the wall of his chest, her body sliding over his, her nipples erect. Hot sexual desire burned through her body. She felt his erection pressing against her, his pleasure undeniable, and she slid herself against him. She pulled him closer. She wanted more.

  This wasn’t a kiss. It was a full on assault, an army invading, a bomb exploding.

  She couldn’t breathe. Suddenly she was gasping for air and had to push him away to suck in some air and revive herself.

  What was she doing? How could she have forgotten that only last night Conrad made her feel like she was an object waiting to be purchased?

  She wouldn’t be so easily manipulated. She wasn’t some trinket that had taken his fancy.

  Bree wanted him and she would have him, but not on his terms. She’d never let him think he’d paid the price and bought her like the other things in his life.

  It was a fine line. Just because she wasn’t for sale didn’t mean she wasn’t in the market for a bit of fun.

  Hot wild sex, a fling, a short shallow relationship. He was rich and handsome and had the body from hell. Why wouldn’t she want him?

  Conrad certainly knew the game. He wasn’t suggesting commitment in any way, shape or form so as long as she didn’t read any more into it than it really was, what could go wrong?

  All she had to do was keep it simple and stick to sex.

  On her terms. When she was ready. Not when he was prepared to make his purchase.

  Bree bent over and quickly pulled on her shorts over her wet underwear.

  “What are you doing?” Conrad exclaimed. “We don’t have to go yet.”

  “Yes we do.”

  He slipped his hand over the bare skin of her waist. “Don’t try to tell me you didn’t enjoy that as much as I did. If you tell me you’re not interested, I won’t believe you.”

  “Not here, Conrad.”

  “We’re alone. We’re both adults.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “So you’re ready to make your purchase now? Some things can’t be bought.”

  He shifted his hand to cup her arm under the elbow. “You misunderstand me.”

  Bree pulled her arm back. “No, you’re the one who misunderstands. I said ‘not here’ and I meant it. You can’t have everything your own way, no matter how much money you’ve got.”

  “So is this about money?”

  “You said we’re both adults. Adults are supposed to be patient.”

  He slid his fingers under her chin and tilted her head up. “Where’s your impulsive side?”

  She smiled knowingly and reached up to plant a sedate kiss on his lips. “That’s about as impulsive as I get.”

  Pulling her tee shirt on over her head, she watched as Conrad acquiesced and bent over to pick up his shorts.

  With that demure kiss, she communicated more than the words she had spoken. She’d told him she was still playing with him.

  And she hadn’t finished yet.

  * * *

  Conrad pulled the vehicle into the gravel drive outside The Residence and Bree tumbled out of the Landcruiser.

  Looking down at her clothing, she suddenly realised what a mess she must appear. Her sneakers were covered in red dust and streaks of mud. Perhaps white hadn’t been such a wise choice for Il Bosco. Her shorts and tee shirt were both crumpled although she was grateful the damp patches had largely dried in the heat.

  She quickly ran her fingers through her hair in a pathetic effort to tidy it.

  “I don’t look too terrible, do I?” She looked pleadingly at Conrad, hoping he’d lie to make her feel better.

  “You look shocking,” he teased. “You look like you’ve been swimming in sea weed and your hair looks like a Medusa.”

  “I don’t look that bad, do I?” She nodded towards The Residence. “I don’t want to walk in there looking a sight.”

  “You look lovely. There’s nothing to worry about. Anyway it’s not like we know any of the other guests.”

  He took her hand and she was pleased she’d made sure to chat with Conrad so amiably in the car. She’d said her piece at Zebra Springs and didn’t want any hard feelings between them.

  His hand in the small of her back, he ushered her up the steps ahead of him. It was just a little gesture on his part but it made her feel petite and feminine as though he was taking care of her.

  Glancing back, she shot him a quick smile. She could get used to this.

  “Let’s barge ahead,” Conrad said, pulling the main door open. “Or you can jump behind the nearest pot plant if you’re spotted.”

  Bree was giggling as she stumbled through the door ahead of Conrad. For those brief moments, she didn’t care if her clothes were crumpled and her hair was a mess.

  She heard Conrad’s voice but as she looked ahead, the deep masculine voice behind her became nothing more than a drone and the words didn’t make sense any more.

  Bree stopped in her tracks.

  Relaxing back on the comfortable floral sofas in the lounge area was Bree’s ex-boyfriend Trevor Daniels. He had a gin and tonic in one hand, his other arm around his fiancée.

  He was the last person she wanted to see.

  Here or anywhe
re else.

  Chapter five

  “Are they friends of yours?” Conrad asked over her shoulder.

  “Not exactly,” she said under her breath.

  “Bree, darling.” Trevor Daniels’s voice was crisp and confident from across the room. “Aren’t you going to introduce us?”

  Her stomach twisted into a knot, her throat constricting.

  This was a long way from Sydney. She didn’t know what he was doing here, only that this wasn’t going to be good.

  “Did you know he’d be here?” Conrad whispered quietly.

  “No,” Bree replied, realising from his question that he must know Trevor.

  She was aware Trevor was the legal adviser for the rival firm tendering for Il Bosco but Conrad had given her the impression the purchase was his, even though there were a few formalities still to be taken care of. It made sense to her that a man like Conrad would have detailed information on the competition. It was all part of business.

  She also knew from the tone of Conrad’s voice that he was no more pleased to see Trevor than she was.

  Presumably Conrad also knew she’d been in a relationship with Trevor, especially since he seemed to think she had insider knowledge of the man’s movements.

  Seeing Trevor here with his vibrant young fiancée only reminded Bree how small and inadequate he’d made her feel when he’d broken it off with her.

  She was good enough for Trevor to have sex with, to accommodate his needs for two years, to bide his time with – yes, she was adequate for all of those things – but not good enough for marriage.

  Trevor pulled his fiancée closer to him, a smug smile smeared across his face as he sipped his gin and tonic.

  “Bree, you look like you need a good stiff drink,” he said.

  She needed more than that. “No, thank you.”

  “Darling, come and meet my fiancée, Shannon Graham.” He turned and nuzzled closer to her. “Or perhaps I should just introduce you as Shannon Daniels so she doesn’t get confused. It’d save time in the long run.”

  His girlfriend giggled. Bree didn’t.


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