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Marrying Mallory

Page 15

by Diane Craver

  “She’s saving me money. She’s my paralegal while attending law school.”

  Her hand hurt from gripping the armrest so hard, but it was better than throwing something. Her friends and others had been right; Toby had never appreciated her sacrifices she made, so he could graduate from law school. “That’s good to know how she’s saving you money,” she said, sarcastically. “I busted my butt watching every penny while we were married.”

  “Hey, I wasn’t always a bad husband. I bought you little gifts while you worked. Remember how I gave you boxes of chocolate covered cherries?”

  “I hate chocolate covered cherries.” She never could figure why he thought she liked them. The first time he’d given her a box, he looked so proud that she hadn’t the heart to tell him. She’d given the candy to her mom.

  “They were your favorite candy.”

  “No, I’ve never liked that kind. It’s my mom who loves them. I didn’t want to hurt your feelings the first time you gave me a box, and later I kept telling you about other candy I liked. But you never listened.” Suddenly it hit her. She had married Toby on June tenth. Her stomach turned at the thought he might have married Samantha on what had been their day. “What day did you and Samantha get married on? Please tell me it wasn’t the tenth.”

  “It was on the ninth. I’m sorry it was even close to our wedding date. I knew it’d freak you out if it was the same day. Well, okay, I also didn’t want it to be the same as ours. Mallory, I did love you when I married you.”

  “I suppose Jeff and Peg attended the wedding.” Jeff had been in theirs, and it bothered her to think that they knew about Toby’s second marriage before she did. Peg had given her a bridal shower along with Elizabeth and Heather.

  “They were our witnesses. Could you break the news to Josh?”

  “I think you should tell him yourself.”

  “One reason we decided to get married now was because Samantha’s planned on moving in with me. Her roommate moved out so she can’t afford her apartment any longer. We figured it’d be awkward when Josh came on the weekends if we didn’t get married, so see this is the best for everyone.”

  She bet Josh wouldn’t feel that way. He wanted his daddy to live with them again. She wondered how Toby’s parents had taken the news. Oh my gosh, they probably don’t know. Fran would’ve have called her if she knew anything about Toby’s wedding. “Do your parents know yet?”

  “No. I wanted to tell you first. I’ll call them next. I guess that’s it. Bye, Mallory.”

  At the sound of his click, she thought, Yeah, I guess that’s it. Toby cheated on me twice. She gave a bitter laugh. Probably more.

  But what was going to happen to her? Was she destined to be a lonely old woman? Sure, she still had Josh but someday he’d grow up and leave her. Then she’d be all alone. Unless she got married again, but how could she? Wasn’t she still married to Toby, according to God?

  She wished that Seth wasn’t in Vietnam. Strange, how she wanted to talk to him instead of Elizabeth and Heather. She realized why. He had become an important part of her life. She decided to call her friends. While talking to them, they decided to get together at Heather’s. Mallory called her mom to babysit because Josh would be home soon from Billy’s.

  After having a quiet dinner with Josh, her mom arrived, giving her a big hug.

  Ten minutes later, Heather opened the door to greet her as she walked up the steps. She was grateful to her friends for making time to see her.

  Once the women were seated inside Heather’s condo, Elizabeth passed out her famous brownies. “Don’t complain, Mallory. High calorie food is required for this gabfest.”

  “You make the best brownies,” Heather said, then took a bite of her brownie.

  “Have you talked to Seth about Toby’s marriage?” Elizabeth asked.

  She sipped her coffee, noticing her friends seemed excited. “No, I haven’t talked to Seth. He’s in Vietnam. He called me after arriving there, but with the time difference and not knowing his schedule, I don’t want to bother him.” She exhaled a deep breath. “Toby blamed me for his affair with Lacey. I guess I drove him to her because he said that I kept trying to shove my faith down him.”

  “Toby’s an idiot,” Elizabeth said. “You can’t believe him. He just wants to place blame on you. He’s a rat. He cheated on you twice while you were married. Don’t you wish now you had asked for alimony?”

  She nodded. “Part of me does, but it’s too late now.”

  Heather shrugged her shoulders. “I regret agreeing with you about not getting any alimony. I should’ve have encouraged you to get it.”

  She gave a weak smile at her friends. “I did tell him I hated chocolate covered cherries.”

  Elizabeth kicked off her shoes. “I can’t believe how he kept buying that candy for you. You threw out so many hints that you wanted other candy.”

  Heather said, “I know you’re disappointed that Toby wasn’t the man you thought you married, but the Lord answered your prayers by having you meet Seth. As soon as he returns, I hope you two spend lots of time together.”

  She frowned. “I need to get rid of my guilt too. Some women stick by their cheating husbands, but I couldn’t forgive Toby. I’m all mixed up right now. I was focused on getting my nose done and …”

  Heather grinned. “Plus you met your future husband. I told you this might happen. Seth loves you. It’s so obvious.”

  She broke off a piece of brownie. “Toby loved me but look how that turned out.”

  “You aren’t alone, Mallory,” Elizabeth said. “Unfortunately, divorces happen all the time.”

  Heather patted her arm. “I talked to Jeremy before you got here. He said you shouldn’t feel guilty if you see Seth or others.”

  “I love Seth but I worry about the future whenever I realize I want to be his wife. I don’t know if I can move on.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next day Toby talked to Josh about his marriage to Samantha. Without listening to the conversation, Mallory knew the exact moment Josh heard the news because his face crumbled. She hated seeing her little boy unhappy, but understood how he felt. He’d prayed for his parents to get back together. She needed to make sure that he never blamed himself for their divorce and never felt his prayers had gone unanswered.

  When the call ended, Josh asked, “I want to still live with you, Mommy. Will I have to live with Daddy and Samantha?”

  She pulled him on her lap, noticing his clothes seemed small on him. “I’m pretty sure that we’re keeping everything the same. You’ll go to Daddy’s on Friday evening, and I’ll pick you up on Sunday morning.”

  “Maybe some weekends I could stay here the whole time.”

  “I’d love that but your daddy would miss you a lot. Just think while he’s in Vegas, you get to stay here on weekends.” She gave him a hug. “I missed you when you were at the lake house.”

  His eyes widened. “You should get married too. Grandma and Grandpa Harrington are married. Daddy’s married and Nana just got married.”

  Josh’s suggestion surprised her, but she was relieved he thought that she should get married too. “Maybe someday I will, but only if he’s right for both of us.” She smiled at Josh. “Do you have some guy in mind for me?”

  “I like Eddie. And he could just move into our house.”

  “Whoa. Eddie’s a friend. He’s not future husband material for me, but I’m glad you like Eddie.” She touched his T-shirt. “How about we go through your clothes and take the ones you’ve outgrown to Goodwill?”

  “After we do that, could we eat pizza?”


  Mallory and Josh had just gotten home after picking up a pizza from Jac and Do’s when her house phone rang. After she answered, Seth asked, “How are you feeling?’

  “I’m doing okay from the surgery, but…” she stopped to glance at Josh.

  “But you miss me, I hope.”

  “Yes, I miss you.”

hen I’m not doing surgeries, I’m thinking of you.”

  She flipped open the pizza box, took out a piece and put it on a plate. “Josh, go ahead and start eating. I need to talk to my doctor for a minute.” She carried the cordless phone to the living room and said to Seth, “I think it’s time you meet Josh.”

  “I should’ve left the country sooner. You miss me and I’m going to see Josh.”

  Mallory sat on the couch, feeling a twinge of nervousness at what she was about to say to Seth. “I’m glad you called today. I needed you yesterday when I received shocking news from Toby. While I was upset, it was you I wanted to talk to.”

  “What happened to Toby that made you upset?”

  “He married Samantha a few days ago in Las Vegas.”

  “I know it has to be rough on you. He should’ve told you before he got married.”

  “He lied to me about how he wasn’t serious about Samantha but that doesn’t matter now. I guess what gets me is I learned today that he also cheated on me with Samantha while were still married. Heather and Elizabeth think I need to move on with my life.”

  “You have wise friends.”

  “I’m going to try and take their advice.” She hesitated. How much should she mention while he was in Vietnam? He had pressing things to do, but hey, he’d taken the time to call her. “Before you get home, I want to talk to my minister. I have to be sure that it’s okay for me to date you. In my mind, I know that Toby’s moved on by marrying Samantha, so in a way I feel freer to go on with my life. And it helps to see how Josh is taking his dad’s marriage better than I expected. But it’s still hard.” She sighed. “I know I’m crazy. I have every right to date you. I wasn’t the cheater. Toby was and we both wanted the divorce, but I feel we took vows and they should matter. Maybe God wants me to remain single and just be a good mother to Josh.”

  “I think you should talk to your minister. Heck, you can talk to mine too.”

  She laughed. “I bet you’ll give a hefty donation to your church, so he’ll say that I should get married again.”

  “Married again. I like the sound of that. As long as it’s to me.”

  She was embarrassed about using the word married instead of date. “That slipped out.”

  “Maybe someday it won’t be a slip and it’ll be intentional.”

  She better do some heavy praying after getting off the phone. Dating was one thing but getting married, even to Seth, was downright scary.


  Instead of talking to her own minister about her divorce and Toby’s remarriage, Mallory decided to make an appointment to see Jeremy. After all, he knew the whole situation. Before her appointment, she dropped Josh off at her mom’s house. Ten minutes later she was sitting in Jeremy’s office.

  “Would you like something to drink?” Jeremy asked her.

  “No, thank you.” She smiled at him after glancing around the room. “I guess you’re the pastor of a thriving church. Your office is beautiful and huge.”

  He grinned. “I can’t take any credit for my office. I haven’t been here that long. The minister before me had his wife do the whole office over. I guess she was starting out as an interior designer and hoped that the members of the congregation would hire her to decorate their houses.”

  She took a deep breath, filling her nostrils with the heady fragrance from the purple iris flowers on his desk. Funny, Heather had given her the same ones recently. “I like your flowers.”

  “Heather brought them when she dropped off crafts for Bible school. By the way, thank you for suggesting that she could help with the kids’ art projects.”

  She smiled. “She must have emptied her mother’s flowerbed. She gave me flowers too.”

  “I’m glad you came today. I think it’s important for us to discuss your divorce and to pray for your future. God doesn’t want you to dwell on the past and to continue to feel guilty about your failed marriage. I’m hoping it’ll be easier for you now that Toby’s remarried.”

  “Yeah, I don’t feel I have to wait. I do want to get married again if it’s His will. But at the same time, I’m afraid. I don’t want another failed marriage.” She leaned forward slightly in her chair. “I’m sure Heather has told you that I’ve fallen in love with Seth. I can’t stand the pain of a second divorce. I mean, I can’t imagine it happening with Seth… if we should get married. He’s a good Christian man, but that isn’t any guarantee we’ll be happy forever and stay together.”

  “When I counsel engaged couples, I tell them if they haven’t already started praying together, to start even before their marriage.”

  “That’s a great suggestion.” She’d prayed for Seth to have a safe trip back from Vietnam, and she knew he also prayed for her. But they had never prayed together.

  “I’m not saying that you and Toby didn’t pray enough or that prayer is a cure for all that ails a troubled marriage, but praying together brings out a real sense of selflessness. It can be a simple prayer at dinnertime or some deeper meditation. A shared spiritual life will help to keep you and Seth close. Those who pray together are also more likely to tell me that they respect each other and discuss their relationship together.”

  “I agree. Faith and prayer is the foundation of a good marriage.” She exhaled a deep breath. “Okay, here is a question for you. Heather, Elizabeth, and my mom seem to think that God directed me to Seth because he’s the one for me. What do you think? Do you think God meant for us to meet and to fall in love?”

  Jeremy gave her a thoughtful glance. “I can’t definitely say yes to that question, but I feel comfortable in saying that God probably does want you to pursue a loving relationship with Seth. It was pretty amazing how you went to Seth to do your operation and you both received so much more than either of you expected. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other. It’s pretty special. I have a feeling that God is giving His blessing to this relationship with Seth.”

  They chatted and prayed for several minutes before Mallory stood to leave. She clasped Jeremy’s hand. “Thank you so much. You’ve been a big help. I don’t think I’ll have to make the minister circuit after all.”

  Jeremy gave her a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m teasing. I meant I don’t have to visit other ministers for their advice about what to do when you fall in love after being divorced.”

  After leaving Jeremy’s office, Mallory made a huge decision. When Toby became a lawyer, he’d replaced her small diamond in her engagement ring with a much bigger one. She’d never asked him to do it, but he’d surprised her with it while she was pregnant with Josh.

  She drove to her mom’s house to pick up Josh after selling her rings.

  Her mother met her at the front door, and said, “We can chat and watch Alan play ball with Josh.”

  She followed her mother to the back of the house to the screened-in porch. There were several white wicker chairs with striped blue and green cushions. A pitcher and glasses were on a small table.

  “Would you like lemonade?”

  She nodded and smiled at her mom’s happy face. “Marriage definitely agrees with you.”

  Her mom handed her a tall glass of lemonade. “I can’t imagine my life without Alan. And he loves you and Josh.”

  Mallory watched Josh chasing Alan around the yard, and laughed. “It looks like both are getting their exercise for the day.”

  “Did you get your business done?”

  “I did. I sold my engagement and wedding rings.” She opened her purse. “I want you to have the money. I hated it that you had to give me money for my surgery.”

  Her mom shook her head. “No, you keep the money. You have a growing boy to feed and clothe.”

  “Mom, you know that Toby pays child support. I want to repay you.”

  “When you mentioned having surgery before you left for college, I thought about getting a loan and paying for it then. But part of me was stubborn because I didn’t think it was necessary.” Her mother grinned.
“I like your new nose. I realize it was the right thing for you to do.”

  “Okay, you win. Thank you. But if you ever change your mind, it’ll be no problem for me to pay you back.”

  Although Mom doesn’t want the money, I don’t regret selling my jewelry. With her set gone, she felt free to move on with her life. The rings had been a symbol of Toby’s past love. God understands because after all, He’d brought her and Seth together. Two Christians with the desire to serve the Lord was what she’d always wanted in a marriage. But Toby’s free will had rebelled against living a Christian life. She’d continue to pray for her ex-husband’s salvation.

  Her mother broke their silence with a question. “Isn’t Alan wonderful with Josh?”

  “You can tell Alan’s comfortable with children. I noticed that with his grandchildren before you two were married.”

  “I bet Seth will be that type of guy around Josh. Seth seems very family oriented. When you told me how Seth fixed you macaroni and cheese after your surgery, I knew he was a keeper.”

  She took a sip of her cold beverage. “Seth’s a terrific guy, no doubt about that.”

  “I was touched that he took time out of his schedule to call me after your surgery. It helped to hear from him how everything had gone since I wasn’t there with you.”

  Seth had asked her mother for the phone number at the restaurant for the purpose of calling her after the procedure was finished. “He’s always been sweet.”

  Her mom patted Mallory’s arm. “Of course, I know how much you hated being divorced, but I think what was a tragedy might be your greatest blessing.”

  “I’m guessing the tragedy is my divorce.”

  “No. I was thinking Toby dating and marrying Samantha seemed to happen too soon after the divorce, but instead it’s a blessing. You’re free to marry Seth. You don’t have to put all your energy into worrying what will happen to Josh when you want to get married again. Josh sees his dad is happily married and wants you to be happy too. You can focus on Seth. I saw the way you two looked at each other during my rehearsal dinner.”


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