The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutuzov

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The Battle of Borodino: Napoleon Against Kutuzov Page 38

by Alexander Mikaberidze

  3rd Dismounted Cossack Regiment (armed with pikes)


  Troops of Vereya and Volokolamsk uezds

  SMOLENSK OPOLCHENYE: Lieutenant General Nikolai Lebedev

  Opolchenye of the Belsk, Vyazma, Gzhatsk, Dorogobuzh, Dukhovo, Yelna, Krasnyi, Roslavl, Smolensk, Sychev and Yukhnov uezds



  Young Guard Infantry: Marshal Eduard Adolph Mortier

  A brigade of Delaborde’s Division: General of Brigade Pierre Berthezene

  4th Voltigeurs

  4th Tirailleurs

  5th Voltigeurs

  2ND GUARD DIVISION: General of Division François Roguet

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Jean Pierre Lanabere

  1st Guard Tirailleur Regiment

  1st Guard Voltigeur Regiment

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Boyeldieu

  Fusilier Chasseur Regiment

  Fusilier Grenadier Regiment

  Artillery: Colonel Villeneuve

  3rd Foot Artillery of the Young Guard (8 guns)

  2nd Company of the Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  VISTULA LEGION: General of Division Michel Claparède

  1st Vistula Regiment

  2nd Vistula Regiment

  3rd Vistula Regiment

  13th Company of the 8th Foot Artillery (6 guns)

  Reserve Artillery: General of Brigade Henri Marie Noury

  3rd Foot Artillery of the Old Guard (8 guns)

  Detachment of the 1st Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  5th and 7th Foot Batteries of the Prussian Artillery Brigade (without guns)

  OLD GUARD INFANTRY: Marshal François Joseph Lefebvre

  3RD GUARD DIVISION: General of Division Philibert Curial

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Boyer

  1st Chasseur à Pied

  2nd Chasseur à Pied


  1st Foot Artillery the Old Guard (8 guns)

  2nd Foot Artillery of the Young Guard (8 guns)

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Claude Michel

  1st Grenadier à Pied

  2nd Grenadier à Pied

  3rd Grenadier à Pied


  2nd Foot Artillery of the Old Guard (8 guns)

  1st Foot Artillery of the Young Guard (8 guns)

  4th Company of the 2nd Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  Detachment of the 1st Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  Detachments of the 4th and 7th Artillery Train Battalions

  GUARD CAVALRY: Marshal Jean Baptiste Bessiéres

  GUARD CAVALRY DIVISION: General of Division Frederick Walther

  1st Brigade: General of Division Charles Lefevbre-Desnouette

  Guard Chasseur à Cheval Regiment

  Mamluk Company

  2nd Brigade: General of Division Raymond Saint-Sulpice

  Empress Guard Dragoon Regiment

  3rd Brigade: General of Division FrederickWalther

  Grenadier à Cheval Regiment

  4th Brigade: General of Brigade Vincent Krasinski

  1st Chevau-lger Lancier de la Garde Regiment (Polish)

  5th Brigade: General of Brigade Edouard Colbert-Chabanais

  2nd Chevau-leger Lancier de la Garde Regiment (Dutch)

  6th Brigade: General of Division Antoine Durosnel

  Gendarmerie d’Élite


  1st Horse Artillery of the Old Guard (6 guns)

  2nd Horse Artillery of the Old Guard (6 guns)

  Detachment of the 2nd Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  Detachment of the 7th Artillery Train Battalion.

  GUARD ARTILLERY RESERVE: General of Division Jean Sorbier

  Foot Artillery: Colonel Antoine Drouo

  4th Company of the Old Guard (8 guns)

  5th Company of the Old Guard (8 guns)

  6th Company of the Old Guard (9 guns)

  Detachment of the 1st Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  Detachment of the 2nd Guard Artillery Train Battalion

  Horse Artillery: General of Brigade Desvaux de St Mauric

  3rd Company of the Old Guard ( 6 guns)

  4th Company of the Old Guard (6 guns)

  Guard Engineer Park: General of Brigade François Kirgener

  Sapper Company of the Old Guard

  Detachment of Guard Marines

  6th Company of the Guard Marines

  7th Company of the Guard Marines

  I CORPS: Marshal Louis Nicolas Davout

  1ST DIVISION: General of Division Charles Morand

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade d’Alton

  13th Light

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Pierre Gratien

  17th Line

  3rd Brigade: General of Brigade Charles August Bonnamy

  30th Line

  Artillery: Captain Beroville

  1st Company of the 7th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  7th Company of the 1st Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  1st and 2nd companies of 1st Principal Train Battalion


  6th Company of the 3rd Sapper Battalion

  1st Company of the 12th Battalion of Military Equipage.

  2ND DIVISION: General of Division Louis Friant

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade François Dufour

  15th Light

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Antoine van Dedem de

  33rd Line

  3rd Brigade: Colonel Joseph Groisne 48th Line

  2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Joseph Napoleon (Spanish) Regiment

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Cabrie

  2nd Company of the 7th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  5th Company of the 3rd Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  4th and 6th companies of the 9th Train (bis) Battalion.


  5th Company of the 5th Sapper Battalion

  4th Company of the 12th Battalion of Military Equipage.

  3RD DIVISION: General of Division Etienne Maurice Gérard

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Leclerc des Essarts

  7th Light

  2nd Brigade: Colonel Henri-Aloyse-Ignace Baudinot

  12th Line

  3rd Brigade: General of Brigade Etienne Maurice Gérar

  21st Line

  127th Line (2 battalions and 2 light guns) and 1st Mecklenburg Battalion served as escort of parks of the I Corps and did not participate in battle.

  Artillery: Colonel Christophe Pelgrin

  3rd Company of the 7th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  4th Company of the 3rd Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  7th and 4th companies of the 1st Principal Train Battalion

  1st and 4th companies of the 1st Train Battalion


  9th Company of the 5th Sapper Battalion

  1st and 3rd Companies of the 12th Battalion of Military Equipage.

  4TH DIVISION: General of Division Joseph Marie Dessaix

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Jean Friederichs

  85th Line

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade François-Joseph Leguay

  108th Line

  2nd Battalion of Hesse-Darmstadt ‘Leib’ Regiment 553

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon

  9th Company of the 7th Foot Artillery (8 guns

  2nd Company of the 5th Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  3rd and 6th companies of the 1st Train Battalion


  3rd Company of the 2nd Sapper Battalion

  4th Company of the 12th Battalion of Military Equipage

  5TH DIVISION: General of Division Jean Dominique Compans

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Jean Duppelin

  25th Line

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade François Antoine Test

  57th Line

  3rd Brigade: General of Brigade Pierre Jules Guyardet

  61st Line

  4th Brigad
e: General of Brigade Louis Lonchamp

  111th Line

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Klie

  2nd Company of the 6th Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  16th Company of the 7th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  2nd and 4th companies of the 9th Principal Train Battalion


  5th Company of the 3rd Sapper Battalion

  3rd and 5th companies of the 12th Military Equipage Battalion

  Artillery Reserve

  3rd Company of the 1st Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  17th Company of the 1st Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  6th Company of the 7th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  Artillery Park

  1st, 5th and 6th companies of the 1st Train Battalion

  Engineer Park: Chef de Bataillon Proust

  8th Company of the 5th Sapper Battalion

  5 companies of the 9th Train

  5 companies of the 12th Battalion of Military Equipage.

  LIGHT CAVALRY: General of Brigade Alexandre Louis Girardi d’Ermenonville – attached to the I Cavalry Corps

  1st Light Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade Girardin d’Ermenonville (624 men)

  2nd Chasseurs

  9th Polish Lancer Regiment

  2nd Light Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade Etienne Bordessoull (454 men

  1st Chasseurs

  3rd Chasseurs

  III CORPS: Marshal Michel Ney

  10TH DIVISION: General of Division François Ledru des Essarts

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Louis Thomas Gengoult

  24th Light

  1st Portuguese Line

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Charles-Stanislas Mario

  46th Line

  3rd Brigade: General of Brigade Jean Baptiste Bruny

  72nd Line

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Ragmey

  12th Company of the 5th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  5th Company of the 6th Horse Artillery (6 guns)


  1st and 2nd companies of the 6th Principal Train Battalion

  7th Company of the 3rd Sapper Battalion

  11TH DIVISION: General of Division Jean Razout

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Claude-Antoine Compère

  2nd Portuguese Line

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Joseph Antoine Jouber

  18th Line 4th Line

  3rd Brigade: General of Brigade François d’Henin

  93rd Line

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Bernard

  18th Company of the 5th Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  6th Company of the 5th Horse Artillery (6 guns)


  1st and 3rd companies of the 6th Principal Train Battalion

  9th Company of the 3rd Sapper Battalion

  25TH (WÜRTTEMBERG) DIVISION: General of Division Jean Gabriel Marchand

  Temporary Württemberg Infantry Regiment

  1. Bataillon (Leichten Infanterie-Brigade)

  1. Kompagnie (Fußjäger König)

  2. Kompagnie (Fußjäger No. 2)

  3. Kompagnie (1. Leichtes Infanterie-Bataillon)

  4. Kompagnie (2. Leichtes Infanterie-Bataillon)

  2. Bataillon (1. Infanterie-Brigade)

  1. Kompagnie (1. Bataillon, Regiment No. 1)

  2. Kompagnie (2. Bataillon, Regiment No. 1)

  3. Kompagnie (1. Bataillon, Regiment No. 4)

  4. Kompagnie (2. Bataillon, Regiment No. 4)

  3. Bataillon (2. Infanterie-Brigade)

  1. Kompagnie (1. Bataillon, Regiment No. 2)

  2. Kompagnie (2. Bataillon, Regiment No. 2)

  3. Kompagnie (1. Bataillon, Regiment No. 6)

  4. Kompagnie (2. Bataillon, Regiment No. 6)

  1st Württemberg Foot Artillery (6 guns)

  2nd Württemberg Foot Artillery (6 guns)

  1st Württemberg Horse Artillery (4 guns)


  9th Light Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade Pierre Mourier

  11th (Dutch) Hussars

  6th Chevau-léger Lanciers

  4th Württemberg Chasseurs of the King

  14th Light Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade FrederickBeurmann

  4th Chasseurs a Cheval

  28th Chasseurs a Cheval

  1st Württemberg Chevau-léger

  2nd Württemberg Chevau-léger

  2nd Württemberg Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  RESERVE ARTILLERY AND PARKS: Colonel Marie Claude Bernard Verrier


  16th Company of the 1st Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  Württemberg Reserve Battery (5 guns)

  Württemberg Regimental Artillery (12 guns)

  Artillery Park:

  4th and 5th companies of the 6th Artillery Train Battalion

  Engineer Park

  3rd Company of the 1st Sapper Battalion

  6th Company of Engineer Train

  8th Company of the 1st Pontoon Battalion

  5th Company of Artillery Artisans

  IV CORPS: Prince Eugène de Beauharnais, Viceroy of Italy

  13TH DIVISION: General of Division Alexis Joseph Delzons

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Huard de St Aubin

  8th Light

  84th Line

  1st Provisional Croat Regiment

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Louis Auguste Plauzonne

  92nd Line

  106th Line

  Artillery: Chef de bataillion Dema

  9th Company of the 2nd Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  2nd Company of the 4th Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  2nd and 3rd companies of the 7th Train Battalion


  7th Company of the 1st Sapper Battalion

  14TH DIVISION: General of Division Jean Baptiste Broussier

  1st Brigade: General ofBrigade Bertrand de Sivray

  18th Light

  53rd Line

  1st and 4th Battalions of Joseph Napoleon (Spanish) Regiment

  2nd Brigade: General ofBrigade Louis Almér

  9th Line

  35th Line

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Herman

  7th Company of the 2nd Foot Artillery (8 guns)

  3rd Company of the 4th Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  1st and 6th companies of the 7th Train Battalion


  2nd Company of the 1st Sapper Battalion

  Italian Royal Guard: General of Brigade Lechi

  Infantry Brigade: General of Brigade Lechi

  Royal Vélites

  Guard Infantry Regiment

  Guard Conscript Regiment

  Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade Joseph Triaire

  1st to 5th companies of the Gardes d’Honneur

  Guard Dragoon Regiment

  Queen’s Dragoon Regiment

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Clément

  1st Italian Foot Artillery (6 guns)

  2nd Italian Foot Artillery (6 guns)

  1st Italian Horse Artillery (6 guns)

  1st and 2nd companies of Italian Guard Artillery Train

  2nd Company of Italian Guard Artisans


  1st Company of the 1st Italian Sapper Battalion

  Italian Guard Marines

  CORPS CAVALRY: General of Division Philippe Antoine Ornano

  12th Light Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade Claude-Raymond Guyon

  9th Chasseurs à Cheval

  19th Chasseurs à Cheval

  13 th Light Cavalry Brigade: General of Brigade Giovanni Villata von Villatburg

  2nd Italian Chasseurs à Cheval

  3rd Italian Chasseurs à Cheval

  BAVARIAN CAVALRY DIVISION: Major General Maximillian Joseph von Preysing-Moos

  21st Light Cavalry Brigade: Major General von Seydewitz

  3rd Bavarian Chevau-léger Kron-prinz

  6th Bavarian Chevau-léger Bubenhofen

  22nd Light Cavalry Brigade: Major General Maximillian Joseph von Preysing-Moos
r />   4th Bavarian Chevau-léger

  5th Bavarian Chevau-léger

  Artillery Brigade

  1st Bavarian Horse Artillery (6 guns)


  5th Company of the 2nd Foot Artillery

  12th Company of the 2nd Foot Artillery

  2nd Company of 1st Italian Foot

  7th Company of 1st Italian Foot Artillery


  5th Company and Detachment of 7th Train (bis) Battalion

  5th and 6th companies and Detachment of the 9th Italian Train Battalion

  1st Company and detachment of the 2nd and 6th companies of the 9th Battalion of

  Military Equipage.

  1st Company of the 2nd Pontoon Battalion

  1st and 3rd companies of the 1st Italian Battalion of Military Equipage.

  V CORPS: General of Division Prince Jozef Poniatowski

  16TH DIVISION: General of Division Isidor Krasinski

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Krasinski

  3rd Polish Line

  15th Polish Line

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Franciszek Paszkowski

  16th Polish Line

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Sowinski

  3rd Polish Foot Artillery Company (6 guns)

  12th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6 guns)

  3rd Company of the Polish Artillery Train Battalion


  1st Company of the Polish Sapper Battalion

  Detachment Polish Artillery Artisan Company

  18TH DIVISION: General of Division Charles Kniaziewicz

  1st Brigade: General of Brigade Beganski

  2nd Polish Line

  8th Polish Line

  2nd Brigade: General of Brigade Pototzk

  12th Polish Line

  Artillery: Chef de Bataillon Ushinski

  4th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6 guns)

  5th Polish Foot Artillery Company (6 guns)


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