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Special Talents

Page 21

by J. B. Tilton

  "Don't move," said one of the guards.

  Simon put his hands up to signify he was surrendering. Mariah had frozen as soon as the light had come on. In her present location she was well concealed from the light. Jeremy slumped down to conceal himself better as well.

  "Who are you?" demanded one of the guards. "What are you doing here?"

  "No habla Inglés," said Simon.

  "¿Quiénes son usted?" questioned another of the guards.

  "Actually, I don't speak Spanish either," said Simon, putting his hands on his head.

  "Take him to the confinement building," ordered the first guard. "I'll let Captain Morris know we caught another one."

  As the two guards led Simon away the remaining guard shined the light into the wooded area where Jeremy and Mariah lay. Neither moved for fear of being seen. Finally satisfied that Simon was alone, the guard shut off the light and followed after the other two. Mariah made her way to Jeremy.

  "That was close," she said. "I thought for a minute they had seen me."

  "Did you get it done?" Jeremy asked.

  She just patted the satchel.

  "Good. Get it back to the van. Then meet me back here. We'll try to locate Kamalene and Frank and see about Janet, Conrad, and Simon."

  "You think they've taken him to the same place?"

  "The guard did say to take them to the confinement building," said Jeremy. "I don't think that should be too hard to find. Now hurry. We don't have much time."

  Mariah hurried off with the satchel heading for the van that was hidden in a clump of trees a few dozen yards from the compound. It would take her a few minutes to get there and a few more to get back. All Jeremy could do is wait for her to return. As he did he contemplated Phase III of the plan.

  As they led Simon into the confinement building he realized it was actually just an old storage building that had been emptied out. There was a keypad entry system that required a special key card. As they sat him down in a chair and handcuffed his hands behind him he noticed Janet and Conrad sitting off to one side.

  He looked the building over. It was a square metal frame building with no windows. The only way into or out of the building was through the door he had just come in. He had also noticed guards stationed all around the building making any escape attempt extremely difficult. As he looked around a captain came up to him.

  "So, what were you doing at that building?" demanded the captain.

  Simon looked over at Janet and Conrad.

  "Don't be concerned with them," said the captain. "I know the three of you know each other. I saw the looks you gave each other. So answer my question. What were you doing at that building?"

  "Just hanging out," said Simon. "I do that a lot. Hang out."

  "Just hanging out, huh? Were you aware that was a restricted area?"

  "No!" exclaimed Simon. "Really? I had no idea. I'll certainly be more careful in the future, captain, I promise you that. Am I free to go now?"

  Out of the corner of his eye Simon could see Janet smiling. He had always been a smartass. It was just his nature. And he could see in this situation she actually found it amusing. There might be hope for her yet.

  "I wouldn't be so flippant if I were you," said the captain.

  "Oh, I'm not flippant. I'm half French and half Chinese."

  "Half Chinese?"

  "Yeah, I know. I don't look it. People tell me that all the time. Well if there are no more questions, I really should be getting along. Sesame Street is about to come on and I really want to find out what happens with Big Bird."

  "You have a real problem with authority, you know that?" questioned the captain.

  "I've been told that before. I'm working on it. Really, I am."

  "Okay, Mr. half Chinese. What's your name?"

  "Mehoff," said Simon. "Mr. Mehoff. But you can call me Jack."

  "Mr. Jack Me . . ." the captain stopped writing on a pad he was holding. "Oh, you're a real comedian aren't you?"

  "You heard?" questioned Simon. "I have an application in at the Improv. They say I have a real shot at getting on there. Headliner, no less, not some backup. I just need one big break. That's all. Could I use you as a reference?"

  "Let's just cut the jokes," said the captain. "You're in some serious trouble. Things might go easier on you if you decide to cooperate. Neither of your friends there will say anything. But if you just tell me what I want to know I'm sure we can clear this up in no time."

  "You think so? Well, in that case I'd be glad to help. My last name is Yow. That's spelled Y-O-U."

  "Y-O-U?" questioned the captain.

  "I told you I was half Chinese. It's my father's name."

  "Okay, Mr. Yow. Now, what's your first name?"

  "It's French," said Simon. "My mother was French. It's pronounced Fuqaa. And it's spelled F, U, C. . . ."

  "Okay, that's enough," said the captain, throwing up his hands in disgust. Janet and Conrad both had to stifle a laugh. "We'll just leave this one here and Colonel Green can interrogate him. Let's see if he's still such a comedian after the colonel gets through with him."

  "You really think I'm that funny?" Simon continued as the captain and two guards with him left the building. "You really think I'm colonel funny? You know, I could really use a recommendation from you. It would go a long way to advancing my career."

  The captain didn't respond. He just slammed the door to the building as the three soldiers left. Janet and Conrad just started laughing.

  "Jack Mehoff?" Janet asked.

  "Hey, it's a classic," said Simon. "Those never go out of style."

  "I liked the Yow, spelled Y-O-U," said Conrad. "I thought the captain was going to have a cow when you started spelling your 'first' name."

  "Yeah, it just kind of came to me," said Simon. "Mariah said that they know you guys are here. Frank and Kamalene are supposed to be outside right now. I think Dr. Sloan and Mariah got away. They just caught me. So I guess we're ready for Phase III. I'm surprised you're still handcuffed, Janet. I didn't think something like that could hold you."

  "They can't," said Janet. "I'm just waiting for the right moment. No sense giving away too much too soon."

  "The captain's concerned about what they're guarding," said Conrad. "He doesn't know what it is but he's worried because three of us were caught so near it. He'd like to check and make sure it's still safe but apparently only Colonel Green has the code to the keypad that will open the door."

  "Then it should still be nice and snug," said Simon. "How long do you think it will be before Dr. Sloan implements Phase III?"

  "Not long I would imagine," said Janet. "He wants to make sure we have plenty of time for Phase IV. He's got a truck waiting for us across the Anacosta River. All we have to do is swim the short distance across and we'll be home free."

  "Once we get out of here," said Conrad.

  "It's only a matter of time," said Simon, glancing up at one of the cameras. "We just need to wait for Dr. Sloan to show up."

  Jeremy and Mariah carefully made their way across the compound. With his special ability Jeremy was able to see the guards long before they saw them. It was easy to adjust their path so they avoided the guards completely.

  They were moving towards a small, square frame building. Jeremy could see the aura's of several guards around the building. Several yards from the building, huddled in some trees, were the auras of two people that Jeremy recognized as Kamalene and Frank. Silently they made their way to the two.

  "Is that it?" Jeremy asked.

  "I guess so," said Frank. "That's where they took Janet and Conrad. And a little bit ago they took Simon in there."

  "Okay," said Jeremy. "It's time for Phase III. Frank, make your way back to the van. Stay among the trees and you should be fine. Most of the guards are in or around the buildings."

  "That seems odd," said Frank. "You'd think they'd have roaming patrols as well."

  "They do," said Jeremy. "So you'll have to keep an eye out for them. Mo
st of the guards are stationary so it should be relatively easy to avoid them. The roaming ones are a different story. They could be anywhere. Just keep your head down and don't get in a hurry. You should make it back to the fence where we can in without any problems. Once you get there check the merchandise and make sure it's the right one."

  "You think Simon or I might have made a mistake?" questioned Kamalene.

  "No," replied Jeremy. "But I wouldn't put it past General Porter to make a switch on us. I just want to make sure we have the right one before we leave here."

  "On my way," said Frank. "Good luck. I'll meet you at the rendezvous point."

  "Remember," said Jeremy. "Wait thirty minutes. No longer. If we aren't there by then we won't be coming. After thirty minutes have elapsed leave without us."

  "If you say so," said Frank. "I still don't like it."

  "That's the way it has to be," said Jeremy. "Good luck."

  "You too." Frank turned and headed back the same way Jeremy and Mariah had just come.

  "Kamalene," said Jeremy. "Can you manipulate that keypad and get us in the building?"

  "Probably," said Kamalene. "They all pretty much operate the same way. They're actually pretty simple."

  "Okay," said Jeremy. "We'll need to distract the guards. Something to draw their attention away from that door."

  "I could go over to that clump of trees and then let them see me," suggested Mariah. Then I run back into the trees. They should come after me. That should give you and Mariah the time you need."

  "Just be careful," said Jeremy. "Remember, they're using live ammo. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

  "Don't worry, I won't," said Mariah.

  She turned and headed to the clump of trees she had indicated. Jeremy and Kamalene watched as she stepped out of the trees and looked around. After a moment the guards at the front of the building saw her. They immediately gave chase, leaving the front of the building unprotected.

  Jeremy and Kamalene hurriedly moved to the front of the building. Kamalene put her hand on the keypad and closed her eyes. She began to concentrate. Suddenly a light illuminated them both.

  "That will be quite enough of that."

  They turned to see Colonel Green with four armed men standing just a few feet from them. The men had rifles pointed at the two.

  "Well, well, well," said Green. "Look who we have here. I was wondering when you were going to show up, doctor. You really didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?"

  "I thought it might," said Jeremy. "Human nature being what it is I figured it was worth a shot."

  Green looked up where his men had followed Mariah into the clump of trees. As they watch, Mariah, flanked by four guards came out of the trees and began to head for the building.

  "My men are trained to fight their natures," said Green. "And to follow orders. Their orders were to lure you in and make you think it would be simple to get into that building holding the statue. And I'd say it worked like a charm."

  Jeremy just looked at Green as he smiled from ear to ear. The entire team had been captured and were surrounded by one of the most elite units in the military.


  "Well, doctor, for all your grandstanding in the Secretary's office you seem to have come up short," said Colonel Green.

  Jeremy, Mariah, and Kamalene had all been taken into the building and handcuffed to chairs, just like Janet, Conrad, and Simon. The colonel stood before them with a big smile on his face, the captain standing just to his right. The colonel had his hands on his hips indicating he was in complete control.

  "This one's a comedian," said the captain, indicating Simon. "He's got some real funny answers to my questions."

  "Yeah, I'm still waiting on that recommendation," said Simon. "I'm sure when the people at the Improv hear a captain in the army recommended me they'll move me right to the top of the list."

  "You're all ready at the top of the list," said the captain. "The terrorist list. After what you people tried tonight you'll be lucky if you don't spend the rest of your lives in prison."

  "I told you my men were the best, doctor," said Green. "We pride ourselves on being the best. I don't know why General Porter wanted to have this test but I told him you didn't stand a chance. There's no way a bunch of civilians could stand up to my men."

  "I guess you were right, colonel," said Jeremy. "But the test was important, I can assure you. If for no other reason than to work out the kinks, so to speak. You've helped us do that nicely."

  "Excuse me, sir," said the captain. "Test?"

  "Yes, captain, test," said Green. "These people really aren't terrorists. Oh, the item you're protecting is real enough. And it was their job to steal it. It was your job to make sure they didn't. As usual you did that quite admirably."

  "If I may ask, sir," said the captain, "why wasn't I told it was only a test?"

  "Order from Secretary Napolitano," said Green. "Only I was to know it wasn't real. Now that it's over I can't see why you shouldn't know. But let the men continue to think it's real. At least until zero eight hundred."

  "What happens at zero eight hundred, sir?" asked the captain.

  "That's when the test is officially over," said Jeremy. "Until then, we still have a chance."

  "Not locked up in here you don't," said Green. "Captain, keep them here until zero eight hundred. Then you can let them go."

  "Yes, sir," said the captain. "Can I tell the men it was a test then? I think they have a right to know."

  "I think that will be fine," said Green. "But not before. And tell them they performed admirably. I'm very pleased with the way they handled this test. And be sure to tell them it wasn't a test of them. It was a test of these people."

  "Yes, sir, thank you, sir," said the captain.

  "And we'll just leave them handcuffed in here until then," said Green. "General Porter said he wanted this to be as real as possible. Well, our prisoners aren't released until they're ready for transport to another location. So we'll just leave them as they are for the time being. Doctor, have a good night. I'll see you at zero eight hundred. Come on, captain. I think we deserve a celebratory drink."

  It was nearly half an hour later when a white panel van pulled up and stopped next to the confinement building. As the guards watched cautiously, General Porter got out of the van. He was dressed in the now familiar Battle Dress Uniform that was the utility uniform for most of the Armed Forces. The guards immediately saluted and he returned their salute.

  "Where can I find Colonel Green?" Porter asked.

  "He's in the headquarters building, sir," said one of the guards, pointing to a building not far away.

  As Porter turned and headed to the building, Colonel Green and the captain came out the front door. They both approached Porter and saluted him and he returned their salutes.

  "General," said Green, "the front gate told me you had just come through. I wasn't expecting you, sir."

  "I just thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing," replied Porter. "Unofficially, of course."

  "Of course, sir. This is my adjutant, Captain Phillips."

  "Captain. So, colonel, have you made any progress?"

  "As a matter of fact sir, we have," said Green smiling. "I'm pleased to report that all infiltrators have been apprehended and are at this very moment under heavy armed guard."

  "All of them?" questioned Porter. "Outstanding, colonel. Out fucking standing. I told Dr. Sloan his people weren't ready. And you helped me prove it. Now, just where are they being held?"

  "Right over there, sir," said Green. "It's normally a storage building I had cleaned out to use as a containment area for this exercise. Oh, I hope it's okay. I did fill Captain Phillips in. After all, the exercise is over. The men are still under the impression it's all real however."

  "I don't suppose there's any harm done," said Porter. "You certainly have enough men guarding the place. What other security measures do you have in place?"

he building only has one way in and out," said Green. "The walls are solid reinforced concrete and there's not so much as a window. I also had the place wired so we could listen to them. They were pretty chatty for a while. Mundane stuff mostly. About 10 minutes ago they stopped talking. I guess they decided to get some sleep."

  "What other security measures do you have in place, colonel?" Porter asked.

  "That's all, sir," said Green. "As I said, they're being held in that building and there's no way out except through the front door. And I can assure you, sir, they haven't come out that way."


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