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A Coal Miner's Son

Page 10

by T. A. Chase

  Again he was speechless. “He’s not coming over just to see me, Pa. He wants to talk to you as well.”

  Pa glared at him. “He’s not going to ask me for your hand in marriage, is he? I know it’s legal for y’all to get married, but that’s taking it a bit too far. I don’t need to be giving some guy permission to marry my oldest son. Hell, Rich never asked me for Dil’s hand. Ridiculous nonsense if you ask me.”

  Cai spit the beer he’d just taken a drink of out all over his plate and stared at his pa. Owain and Dilys were doing the same. Ma had a smirk on her face as she leaned over to tap Cai on the arm.

  “See, I told you your pa didn’t have a problem with it.”

  “Hell yes, I have a problem,” Pa bellowed. “Not because it’s a guy you’re bringing home to introduce to the family. I don’t care about that anymore. Worked out my issues about that with God a long time ago.”

  “Then what’s your problem, Pa?” Cai couldn’t help but ask, even though he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

  Pa gave him a disgruntled look. “Why did it have to be Callahan’s boy? You couldn’t have picked a guy from around here? You had to fall for the boss’s son. Isn’t that so stereotypical?”

  No one replied. Cai was pretty sure they were all left speechless by Pa’s comments. He certainly never expected to hear Bedwyr Rees say anything like that.

  “Sorry,” he said slowly.

  Waving his hand to dismiss Cai’s apology, Bedwyr pursed his lips. “It could be odd, but I’m sure it won’t be any more trouble than Rich is going to be.”

  Dilys rolled her eyes. “Sorry, Pa. I should’ve gotten rid of him before it got this bad.”

  Cai reached over Davy to grip her shoulder. “Don’t blame yourself. You got out and that’s all that matters.”

  Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door. Ma pushed away from the table and went to answer it. Cai tensed, unsure how he was supposed to act. Jumping to his feet and rushing over to give James a kiss didn’t seem right, and honestly, it wouldn’t have been something he’d do anyway. No matter who the person was. Owain eyed him and smirked as though he knew what Cai was thinking. He rolled his eyes at his brother.

  “Bedwyr, Jim would like to talk to you,” Ma announced as she returned. “He’s waiting on the porch.”

  “On the porch? Christ, woman, why’d you leave him out there? Go back and get him. Does he think he’s too good to have dinner with us?” Pa scowled.

  Cai motioned for his ma to take her seat and he stood. “I’m pretty sure he didn’t want to interrupt or push himself on the family, Pa. I’ll go bring him in.”

  The rest laughed as he left. Shaking his head, he pushed the screen door open and stepped onto the porch. He spotted James leaning with his hands braced on the railing. James turned his head to watch Cai approach him, but he didn’t move. Cai slid his arms around James’s waist before pressing a kiss to the nape of his neck.

  James sighed and eased his weight back against Cai. “We probably shouldn’t be doing this on your parents’ front porch,” he said softly.

  “Screw anyone who has a problem with it,” Cai stated. “My pa just told me the only thing about our relationship that upsets him is the fact that you’re the boss’s son. He doesn’t really care that you’re male. I’m not going to hide. I told you that.”

  “Right, but still.”

  “It’s not like we’re fucking in public, James. I’m holding you like my pa has probably held my ma a time or two on this very same porch.” He brushed a kiss over James’s cheek. “But we should head in before Pa sends someone else out to get us.”

  Turning in his embrace, James pushed up on his toes to give him a quick kiss. “Why does your father want me to come inside?”

  Cai entwined their fingers and led him inside. “He wants you to join us for dinner. If you want him to consider your offer, you have to keep him happy.”

  Humming softly, James didn’t argue, just followed. The silence that greeted them as they entered the kitchen made Cai uncomfortable, but he didn’t drop James’s hand. He wasn’t a teenager anymore. He had his own home and life. As much as he loved his family, he didn’t need their approval.

  “Thank you for the invitation to dinner, Mr. Rees.” James offered his hand for Pa to shake. “I do have something to discuss with you.”

  Bedwyr shook James’s hand, then gestured toward a chair. “You’re welcome, and we’ll talk after dinner.”

  It was the nicest Cai had ever seen his pa act around James. While Cai had been gone getting James, Davy had moved to a chair by Owain, leaving a space open between Cai and Dilys. After sitting, the food got passed around so Cai and James could fill their plates. Once that was done and the sweet tea had been poured, Ma glanced over at James.

  “Jim, I stopped in to chat with Evie after I talked with you,” she told him.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Callahan. She and the children shouldn’t be punished for what Timmons did.” James frowned. “I’m trying to figure out how to help her. Hopefully, she’ll let the company do something. Of course, she might not be happy that I fired her husband. Do you think she’d be open to a visit from me?”

  Ma shrugged. “Give her a couple of days, and then I’ll ask. She’s not stupid. Evie knows what an ass Timmons is. She’s just worried about the kids and how she’s going to support them while he’s in jail.”

  James sighed. “I don’t blame her. Does she have family here?”

  “No. Evie came from Virginia. That’s where her folks are.” Dilys supplied the answer.

  “How do you know?” Owain narrowed his eyes as he gazed at his sister. “I thought you didn’t like her.”

  Dilys wrinkled her nose. “I’m not her biggest fan, but when she isn’t pretending to be better than us poor ignorant mountain people, she’s not a bad person. I’ve run into her a few times at the Walmart and we chatted.”

  “Maybe she’ll move back to be near her folks,” James mused. “I’d make sure the company paid for it since we’re the ones forcing her to do it.”

  “You aren’t forcing her to do anything,” Pa announced, and pointed his fork at James. “You did the right thing for everyone at the mine. It’s her pathetic bastard of a husband who’s forcing this shame on her.”

  James ducked his head. “Yes, sir. You’re right.”

  Cai looked down at his plate to hide his smile. Pa was chastising James as though he were his son.

  “Okay. Someone has got to tell me what’s going on. I know you fired Timmons, Jim, but why? It seems like everyone knows about it but me.” Owain pouted.

  “Can I be excused?” Rhonda piped up, and then the other two kids asked as well.

  Ma checked their plates before she nodded. “Yes. Put your things in the sink, then go outside and play.”

  Rhonda looked at Dilys, who nodded as well. “Go ahead. The dogs are out there. They’ll keep you safe.” She hugged each of the kids as they left.

  Cai saw her brush a tear off her cheek and James wrapped his arm around her shoulders, giving her a hug.

  “Are they worried Rich might stop by and start something?” He clenched his hands, anger welling in him.

  “Yes, plus they aren’t sure what’s going on. All they know is that they can’t go home or see their father.” Dilys shook her head. “Is this the right thing to do? Upsetting them like this?”

  “It is the best thing for all of you, Dilys,” James told her. “Rich hit you and Davy. This might have been the first time, but it wouldn’t have been the last, even if Owain, Cai, and your father beat the living shit out of him. I volunteered at a domestic violence hotline when I was in college. One thing I learned there was that most abusers never change. They’ll keep abusing until they’re stopped, which usually means jail.”

  “It’s hard for the children right now, but eventually they’ll understand why you did it and they’ll thank you.” Owain comforted Dilys as well. He gave Cai a quick glance, then changed the subject. “Okay. No
w that the children have deserted us, tell me what the hell happened with Timmons today.”

  Chapter Twelve

  JAMES GAVE Dilys another gentle hug before turning to face Owain. “I fired him and had him arrested for embezzling and taking kickbacks from suppliers.”

  “No shit? It’s about damn time.” Owain high-fived Cai. “Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.”

  Rolling his eyes, James stood and started gathering plates. “If you all knew about what he was doing, why the hell didn’t any of you think to tell me? You especially, Owain, should’ve known I wouldn’t have taken his side.”

  Owain lifted one shoulder in a lopsided shrug. “I kept expecting someone else to tell you.”

  “Whatever.” James set the plates on the counter, then returned for more. “I’d actually already had the financial department poised to do an in-depth audit of the mine’s bills and receipts. Something had felt off to me for a while. It was one of the reasons why I came this week. Get the lay of the land. Maybe talk to some people, then I’d get the ball rolling back at the main office.”

  “Fortunately, Callahan walked in on Timmons chewing Sally out about the supply orders and fired him on the spot.” Standing, Bedwyr slapped James on the back. “Good job. Anyone want some whiskey?”

  Everyone got a glass except for Dilys. Bedwyr led the way out onto the porch, and in the fading twilight, the family settled into chairs and on the floor of the porch. James stood against the rail, holding his glass, and smiled.

  “I’ve been itching to fire him since I met him.” He glanced at Owain. “Anyway, I fired him and called the accountants. Percy, our CFO, told me we should know something definitive by Wednesday.”

  Owain grinned. “Marvelous. So are you going to promote one of the other supervisors at one of your other mines?”

  James fidgeted with his drink. “It would be logical, wouldn’t it? They all have the education and experience at running a mine. It would be a promotion, since Willow Hollow is our biggest mine.”

  “Right.” Cai propped his hip on the rail next to James. “What did Old Man Callahan suggest?”

  “I didn’t give him a chance to suggest any of them.” James met Bedwyr’s gaze. “This is why I wanted to talk to you. I’d like to offer you the supervisor’s job, Mr. Rees.”

  Bedwyr looked shocked, as did Owain. Cai nudged James with his toe to get his attention and when James looked at him, he smiled. James edged a little closer to Cai and absorbed the warmth emanating from him.

  “What? How could you even think I’d be a good choice? I don’t have a college education. Hell, I don’t even have a high school diploma,” Bedwyr stammered.

  “None of that matters to me. What you do have is knowledge of the mine. You’ve worked there for over forty years. That has to be some kind of record. You know the mine inside and out. Also, the men you work with respect you. They’d listen to you and obey your orders.” James waved, encompassing the houses around them. “I convinced my father it would be better for the company to hire a man known in the community. You’re the best choice.”

  Bedwyr raised his eyebrows. “Old Man Callahan gave his approval on promoting me? Was he drunk or something?”

  “Bedwyr.” Mary smacked his arm. “That’s not polite.”

  Snorting, Bedwyr stood and paced along the porch. “It might not be polite, but that’s the only way I can think he’d agree to this crazy idea.”

  “If it makes you feel better, it took me two hours to bring him around,” James admitted. “It would be more paperwork, but the hours would be the same. You wouldn’t be in the mine as much. You’d have to find a new union rep, since you couldn’t be both.”

  Cai’s father started shaking his head, but before he could say no, Mary jumped to her feet, grabbed his arm, and dragged Bedwyr into the house. James raised his glass and Cai touched his own to it.

  “She’ll bring him around,” Cai promised.

  “I have no doubt.” James drank the rest of his liquor before handing the glass to Owain. “I’m going to head home. Have your father call me when he’s made a decision, or he can tell me in the morning at the mine. I’m not going to pressure him or anything. We’ve got time.”

  He gave Dilys a hug, smacked Owain playfully on the back of the head, then met Cai’s green eyes. There was a question in them and all he could do was nod. James wasn’t proud. He’d take whatever Cai offered him that night, even if it was a one-time thing. No matter what Cai said, James wasn’t entirely sure Cai wanted more than the chance to work off the attraction between them.

  “Tell Ma and Pa I love them and I’ll call them tomorrow. I won’t be home tonight.” Cai set his glass on the rail and gestured for James to take the lead.

  “Be safe, you two,” Dilys called.

  Owain snickered. “Yeah. Remember, rubbers are your friends.”

  They both flipped him off while Dilys punched him. At James’s truck, Cai held the door open as James climbed in.

  “I’ll meet you at your place,” Cai informed him.

  James nodded, his throat so dry he wasn’t sure he could say anything. Cai had starred in so many late night fantasies of James’s and now that they might come true, James was freaking out a little.

  Cai laughed low in his throat, causing a shiver to dance down James’s spine. “Remember to keep breathing while you’re driving home, honey. I don’t want you passing out and having to postpone anything because I have to take you to the hospital.”

  “I’ll try,” James promised. “But you’re not helping.”

  “Anticipation just heightens everything.” Cai leaned and graced James’s lips with a rough kiss. When he pulled away, James followed, not wanting to break the contact. “We can’t do anything else in my parents’ driveway.”

  “Fuck,” James murmured.

  Cai winked. “That’s the plan at some point.”

  James shoved him out of the way and slammed the door shut. He rolled down the window. “I’ll meet you at my place.”

  “Do you have supplies?” Cai asked.

  Nodding, James put the truck in drive, then pulled out of the driveway slowly. He didn’t want to give Cai—or Owain—anything else to tease him about by peeling out. Managing to stay under the speed limit all the way to his house, James kept checking his mirror to make sure Cai was behind him.

  “Dude, you’ve got it bad,” he muttered as he drove. “You’d think this was the first time you got laid. Which isn’t true because you’ve been having sex since you were fifteen.” He shot a glance in the mirror and shuddered. “Yeah, but this is Cai. You’ve been pining after him from the moment you realized you were gay. It’s like you’re going to get to mark everything off your bucket list all at once.”

  Shaking his head, James grimaced. Christ! He was having a conversation with himself. He needed to get a grip. He doubted that whatever happened when they got home would be any different than any other night he’d spent with a guy. Keep telling yourself that. A mocking voice sounding a lot like Owain spoke in his head.

  Okay, so it was very different. It was going to be the culmination of all his wet dreams. “Jesus, nothing like putting a ton of pressure on yourself and Cai. Idiot.”

  His phone rang and Owain’s name came up on the screen. He hit his Bluetooth to answer.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Quit freaking out.”

  “What?” He frowned as he turned onto the road leading to his place.

  Owain chuckled. “I’m pretty sure you’re freaking out about what might happen when you get to your house. Breathe and it’ll be fine.”

  He exhaled loudly. “All right. How did you know?”

  “The look on your face when Cai told me he wasn’t going to be home tonight. It was like you got the best birthday/Christmas present ever.” Owain snorted. “Don’t worry. It’ll be perfect, I’m sure, and if it isn’t, you can keep trying until you get it perfect.”

  “Do you really want to discuss your b
rother’s sex life with me?”

  “No.” Owain gagged. “But I didn’t want you to overthink this situation. Just go with it.”

  James pulled into his driveway and shut off the vehicle. “All right. I’ll see you tomorrow at the mine. Thanks.”

  “No problem. Be safe.” Owain hung up.

  A tap on his window caused James to jump. He glanced over to see Cai standing there, smiling. After climbing out, James grabbed Cai by the back of the head and brought their lips together in a crushing kiss.

  Tongues and teeth. Moans and whimpers. There wasn’t any fighting for control. Each took and yielded until James found himself pressed against the side of his truck, his shirt untucked and belt undone. Cai shoved his knee between James’s thighs, grinding it up into his balls.

  “Ugh,” he moaned, letting his head drop back onto the truck. James licked his lips and pushed Cai away. “Come on. We need to get inside. My neighbors aren’t going to be thrilled to drive by and see us making out on the front lawn.”

  Cai chuckled, but eased off. “Let’s go, then.”

  James grabbed Cai’s hand before dragging him up the front steps and through the door. Pharaoh, Dean, and Sam greeted them, barking and dancing around their feet.

  “Go on,” James told the dogs. Once the trio was outside, he shut the door. “They’ll be fine.”

  He didn’t have a chance to take another step before Cai shoved him back against the wall and attacked his mouth. James buried his hands in Cai’s hair, angling his head so James could take the kiss deeper. Their tongues tangled and stroked while James arched up into Cai.

  “Christ,” Cai growled as he broke away. He started working on James’s clothes, stripping his shirt off. “You need to be fucking naked.”

  James chuckled. “I do fuck naked… most of the time.”

  Cai rolled his eyes. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  Grabbing Cai’s hand, James dragged him down the hallway. All he could think of was getting naked and on the bed with Cai. He wanted to feel the man’s body pressed to his without any barriers between them.


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