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God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth's Forbidden Priests & the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot

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by Hogge, Alice

  Strype, John, Annals, Vols. III and IV, Oxford, 1824

  Tanner, J.R., Constitutional Documents of James I, 1603-1625, Cambridge, 1930

  Tawney, R.H., and E. Power, eds., Tudor Economic Documents, 1924

  Tesimond, Oswald, S.J., The Gunpowder Plot, tr. from the Latin by Francis Edwards, S.J., 1973

  Thomas, Keith, Religion and the Decline of Magic, reprinted 1991

  Thomas, Werner, and Luc Duerloo, eds., Albert and Isabella, essays, Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, 1998

  Tierney, Revd M.A., ed., Dodd’s Church History of England with Notes, Additions and a Continuation, 4 vols., 1840

  Torture and Punishment, Royal Armouries, 1997

  Treasure, G.R.R., Seventeenth Century France, 2nd edn, 1981

  Turner, W.H., Selections from the Records of the City of Oxford, 1509-1583, Oxford, 1880

  Tyacke, Nicholas, ed., ‘Seventeenth Century Oxford’, in The History of the University of Oxford, Vol. IV, Oxford, 1997

  Urquhart, Alastair, ‘Nicholas Owen: The Master Builder of Secret Passages and Hiding Places’, International History Magazine, No. 28, April 1975

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Buckinghamshire, III, 1925

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Essex, II, 1907

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Middlesex, IV, Oxford, 1971

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Norfolk, II, Folkestone, Kent, reprinted 1975

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Northampton, II, i, 1906

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Northampton, IV, 1937

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Oxford, III, Oxford, 1954

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Oxford, IV, Oxford, 1979

  (V.C.H.) Victoria County History, Suffolk, II, 1907

  Wallace, M.W., The Life of Sir Philip Sidney, Cambridge, 1915

  Watkins, Susan, In Public and in Private: Elizabeth I and her World, 1998

  Watson, William, ‘A Decacordon of Ten Quodlibetical Questions’, in D.M. Rogers, ed., English Recusant Literature, 1558-1640, Vol. 197, 1974

  Waugh, Evelyn, Edmund Campion, 2nd edn, reprinted 1957

  ——, Brideshead Revisited, rev. edn, reprinted 1981

  Waugh, Margaret, Bl. Nicholas Owen, 1961

  Wernham, R.B., Before the Armada: The Emergence of the English Nation, 1485-1588, New York, 1966

  Weston, William, S.J., The Autobiography of an Elizabethan, tr. from the Latin by Philip Caraman, S.J., 1955

  W.I. 49/1/21, Walter Owen’s will, held in the Oxfordshire Record Office

  Wilson, Arthur, ‘The Life and Reign of James…King of Great Britain’, in A Complete History of England, 1719

  Wood, Anthony à, Athenæ Oxonienses, reprinted 1813

  ——, History of the University of Oxford, Vol. II, Part I, Oxford, 1796

  Wood, Michael, In Search of Shakespeare, BBC, 2003

  Wright, Jonathan, The Jesuits: Missions, Myths and Histories, 2004

  Wright, Thomas, ed., Queen Elizabeth and Her Times, 1838


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  A Brief Apology see Persons, Robert

  A Brief Discourse see Persons, Robert

  A Conference about the Next Succession 266-267, 280-281, 287, 290, 301, 316, 386

  A Game at Chess see Middleton, Thomas

  A Sinner’s Complaint see Southwell, Robert

  A Treatise against Lying and Fraudulent Dissimulation see Garnet, Henry

  Abbot, Dr George 192

  Abercromby, Robert 303-304

  Act for the due execution of the Statutes against Jesuits, Seminary Priests, Recusants, etc 321-323

  Adrian IV, Pope 233n

  Advice to Queen Elizabeth see Cecil, Sir William

  Agazzari, Alphonsus 277, 281

  Alban, St 114

  Albert, Archduke of Austria, Regent of the Spanish Netherlands 316, 319, 323

  Aldobrandino, Cardinal 299

  Aldred, Solomon 277

  Alençon, Duc d’ 72, 93, 124, 201

  Alfield, Reverend 196

  Allegiance, Oath of 379-384, 386, 397

  see also Protestation of Allegiance

  Allen, Dr William 13, 15, 44, 49-51, 53-59, 63, 68-69, 71-2, 79, 84n, 90, 91, 104, 106, 132, 135, 140, 174n, 195, 263, 269, 277, 280-282, 391

  Allen, Gabriel 77

  Almanacs 2-3

  Almon, Oliver 117n

  An Epistle of Comfort see Southwell, Robert

  An Humble Supplication see Southwell, Robert

  Anderson, Justice 127

  Anglican, early use of word 10n

  Anglican Church see Elizabethan Religious Settlement

  Anmer Hall 128, 129

  Anne, Queen of Scotland and of England 303-304

  Annias, John 239, 243n

  Apostates 11n

  Appellants 284-292, 295, 306, 310, 325, 333, 347, 359, 379, 387

  Aquinas, Thomas, St 338n

  Aquaviva, Claudio, Jesuit General 132, 141, 147, 148n, 151, 155, 164, 170-171, 175, 179, 184, 195-196, 198, 236, 241, 252n, 253, 281, 293, 294, 326-327, 339-342, 387

  and Campion 132, 135

  on equivocation 184-186

  and Garnet 98n, 118, 139, 362n 366, 374

  and Gerard 97, 230, 246n 375

  Gunpowder Plot 370

  urges caution 326-327, 356, 368

  Aquila, Bishop of 32

  Archer (Jesuit) 240-241

  Arden, John 251-257

  Arran, Earl of 79

  Arundel, Anne Howard, Countess of 164-165, 200, 221, 276

  Arundel, Charles 77, 172n

  Arundel, Philip Howard, Earl of 165

  Arundell family 148

  Ashley, Ralph 358, 361n, 363, 366, 387

  Atkinson, William 275

  Augustine, St 127, 185

  Aylmer, John, 80

  Babington, Anthony 15, 16n, 77, 163, 172, 177

  Babington Plot 16, 126, 251, 276

  Bacon, Anthony 176

  Bacon, Sir Francis 57, 97, 125n, 160, 175-176, 244, 288n

  Baddesley Clinton 150-156, 184, 191-192

  Bagshaw, Dr Christopher 284, 286

  Bales, Christopher 126-127

  Balliol College, Oxford 29, 69, 284

  Bancroft, Richard, 199, 276, 283n, 285-286, 288-290

  Barlow, Lewis 49

  Barneby (priest) 286

  Barnes, Joseph 274, 275n

  Barnes, Thomas 209

  Barrington, Francis 219n

  Barwise, Robert 145, 242n

  Basset, Charles 77

  Bates, Thomas 345, 351-352, 354-355, 359-360, 362-363

  Battle Abbey 203, 204

  Baynham, Sir Edward 339, 341, 352, 362

  Beard, Benjamin 145n

  Beaumont, Justice 131

  Bedingfeld, Edmund 113

  Bedingfeld family 105, 110-111, 113

  Bedingfeld, Henry 120-121

  Bedingfeld, Humphrey 106

  Bedingfeld, John 193

  Bedingfeld, Sir Henry 100, 106

  Bedingfeld, Thomas 113, 119, 120

  Bellamy, Anne 176, 178-180, 182-184, 187-188

  Bellamy, Bartholomew 178

  Bellamy family 148, 176-178, 182-184

  Bellamy, Jerome 178

  Bellamy, Katherine 178

  Bellamy, Richard 177, 180, 183

  Bellamy, Thomas 176, 178, 183-184

  Bellamy, William 177

  Benedictine Order 26

  Berden, Nicholas 115-116

  Berkeley, Sir Richard 244, 246-248

  Bess of Hardwick 99n, 262, 265

  Béthune, Philippe de 287-288

  Béza, Theodore 32

  Bible, The 45, 160-161, 177

  Bird, John 348

  Bishop, William 136-137, 292n

  Blackwell, George, Archpriest 282-284, 288-289, 311-313, 381

Margaret 109

  Blair, Tony 391-392

  Bloody Question see Catholicism

  Blount, Richard 102, 157n

  Bloxham 28

  Bluet, Thomas 285-286, 288, 290

  Bold, Richard 116

  Boleyn, Anne, Queen of Henry VIII 31, 81n, 100, 337n

  Book of the Ocean to Cynthia see Raleigh, Sir Walter

  Borlas, William 202n

  Bowyer, Thomas 144

  Breakspear, Nicholas see Adrian IV

  Brewster (priest) 215, 227

  Briant, Alexander 92, 234, 235

  Bridewell prison 96, 223n, 226, 228, 252, 274n

  Brinkley, Stephen 162-163

  Bristow, Richard 50, 177

  Broadoaks Manor 212-215, 217-220, 227, 242n

  Bromley, Sir Henry 357-359, 361

  Bromley, Sir Thomas 57

  Brooke, George 310, 312-313

  Brooksby, Edward 76

  Brooksby, Eleanor 151-153, 200, 386

  Brooksby, William 162

  Browne, Anthony see Montague, Lord

  Browne, Francis 162

  Browne, Timothy see Wintour, Thomas

  Brushford, John 137-138

  Brussels 316

  Bryn Hall 13

  Buckhurst, Lord 202

  Bullinger, Heinrich 28, 32, 37

  Burghley, Lord see Cecil, Sir William

  Byrd, William (composer) 116, 336

  Byrd, William (informer) 276

  Cadiz, Drake’s raid 3

  Cahill, Hugh 239-240

  Cajetan, Cardinal 282-283

  Calvinism 10, 16, 101, 342

  Cambridge University 25, 29, 84, 390

  Camden, William 151, 285, 308

  Campion, Edmund anguish of 66-67

  at Oxford 42, 66-67

  Bloody Question 234-236

  canonization of 387

  capture/trial/execution of 12-13, 89-93, 117, 127-128, 132-133, 136-137, 156

  and court patronage 43, 66, 167, 201

  declaration of aims 83-84

  and English mission 69-74, 77-78, 80-85, 87-89, 96, 98, 103, 118, 121, 177, 274, 285

  in Europe 67, 69-71

  and Jesuits 67, 73-74

  martyrdom 132, 135

  and Pope Gregory’s Explanatio 73

  proposed biography of 132

  rallying call 64-65, 166, 241

  Decem Rationes 163

  Canterbury, Archbishop of 61

  Canterbury College, Oxford 26

  Carey, Robert 295-296

  Carey, Sir George 63

  Carlos, Don, Prince of Asturias 261

  Carne, Sir Edward 31

  Carvajal, Luisa de 133-134

  Castile, Constable of 323-326

  Catesby, Robert 327, 328-335, 338-339, 342-347, 350-352, 354-355, 362-363, 368, 370-373, 376, 379-381, 394

  Catesby, Sir William 82, 115, 274, 325

  Catherine of Aragon, Queen of Henry VIII 25-26

  Catholic League 158

  Catholic Relief Acts 384

  Catholics and Catholicism

  Agnus Deis 61, 63, 70, 89n, 220n

  Bloody Question 34, 232-237, 241, 292, 347, 362

  and confession 366-367, 370

  conflict with Protestantism 4, 9-10, 14, 21, 32, 47-48, 172

  converts to 80, 86-87, 98-99, 104, 106, 111-112, 128, 132-133, 165, 192, 210, 307

  detention centres 278

  Elizabeth’s leniency towards 34-35, 124-125

  and equivocation 184-186, 188, 355, 362-363, 369-370, 372, 388

  excommunication 46-47, 208

  executions of 21, 26, 28, 116, 142-144, 156, 163, 188-190, 210-211, 238, 241, 242n, 313, 352, 360, 389

  family loyalties 101

  felony clause 114-115, 138

  fines 215

  harbouring priests 209-211

  ideological certainties 51-53

  in England 32-40, 42-44, 171-175, 195, 204, 232, 239-241, 257, 268, 280-281, 286, 291, 305, 318-326, 335, 346-347, 373

  martyrs 63, 91, 129-131, 132-135, 143-144, 150, 169, 208, 210, 382, 387, 390

  missionaries 54, 63-64, 73, 84, 115, 132, 134-137, 139-146, 195, 392, 393-394

  modern attitudes towards 391-392

  papal supremacy 233-237

  Papists 48, 65, 79, 102, 107, 110, 115, 120, 145n, 204, 279, 307, 309, 335-336, 342

  pastoral life of 194-195

  persecution of 96, 307, 379-384

  plots against James 310-314

  political compromise 36-37

  priesthood 13, 14, 16, 17, 21-22, 84, 98, 132-146, 321-322, 331

  priests’ hiding-places 14, 113, 117-121, 140-141, 146, 154, 215, 217-218

  printing presses 160-163

  prison population 228-230

  recusants 80, 106-109, 120, 145n, 177, 195, 199, 206-209, 210, 220n, 278, 307, 310, 315, 319-320, 335-336, 380, 382-384

  religious apathy of 36-37, 49-50, 195

  and religious tolerance 269, 286-289, 315, 319, 323, 332

  rites 196-197, 198-200

  seminarians 278-279, 281-289, 292

  sins 18, 20n

  underground network 146-150, 154-155, 342-343

  un-English 110-111

  and women 200-202, 204-209, 210-211

  Cecil, Dr John 157n, 287-288n

  Cecil, Sir Robert

  Appellants 291, 295

  and Arthur Gregory 377

  and Catholic persecution 181, 217n, 230n, 241, 243n, 313, 320, 343n

  earldom 335n

  and Elizabeth 293, 295, 314

  and Garnet 357, 360, 362, 366-367, 370-371, 375

  and Gerard 241-242, 248, 352, 354

  Gunpowder Plot 337, 359

  and Henry Owen 275

  historical perspective 385

  and James I 295, 307

  and Nicholas Owen 365

  Oath of Allegiance 379, 382-383

  Protestation of Allegiance 291-292, 295, 347

  Spanish pension 324

  succession question 290-291

  Cecil, Sir William, later Lord Burghley 39, 41-42, 45-46, 51, 57, 65, 67, 72n, 79, 79n, 97, 107, 123, 125, 133, 159, 172, 207-208, 219n, 234-237, 265, 269-270, 276, 288, 394

  Advice to Queen Elizabeth 235-236

  Chamberlain, George 74

  Chamberlain, John 303, 371-372, 385

  Champney (priest) 286

  Charles, Prince, later Charles I, King of England 344n, 385

  Charles II, King of England 385-386, 389, 390

  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 233

  Chipping Norton 28

  Christ Church College, Oxford 24, 28, 41, 43

  Church of England see Elizabethan Religious Settlement

  Circignani, Niccolo 64

  Cistercian Order 26

  Clarendon, Lord 290

  Clark, William 310, 312-314

  Clément, Jacques 158

  Clement, John 28

  Clement V, Pope 233

  Clement VII, Pope 233

  Clement VIII, Pope 286-290, 292, 293-294, 298-299, 301, 304, 324, 333-334, 336, 339, 341

  Clenock, Maurice 277

  Cleremont, Jesuit school 14, 98

  Clink prison 145, 170n, 183, 223n, 228-232, 239, 242-243, 249, 253, 255, 275

  Clitherow, Margaret 210-211, 285, 387

  Cloudesley (informer) 240n

  Cobham, Lord 31, 310

  Coke, Sir Edward 97, 130-131, 187-188, 217, 244, 249-250, 270, 328, 348, 351, 359, 363, 368-370

  Colerdin, Jacques see Gifford, Gilbert

  Collington, John 89, 90, 91n, 92

  Columbus, Christopher 1n

  Constable, Henry 322

  Convict prison 223n

  Conway, William 23, 114

  Cooper, Thomas 88

  Copley, Anthony 175, 285-286, 310-314

  Copley family 167-168

  Copley, Thomas, Lord 52, 53

  Coram, Mrs 138

  Coriat, George 43

  Corpus Christi College, Oxford 28-29, 38, 133n

orunna 6

  Cottam, Thomas 186n

  Cotton, George 175

  Coughton Court 118n, 344-345, 351, 355, 362-363

  Counter prison (Wood Street) 217, 220

  Counter-Reformation 48n, 279

  Cowdray Park 202-204

  Cowper, Bishop 207

  Craddock, Francis 209

  Cranmer, Thomas 29, 31

  Creswell, Joseph 330

  Cromwell, Francis 207

  Cromwell, Thomas 26n, 337n

  Crumwell, Henry, Lord 120-121

  Cullen, Patrick 239-241, 263

  Cullen Plot 263, 265

  Curry, John 127n, 150n, 199n

  Dacre, Mary 99n

  Daniel, John 239-240, 241n

  David, Prince-regnant of Wales 142

  Decacordon of Ten Quodlibetical Questions see Watson, William

  Decease, Release see Southwell, Robert

  Decem Rationes see Campion, Edmund

  Dekker, Thomas 223

  Denbigh, Earl of 392

  Derby, Earl of 111, 263

  Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, Earl of see Strange, Lord

  Dershowitz, Alan 396

  Device for the Alteration of Religion 94

  Dictatus Papae see Gregory VII

  Digby, Lady 343-344

  Digby, Sir Everard 274, 343-345, 351, 354, 359-360

  Dinley, Lord Mayor (of York) 206

  Dissolution of the monasteries 26-27, 105

  Dodwell, Thomas 14

  Dominican Order 24, 158

  Donne, John 382

  Douai, English College 13, 44, 49-55, 57, 59, 62-63, 65, 67, 73, 79, 86, 145, 162, 177

  Downes, Robert 19n, 20, 106, 108

  Drake, Francis 3, 6, 72

  Drewe (sergeant) 130-131

  Drury, Henry 193, 212-213

  Dudley, Ambrose 57

  Dupont, Dr 377n

  Durham Cathedral 45

  Durham College, Oxford 26, 28

  Dutton, Anthony 317-318

  Dyer, Sir Edward 171

  Edward I, King of England 142

  Edward VI, King of England 27-29, 197, 226

  Edwards, Francis 144

  Egerton, Sir Thomas 222n, 335

  Eliot, George 88-91

  Elizabeth I, Queen of England

  attitude towards Catholics 109, 124-125, 286, 288-289, 292, 294, 305, 307

  choice of religion 30-31

  claim to throne 30-32

  clemency 172

  cost of wars 314

  encourages loyalty 51-52, 123-125

  excommunication of 46-47

  and gender 201, 207, 260-261

  ill-health/death/funeral of 258-259, 294-297, 302, 333

  judge of character 309

  Northern Rebellion 45-46

  overthrow/assassination plots 16n, 70, 90-91, 126, 144, 239-241, 243n, 280, 328-330

  and Pope Sixtus 3-4, 7

  Proclamation against Catholicism 289, 291, 294

  Proclamation regarding invasion 157-158

  revered as Cynthia 42

  royal progresses 40-44, 66, 106, 123


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