Book Read Free

Marrying Mallory

Page 3

by Diane Craver

  “Maybe I should have a boob job.” Heather looked down at her chest. “I’m so flat.”

  “You aren’t flat. You don’t need to change anything.” She squeezed Heather’s arm. “And breast implants pose some risks that can lead to complications.”

  “Okay, Doctor.”

  Mallory rolled her eyes. “Well, just because you’re a nurse doesn’t mean you know everything.”

  Heather grinned. “Nurses know more than doctors.”

  “I hope Friday comes fast and not just because of my appointment. I need to talk to Toby.” She’d asked her mom to watch Josh while she went to her appointment. Her mom could entertain Josh until Toby came to pick him up for the weekend. If possible, she’d tried to get home in time to catch Toby before he left with Josh. She needed to find out what was going on.

  And it better not involve Samantha. She didn’t want to hear about her ex’s girlfriend. Especially when she had no one special in her life.

  Chapter Three

  Dr. Seth Whitman’s office was located in Toledo so Mallory left on Friday as soon as the school buses left the parking lot. She threw her briefcase on the seat and before getting into her Honda, she waved to her mom and Josh. Her mom’s hair shone bright blonde in the sunlight. I can’t get used to my fifty-three-year-old Mom being a blonde. Her mom had done what a lot of women do when they start getting a lot of gray hair; she switched her natural hair color of brown to blonde. When I get to be that age, I can’t imagine becoming a blonde. I’ll either just go gray or color my hair its natural brown color.

  She was grateful to her mom for leaving work early and getting Josh at school, so she could leave before rush hour traffic. According to Map Quest, she should allow forty minutes to get to the doctor’s.

  Thirty-five minutes later, she saw the sign with Dr. Whitman’s name on it in front of an impressive building with four colossal white columns. As Mallory pulled in a vacant spot between a Mercedes-Benz car and a Honda Pilot SUV, she felt maybe it was a mistake seeing a plastic surgeon. Here she was parking her dented Honda with 225,000 miles on it next to costly vehicles. Obviously, she should get a new car instead of a brand new nose. A couple of weeks ago, Toby went with them to Josh’s game and when he’d rolled down the window, the handle had fallen off in his hand.

  He’d said, “Mallory, you need to get a better car. It won’t hurt you to make car payments for once.”

  With a quick door slam, she decided to concentrate on the reason she had to spend lots of money on plastic surgery. She could drive her clunker for another year. Getting a new nose would be worth the exorbitant price.

  A fireplace was in the two-story luxurious entry room. Elegant chairs, lamps, and two white loveseats furnished the room. As she filled out her medical form, she glanced at the walls. She squinted her eyes and saw a framed article with the headline Top Doctor in Rhinoplasty Surgery. She leaned closer and read,

  Due to his ability to sculpt a ‘Natural Look’, Doctor Seth Whitman is the number one choice among both physicians and patients in northern Ohio.

  She smiled. Nothing like tooting your own credentials but reassuring to see a recent newspaper article telling how Whitman was the best in his field.

  A blonde opened a door and glanced at her. “Mallory Harrington,” she said.

  Mallory stood, noticing the woman’s perfect features. Had the doctor made his nurse look like a Barbie doll at her request, or had she been born beautiful? Mallory said hello before following her to the consultation room.

  Once both were seated on comfortable chairs, the woman smiled. “I’m Dena. I’m Dr. Whitman’s assistant.”

  Did Dr. Whitman hire his staff according to their appearances or their skill? She wondered because the receptionist and Dena both had small noses. Okay, maybe she was being ridiculous, but she couldn’t help being self-conscious about her big nose when it seemed many females had cute diminutive noses.

  After Dena looked over her medical form, she left to get the doctor. Mallory took a folder out of her briefcase. She might as well start grading the seventh grade book reports. From past experience with Josh’s and her medical appointments, she knew it could be a long wait before the doctor came. It was good to be prepared to do schoolwork. Or she spent time reading to Josh. Toby seldom had time to take Josh to any appointments, but it wasn’t so bad now that he was older and didn’t need all those baby shots.

  At the sound of a knock on the closed door, she slid the papers back into the report folder and said, “Come in.”

  The door opened and a tall man in his thirties walked in. He extended his hand to her. “Hi, I’m Dr. Whitman.”

  She clasped his hand and liked his firm shake. “I didn’t expect you so soon. I was grading papers.”

  He grinned. “I can leave and come back later.”

  She stared at his black hair, broad shoulders and perfect smile for a moment. She wondered if his nice straight teeth were the result of wearing braces. “Sorry. I meant it as a compliment. I’m used to waiting forever in the examining room at other doctors’ offices.”

  “I try to be punctual. I know the patient’s time is available. What do you teach?”

  “Junior high English.” Why did Dr. Whitman have to be even hotter in person? She bet he got more women wanting plastic surgical procedures because of his looks.

  “I wish I had an English teacher who looked like you in junior high.”

  She laughed, surprised that he was flirting with her. “Do you usually flatter prospective patients? Is this your way of making a nervous woman feel more comfortable before hitting her with the cost?”

  His blue eyes looked amused. “Dena, we have a smart one here. She figured out my technique.”

  Dena muttered, “I’m not sure what’s going on here, but if you want, I can leave early.”

  “Of course not. Thanks for getting me back on track.” He patted Dena’s shoulder. “I thought there was a reason I kept you around.” He turned back to Mallory. “I heard you want a nose job.”

  “You heard right.” Even though he’d flirted with her, she bet Dr. Whitman wouldn’t try to talk her out of having her nose fixed.

  “I’ll tell you about the procedure but I’m guessing since you’re a teacher, you’ve already researched it thoroughly.”

  Mallory nodded. “I did go to your website and read how you create a natural nose that fits the individual’s face. How long does it take for you to do this type of surgery?”

  “Typically, rhinoplasty surgery takes one to two hours. Some surgeons make incisions on the outside or the underside of the nose. I prefer to use incisions inside the nose which are hidden. I don’t pack the nose like some doctors. I use a special suture to sew the lining back in place instead of using packing to hold the lining in place. I think this is better for the patient.”

  “No packing sounds great.”

  He walked to a desk and picked up a digital camera. “I want to photograph you. I use computer imaging so I can show you a reasonable outcome of the procedure you want. Also you can show me what you like and dislike. I want us to be on the same page about what I think will be in your best interest and for you to have a realistic image of what to expect.”

  “Not all plastic surgeons use the computer imaging,” said Dena. “It helps the patient see what can and can’t be done surgically.”

  Dr. Whitman nodded. “Once the bandages are removed, it’s too late to discuss expectations.”

  Dena glanced at her watch. “If you don’t need me, I’m going to do some paperwork.”

  “That’s fine, Dena. Thanks.” Dr. Whitman pointed to a spot in the middle of the room and said, “If you could just stand here, I’ll get the simulated imaging done to show you what to expect after surgery. It might not be exactly what it will look like but close.”

  While standing for her photos, she said, “I read on your website that it depends on the patient’s skin. The result is more dramatic if the skin is thinner. I’m hoping my skin’s thin.�

  He smiled. “You’re right. Are you trying to get a job here?”

  “Hey, that’s an idea. I could work here part-time so I can afford this surgery.” She shrugged. “I realize you aren’t serious and it’d be hard for me to drive here. My son’s only five years old.”

  Dr. Whitman gave her a concerned look. “You’ll have to make sure you don’t do any heavy lifting and bending for ten days. That might be hard with an active little boy.”

  “His grandparents are taking him for two weeks in June, so I’m hoping to schedule it after school.”

  “You can take your seat again. We’ll take a look at the images in a moment.”

  While he was working on the computer software, she said, “I’m in a wedding—”

  He looked up from the monitor on the computer software, and interrupted her, “Not your wedding, I hope.”

  Why would he ask that? Maybe he was thinking she shouldn’t have surgery too close to her own wedding. “It’s not mine. My friend’s getting married in August and I’m her matron of honor. She’s worried that I won’t be presentable. I told her I’m sure the swelling will be gone by then if I have the surgery in June.” She laughed. “You know how some brides are. I told her I’d be sure to ask you.”

  “Swelling improves anywhere from one to six weeks following closed rhinoplasty. You can minimize this time by sleeping with your head elevated for several nights after nose surgery.”

  “Good. I’ll tell Elizabeth. That’s my friend. Another friend Heather has been engaged twice but both times broke it off before the weddings could take place. Heather’s biggest fear is having her marriage end in divorce. When she gets married, it’s for life.” She exhaled deeply. “And that’s what I thought but it didn’t work out and now I’m divorced.” Why could she never be quiet?

  “I was engaged once but she broke it off. It was good that it happened before we married.” He pointed to the wall where he had side and front views of what her nose would like after surgery. “Okay, here we go. Our goal in rhinoplasty is to provide a more balanced, refined, natural look without compromising function. The nose is shorter in length. See how the small hump on your bridge is gone. Your nose is thin so doesn’t need to be narrowed.”

  She stared at the images. She looked truly beautiful for the first time in her life.

  “You need to keep your expectations realistic. Any nose job should simply enhance you natural facial features and emphasize your unique look. There is no ‘perfect’ nose. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you don’t like something.”

  “Are you kidding? I love what you’ve done.” She turned her head and her eyes met Dr. Whitman’s. “Thank you. I’m excited and it’s going to be hard to wait until school’s out to get my nose done. You were blessed with an incredible talent as a plastic surgeon.”

  He grinned. “Usually I get this response after the surgery and when the splint comes off.”

  “Could you email me these images? I want to show Elizabeth and Heather. And my mom. My friends don’t think I need to get it done, but once they see the after photos, I’m sure they’ll be convinced.”

  “Yes, I can do that. It’s a big decision so it’s good you want to wait until June.”

  Something occurred to her about being put to sleep during her surgery. “Do I have to be put to sleep for this type of cosmetic surgery? I’ve never had surgery. The reason I ask is because I’m sure you noticed I talk too much. I hate to think what I might say while under anesthesia.”

  He chuckled. “So you’re afraid you might mention some deep, dark secret.”

  “Well, nothing too exciting but I’m sure I would say something lame.” She’d probably tell something personal about Toby or maybe she’d blab about a few of the dumb things she did as a child. She could cover a lot of years while asleep for a couple of hours during surgery.

  “I prefer intravenous sedation for my patients. Some surgeons prefer general anesthesia where a tube is placed into the windpipe to enable the patient to breathe during cosmetic surgery. With the IV sedation there’s less nausea, less bruising, and it’s easier to shape the patient's nose to their face without the general anesthesia tube in the way. It’s similar to a deep state of sleep walking and the patient breathes for herself. Do you have any other questions?”

  She shook her head. “I’m good.”

  “I’ll take you to our office manager, Sharon. She’ll discuss the cost with you.”

  “Discuss,” she said in a questioning voice. “I better warn you that negotiating is my thing. I love to wheel and deal.” When she’d gone with Toby to buy a new mattress set, she’d gotten the sales person to lower the price by several hundred dollars. Toby had been impressed.

  “Okay, English teacher. I used the wrong word. I meant Sharon will tell you the cost. I bet you were on the debate team in school.”

  “Sorry. I don’t usually give the physician a hard time like this.”

  “Don’t be. I’m glad you aren’t shy. It’s important for the patient to ask questions.” He paused, his eyes narrowed as though he was thinking something through. “Mallory, you shouldn’t do nose surgery to try to fit any sort of ideal image.”

  “Well, I’ve wanted this surgery for a long time. I’ve never liked my nose. Whenever I walk into a room, I wonder if people are staring at my nose. That’s not a good thing when your career involves being in front of people all the time.”

  In a pleasant, brisk manner, Dr. Whitman said, “I’m happy you came today. Email me your address and I’ll get those photos to you soon. My website has a spot where you can contact me by email.”

  It might be fun to fix her plastic surgeon up with Heather, she thought. “Are you dating anyone now?”

  Chapter Four

  Her cell phone rang, saving him from giving her an immediate answer. Why did she ask if he was dating anyone? Why did Mallory Harrington have to ask such a personal question? She’d been so adorable with her questions and comments about the surgery. He shouldn’t care about this new patient’s life, but she’d definitely touched a nerve inside him.

  Her nosiness couldn’t be because she wanted to date him. Unless she wanted to make her ex jealous by going out with him. He rather doubted that. She didn’t seem the type of woman who was into playing games. In fact, he wished they had met under different circumstances. Mallory Harrington was one attractive and intriguing woman. He hadn’t been interested in any female since his fiancée broke their engagement.

  Mallory dropped her phone into her purse and frowned. Obviously, she hadn’t liked what the caller had said.

  “That was my mother. Toby, my ex, picked Josh up early for the weekend. I can’t believe for once he was early. I wanted to talk to him.” She shrugged. “I guess it’ll have to wait.”

  He might as well ask her a personal question now. “Did you want to talk to him about the surgery? I can get the pictures emailed to you this weekend so you can show him.”

  “No, I don’t want to tell him. I want to see if he notices.” She grinned. “If he doesn’t I might ask for a refund.”

  “I’ve never given refunds because I only have satisfied patients.” He sat back and stared at her for a moment. “I’ve done revision rhinoplasty but not on my patients. Other surgeons’ patients from all over have asked me to perform secondary nose surgery when they’re unhappy with their original surgery.”

  “I bet they wish they went to you in the first place.”

  “Many times the main request by these patients is to make their nose look natural again.” She had good questions and didn’t seem to be in a hurry to get home. Would it hurt to ask her if she’d like to get a cup of coffee with him? It wouldn’t be considered a date, but just a business conversation in case she needed more information before scheduling her surgery. He felt it was important, especially since he thought she was charming, and he didn’t want to give her any false hope that the surgery would make a drastic change in her life. She’d still be the same person inside.r />
  She raised her eyebrows. “My mom called before you got to answer my dating question. I know that was rude on my part to even ask such a personal question, but I had a purpose in mind. My friend, Elizabeth, is having a dinner party. The main reason for this is to get me interested in someone I knew before I married Toby. I thought you might like to come and meet Heather. She’s a surgical nurse at Blanchard Valley Hospital. I think you two might have a lot in common.”

  It wasn’t the greatest idea to mingle with a patient and her friends socially, but his social life had been nonexistent lately. And it wasn’t like he was taking Mallory out on a date. “Are you sure it’ll be okay with your friends?”

  “Yes, I’m positive. You’ll be doing me a big favor. I don’t mind seeing Jeremy again but just as a friend. He’s the guy Elizabeth and Heather are hoping I’ll want to date. I figure you’ll be a buffer, so all the attention won’t be on hooking me up with someone I’m not going to be interested in. I don’t plan on getting married again, so I don’t want to bother with dating.” She couldn’t bear a second divorce if things didn’t work out again.

  “Your friends must think highly of this guy.”

  She shrugged. “Jeremy’s a great guy and he’s a minister. My friends seem anxious to pair me off with the perfect guy. They feel sorry for me because I put my ex through law school and then he cheated on me.”

  “What kind of law does he practice? I might need a lawyer someday.”

  “Criminal domestic law.” She grinned at him. “Hey, I hope you aren’t charging me by the minute.”

  He smiled back at her. “With some patients, I feel like charging more, but you don’t fit in that category. After you talk to Sharon, how about going to Starbucks? There’s one down the street. That way if you have anymore questions about nose surgery, you can ask away. And another reason to accept is you should get to know me better before I meet your friends. Over coffee you might realize I’m not suitable for Heather and you can take your invitation back.”


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