Book Read Free

Special Talents

Page 26

by J. B. Tilton

  "So you think that Moser is somehow able to convince these leaders to accelerate their activities against the United States," said Jeremy.

  "More than that," said Napolitano. "We believe that Moser is one of your people with a special talent, doctor. We don't know how, but we believe that Moser is somehow able to control these people and cause them to commit the horrendous acts they commit."

  "You said that you had no direct evidence linking Moser to these acts," said Jeremy. "That would indicate that he has the ability to control these people even when he's not around. I'm not sure how he could accomplish that. All of the people we've identified as having special talents have been able to do so only when they've been present at a given location. None of them have been able to use their talent when they're somewhere else."

  "I can't address that, doctor," said Napolitano. "To be honest, I'm not sure I fully understand your abilities or how they actually work. You're the expert in that area. I can only tell you what our reports tell us. That Moser meets with someone and very soon after that they begin terrorist activities all over the world. And some, like the attack on 9-11, are aimed directly at the United States."

  "And you think that Moser is behind this attempt to smuggle plutonium into Washington, D.C. and assemble a nuclear device there," said Scarborough. "Possibly using this Shannon Chang to do the actual work while he works from behind the scenes?"

  "We weren't aware of Ms. Chang before her attack on you," said Porter. "But it would be keeping with Moser's method of operation. He'll take a relative unknown and causes them to create unspeakable acts of terrorism and violence against others. While he remains hidden in the background, unobserved by most intelligence agencies."

  "But this time we believe that Moser may be taking a direct hand in the plot," said Napolitano. "For whatever reason, we believe that Moser is taking an active part in collecting the components for the bomb and assembling it. And when it's assembled, we believe he's going to detonate it in the nations' capital."

  "That wouldn't be in keeping with his mentality," said Jeremy. "You said he always works behind the scenes. That would indicate that he's going to have someone else detonate the bomb. Just as terrorist leaders get others to become suicide bombers instead of doing it themselves. Other people die and create the destruction and terror while the leaders sit back and plan new attacks."

  "But that could explain Chang's presence," said Scarborough. "He might have used whatever ability he has to control her and make her the suicide bomber in this instance."

  "If he even has an ability," said Jeremy. "We haven't established that he has one. It is possible, however remote, that his meetings with these terrorist leaders is simply coincidence."

  "I don't believe in coincidence, doctor," said Porter. "At any rate, we have credible evidence that a nuclear device is going to be assembled in Washington, D.C. in the near future. And it is our belief that Richard Moser is involved."

  "The question is," said Scarborough, "what is his target? With a nuclear device he could do a lot of damage. But most terrorist attacks have a specific target. If we knew what his target was that might make it easier to help locate the bomb or the people making the bomb."

  "We believe we all ready know what his target is," said Napolitano. "We believe that Richard Moser is going to strike against the United States and not only do a massive amount of damage but he's going to make a statement to the rest of the world. And we believe his intended target is the President of the United States."


  "You can't be serious?" said Jeremy. "Moser has to know that couldn't be possible. Security on the President is the tightest in the country. Probably in the world. The Secret Service wouldn't allow that. He has to know any attempt on the President is doomed to failure."

  "History would belie that, doctor," said Porter. "The attack on President Reagan would show that it is possible to attempt an assassination of a sitting president. Not to mention the assassinations – or attempted assassinations – of sitting presidents is a very real threat."

  "Besides," said Scarborough, "if Moser has a nuclear device, he wouldn't need to get close to the President. All the security in the world can't protect an attack that can decimate several square miles instantly. All they would have to do is load the bomb into a truck or van. And they wouldn't have to be all that close. Even only a couple of blocks from the White House would be close enough to vaporize it. Drive down 14th street to your predetermined spot and detonate the bomb."

  "And as long as they didn't draw any undue attention to themselves – like driving erratically or running a stop light or something like that, we might not even know there was a bomb present," said Napolitano.

  "Well, when you put it like that," said Jeremy. "What do we know about Moser? Richard, that is, Assistant Director Scarborough told me that there was a block when he tried to do a background check."

  "Yes," said Napolitano. She opened a file on her desk and began to read from it. "Richard Alan Moser, born October 12, 1969, to a very affluent family in New York City. Shortly after entering college he converted from Catholicism to Islam. During his college years he espoused many Islamic doctrines and anti-Semitic statements. His father was openly anti-Semitic and we believe this is where he got his beliefs.

  "After graduating college he attending medical school and became a psychiatrist. He practiced for a few years and then closed his practice. He is openly critical of the United States, Israel, and anything that is not Islamic. His stated view is that Islam is the only true religion and anyone who does not agree with that point of view is an enemy of Islam. He also believes that those who do not devoutly practice the Islamic faith are traitors to Allah."

  "He sounds like a zealot in the extreme," said Jeremy.

  "That's exactly what he is, doctor," said Napolitano. "He has stated that anyone who does not embrace the Islamic religion should not be allowed to live. That their very existence is an abomination to Allah and a blight on the human race."

  "There are many people who feel that way," said Jeremy. "Not only in the Islamic world but in most other major religions of the world. But they are the exceptions. As a rule most people believe they have a right to worship as they please."

  "But most of them don't have ties to extremist groups," said Porter. "Or have an ability that allows them to commit atrocities against those they perceive as their enemies. Moser does."

  "Okay, I'll admit that he does sound like a threat," said Jeremy. "I still don't see why you would think he's connected to these terrorist groups. I've heard a lot of extremists spouting the same type of things without ever resorting to terrorism."

  "Dr. Sloan, Assistant Director," said Napolitano. "What I'm about to show you has only been seen by a few people at the very top of the government. It was sent to the State Department on May 9 of this year."

  "Seven days after Osama bin Laden was killed," said Porter. "And only 3 days after Al-Qaeda acknowledged that he had been killed."

  Napolitano picked up the remote to the television in her room and turned the machine on. After a moment the picture cleared and they could see a figure on the screen. The figure was blacked out and it was impossible to tell who it was. It appeared to be a male, dressed in what could be a typical Arab garb. The background was nothing but a blue field and there was nothing to give any indication of where it had been filmed at. When the figure spoke it was evident that the voice had been altered to disguise the speaker.

  "This is to the criminals and murderers of the American government. For many years you have waged your illegal war of hatred against the Islamic peoples of the world. You have murdered our innocents and imprisoned those faithful who have sought to stem your aggression and atrocities.

  "Four days ago you committed the worst act of barbarism and aggression imaginable. On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was brutally and maliciously murdered by the criminal military forces of the United States. This unprovoked attack on one of our l
eaders is an act of depravity that cannot, must not, go unavenged.

  "For far too long have your decadent and perverse ways poisoned the righteous of the world. For far too long have you attempted to subjugate and control those who would follow the righteous path and honor the ways of almighty Allah. For far too long has the righteous sword of Allah been stayed in the hope that you would repent your wicked and evil ways and return to the one, true path.

  "With this one act of aggression, you have now unleashed the wrath of Allah. You will be struck down as surely as the Pharaoh of Egypt was struck down by in days of old. Allah has unleashed his righteous sword and sent his angel of death to visit retribution on those who would blaspheme his name and murder his faithful.

  "Soon the wrath of Allah will descend upon the decadent world of the infidels and heretics of the American government. Like the first born of Egypt the plague of death will descend upon the seat of power of the American people. Soon the righteous sword of Allah will strike the fear of Allah in the hearts of all those who would desecrate his holy work.

  "When Allah's righteous sword strikes, all those who blaspheme his name will know of his might and power. The power of the American government will be ground into the dust of the earth. They will die the slow agonizing death of the heretics that they are. And Allah will show that he is the one, true god to be feared.

  "As with the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., which sent the Roman Empire into civil war, America will be thrown into chaos. Your infrastructure will crumble. Your people will be thrown into anarchy. Pandemonium will reign. And in the end, Allah will finally be hailed as the true god who will bring peace and stability to those who bow before him.

  "You have killed our leader. Therefore, we will destroy yours. Your government will fall as surely as the walls fell around the city of Jericho. Your people will suffer the fate of the damned and you will all die in agony. Do not believe this to be an idle threat. The day of retribution is at hand. And you will know the true power of Allah when his righteous sword falls."

  The disk ended.

  "That was very interesting," said Jeremy. "You said he converted to Islam but he makes several references to the Christian faith. The reference about Pharaoh and the reference to Jericho. He also made reference to the first born of Egypt. That must be about the exodus of the Jews following the 10 plagues."

  "That's what we figured, too," said Porter. "And his reference to the seat of power. There's no mistaking that. It's a direct reference to the President of the United States."

  "I suppose his reference to Julius Caesar was also an indication of his intent to murder the President," said Scarborough. "Caesar was the dictator of Rome when he was assassinated."

  "So it would seem," said Jeremy. "I also noticed he made several references to 'the righteous sword of Allah'. I don't think I've ever heard that phrase before."

  "Some time back," said Napolitano, "one of our translators kept noticing that phrase popping up in some communiqués we had intercepted. Naturally we thought it was quite interesting. Many of our Muslim employees told us it wasn't a phrase that was normally used in the Islamic world. So we began a concerted effort to find out what this 'righteous sword of Allah' was.

  "When Moser converted to Islam, he took a Muslim name, which is the custom. For his name he chose Aadil Hosaam Allah. To most people it's just a name. But one of our Muslim employees told us it had a special meaning. Translated, it means, 'Righteous Sword of Allah'."

  "So these references to the righteous sword of Allah are really references to Moser," said Scarborough.

  "That's what we believe," said Porter. "And as I said, the references to the seat of power are clearly a threat against the President."

  "Now you understand why we believe that Moser is planning to strike against the President," said Napolitano. "With the information about the stolen plutonium coming into Washington, it's quite clear what he plans. He's going to construct a nuclear device and use it against the White House."

  "It's going to be difficult to stop him," said Scarborough. "As I said, he doesn't have to be in or even at the White House. A nuclear device will be effective even if he were several blocks away. Not to mention all the deaths and destruction a device like that will do in the middle of Washington."

  "Well, I would have to agree with you on your assessment, Madam Secretary," said Jeremy. "It does look like this Moser is planning to strike against the President. Is there any indication when this attack will occur?"

  "None as of yet. We believe that the fact that the plutonium has only recently arrived indicates we still have some time. We believe that Moser is still collecting the components he needs to assemble the bomb."

  "Where would he keep the plutonium?" Scarborough asked. "It would be too risky to keep it in D.C. itself. It would set off radiation detectors all over the place. So he's going to have to keep it someplace where it's unlikely to be detected."

  "Unless he has it shielded," said Porter. "Doherty did say that the van transporting it was outfitted with lead shielding. If Moser has moved the plutonium into the area I would bet he's all ready got somewhere set up to shield it while he collects the rest of the components for the bomb."

  "Which means it could be anywhere," said Napolitano. "If he's equipped a place to keep the plutonium shielded it's probably someplace he can drive the van directly into. That way he wouldn't risk exposing it while it was transferred."

  "So you have a zealous fanatic who's trying to assemble a nuclear device that he's going to use to kill the President of the United States and devastate our nation's capital," said Jeremy. "And this fanatic believes that anyone who doesn't subscribe to his beliefs should be killed as heretics and blasphemers. And to top things off, this fanatic might possess an ability that allows him to control other people. Is that about the size of the situation, Madam Secretary?"

  "Very succinct, doctor," said Napolitano. "And I would say that about sizes it up."

  "It also explains why you wanted to form the team now," said Jeremy.

  "Yes," said Napolitano. "We've been debating whether to form the team or not. Many in the government felt we were doing pretty good even considering the terrorists who had special abilities. But when we realized what Moser was up to – and how difficult it would be to find him before he completes his objective – it was decided to form the team and see if they could help us.

  "To be honest, we don't know how long we have before Moser will strike. And as Assistant Director has pointed out, it would be very difficult to determine exactly where Moser will set off the bomb. Frankly, it really wouldn't matter where he sets it off. The blast would destroy most of the city and kill most of the people in it.

  "Doctor, we need your team now more than ever. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people, including the President of the United States, are at stake here. We have to find Moser and the sooner the better. And we have to find the bomb or at least the plutonium he plans to use to make the bomb.

  "We have a special hazmat team standing by on 24-hour alert. As soon as the plutonium is located they'll move in and secure it. Then they'll move it to a proper facility where it can be properly disposed of.

  "Considering the gravity of the situation, we believe that Moser is going to use people with special talents to get the bomb into place. He's not going to want to leave this to just anyone. He'll want to use people who are loyal to him and who are willing to die for him. And he'll need people who can properly assemble the bomb."

  "I understand, Madam Secretary," said Jeremy. "Under the circumstances, I think the team should start being used immediately. We'll need access to the information you have about suspected or know terrorists with suspected or known special talents."

  "Assistant Director Scarborough," said Napolitano. "The President has authorized me to issue an edict authorizing you to have access to all the information he and I have access to. You won't be getting blocked anymore."

  "Thank you, Madam Secretary," said
Scarborough. "I'm sure that's going to be a big help."

  "Doctor Sloan," she said. "I've also been authorized to give you the same authority." She handed a wallet to Jeremy. "As of right now you're a supervising agent for Homeland Security. That should help you during your investigation when Assistant Director Scarborough can't be with you."

  Jeremy opened the wallet. Inside was a badge and identification card, with his picture, identifying him as an agent for Homeland Security.

  "We took the liberty of using your driver's license picture for the ID," said Napolitano. "You can get a new ID with a better picture if you want."

  "Thank you, Madam Secretary," said Jeremy. "I appreciate this. And the ID is fine. It seems like no matter what ID I get the picture always makes me look like a convicted felon."

  "I know the feeling," said Napolitano, smiling at him.

  "Madam Secretary, I was wondering if I could have a transcript of that speech we just watched?" Jeremy asked. "I'd like to study it. There might be some clues in it that will help us figure out when and where Moser is going to strike."


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