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Lacey's Warriors (Bondmates Book 6)

Page 11

by Ann Mayburn

  Blushing, Lacey raised a hand to quiet the men down as she smiled. “Thank you, thank you everyone. Without your help training me, Roxy and I wouldn’t have survived. So, thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart. Now, someone help me get this fucking ridiculous crown off my head.”

  Gwarnon cocked his head as everyone laughed. “Do you not wish to wear it for our bonding ceremony?”

  She winced slightly as Chel and one of Gwarnon’s crew began to remove the complex pins holding the crown in place. “I do, but first I want to get this business with my…winnings taken care of.”

  “Of course,” Gwarnon said, his expression cooling as he mentally withdrew from their bond.

  “Oh, stop that.” She smacked him lightly on his rock-hard stomach. “I just don’t want this pressing on my mind before we bond. I want to be able to enjoy our ceremony, and I can’t do that knowing I own people. I hate the very idea”

  Giving her an odd look that was a mixture of pride and resignation, Gwarnon said, “There is an old saying among our people that good Matriachs do not rule their people as a Queen, but protects them as a Mother.”

  She pointed at Gwarnon. “Exactly.” Chel removed the crown from her head, and she let out a long breath of relief. “Thanks.”

  Nodding, Chel ran his fingers gently over her scalp, massaging lightly. “We understand your reasoning. Though I am as eager as my brother, I agree that I would not want to approach the Lord of Life with such thoughts crowding my mind.”

  Relief flickered on Gwarnon’s face as he relaxed slightly. “This is true. Coming before the Lord of Life, asking for his blessing with such darkness in your heart, is not a good idea.”

  Rubbing his lips over her forehead, Gwarnon said, “Come, let us get something to eat, and we will discuss how to best serve your people.”

  Chapter 8


  Sitting back from the table, Gwarnon shifted in his chair, the intelligent surface massaging the tension out of his lower back.

  If only it could do the same for his mind.

  Logically, he knew that Lacey was correct and more than entitled to put off their bonding ceremony as long as she needed to. But his wounded mind and heart couldn’t help but wonder if she really did intend to bond them or not. Lady Roxy bonded her mates as soon as she could after the Baladium, an offer that was open to Lacey as well. But she’d turned it down then, saying she needed to focus on the fight ahead.

  Watching her standing next to Chel while looking at the intelligent wall and its data, his heart constricted and he prayed with all of his might to the Lord of Life that she wouldn’t back out.

  She must have sensed his thoughts or felt his gaze because she looked over her shoulder at him, a questioning tilt to one raised brow.

  He merely shook his head with a smile, sending her a mental and emotional response letting her know he was fine.

  She blew him a kiss before returning her attention to Chel and one of their men, Orushel, who was both a highly decorated Negotiator and a fellow spy for Lord Rell. Older than both Chel and Gwarnon, Orushel had deep auburn hair that turned silver at the tips and skin as pale as a cream fruit. Shorter than most Kadothian males, many had mistaken his small stature for weakness. Despite the size difference, Orushel was one of the strongest males Gwarnon knew, both mentally and physically.

  Anxiety spiked through the bond from Lacey’s side and Gwarnon turned his attention to where his alyah stood with her fists on her hips. She’d changed from the earlier gown into a pair of loose fitting deep emerald trousers that slit up the sides to her upper thighs, and a short tunic that left a slice of her lean, muscled midriff visible. She’d draped a long, shimmering chain of pale blue ocean diamonds around her waist, a visible display of her Baladium winnings that Baladium protocol demanded.

  He liked the way the end of the chain hung down over her inner hip, the large glowing blue diamond at the end of the chain swaying close to her pubic mound as she shifted her stance with a growl.

  “I don’t care if they’re criminals, I’m not executing anyone,” Lacey said as she tried to stare down Orushel, something next to impossible to do.

  “My Lady,” Orushel said in a reasonable voice, “surely you must agree that placing these monsters next to innocent people and letting them run amuck is not a good idea. Can you imagine what would happen if we resettled a Kromer next to a Viitti hamlet?”

  Lacey went silent for a moment, no doubt accessing their crystal implant. A minute went by, then shock and disgust hit their bond as she learned the horror of what would happen if a Kromer was resettled next to a Viitti hamlet. Nausea started to ooze through their bond, and Gwarnon quickly shut his side down as Chel urged Lacey to put her hands on her knees and take a deep breath.

  She waved Chel away with a frown, her skin as pale as Orushel’s. “Okay, that would be bad, but what do we do? Killing someone in battle is one thing, executing them is something else entirely. Isn’t there some way we can separate the criminals from the innocent? I mean, I know the Baladium receives these people as tribute from their members, and some of them are fucking psychopaths, but surely there are some good people as well, right? I mean, some of these people are kids. Hell, there are a few eggs as well—there are literally unborn babies as part of my winnings. That’s fucked up on so many levels. I want those kids returned to their parents as soon as possible. No mother should be without her baby.”

  The anguish coming from Lacey was so strong in that moment that it pushed past his mental shields like they were sugar candy trying to dam up a raging ice river.

  An instant later, the sensation was gone, and Lacey avoided his mental questions as she listened to Orushel’s reply.

  “My Lady, you are right, no child should be without a proper parent. Unfortunately, it is not as simple as returning them to their home worlds. In some cases, the family willingly sold the child and do not want them back. Others have been raised from birth to be slaves and know no other life. And, in a few cases, their home worlds are currently at war and are unsafe for any living creature.”

  Chel slipped his arm around Lacey’s shoulders, giving her comfort as she released a bitter sigh. “This is all so fucking complicated.”

  “Doing the right thing often is.” Gwarnon sent reassurance to her through their bond.

  “If you will permit it, my Lady.” Orushel gave a small bow in her direction. “My men and I would be honored to take on this task for you. If you will give us but a few hours, I am sure we will be able to come up with a plan of action that you will find acceptable.”

  The bright smile she gave him had the older man blushing. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

  “Of course,” Orushel blinked as if momentarily stunned. “Thank you for your trust.”

  After Orushel left, Lacey gave a huge yawn, then rubbed her face. “This has been the longest day ever.”

  Gwarnon could sense her exhaustion as he rose from the table to join them, drawing Lacey and Chel into the circle of his arms. Contentment, soul deep and powerful, rolled through him as they quietly embraced each other, the feeling of loving and being loved flowing between them like an endless river. He opened himself to that potent flow, his wounded soul soaking up the affection like it was a healing balm.

  Cuddling into both of her men, Lacey made a satisfied sound that made him smile. “I love this. I love you.”

  “We love you as well,” Gwarnon replied as Chel made an affirmative sound.

  “I know,” she said in a warm, relaxed voice before yawning again. “Man, I need some coffee or some of that energy juice you guys have. I am beat.”

  As much as Gwarnon wanted to rush her off to get ready for their bonding, her needs always came first and, right then, what she needed most was sleep.

  Smoothing his fingers over the hint of skin showing at her waist, he glanced up at Chel, who nodded to his mental question of getting their alyah into bed.

  “Come on.” Chel bent down and
lifted a protesting Lacey into his arms. “It is, as Lady Casey says, beddie-bye time.”

  Even though she laughed softly, a wave of melancholy moved through Lacey. “That’s more something you say to a kid when it’s bedtime.”

  Chel pursed his lips as they carried her through the ship to their quarters.

  “Hmmm, yes, that would make sense. She says it to her mates when they get, as she puts it, cranky.” Looking over at Gwarnon he said, “It is a slang term that means fussy and hard to please. Like a little one in need of a nap to calm their temper.”

  “Lady Casey refers to her mates as infants? How odd,” Gwarnon mused as they entered their room, the familiar space relaxing him as he sat on a chair and removed his boots. “Is that normal among humans, to refer to their mates as infants?”

  “She does call us baby,” Chel smirked as he ducked a smack to the back of his head from a grinning Lacey.

  “Keep it up, you two, and you’ll be sleeping on the couch instead of in bed with me,” Lacey threatened as she casually slid out of her clothes then crawled up the bed, clad only in peach panties and that glittering blue diamond belt. “And I guarantee you would rather be in bed with me.”

  His cock stirred, but he willed himself to ignore it. “My bride, as much as I would love to join you, I feel you need your sleep. Chel can feel that your body is exhausted, as is normal after everything you’ve been through. You need to rest and heal. You need—”

  “I need your cock,” Lacey said as she lay back among the pillows, her long legs moving slowly over the silky pale gold sheets.

  Gwarnon groaned deep in his throat, fisting his erection as Lacey let them both know through the bond that what she said was true. Her desire for them warmed over his skin like soft feminine hands, stroking his soul and awakening his body. Hormones flared to life within and Chel gripped his cock harder this time, giving it a firm tug in a no doubt useless effort to alleviate the growing ache in his groin.

  Gwarnon sent him a quick mental question and Chel nodded in return. For a brief second, the haze of his desire cleared, and Gwarnon was able to fully appreciate the moment. How long had he dreamed of looking at his blood brother smiling at him, knowing they were going to pleasure their mate together? How long had he dreamed of this moment, prayed for it until his plea to the Lord of Life had been the last thing on his lips every night for decades.

  And now that it was here and being with Lacey was better than anything he had ever imagined or prayed for. Even in his wildest daydreams, he’d never imagined their bride would be so beautiful. She lay back among the fluffy pillows against the head of the bed, a true queen watching her subjects. The sharp, harsh angles of her cheekbones leant dark shadows to her face, emphasizing that, while she was gorgeous, it was a hard beauty. The kind that graced the face of a Warrior Queen, regal and strong.

  Thank the Lord of Life for that.

  She would need her strength in the battle to come with the High Congress.

  Now that it was out in the open that Chel and Gwarnon were with one of the mysterious Earth women, rumors stormed around Kadothia about why he was at the Baladium. Some guessed correctly that Lacey was his bondmate. Others guessed that his mother had somehow managed to dodge the Kadothian laws yet again and somehow involve herself in the Baladium. Others still speculated that they’d been kidnapped, or were secretly working for the Baladium, or a million other theories. They were big news all over the galaxy, and no doubt the High Congress was very displeased with them.

  But those were unhappy worries for when his bride wasn’t waiting for him, wet and wanting.

  Turning to Chel, he forced his mind from his constant worries, and instead helped his blood brother slowly remove his clothes, revealing his lean, hard body to their bride. The scent of her desire teased his nose as Lacey’s body heated, her already stiff nipples hardening further until they crinkled up tight. Running his hands over Chel’s broad shoulders, Gwarnon slowly slid them down to his soon to be husband’s trim waist, toying with the fastening before reaching into Chel’s pants and gripping his shaft.

  As he began to stroke, Lacey let out a shuddering moan and sank back further into the pillows, her gaze glazed with passion as she watched her men.

  While Gwarnon caressed Chel, running his thumb along the dormant ridges that would raise along Chel’s cock when he came, Chel began to pull his pants down, revealing his erection being fisted in Gwarnon’s hand. A little fluttering sigh came from Lacey, and she squirmed, rubbing her thighs together. Holding her gaze, Gwarnon brought his hand to his mouth and licked his palm like he wanted to lick her pussy, wetting it.

  “Holy shit,” Lacey breathed out when Gwarnon’s now slick fist began to work Chel’s cock. “Holy shit…that feels amazing.”

  The glittering belt on Lacey’s slim waist shimmered as her breathing picked up. When she spread her thighs wide, he could see that the panel of her peach panties, where it pressed against her sweet sex, was wet with her desire.

  Chel shuddered in his grasp as both men took a deep breath of her arousal, then groaned when she began to rub her sex through the silk of her lingerie.

  “I need to taste her,” Chel said as he helped Gwarnon remove the rest of his clothes, pausing to caress and stroke each other, to drive Lacey’s desire higher. “Need her honey on my tongue.”

  Climbing onto the bed, they both paused to give her feet a kiss before joining her. Lacey smiled at them both, desire and happiness blending from her side of the bond. Gwarnon felt as if he was enveloped in love, as if he could reach out and pull the emotion around him like a physical object. Leaning down, he lightly drew his lips over Lacey’s as Chel began to kiss her breasts, ignoring her straining nipples while he ran his hands all over her sleek body.

  Lacey nipped at his tongue and Gwarnon cupped her face in his hands, pouring his devotion to her through their bond, showing her how much he wanted her.

  It must have been too much, because Lacey arched up with a cry as a small, but powerful orgasm rocked through her body. Chel and Gwarnon shut down their sides of the bond, fighting the urge to join her in her release as they exchanged a satisfied male grin. Laying back with her arms over her head, Lacey let out a soft moan and reached for both of them, caressing their thigh muscles as she panted.

  “Wow, that was…wow.” She stared up at Gwarnon, her eyes still glazed from her release. “Let me suck your cock. I need to taste you.”

  Hearing her echo Chel’s words with the same hunger had Gwarnon shifting so that his jerking shaft was right in her face. After putting a few more pillows behind her head so she would be comfortable, he gripped his shaft and rubbed the tip over her parted lips. Chel had taken one of her sensitive nipples into his mouth and was sucking hard, making Lacey’s body light up in response.

  “Open,” Gwarnon nearly snarled as he tapped the head of his shaft against her lips.

  A little spark of defiance blazed through her—his woman would always be a fighter—but she did as he commanded. Sliding past her lips into the wet heat of her mouth was perfection, and Gwarnon threw his head back as her clever little tongue teased him. With his eyes closed, he let himself drift in their bond, both giving and receiving pleasure. When Chel kissed his way down to between Lacey’s legs, Gwarnon had to close himself off before her reaction made him cum.

  “Wait!” Lacey nearly yelled out as she gripped Chel’s head by the hair and lifted him from between her legs. “Your cocks. I want you both inside of me.”

  Gwarnon and Chel exchanged a glance, then Chel nearly fell off the bed as he scrambled to get the lubricant that would make it easy for Lacey to take one of them in her tight…sweet…perfect little ass.

  Chel, giving him a knowing grin, gave the tube of lubricant to Gwarnon as he flipped Lacey over onto her belly.

  Slapping her bottom, he said, “Up on all fours.”

  She did as he demanded, her gaze hot as she glanced back at him. “You really do love my ass, don’t you? I can feel how much you want
me. It is intoxicating. Your desire is like a drug and a craving all at once.”

  Chel lay on his side next to Lacey, stroking her back and breasts as Gwarnon caressed her bottom. When he began to run his fingers over the puckered rear entrance, she tensed up. A little scrape of fear moved through their bond, and he made a soothing sound.

  “Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you. We will never hurt you,” Gwarnon crooned as he massaged her buttocks.

  Lacey lay her head down on the pillows, her bottom still in the air as she said, “Um, hate to break this to you, but anal sex is usually painful.”

  “Not the way we do it,” Chel said with a smug grin before he pulled Lacey over his body so he was on his back, and she was straddling his stomach.

  Chel gripped Lacey’s blonde curls and drew her down into a kiss that propped her bottom high in the air, open and waiting for Gwarnon’s touch.

  Dipping down low, he let his fingers play in the wetness from her pussy, pausing to let Chel’s fingers begin to stroke her clit. As his blood brother worked her pleasure button, Gwarnon squirted a healthy amount of lubricant onto his fingers before pressing two of them at her back entrance. The tight ring of muscles resisted him, but Chel did something that had her gasping and arching back, opening her to him.

  Gwarnon took instant advantage, pressing his fingers past the ring of muscle, coating her inside with the special lubricant.

  “Oh, oh fuck,” Lacey said with wonder in her voice. “That feels good.”

  Chuckling at her surprise, Gwarnon removed his fingers and began to run the head of his rutting erection over her entrance, lubricating himself and teasing her.

  “Make her climax,” he told Chel who broke his kiss with Lacey long enough to give Gwarnon a wink.

  Just looking at the tip of his cock pressing against her tight little hole had him leaking precum. His balls drew up tight, and he had to fight with all his strength to hold back as Lacey began to wiggle against him. She was making little needy moans, her sinuous moves a delight to the male eye.


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