A Cats Tale
Page 15
Chapter Two
It was as if I started to dream immediately. I stood in front of stairs that looked like they led up into the sky, but no sooner had I climbed a few steps, suddenly I was at the top. There before me was an immensely large room that had no ceiling, and in the center of the room was what appeared to be a padded throne. What sat upon the throne was, of all things a larger version of me! Only with orange and black stripes and white under the face and stomach. I was looking around in amazement when the tiger spoke, “Don’t be afraid, Amun. Please, come forward.”
I had never realized it before, but my tail had kind of disappeared between my legs as I had entered the room. “Chicken tail!” I thought, “Give me away, will you!” The tiger chuckled at this and it was clear that it had read my thoughts, but what did you expect from a Goddess!
“You are very perceptive, Amun. Yes, I am Bast.” she mused, “Besides being a guardian for all animals, I am also caretaker for the garden.” She made a motion for me to sit next to her, and a new padded throne appeared beside her. Raising an eyebrow at this feat I proceeded forward and jumped up beside her. “Terry explained to you the rules of the garden…” she began, “now it is time for you to learn the rules of your punishment.”
Before she began I gulped and asked, “This isn’t a dream, is it?” Bast lowered her head to look me in the eyes and said, “No, my child, this is the beginning! Your Grandmew was correct in her explanation that you have gained my favor by performing selfless deeds. This favor means you will be granted the power of "Foresight" that will aid you in the tasks you must perform.” she said, and then she added, because she read my thoughts, “The tasks you must perform due to your violations.” Bast saw me wince a bit and said, “Believe me, Amun, this is far better than the alternative!” She didn’t have to glance down to bring that point home, but she did. “For your violation of communicating with the humans you must return to the land of the living eight more times. I will select the time when you will be reborn and into which form, but you can rest assured that you will always be some form of cat. Now…” she continued, “the rules!”
“You must live each life to its conclusion, suicidal cats are not allowed! In each life there will be an injustice that needs to be prevented or avenged. You must use the foresight to decide which is appropriate. You cannot change the course of history, just like you could not save your friend, Tut, from events that had been set in place.” She paused at this and explained, “You don’t have the power to change history, only enhance it. King Tut was destined to die as he did, but you helped to make him live forever, thus enhancing history.” I nodded a vague understanding and she continued. “In fulfilling your tasks you will be granted one violation per life, so use it wisely.” As she explained the rules I couldn’t help but to think of how cumbersome this all would be and drifted to the other cub. Bast cleared her throat, “Ahem!”
She asked if I had questions other than the ones she had read in my head. I asked about all the new families this would create for me, and how overwhelming it would be for me to see more loved ones die over and over again! “Sure you did bring this upon yourself, but I am not a cruel goddess.” Bast said, “You will not produce any offspring or become attached to any other cats in the process of your tasks. As for your birth, your mother in all new lives will be me. I will impart to you, as you wean, all matters of the time in which you are born.”
“Before you begin your next journey do you have any further questions of me, my son?” Bast asked.
“Just one.” I said, “Who was the orange cub I saw before I fell asleep?”
The surrounding area started to become all fuzzy and dark, but before I lost consciousness I heard her reply, “You’ll find out, dear Amun…”
Thank you for reading this First in a series of adventures of Amun the cursed cat. Please check back as I continue to publish the rest of his lives.
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