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Special Talents

Page 34

by J. B. Tilton

  "We should be in the front of the building," said Jeremy. "Moser will want as few obstacles in the path of the truck as possible to minimize anything going wrong."

  "Okay," said James. "We try to stay as inconspicuous as possible. That way anyone watching is less likely to see us. First rule of a security detail is don't be predictable. If you're enemy can't predict what you'll do next he can't plan ahead for it."

  "Understood," said Scarborough. "Well, I guess we should get the team into position."

  "I'll take a post at the top of the stairs," said Jeremy. "I should be able to see almost the entire front of the building from there."

  "Right," said Scarborough. "I'll see about placing the rest of the team."

  Jeremy walked to the front doors of the Capital Building. He surveyed the grounds that spread before him. From his vantage point he could see all entry points to the front of the building.

  He used his electromagnetic vision and was easily able to see every person in the immediate area. In the darkness of the night their aura's lit up like neon lights. There were one or two individuals at each location. At one location near a clump of trees he saw three auras. He couldn't tell who the people were but he could definitely tell they were there.

  He watched as Scarborough placed each member of the team. Those auras he knew. They were each member of the team. And he could tell exactly where each team member was from their aura. As he looked around he saw one individual disappear into the clump of trees. He got only a glimpse of the person but it was enough to tell they were ill. More than likely it was Conroy. Even though he was at the tail end of the flu his aura would still show him as being sick. Finally Scarborough came back up the steps and stood next to Jeremy.

  "Well," said Jeremy. "Any idea when Moser is most likely to strike?"

  "Probably not until the President begins his speech," said Scarborough. "Until then he can't be sure where everyone is. Once the President has started to speak he'll know that everyone is inside the Capital Building. My guess is he'll strike right about then."

  "Then we have some time to wait," said Jeremy, looking at his watch. "It's not quite 6:30. That means 2 ½ hours before the attack."

  "Assuming he attacks just after the speech begins. He might wait longer. You're the shrink. Care to hazard a guess when a man like Moser will feel it's optimal to strike?"

  "He'll want to maximize his advantage. He probably knows we'll be expecting him to strike just after the President begins speaking. If it were me, I'd wait a bit. Wait until the President is full into the speech before I struck."

  "Well, we should have some early warning," said Scarborough. "Any vehicle on the street within a 5 block radius is being watched. Any of them begin heading this way and we'll be given at least a couple of minutes warning."

  "Let's hope it's enough," said Jeremy.

  The next couple of hours dragged by. He had learned from his stakeout of Munif with Scarborough that the majority of time spent on a stakeout was tedious boredom. Sitting and waiting for something to happen. But unlike most normal stakeouts, on this one they at least had a time reference. They knew that nothing was likely to happen until at least 9:00 o'clock. But Jeremy also knew they couldn't be lax. They would have to stay ever vigilant in case they were wrong.

  There were two Secret Service agents on the stairs with him and Scarborough. He had tried to engage them in conversation but they had made it perfectly clear they were occupied. He couldn't blame them. They literally had the life of the President – and tonight, the lives of Congress, the United States Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and all the guests at the Capital Building – in their hands. And it was quite clear they took that responsibility very seriously.

  Suddenly Scarborough put his finger to his ear. Like most agents, he carried a radio to keep in contact with other agents. And to appear as inconspicuous as possible, he wore an earpiece that was almost unnoticeable. He listened to the earpiece for a moment. He raised his sleeve and spoke into the cuff; the normal place agents carried the microphones for their radios.

  "Okay, everyone be alert," he said. "The President is just about to enter the House of Representatives."

  Jeremy looked at his watch. It was nearly 9:00 o'clock. He scanned the perimeter with his vision once more. He didn't use his vision constantly. Using it for too long or too much would give him a headache from the pressure it put on the optic nerve. He would scan the perimeter for a couple of minutes and then turn off his vision. Once he got a headache his vision wouldn't work until the headache was gone.

  He didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Most of the security detail were still in their places. There were some roving guards that moved about the grounds and he could easily identify them. He noticed the three agents still in the clump of trees. No doubt they were operating some equipment that would give them advanced warning of any approaching vehicles.

  Several minutes ticked by and still nothing. But then, Jeremy hadn't expected much just yet. Until the President started his speech, it would be impossible to tell if everyone was in place. And it would be very easy for Moser to keep track of what was going on. The State of the Union Address was carried live by many, if not most, television and radio stations. Moser would know exactly when the President started his speech.

  Of course, Moser was all ready long gone. If he was still in the country he'd be far enough away from Washington, D.C. so that he'd be in no danger once the nuclear device was detonated. That was the way with terrorists. The leaders sat in some comfortable place, free from any danger, while they got others to do the actual work for them.

  "Okay, the President has started his speech," said Scarborough into his sleeve. "It's show time, people."

  Jeremy scanned the perimeter with his vision again. Nothing seemed out of place. One of the three agents in the grove of trees moved off from the other two and stopped at a nearby tree. Jeremy located each of the team members. They were all still in their locations. Waiting for the vehicle that would any moment come careening down the street.

  But no vehicle came. The ambient sound from the city beyond could be heard clearly. Even cars and trucks still on the street at that time of night could be heard driving in the distance. But no vehicle came up either Pennsylvania Avenue or Maryland Avenue. And there were no reports of any vehicles of any description heading that way down either road. Suddenly Scarborough put his finger to his ear.

  "They've located an abandoned van two blocks from here," he said. "They found traces of an explosive in it."

  "Nuclear traces?" Jeremy asked.

  "No. Most likely C-4."

  "Probably for the trigger on the nuke," said one of the Secret Service agents with them. "My uncle is a nuclear physicist. The explosion is a nuclear explosion but to trigger it they use ordinary explosives. C-4 would make a good trigger."

  "They didn't find any nuclear residue?" Jeremy asked Scarborough.

  "No, none. It's probably shielded. So that it can't be detected. They know we have no way to detect normal explosives at a distance. But we'd be able to detect nuclear radiation from the bomb at a distance. So they've probably got it shielded so it can't be detected. They've got a HazMat crew moving in right now to secure the van and diffuse the bomb if it's still there."

  Jeremy thought about the abandoned van. The trigger device would most likely be inside the bomb next to the nuclear material. But if that were true, wouldn't the shielding for the radiation also shield the normal explosives? And why abandon the vehicle two blocks from the Capital Building? Unless Moser planned to detonate the device there. It would still do the same damage as if it had been detonated directly outside the Capital building.

  He used his vision and saw several of the Secret Service agents begin to head in the direction of the van. He could tell from their movements that all of them had drawn their weapons. In moments a dozen or so agents would converge on the van securing it for the HazMat team.

  Not that it would do any good. If Mos
er planned to detonate the bomb where it sat, he wouldn't need a suicide bomber to drive the van. He could do it remotely. And Moser could do it himself no matter where he was. If they had rigged a cell phone as the triggering device, all Moser had to do was call the number on the phone and trigger the device. And he could be sitting anywhere in the outlying area or even in another part of the country when he did it.

  It had never occurred to Jeremy that Moser himself would trigger the device. But it did make perfect sense. Not only does he mastermind the attack, he triggers the nuclear device personally. He wouldn't need to share any of the glory with a dead suicide bomber. He could claim it all for himself.

  Suddenly he noticed the lone Secret Service agent that had move out of the grove of trees from the other two. He had moved his position again. That seemed odd. He apparently wasn't one of the roving patrols. So he should still be in position. And he noticed something else a bit odd. Each time he moved, he was a little closer to the Capital Building. Not farther away as one might expect.

  "Richard," said Jeremy. "Who's stationed in that grove of trees over there?"

  Scarborough used his radio to get the information.

  "According to Agent Conroy it's a Special Agent Heather Bohner, why?"

  "Then who are the other two over there?"

  One of the Secret Service agents raised a handheld device and pointed it in that direction.

  "I'm only getting two heat signatures, sir. There's no third person over there."

  Jeremy used his vision again and clearly saw the two figures in the grove of trees. He also saw the third figure that had moved even closer to the building.

  "What about that one right there?" he asked, indicating where the figure was standing.

  The agent pointed the device in that direction.

  "There's no one there, sir. No heat signature at all."

  "Richard," said Jeremy, "someone is there. I can see their aura. Why doesn't that heat detector pick them up?"

  "They detect body heat," said Scarborough. "Unless someone's entire body was covered in a material that blocks body heat they should be able to pick him up."

  "Well, there's someone there," said Jeremy. "I can see their aura. And they seem to be steadily making their way toward the Capital Building."

  "Everyone," said Scarborough into the microphone up his sleeve, "converge on the grove of trees on the north front of the building."

  Jeremy and Scarborough hurriedly began to make their way to where the figure stood. As they did the rest of the team also made their way there. They had each been issued a radio to keep in touch with Jeremy and Scarborough. Having their own frequency they were the only one that heard Scarborough's orders.

  As the team converged on the grove of trees, Jeremy saw the two figures still in the trees begin to move off toward the street, away from the Capital Building. He quickly moved around to block their escape. As he rounded the edge of the grove the two figures stepped out and looked around.

  The sight stunned him. The two figures were a man and a woman, both dressed in professional style suits. The woman he recognized instantly. He had seen her before at the D.C. police impound lot when she had attacked him and the others with him. It was Shannon Chang, wearing a Secret Service identity card from the lapel of her suit coat.

  The man was about his age, clean shaven, with Brown hair. Like Chang, he was wearing a Secret Service identification card on the lapel of his suit jacket. Jeremy had seen the man before. Or rather a picture of him. He was stunned to see the man there. It was Richard Moser.


  Jeremy could only stare at Moser. It shouldn't be possible. Moser should be miles away at the very least. This close to the Capital Building he would be vaporized along with everyone else when the nuclear device detonated. Unless that was his plan all along. Not only to be one of the greatest heroes of Islam but also be one of its greatest Martyrs. As a living hero he could dictate what Muslims should do and a great many people would listen to him. As a martyr, his voice could never be silenced. And Muslims everywhere would follow his example.

  "Go on, Richard," said Chang. "I'll handle this."

  Moser just smiled at Jeremy and then began to move away from the Capital Building. Chang also smiled as she moved toward Jeremy. He had no delusions about what she was going to do. But he could also tell she wasn't using an ability. Whatever she was able to do, it was some skill she had learned.

  Jeremy backed away from her instinctively. She obviously had some skill or ability that allowed her to kill and make it look like natural causes. And she was proficient in the martial arts. She had proven that at the impound lot. As she reached Jeremy she reached up intending to grab his neck. Lord only knew what type of death she had planned for him.

  Suddenly a hand struck out from Jeremy's side knocking Chang's hand away. An instant later someone kicked Chang in the chest causing her to stumble back several feet. A moment later Janet stepped between Jeremy and Chang.

  "You must be Shannon Chang," said Janet taking a defensive stance. "I've been wanting to meet you. I've been wanting to 'thank you' for what you did to my friends at the police impound lot."

  "Well, Ms. Liu. You're braver than I gave you credit for. I thought you were simply Dr. Sloan's little puppet. That you would never act on your own. It seems I was mistaken."

  "I'm no one's puppet, sister. I make my own decisions. Unlike you. Simply doing whatever Moser tells you. And you're not even Muslim. Why would you help him murder millions of people?"

  "I have my reasons," said Chang. "You should join us. Together we could be unstoppable."

  "Naw," said Janet. "I wouldn't look good wrapped in a bed sheet with a towel wrapped around my face. I think women should be allowed to think as they please and do what they want. I'm not cut out to be some crazy Muslim fanatics' concubine."

  "I'm no concubine. I do as I please. And no one, not even you, can stop me."

  Suddenly Chang struck out. It was obvious she had fully intended to kill Janet with a single blow. The stakes were high. If she lost, at the very least she'd spend the rest of her life in prison. And she was clearly not about to do that.

  But Janet seemed ready for the attack. She easily deflected Chang's attack and counterattacked with one of her own. She struck Chang along the side of the head causing her to stumble back even farther. Chang just smiled at Janet and attacked again.

  For several moments the two sparred. Attacking and counterattacking the two seemed too evenly matched for either to win. Jeremy could do little but stand and watch. He had no weapon and he had no training in the martial arts. Chang had all ready proven she was more than a match for him. But against Janet she seemed to have met her match.

  Suddenly Janet struck out intending to fell Chang with a blow to the face. With his vision, Jeremy could tell that Janet was using her strength ability. And he could also tell she had pushed it as far as it would go. Once she connected with that blow, Chang would be incapacitated. Or ever worse. When Janet connected with that blow, using her incredible strength, it was very likely she would snap Chang's neck like a dried twig.

  Chang twisted to one side barely missing the blow. As she did, she reached up with her left hand and grabbed Janet's wrist, spinning her around. An instant later Chang used the first and middle fingers of her right hand to strike Janet in the neck. It wasn't much of a blow. Barely a quick jab. But apparently it was enough to do the trick. Janet collapsed on the ground and lay there motionless.

  Chang all but ignored Janet. Her opponent no longer a threat she obviously had decided to finish what she had started. Jeremy backed away from Chang knowing she would kill him next. She took a step toward him and suddenly several people came around the side of the grove of trees. She looked at them for a moment and then smiled.

  "I guess this will have to wait for another time, Dr. Sloan," she said. "Until next time, then."

  Chang turned and ran into the darkness in the same direction Moser had gone only a f
ew moments before. As she disappeared into the darkness, several Secret Service agents arrived. Two of them stopped at Jeremy while the rest followed Chang.

  Jeremy knelt down and checked Janet. She still had a heartbeat. She was simply unconscious. When she had lost consciousness she had stopped using her ability. She moaned slightly as she opened her eyes and looked around. Seeing that she was okay she instructed the two agents to stay with her and then hurried back around the grove of trees to see what was going on with the third man. Jeremy rubbed his head. He was beginning to get a headache. He knew from experience that meant he had used his ability too much.

  As Jeremy rounded the grove of trees was the third man standing very near the Capital Building. He was surrounded by more than a dozen Secret Service agents, all of whom had their sidearms drawn and were pointing them directly at the man. He was dressed in a suit and Jeremy could tell he had an identification card hanging from his lapel, although he couldn't tell what kind of card it was.


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